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Ahmad Hably



I am Associate Professor at Grenoble-INP ENSE3/ Gipsa-lab and head of the interantional master MARS. I am member of the COPERNIC Research team of Gipsa-lab.


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Real-time Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance For A Non-holonomic Mobile Robot

Mukhtar Sani , Ahmad Hably , Bogdan Robu , Jonathan Dumon , Nacim Meslem
IEEE ISIE 2023 - 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronic, Jun 2023, Helsiinki, Finland
Communication dans un congrès hal-04153577v1
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Experiments on the control of differential game of target defense

Mukhtar Sani , Ahmad Hably , Bogdan Robu , Jonathan Dumon , Nacim Meslem
ECC 2023 - 21st European Control Conference, Jun 2023, Bucarest, Romania. ⟨10.23919/ECC57647.2023.10178258⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-04153630v1