Sunshine on KOLs: assessment of the nature, extent and evolution of financial ties between the leaders of professional medical associations and the pharmaceutical industry in France from 2014 to 2019: a retrospective study
Marie Clinckemaillie
Alexandre Scanff
Florian Naudet
Adriaan Barbaroux
Journal articles
Étude observationnelle des déclarations de liens d’intérêts au Congrès de la médecine générale France et liens d’intérêts des médecins intervenants
Adriaan Barbaroux
Guillaume Lardy
Journal articles
Vécu des médecins concernant la formation à l’hypnose et son application à l’insomnie.
Adriaan Barbaroux
Marion Bonnard
Exercer, 2022
Journal articles
Nudging health care workers towards a flu shot: reminders are accepted but not necessarily effective. A randomized controlled study among residents in general practice in France
Adriaan Barbaroux
Laurie Benoit
Romain A Raymondie
Isabelle Milhabet
Journal articles
Formation tout au long de la vie
Analyse critique d’une information scientifique et médicale. Gestion des liens d’intérêts
Lifelong continuing education. Critical analysis of scientific and medical information. Management of links of interest
Adriaan Barbaroux
Vincent Jedat
Exercer, 2020, 163, pp.233-236
Journal articles
Home-based palliative care management: what are the useful resources for general practitioners? a qualitative study among GPs in France
Carol-Anne Boudy
Tiphanie Bouchez
Didier Caprini
Isabelle Pourrat
Stéphane Munck
Journal articles
Home-based palliative care management: what are the useful resources for general practitioners ? A qualitative study among GPs in France.
Carol-Anne Boudy
Tiphanie Bouchez
Didier Caprini
Isabelle Pourrat.
Stéphan Munck
Journal articles
Polyphonies sur les enjeux du partenariat patient au temps du COVID-19
Sylvane Faure
Arnaud Halloy
Brigitte Karcher
Luigi Flora
Graziela Colazzo
Revue de neuropsychologie, 2020
Journal articles