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Adrien Matta



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Neutron-proton pairing in the N=Z radioactive fp-shell nuclei $^{56}$Ni and $^{52}$Fe probed by pair transfer

B. Le Crom , M. Assié , Y. Blumenfeld , J. Guillot , H. Sagawa
Physics Letters B, 2022, 829, pp.137057. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137057⟩
Journal articles hal-03217631v1
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HeCTOr: the $^3$He Cryogenic Target of Orsay for direct nuclear reactions with radioactive ion beams

F. Galtarossa , M. Pierens , M. Assié , V. Delpech , F. Galet
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2021, 1018, pp.165830. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2021.165830⟩
Journal articles hal-03235646v1
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Evaluation of the $^{35}\mathrm{K}(p,\gamma)^{36}\mathrm{Ca}$ reaction rate using the $^{37}\mathrm{Ca}(p,d)^{36}\mathrm{Ca}$ transfer reaction

L. Lalanne , O. Sorlin , M. Assié , F. Hammache , N. de Séréville
Physical Review C, 2021, 103 (5), pp.055809. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.103.055809⟩
Journal articles hal-03235679v1
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The MUGAST-AGATA-VAMOS campaign: Set-up and performances

M. Assié , E. Clément , A. Lemasson , D. Ramos , A. Raggio
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2021, 1014, pp.165743. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2021.165743⟩
Journal articles hal-03217546v1
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Probing nuclear forces beyond the nuclear drip line: the cases of $^{16}$F and $^{15}$F: A Tribute to Mahir Hussein

V. Girard-Alcindor , I. Stefan , F. de Oliveira Santos , O. Sorlin , D. Ackermann
The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and Nuclei, 2021, 57 (3), pp.93. ⟨10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00410-1⟩
Journal articles hal-03129550v1
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Single-particle structure in neutron-rich Sr isotopes approaching the $N=60$ shape transition

S. Cruz , K. Wimmer , S.S. Bhattacharjee , P.C. Bender , G. Hackman
Physical Review C, 2020, 102 (2), pp.024335. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.102.024335⟩
Journal articles hal-02934020v1

Decay properties of 22Ne + α resonances and their impact on s-process nucleosynthesis

S. Ota , G. Christian , G. Lotay , W.N. Catford , E.A. Bennett
Physics Letters B, 2020, 802, pp.135256. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135256⟩
Journal articles hal-03035433v1
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Low-lying single-particle structure of $^{17} $C and the N = 14 sub-shell closure

X. Pereira-López , B. Fernández-Domínguez , F. Delaunay , N.L. Achouri , N.A. Orr
Physics Letters B, 2020, 811, pp.135939. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135939⟩
Journal articles hal-03049145v1

Shell evolution approaching the $N=20$ island of inversion: Structure of $^{29}$Mg

A. Matta , W.N. Catford , N.A. Orr , J. Henderson , P. Ruotsalainen
Physical Review C, 2019, 99 (4), pp.044320. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.99.044320⟩
Journal articles hal-02101685v1

Single-particle structure of neutron-rich Sr isotopes via $^{2}\mathrm{H}(^{94,95,96}\mathrm{Sr}, p)$ reactions

S. Cruz , K. Wimmer , P.C. Bender , R. Krücken , G. Hackman
Physical Review C, 2019, 100 (5), pp.054321. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054321⟩
Journal articles hal-02410556v1
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Shape Coexistence and Mixing of Low-Lying $0^+$ States in $^{96}$Sr

S. Cruz , P.C. Bender , R. Krucken , K. Wimmer , F. Ames
Physics Letters B, 2018, 786, pp.94-99. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2018.09.031⟩
Journal articles hal-01891280v1

New methods to identify low energy $^3$He with Silicon-based detectors

M. Assié , A. Matta , B. Le Crom , M. Chabot , D. Mengoni
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018, 908, pp.250-255. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2018.08.050⟩
Journal articles hal-02290795v1
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Spectroscopy of $^{61}$Fe via the neutron transfer reaction $^{2}$H($^{60}$Fe,p)$^{61}$Fe

S. Giron , F. Hammache , N. de Séréville , P. Roussel , J. Burgunder
Physical Review C, 2017, 95 (3), pp.035806. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.95.035806⟩
Journal articles hal-01554468v1

NPTool: a simulation and analysis framework for low-energy nuclear physics experiments

A. Matta , P Morfouace , N De Séréville , F. Flavigny , M Labiche
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2016, 43 (4), pp.045113. ⟨10.1088/0954-3899/43/4/045113⟩
Journal articles in2p3-01298006v1
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Shell evolution approaching the N=20 island of inversion: Structure of 26Na

G.L. Wilson , W.N. Catford , N.A. Orr , C.Aa. Diget , A. Matta
Physics Letters B, 2016, 759, pp.417-423. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2016.05.093⟩
Journal articles in2p3-01326382v1
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Second 0+ state of unbound $^{12}$O: Scaling of mirror asymmetry

D. Suzuki , H. Iwasaki , D. Beaumel , M. Assié , H. Baba
Physical Review C, 2016, 93 (2), pp.024316. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024316⟩
Journal articles in2p3-01278370v1
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New findings on structure and production of $^{10}He$ from $^{11}Li$ with the (d,$^{3}He$) reaction

A. Matta , D. Beaumel , H. Otsu , V. Lapoux , N. K. Timofeyuk
Physical Review C, 2015, 92 (4), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.92.041302⟩
Journal articles in2p3-01213933v1

Evolution of single-particle strength in neutron-rich $^{71}$Cu

P. Morfouace , S. Franchoo , K. Sieja , I. Matea , L. Nalpas
Physics Letters B, 2015, 751, pp.306-310. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2015.10.064⟩
Journal articles in2p3-01229910v1
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Experimental study of the two-body spin-orbit force

G. Burgunder , O. Sorlin , F. Nowacki , S. Giron , F. Hammache
Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112, pp.042502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.042502⟩
Journal articles in2p3-00925064v1

Search for new resonant states in 10C and 11C and their impact on the cosmological lithium problem

F. Hammache , A. Coc , N. de Séréville , I. Stefan , Pierre Roussel
Physical Review C, 2013, 88, pp.062802(R). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.88.062802⟩
Journal articles in2p3-00913642v1

Limited Asymmetry Dependence of Correlations from Single Nucleon Transfer

F. Flavigny , A. Gillibert , L. Nalpas , A. Obertelli , N. Keeley
Physical Review Letters, 2013, 110, pp.122503. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.122503⟩
Journal articles in2p3-00804519v1

Well-developed deformation in 42Si

S. Takeuchi , M. Matsushita , N. Aoi , P. Doornenbal , K. Li
Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109, pp.182501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.182501⟩
Journal articles in2p3-00721241v1

Analysis of assembly systems controlled with kanbans

A. Matta , Y. Dallery , Maria Di Mascolo
European Journal of Operational Research, 2005, 166 (2), pp.310-336
Journal articles hal-00110883v1

Transfer reactions induced with $^{56}$Ni: shell gaps and np pairing

Anastasia Georgiadou , M. Assié , Y. Blumenfeld , B. Le Crom , J. Guillot
15th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Jun 2018, Varenna, Italy. pp.95-100
Conference papers hal-02101665v1

Search for resonant states in 10C and 11C and their impact on the primordial 7Li abundance

F. Hammache , A. Coc , N. De Séréville , I. Stefan , P. Roussel
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VII - 28th EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference, May 2015, York, United Kingdom
Conference papers in2p3-01266269v1
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Search for resonant states in $^{10}$C and $^{11}$C and their impact on the primordial $^{7}$Li abundance

F. Hammache , A. Coc , N. de Séréville , I. Stefan , P. Roussel
7th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics and 28th International Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference of the European Physical Society, May 2015, York, United Kingdom. pp.012016, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/940/1/012016⟩
Conference papers hal-01703777v1

Investigating Single-Particle Structure in $^{26}Na$ Using the New SHARC Array

G. L. Wilson , W. N. Catford , C. Aa. Diget , N.A. Orr , A. Matta
Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014) , Jun 2014, Tokyo, Japan. pp.020004, ⟨10.7566/JPSCP.6.020004⟩
Conference papers in2p3-01501836v1

Structure of $^{26}$Na via a Novel Technique Using ($d,p\gamma $) with a Radioactive $^{25}$Na Beam

W.N. Catford , I.C. Celik , G.L. Wilson , A. Matta , N.A. Orr
49th Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics : Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape, Aug 2014, Zakopane, Poland. pp.527-536, ⟨10.5506/APhysPolB.46.527⟩
Conference papers in2p3-01244201v1

Missing mass spectroscopy of $^{8}$He and $^{10}$He by (d,$^{3}$He) reaction

A. Matta , D. Beaumel , H. Otsu , V. Lapoux , N.K. Timofeyuk
ARIS 2014 - Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, Jun 2014, Tokyo, Japan. pp.030026, ⟨10.7566/JPSCP.6.030026⟩
Conference papers in2p3-01198919v1

Decorrelated behaviour of spin-orbit partners in neutron-rich copper isotopes

P. Morfouace , S. Franchoo , M. Assié , F. Azaiez , D. Beaumel
Nuclear Structure 2014, Jul 2014, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers in2p3-01023753v1

In-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy of 38,40,42Si

M. Matsushita , S. Takeuchi , N. Aoi , P. Doornenbal , J. Lee
International Nuclear Physics Conference - INPC2013, Jun 2013, Firenze, Italy. pp.02070, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/2014660102070⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00989741v1

Proton Elastic Scattering of 23,25F

R.J. Chen , H. Otsu , V. Lapoux , S. Boissinot , H. Baba
20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Aug 2012, Fukuoka, Japan. pp.1405-1407, ⟨10.1007/s00601-013-0612-6⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00858397v1

Evolution of the shell structure in medium-mass nuclei : search for the 2d5/2 neutron orbital in 69Ni

M. Moukaddam , G. Duchene , F. Hammache , M.N. Harakeh , D. Beaumel
Shell Model as a Unified View of Nuclear Structure, Oct 2012, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers in2p3-00750395v1
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Unbound states of the drip-line nucleus $^{24}$O

V. Lapoux , S. Boissinot , E.C. Pollacco , F. Flavigny , C. Louchart
French Japanese Symposium on Nuclear Structure Problems, Jan 2011, RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan
Conference papers in2p3-00654205v1

Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus 24O

V. Lapoux , S. Boissinot , H. Otsu , H. Baba , R. J. Chen
The Yukawa International Seminar 2011 (YKIS2011), "Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei", Oct 2011, Kyoto, Japan. pp.111-116, ⟨10.1143/PTPS.196.111⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00756555v1
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Indirect study of $^{60}$Fe(n,γ)$^{61}$Fe via the transfer reaction $^{60}$Fe(d,pγ)$^{61}$Fe

S. Giron , F. Hammache , N. de Sereville , D. Beaumel , G. Burgunder
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, 2010, Heidelberg, Germany. pp.190
Conference papers in2p3-00671580v1

Search for 2d5/2 Neutron States in $^{69}$Ni

M. Moukaddam , G. Duchêne , D. Beaumel , G. Burgunder , L. Caceres
XLV Zakopane Conference on Nuclear physics "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape", Aug 2010, Zakopane, Poland. pp.541-544, ⟨10.5506/APhysPolB.42.541⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00578739v1

Spectroscopic study of 26Si for application to nova gamma-ray emission.

N. de Sereville , M. Assié , I. Bahrini , D. Beaumel , M. Chabot
11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC XI, Jul 2010, Heidelberg, Germany. pp.212
Conference papers in2p3-00671372v1

Study of 60Fe(n,$\gamma$)61Fe reaction of astrophysical interest via d(60Fe,p$\gamma$) indirect reaction

S. Giron , F. Hammache , N. de Séréville , D. Beaumel , G. Burgunder
Fifth European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, 2009, Santa Tecla, Italy. pp.201-204, ⟨10.1063/1.3362577⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00467296v1
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Electron scattering on radioactive ions at GANIL

A Chancé , Pierre Delahaye , F. Flavigny , V. Lapoux , A. Matta
[Research Report] CEA Saclay DRF, IRFU; GANIL; LPC Caen. 2020
Reports cea-03176547v1

In-beam Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of $^{38;40;42}$Si

M. Matsushita , S. Takeuchi , N. Aoi , P. Doornenbal , J. Lee
[Research Report] CNS-REP-92, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. 2014, pp.7-8
Reports in2p3-01088174v1