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**Favourite Quote:** "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" Helen Keller.
I am an Information Technology Engineer graduated from the Arab International University – Syria in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, my major is Networking and Operating Systems. In 2013 I was granted an Erasmus Mundus scholarship based on the academic professionalism and consequently I obtained my master degree at the University of Nantes in optimization and operational research (M2ORO). As a part of the master program, and I have done an internship at Ecole des Mines de Nantes on the subject of column generation modeling for scheduling problems.
After graduation I worked as a research engineer at LIP6 research Laboratory in Paris as part of the ANR/MARMOTE project on the subject of Markov chains modeling.
Recently I started my PhD thesis withing the Anthropolis chair between IRT-SystemX and Centrale Supelec. The subject of the PhD is "Human Centered Urban Mobility - Synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment" supervised by Prof. Jakob Puchinger and Prof. Chengbin Chu.
### **Contact**
### **Education**
- **\[Sep 2013-Jul 2015\] Msc Degree in Optimization in Operational Research (M2ORO)** - University of Nantes (Nantes - France).
- **\[Sep 2007-Jul 2012\] Bsc Degree in Informatics Engineering (Networking and Operating Systems)** - Arab International University (Damascus - Syria).
### **Experience**
- **\[Jun 2016 - Now\] PhD Candidate -** within the Anthropolis chair at IRT-SystemX and LGI - CentraleSupelec Paris: Working on the synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment.
- **\[Nov 2015-May 2016\] Research Engineer** - LIP6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris - France): Implementing a solver for dealing with the Markovian control models. The work is taking place at LIP6 research laboratory - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris as part of the ANR / MARMOTE project.
- **\[Feb 2015-Jul 2015\] Research Trainee** - IRCCyN Ecole des Mines de Nantes (Nantes - France): Designing a column generation model for the Shift Design Personnel Task Scheduling problem (SDPTSP) and compare the results with the literature of this problem.
- **\[Jun 2012-Sep 2013\] Software Developer** - ComPro Co. (Damascus - Syria): Providing solutions for many software projects including websites' design and many services supported by the company as a member of the IT team.
- **\[Feb 2012-Apr 2012\] Interned Engineer** - Syriatel Association (Damascus - Syria): A two months internship (training) at the technical department, communication section at Syriatel. The internship covered the following subjects: PDH , SDH and WDM technologies, advanced routing protocols and the architecture of GSM networks.
### **Languages**
- **Arabic:** Native.
- **English:** Full Professional Proficiency.
- **French:** Work Professional Proficiency.
**Favourite Quote:** "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" Helen Keller.
I am an Information Technology Engineer graduated from the Arab International University – Syria in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, my major is Networking and Operating Systems. In 2013 I was granted an Erasmus Mundus scholarship based on the academic professionalism and consequently I have finished my master 2 at the University of Nantes in optimization and operational research,as a part of the master program, and I have done an internship at Ecole des Mines de Nantes on the subject of column generation modeling for scheduling problems.
After graduation I worked as a research engineer at LIP6 research Laboratory in Paris as part of the ANR/MARMOTE project on the subject of Markov chains modeling.
Recently I started my PhD thesis withing the Anthropolis chair between IRT-SystemX and Centrale Supelec. The subject of the PhD is "Human Centered Urban Mobility - Synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment" supervised by Prof. Jakob Puchinger.
### **Contact**
### **Education**
- **\[Sep 2013-Jul 2015\] Msc Degree in Optimization in Operational Research (M2ORO)** - University of Nantes (Nantes - France).
- **\[Sep 2007-Jul 2012\] Bsc Degree in Informatics Engineering (Networking and Operating Systems)** - Arab International University (Damascus - Syria).
### **Experience**
- **\[Nov 2015-May 2016\] Research Engineer** - LIP6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris - France): Implementing a solver for dealing with the Markovian control models. The work is taking place at LIP6 research laboratory - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris as part of the ANR / MARMOTE project.
- **\[Feb 2015-Jul 2015\] Research Trainee** - IRCCyN Ecole des Mines de Nantes (Nantes - France): Designing a column generation model for the Shift Design Personnel Task Scheduling problem (SDPTSP) and compare the results with the literature of this problem.
- **\[Jun 2012-Sep 2013\] Software Developer** - ComPro Co. (Damascus - Syria): Providing solutions for many software projects including websites' design and many services supported by the company as a member of the IT team.
- **\[Feb 2012-Apr 2012\] Interned Engineer** - Syriatel Association (Damascus - Syria): A two months internship (training) at the technical department, communication section at Syriatel. The internship covered the following subjects: PDH , SDH and WDM technologies, advanced routing protocols and the architecture of GSM networks.
### **Languages**
- **Arabic:** Native.
- **English:** Full Professional Proficiency.
- **French:** Work Professional Proficiency.
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Integrating autonomous delivery service into a passenger transportation systemInternational Journal of Production Research, 2021, Smart city for sustainable urban logistics, 59 (7), pp.2116-2139. ⟨10.1080/00207543.2020.1746850⟩
Journal articles
Analyzing the Fast-Charging Potential for Electric Vehicles with Local Photovoltaic Power Production in French Suburban Highway NetworkEnergies, 2021, 14 (9), pp.2428. ⟨10.3390/en14092428⟩
Journal articles
Owning or sharing autonomous vehicles: comparing different ownership and usage scenariosEuropean Transport Research Review, 2019, 11 (1), ⟨10.1186/s12544-019-0370-8⟩
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A survey of models and algorithms for optimizing shared mobilityTransportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, Volume 123 (123), pp.323-346. ⟨10.1016/j.trb.2019.02.003⟩
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The Optimal Deployment of Recharging Stations for Electric Vehicles Based on Mobility Flows and Electric Grid Specifications2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Oct 2020, The Hague, Netherlands. ⟨10.1109/ISGT-Europe47291.2020.9248874⟩
Conference papers
Deploying Fast-charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Based on Mobility Flows and Local Photovoltaic Production2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Sep 2020, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.1109/EEM49802.2020.9221948⟩
Conference papers
Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands20ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2019), Feb 2019, Le Havre, France
Conference papers
Shared Autonomous Vehicle Services and User Taste Variations: Survey and Model Applications22nd Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting - EWGT 2019, Sep 2019, Barcelona, Spain. pp.3-10, ⟨10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.066⟩
Conference papers
Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Jul 2019, Vienne, Austria
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Synchronizing people and freight flows in urban mobility systems39ème Journées Franciliennes de Recherche Opérationnelle (JFRO), Jan 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Privately owned autonomous vehicles in a ride-sharing application18ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2017), Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision - Université de Lorraine, Feb 2017, Metz, France
Conference papers
Owning or sharing autonomous vehicles: comparing different ownership and usage scenariosVehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog2017), Jul 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
The synchronization of shared mobility flows in urban environmentsInfrastructures de transport. Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2019. English. ⟨NNT : 2019SACLC041⟩