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**Favourite Quote:** "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" Helen Keller. I am an Information Technology Engineer graduated from the Arab International University – Syria in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, my major is Networking and Operating Systems. In 2013 I was granted an Erasmus Mundus scholarship based on the academic professionalism and consequently I obtained my master degree at the University of Nantes in optimization and operational research (M2ORO). As a part of the master program, and I have done an internship at Ecole des Mines de Nantes on the subject of column generation modeling for scheduling problems. After graduation I worked as a research engineer at LIP6 research Laboratory in Paris as part of the ANR/MARMOTE project on the subject of Markov chains modeling. Recently I started my PhD thesis withing the Anthropolis chair between IRT-SystemX and Centrale Supelec. The subject of the PhD is "Human Centered Urban Mobility - Synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment" supervised by Prof. Jakob Puchinger and Prof. Chengbin Chu. ### **Contact** ### **Education** - **\[Sep 2013-Jul 2015\] Msc Degree in Optimization in Operational Research (M2ORO)** - University of Nantes (Nantes - France). - **\[Sep 2007-Jul 2012\] Bsc Degree in Informatics Engineering (Networking and Operating Systems)** - Arab International University (Damascus - Syria). ### **Experience** - **\[Jun 2016 - Now\] PhD Candidate -** within the Anthropolis chair at IRT-SystemX and LGI - CentraleSupelec Paris: Working on the synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment. - **\[Nov 2015-May 2016\] Research Engineer** - LIP6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris - France): Implementing a solver for dealing with the Markovian control models. The work is taking place at LIP6 research laboratory - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris as part of the ANR / MARMOTE project. - **\[Feb 2015-Jul 2015\] Research Trainee** - IRCCyN Ecole des Mines de Nantes (Nantes - France): Designing a column generation model for the Shift Design Personnel Task Scheduling problem (SDPTSP) and compare the results with the literature of this problem. - **\[Jun 2012-Sep 2013\] Software Developer** - ComPro Co. (Damascus - Syria): Providing solutions for many software projects including websites' design and many services supported by the company as a member of the IT team. - **\[Feb 2012-Apr 2012\] Interned Engineer** - Syriatel Association (Damascus - Syria): A two months internship (training) at the technical department, communication section at Syriatel. The internship covered the following subjects: PDH , SDH and WDM technologies, advanced routing protocols and the architecture of GSM networks. ### **Languages** - **Arabic:** Native. - **English:** Full Professional Proficiency. - **French:** Work Professional Proficiency.
**Favourite Quote:** "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" Helen Keller. I am an Information Technology Engineer graduated from the Arab International University – Syria in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, my major is Networking and Operating Systems. In 2013 I was granted an Erasmus Mundus scholarship based on the academic professionalism and consequently I have finished my master 2 at the University of Nantes in optimization and operational research,as a part of the master program, and I have done an internship at Ecole des Mines de Nantes on the subject of column generation modeling for scheduling problems. After graduation I worked as a research engineer at LIP6 research Laboratory in Paris as part of the ANR/MARMOTE project on the subject of Markov chains modeling. Recently I started my PhD thesis withing the Anthropolis chair between IRT-SystemX and Centrale Supelec. The subject of the PhD is "Human Centered Urban Mobility - Synchronization for shared mobility in uncertain environment" supervised by Prof. Jakob Puchinger. ### **Contact** ### **Education** - **\[Sep 2013-Jul 2015\] Msc Degree in Optimization in Operational Research (M2ORO)** - University of Nantes (Nantes - France). - **\[Sep 2007-Jul 2012\] Bsc Degree in Informatics Engineering (Networking and Operating Systems)** - Arab International University (Damascus - Syria). ### **Experience** - **\[Nov 2015-May 2016\] Research Engineer** - LIP6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris - France): Implementing a solver for dealing with the Markovian control models. The work is taking place at LIP6 research laboratory - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris as part of the ANR / MARMOTE project. - **\[Feb 2015-Jul 2015\] Research Trainee** - IRCCyN Ecole des Mines de Nantes (Nantes - France): Designing a column generation model for the Shift Design Personnel Task Scheduling problem (SDPTSP) and compare the results with the literature of this problem. - **\[Jun 2012-Sep 2013\] Software Developer** - ComPro Co. (Damascus - Syria): Providing solutions for many software projects including websites' design and many services supported by the company as a member of the IT team. - **\[Feb 2012-Apr 2012\] Interned Engineer** - Syriatel Association (Damascus - Syria): A two months internship (training) at the technical department, communication section at Syriatel. The internship covered the following subjects: PDH , SDH and WDM technologies, advanced routing protocols and the architecture of GSM networks. ### **Languages** - **Arabic:** Native. - **English:** Full Professional Proficiency. - **French:** Work Professional Proficiency.


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Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands

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Shared Autonomous Vehicle Services and User Taste Variations: Survey and Model Applications

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Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands

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Synchronizing people and freight flows in urban mobility systems

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Privately owned autonomous vehicles in a ride-sharing application

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Owning or sharing autonomous vehicles: comparing different ownership and usage scenarios

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The synchronization of shared mobility flows in urban environments

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