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Luc Bougé

Luc Bougé
Affiliations actuelles
Identifiants chercheurs


Positions ========= ![Luc Bougé, 2019]( "Luc Bougé, 2019") - Professor of Informatics at [ENS Rennes]( - Member of the [KerData]( Team at [IRISA]( and [Inria Rennes-Bretagne Altlantique Research Centre]( Research Center. - On part-time leave at [Agence nationale de la recherche]( (ANR) from September 2019 to August 2021 Contact information =================== **Preferred postal adress:** IRISA Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu F-35042, Rennes, France **IRISA phone contact:** 02 99 84 00 00 (Entrance desk) **Mobile Phone:** + 33 6 88 76 xx xx **Preferred mail address (in shell syntax):** `printf "%s.%s@%s.%s" "luc" "bouge" "ens-rennes" "fr"` Warning: I am unfortunately difficult to join on a fixed phone, as I am working on multiple sites. To join me, please send me a mail or call me on my mobile phone number if you know it. Research Interests ================== - Programming Languages - Parallel Programming - High-Performance Programming - Clusters, grids and clouds programming platforms - Data management systems Biography ========= I studied pure mathematics at [École Normale Supérieure]( (ENS) in Paris, and then turned to Informatics for my [PhD Thesis]( defended in 1982 under the supervision of [Marie-Claude Gaudel]( After a post-doctoral year in Aarhus, Denmark, I joined CNRS as a researcher, working at University Paris 7 and then at ENS Paris with [Krzysztof Apt]( on the semantics of parallel programming languages (Hoare's CSP), which was the subject of my [State Thesis]( in 1987. I was hired on a full professor position at [ENS Lyon]( in 1990, where I chaired the [teaching department]( and the Informatics department of the doctoral school. At ENS Lyon, I joined the [LIP laboratory]( There, I worked on the semantics of high-performance data-parallel languages (C\*, HPF) and their implementation on distributed clusters, and on high-performance multithreading (PM2) and zero-copy communication (Madeleine) libraries. I moved to ENS Cachan in 2001 to found the [teaching department of Informatics]( at its Brittany extension in Rennes, now a self-running school called [ENS Rennes]( I have been chairing this department until 2013. In Rennes, I joined the [IRISA]( laboratory and the [local INRIA Research Center]( in the team of [Thierry Priol]( There, I worked on large-scale distributed data management. In 2009, I co-founded with [Gabriel Antoniu]( the [KerData]( team to work specifically on the management of very large-scale data on distributed platforms as clusters, grids and clouds. Between 2012 and 2015, I was on a part-time leave from ENS Rennes to work at the French national research agency ([ANR]( as a scientific officer in charge of Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science at the Numerics and Mathematics (NuMa) Department. This part-time leave to ANR has been renewed between 2019 ane 2021 to work on the N[ational Artificial Intelligence Research Program]( (PNRIA). There, I am in charge of the management of research data stored at ANR, in the context of the French Open Science Initiative. A list of my publications can be found on [DBLP]( Community Service ================= National Scientific Network --------------------------- I was the Vice-Chair (1995-1997), and then the Chair (1998-2001, and 2002-2006) of a national network of researchers supported by the French [National Center for Scientific Research]( This network was devoted to Architecture, Network and Parallelism. The current incarnation of this family of animation networks is called [Netorks and Distributed Systems]( (RSD). In 2002-2006, I chaired the so-called inter-GDR co-ordination network (Coordination inter-GDR) at the newly-founded Computer Science (STIC) CNRS Department. International Conferences: Euro-Par and IPDPS --------------------------------------------- I have been involved in the [Euro-Par conference]( since its beginning. It is the major scientific conference in Europe for Parallel and Distributed Computing. In co-organized the 2007 edition in Rennes. I was the Vice-Chair (2000-2016) and then the Chair (since 2017) of the Steering Committee. In 2003, I co-organize with [Michel Cosnard]( the [IEEE IPDPS Conference]( in Nice, France. Then, I was in charge of the [PhD Forum]( section of the conference between 2010 and 2016. Evaluation Committees --------------------- I was a member of the National Committee for Scientific Excellence Awarding (PEDR, PES) between 2009 and 2011. I chaired the committee section for Computer Science in 2010 and 2011. I was a member of the National Univerty Council in the [Informatics section]( (CNU, 27th section) between 2011 and 2016. I was a member of a series of visiting committees for the National Evaluation Council (AERES, HCERES) since 2017. I chaired some of them. National Selection Committees: CAPES, Agregation ------------------------------------------------ I have been a member of the National Committee created in 2004 to set up a specific Informatics Track (option Informatique) with the Agregation of Mathematics. The track was created in 2006 and I chaired it until 2012. In 2015, I contributed to the creation of the [CAPES of Informatics]( (CAPES NSI, Numérique et sciences informatiques). In 2020, I contributed to the creation of the [Agregation of Informatics]( National Scientific Society: SIF -------------------------------- Since 2016, I have been serving as a Vice-President for Teaching Affairs of the [French Scientific Society for Computer Science]( (SIF, Société d'informatique de France). I contributed to the creation of the [French College of Scientific Societies]( (Collège des sociétés savantes académiques de France) in 2021. I am now serving as the General Secretary of the College. Former PhD Students =================== Most of the PhD defended between 1995 and 2002 were co-advised with [Raymond Namyst]( Most of the PhD theses defended after 2002 were co-advised with [Gabriel Antoniu]( 1. Tien-Dat Phan (2017): [Energy-efficient Straggler Mitigation for Big Data Applications on the Clouds]( 2. Radu Tudoran (2014): [High-Performance Big Data Management Across Cloud Data Centers]( 3. Matthieu Dorier (2014): [Addressing the Challenges of I/O Variability in Post-Petascale HPC Simulations]( *This PhD Thesis was awarded the 2nd Prize at the ACM Student Research Competition, at the ICS 2011 conference.* 4. Houssem Eddine Chihoub (2013): [Managing consistency for big data applications : tradeoffs and self-adaptiveness]( 5. Viet-Trung Tran (2013): [Scalable data-management systems for Big Data]( 6. Diana Maria Moise (2011): [Optimizing data management for MapReduce applications on large-scale distributed infrastructures]( 7. Alexandra Carpen-Amarie (2011): [BlobSeer as a data-storage facility for clouds : self-Adaptation, integration, evaluation]( 8. Bogdan Nicolae (2010): [BlobSeer: Towards efficient data storage management for large-scale, distributed systems]( *This PhD Thesis was awarded the 2nd Prize for the national Gilles Kahn Thesis Award, sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences. This prize awards the best PhD thesis in France in Informatics.* 9. Loïc Cudennec (2009): [CoRDAGe : Un service générique de co-déploiement et redéploiement d'applications sur grilles]( 10. Sébastien Monnet (2006): [Gestion des données dans les grilles de calcul : support pour la tolérance aux fautes et la cohérence des données]( 11. Mathieu Jan (2006): [JUXMEM : un service de partage transparent de données pour grilles de calcul fondé sur une approche pair-à-pair]( 12. Olivier Aumage (2002): [Instruments of Productivity for High Performance Computing]( 13. Gabriel Antoniu (2001): [DSM-PM2 : une plate-forme portable pour l'implémentation de protocoles de cohérence multithreads pour systèmes à mémoire virtuellement partagée]( 14. Alice Bonhomme (2001): [Conception d'un systeme de stockage distribué et tolérant aux pannes, pour un serveur de video à la demande]( 15. Christian Pérez (1999): [Compilation des langages à parallelisme de données : gestion de l'equilibrage de charge par un exécutif à base de processus légers]( 16. David Cachera (1998): [Validation formelle des langages à parallélisme de données]( 17. Gil Utard (1995): [Sémantique des langages à parallélisme de données : applications à la validation et à la compilation]( 18. Jean-Luc Levaire (1993): [Contribution à l'étude sémantique des langages à parallélisme de données : application à la compilation]( 19. Éric Charpentier (1993): [Vers une méthodologie de la simulation répartie d'architectures parallèles](

Domaines de recherche



Image document

Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures

Gabriel Antoniu , Julien Bigot , Christophe Blanchet , Luc Bougé , François Briant
1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference - ICA CON 2012, Apr 2012, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-00684866v1