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Abdellah HADJADJ



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Particles-induced turbulence: A critical review of physical concepts, numerical modelings and experimental investigations

Guodong Gai , Abdellah Hadjadj , Sergey Kudriakov , Olivier Thomine
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2020, 10 (4), pp.241-248. ⟨10.1016/j.taml.2020.01.026⟩
Journal articles hal-03105812v1

Heat-transfer analysis of a transitional boundary layer over a concave surface with Görtler vortices by means of direct numerical simulations

M. Méndez , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj
Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32 (7), pp.074111. ⟨10.1063/5.0015503⟩
Journal articles hal-03126279v1
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Modeling of particle cloud dispersion in compressible gas flows with shock waves

Guodong Gai , Olivier Thomine , Abdellah Hadjadj , Sergey Kudriakov
Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32 (2), pp.023301. ⟨10.1063/1.5135774⟩
Journal articles hal-03105806v1

A parallel high-order compressible flows solver with domain decomposition method in the generalized curvilinear coordinates system

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Arthur Piquet , Boubakr Zebiri , Abdellah Hadjadj
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019, ⟨10.1108/HFF-01-2019-0048⟩
Journal articles hal-02189363v1

Control of oblique-type breakdown in a supersonic boundary layer employing streaks

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Sushank Sharma , Abdellah Hadjadj , Markus Kloker
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 873, pp.1072-1089. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2019.435⟩
Journal articles hal-02189357v1

On the use of adaptive multiresolution method with time-varying tolerance for compressible fluid flows

V. Soni , Abdellah Hadjadj , O. Roussel
Shock Waves, 2019, 29 (1), pp.37-50. ⟨10.1007/s00193-017-0777-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02088394v1

Effect of thermo-mechanical non-equilibrium on the onset of transition in supersonic boundary layers

Sushank Sharma , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj
Heat and Mass Transfer, inPress, ⟨10.1007/s00231-018-2429-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02088396v1

Parallel multi-core and multi-processor methods on point-value multiresolution algorithms for hyperbolic conservation laws

V. Soni , Abdellah Hadjadj , O. Roussel , G. Moebs
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, 123, pp.192-203. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.09.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02088389v1
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Turbulent flow topology in supersonic boundary layer with wall heat transfer

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Sushank Sharma , A. Hadjadj
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019, 78, pp.108430. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2019.108430⟩
Journal articles hal-02189352v1
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Perturbation threshold and hysteresis associated with the transition to turbulence in sudden expansion pipe flow

Minh Quan Nguyen , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj , Benoit Lebon , Jorge Peixinho
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019, 76, pp.187-196. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2019.01.018⟩
Journal articles hal-02084275v1

On the viscous boundary layer of weakly unstable detonations in narrow channels

Aliou Sow , Ashwin Chinnayya , Abdellah Hadjadj
Computers and Fluids, 2019, 179, pp.449-458. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.11.006⟩
Journal articles hal-02088381v1
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Numerical study on laminar flame velocity of hydrogen-air combustion under water spray effects

Guodong Gai , Sergey Kudriakov , Bernd Rogg , Abdellah Hadjadj , Etienne Studer
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44 (31), pp.17015-17029. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.225⟩
Journal articles hal-02419516v1

Turbulent structures of shock-wave diffraction over 90° convex corner

V. Soni , A. Chaudhuri , N. Brahmi , A. Hadjadj
Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31 (8), pp.086103. ⟨10.1063/1.5113976⟩
Journal articles hal-02419561v1
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Numerical simulations of multi-phase electro-hydrodynamics flows using a simple incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method

F. Almasi , M.S. Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , M. Ozbulut , N. Tofighi
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019, ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2019.10.029⟩
Journal articles hal-02383860v1
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Direct numerical simulations of laminar and transitional flows in diverging pipes

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Dhanush Vittal Shenoy , Jorge Peixinho , A. Hadjadj
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019, 30 (1), pp.75-92. ⟨10.1108/HFF-02-2019-0111⟩
Journal articles hal-02268198v1

Effects of assembly pressure on PEM fuel cell performance by taking into accounts electrical and thermal contact resistances

Seyed Ali Atyabi , Ebrahim Afshari , Somchai Wongwises , Wen-Mon Yan , Abdellah Hadjadj
Journal articles hal-02128553v1

A new mechanism for periodic bursting of the recirculation region in the flow through a sudden expansion in a circular pipe

Benoit Lebon , Minh Quan Nguyen , Jorge Peixinho , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj
Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30 (3), pp.031701. ⟨10.1063/1.5022872⟩
Journal articles hal-01917988v1

Laminar-to-turbulent transition in supersonic boundary layer: Effects of initial perturbation and wall heat transfer

Sushank Sharma , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 2018, 73 (9), pp.583-603. ⟨10.1080/10407782.2018.1464785⟩
Journal articles hal-02088398v1

Large-eddy simulation of a spatially-evolving supersonic turbulent boundary layer at M ∞ = 2

M.S. Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj , A. Chaudhuri , O. Ben-Nasr
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2018, 67, pp.185-197. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechflu.2017.09.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02088404v1

Analysis of shock unsteadiness in a supersonic over-expanded planar nozzle

Shashi Verma , Manisankar Chidambaranathan , Abdellah Hadjadj
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2018, 68, pp.55-65. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechflu.2017.11.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02088403v1

Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulations of high density ratio two-phase flows in porous media

R. Sadeghi , M.S. Shadloo , M. Hopp-Hirschler , Abdellah Hadjadj , U. Nieken
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018, 75 (7), pp.2445-2465. ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2017.12.028⟩
Journal articles hal-02088400v1
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Investigation of shock/elastic obstacles interactions by means of a coupling technique

A.-S. Mouronval , B. Tie , Abdellah Hadjadj , G. Moebs
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 100, pp.345-367. ⟨10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2018.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02088385v1

Temperature-Invariant Scaling for Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers with Wall Heat Transfer

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Abdellah Hadjadj , Fazle Hussain
Heat Transfer Engineering, 2018, 39 (11), pp.923-932. ⟨10.1080/01457632.2017.1357675⟩
Journal articles hal-02088406v1

Boundary layer transition over a concave surface caused by centrifugal instabilities

M. Mendez , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Ducoin , A. Hadjadj
Computers and Fluids, 2018, 171, pp.135-153. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.06.009⟩
Journal articles hal-02084210v1
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Modeling of pressure loads during a premixed hydrogen combustion in the presence of water spray

G. Gai , S. Kudriakov , A. Hadjadj , E. Studer , Olivier Thomine
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 44 (10), pp.4592-4607. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.12.162⟩
Journal articles cea-02339715v1

Origin of side-loads in a subscale truncated ideal contour nozzle

S.B. Verma , A. Hadjadj , Oskar Haidn
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 71, pp.725-732. ⟨10.1016/j.ast.2017.10.014⟩
Journal articles hal-02129841v1

Assessment of subgrid-scale modeling for large-eddy simulation of a spatially-evolving compressible turbulent boundary layer

O. Ben-Nasr , A. Hadjadj , A. Chaudhuri , M. S. Shadloo
Computers and Fluids, 2017, 151, pp.144--158. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.07.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01611186v1

On the accuracy and efficiency of point-value multiresolution algorithms for solving scalar wave and Euler equations

V. Soni , Olivier Roussel , A. Hadjadj
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 323, pp.159--175. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-01611178v1

Laminar-turbulent transition in supersonic boundary layers with surface heat transfer: A numerical study

M. S. Shadloo , A. Hadjadj
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 2017, 72 (1), pp.40--53. ⟨10.1080/10407782.2017.1353380⟩
Journal articles hal-01611155v1

Shock-wave reflections over double-concave cylindrical reflectors

V. Soni , A. Hadjadj , A. Chaudhuri , G. Ben-Dor
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 813, pp.70--84. ⟨10.1017/JFM.2016.825⟩
Journal articles hal-01611143v1
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A survey on experimental and numerical studies of convection heat transfer of nanofluids inside closed conduits

Mohammad Reza Safaei , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , Mohammad Shahab Goodarzi , Abdellah Hadjadj , Hamid Reza Goshayeshi
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8 (10), pp.1687814016673569. ⟨10.1177/1687814016673569⟩
Journal articles hal-01611224v1

Numerical investigations of transient nozzle flow separation

A. Chaudhuri , A. Hadjadj
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016, 53, pp.10--21. ⟨10.1016/j.ast.2016.03.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01611201v1

Effects of Viscosity Variations in Temporal Mixing Layer

Noureddine Taguelmimt , Luminita Danaila , Abdellah Hadjadj
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2016, 96 (1), pp.163--181. ⟨10.1007/s10494-015-9649-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01611213v1

High Order Numerical Methods for the Dynamic SGS Model of Turbulent Flows with Shocks

D. V. Kotov , H. C. Yee , A. A. Wray , A. Hadjadj , B. Sjoegreen
Communications in Computational Physics, 2016, 19 (2), pp.273--300. ⟨10.4208/cicp.211014.040915a⟩
Journal articles hal-01611203v1

A comparative study of Brinkman penalization and direct-forcing immersed boundary methods for compressible viscous flows

A. Piquet , O. Roussel , Abdellah Hadjadj
Computers and Fluids, 2016, 136, pp.272-284. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.06.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02082541v1

Effect of viscosity gradients on mean velocity profile in temporal mixing layer

N. Taguelmimt , L. Danaila , A. Hadjadj
Journal of Turbulence, 2016, 17 (5), pp.491--517. ⟨10.1080/14685248.2015.1131900⟩
Journal articles hal-01611210v1

Statistical behavior of supersonic turbulent boundary layers with heat transfer at M_inf=2

M.S. Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , F. Hussain
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2015, 53, ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2015.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01161690v1

Computational study of non-ideal and mildly-unstable detonation waves

A. Sow , A. Chinnayya , A. Hadjadj
Computers and Fluids, 2015, 119, pp.47--57. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.06.027⟩
Journal articles hal-01612360v1

Unsteady Flow Conditions During Dual-Bell Sneak Transition

S. Verma , Abdellah Hadjadj , O. Haidn
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2015, 31 (4), pp.1175-1183. ⟨10.2514/1.B35558⟩
Journal articles hal-02082577v1

Supersonic flow control

S. Verma , Abdellah Hadjadj
Shock Waves, 2015, 25 (5), pp.443-449. ⟨10.1007/s00193-015-0587-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02082592v1

Effect of wall temperature in supersonic turbulent boundary layers: A numerical study

A. Hadjadj , O. Ben-Nasr , M.S. Shadloo , A. Chaudhuri
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 81 (426–438), ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.10.025⟩
Journal articles hal-01161692v1

Numerical study of shock/boundary layer interaction in supersonic overexpanded nozzles

Abdellah Hadjadj , Y. Perrot , S. Verma
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 42, pp.158-168. ⟨10.1016/j.ast.2015.01.010⟩
Journal articles hal-02082612v1

Analysis of shock-wave propagation in aqueous foams using shock tube experiments

G. Jourdan , C. C. Mariani , L. Houas , A. Chinnayya , A. Hadjadj
Physics of Fluids, 2015, 27 (5), ⟨10.1063/1.4919905⟩
Journal articles hal-01459149v1

Heat Transfer in Turbulent Boundary Layers of Conical and Bell Shaped Rocket Nozzles with Complex Wall Temperature

K. Bensayah , A. Hadjadj , A. Bounif
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 2014, 66 (3), pp.289--314. ⟨10.1080/10407782.2013.873283⟩
Journal articles hal-01612411v1

Mean structure of one-dimensional unstable detonations with friction

Aliou Sow , Ashwin Chinnayya , Abdellah Hadjadj
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 743, pp.503--533. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2014.49⟩
Journal articles hal-01612386v1

On the onset of postshock flow instabilities over concave surfaces

M. S. Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , A. Chaudhuri
Physics of Fluids, 2014, 26 (7), pp.076101. ⟨10.1063/1.4890482⟩
Journal articles hal-01612428v1

Computational study of detonation wave propagation in narrow channels

Ashwin Chinnayya , Abdellah Hadjadj , Davy Ngomo
Physics of Fluids, 2013, 25 (3), pp.036101. ⟨10.1063/1.4792708⟩
Journal articles hal-02088648v1

Une méthodologie générale pour l’étude numérique du couplage fluide-structure par une approche multicode

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Abdellah Hadjadj , Emmanuel Lefrançois
Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, 2012, 12 (5), pp.519-554. ⟨10.3166/reef.12.519-554⟩
Journal articles hal-01993677v1

Large-Eddy Simulation of Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction

Abdellah Hadjadj
AIAA Journal, 2012, 50 (12), pp.2919-2927. ⟨10.2514/1.J051786⟩
Journal articles hal-02082367v1

Comparative Study of Three High Order Schemes for LES of Temporally Evolving Mixing Layers

H.C Yee , B. Sogreen , A. Hadjadj
Communications in Computational Physics, 2012, 12 (5), pp.1603-1622. ⟨10.4208/cicp.261111.130412a⟩
Journal articles hal-00769132v1

On the use of immersed boundary methods for shock/obstacle interactions

Arnab Chaudhuri , Abdellah Hadjadj , Ashwin Chinnayya
Journal of Computational Physics, 2011, 230 (5), pp.1731-1748. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-02088620v1

Numerical Study of Compressible Mixing Layers Using High-Order WENO Schemes

Arnab Chaudhuri , Abdellah Hadjadj , Ashwin Chinnayya , Sandrine Palerm
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2011, 47 (2), pp.170-197. ⟨10.1007/s10915-010-9429-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02088617v1

Numerical Simulations of Shock Focusing over Concave Surfaces

David Taieb , Guillaume Ribert , Abdellah Hadjadj
AIAA Journal, 2010, 48 (8), pp.1739 - 1747. ⟨10.2514/1.J050199⟩
Journal articles hal-01844395v1

Numerical Study of the Starting Process in a Supersonic Nozzle

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Abdellah Hadjadj
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2005, 21 (2), pp.374-377
Journal articles hal-00765627v1

Numerical Investigation of Shock-Reflection Phenomena in Overexpanded Supersonic Jets

Abdellah Hadjadj , A N Kudryavtsev , M S Ivanov
AIAA Journal, 2004, 42
Journal articles hal-02082327v1

Numerical investigation of transient nozzle flow

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Abdellah Hadjadj , Alexey A.N Kudryavtsev , Dany Vandromme
Shock Waves, 2003, 12 (5), pp.403-411
Journal articles hal-00765611v1

Progress in Computational Energy and thermal Sciences

A. Hadjadj
5th International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution, Oct 2019, Constantine, Algeria
Conference papers hal-02419597v1

Numerical study of side loads in over-expanded conical nozzle

Boubakr Zebiri , Arthur Piquet , A. Hadjadj
8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Jul 2019, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-02117440v1

Shock-induced flow separation in an over-expanded supersonic planar nozzle

Boubakr Zebiri , Arthur Piquet , A. Hadjadj
32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW32), Jul 2019, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers hal-02117435v1

High-resolution numerical simulations of shock-diffraction induced vorticity generation in cylindrical cavities

Nassim Brahmi , A. Hadjadj
32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW32), Jul 2019, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers hal-02117437v1

Effect of thermo-mechanical non-equilibrium on the onset of transition in supersonic boundary layers

Sushank Sharma , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj
12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sep 2018, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-02117358v1

Vorticity production in shock waves diffraction over double cylindrical wedges

Nassim Brahmi , Vineet Soni , A. Hadjadj
4th International Conference on Energy, Materials and Applied Energetics (ICEMAEP'2018), Apr 2018, Constantine, Algeria
Conference papers hal-02117348v1

Large-eddy simulations of an over-expanded planar nozzle

Boubakr Zebiri , Arthur Piquet , A. Hadjadj
4th International Conference on Energy, Materials and Applied Energetics (ICEMAEP'2018), Apr 2018, Constantine, Algeria
Conference papers hal-02117338v1

Subcritical transition to turbulence in diverging pipe flows

Dhanush Vittal Shenoy , Minh-Quan Nguyen , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , Jorge Peixinho
71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Conference papers hal-02117375v1

Boundary-Layer Transition Over Concave Surfaces Caused by Centrifugal Forces

Margio Mendez-Gonzalez , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , Antoine Ducoin
EUROMECH SYMP. 591: 3-D Instability Mechanisms in Transitional and Turbulent Flows, Sep 2017, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-02117334v1

Effects of Wall Heat Transfer on the High-Speed Flow Boundary Layer Transition

Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj
16th European Turbulence Conference, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-02117293v1
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Couplage fluide-structure pour l'étude des interactions choc/obstacles

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Bing Tie , Abdellah Hadjadj , Denis Aubry
13e colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Paris-Saclay, May 2017, Giens, Var, France
Conference papers hal-01899296v1

Experiments with Disturbances on the Flow Through a Sudden Expansion in a Circular Pipe

Benoit Lebon , Minh Quang Nguyen , Shoji Ishizaka , Yuji Tasaka , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo
EUROMECH SYMP. 591: 3- D Instability Mechanisms in Transitional and Turbulent Flows, Sep 2017, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-02117307v1

Transition to Turbulence in a Sudden Expansion Pipe Flow

Minh Quan Nguyen , Benoit Lebon , Mostafa Safdari Shadloo , A. Hadjadj , Jorge Peixinho
EUROMECH SYMP. 591: 3-D Instability Mechanisms in Transitional and Turbulent Flows, Sep 2017, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-02117325v1

Numerical simulations of mildly unstable gaseous detonations in small channels

A. Sow , A. Hadjadj , Ashwin Chinnayya
25rd International Colloquium of the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), Aug 2015, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02117289v1

Tackling shock waves with supercomputers: What do we know and what can we learn from peta-scale shock simulations

A. Hadjadj
30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Jul 2015, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-02117269v1
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Computational study of shock waves reflection over concave double wedges reflectors

Vineet Soni , A. Hadjadj , M. Geva , O. Ram , O. Sadot
ISSW30 - 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Jul 2015, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-02117202v1

High Order Numerical Methods for the Dynamic SGS Model of Turbulent Flows with Shocks

D. V. Kotov , H.C Yee , Alan A. Wray , A. Hadjadj , B. Sjoegreen
22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jun 2015, Texas, United States
Conference papers hal-02117190v1

Unsteadiness of supersonic flows in convergent divergent nozzles

Arthur Piquet , Alexandre Georges-Picot , A. Hadjadj
30th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW28), Jul 2015, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-02117193v1

Numerical Study of the starting process in a supersonic nozzle

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Abdellah Hadjadj
West East High Speed Flow Fields Conference 2002, Apr 2002, Marseille, France. pp.314-321
Conference papers hal-00765617v1

Numerical Investigation of Transient Nozzle Flow

Anne-Sophie Mouronval , Abdellah Hadjadj , Alexey A.N. Kudryavtsev , Dany Vandromme
Fourth Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space vehicles, Oct 2001, Capua, Italy. pp.399-406
Conference papers hal-00765616v1
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Contribution à l'étude et à la simulation numérique des écoulements turbulents compressibles

Abdellah Hadjadj
Milieux fluides et réactifs. Université de Rouen Normandie, 2004
Accreditation to supervise research tel-02082740v1