Proficiency testing and cross-laboratory method comparison to support standardisation of diatom DNA metabarcoding for freshwater biomonitoring
Valentin Vasselon
Sinziana Rivera
Éva Ács
Salomé Baja Almeida
Karl Andree
Journal articles
eDNA metabarcoding from aquatic biofilms allows studying spatial and temporal fluctuations of fish communities from Lake Geneva
Sinziana F Rivera
Valentin Vasselon
Agnès Bouchez
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
Which barcode to decipher freshwater microalgal assemblages? Tests on mock communities
Alexis Canino
Clarisse Lemonnier
Benjamin Alric
Agnes Bouchez
Isabelle Domaizon
Journal articles
Diatom endemism and taxonomic turnover: Assessment in high-altitude alpine lakes covering a large geographical range
Frédéric Rimet
Eveline Pinseel
Agnes Bouchez
Bella Japoshvili
Levan Mumladze
Journal articles
Environmental filtering and mass effect are two important processes driving lake benthic diatoms: Results of a DNA metabarcoding study in a large lake
Frédéric Rimet
Alexis Canino
Teofana Chonova
Julie Guéguen
Agnes Bouchez
Journal articles
Evidence of Bacterial Community Coalescence between Freshwater and Discharged tpm-Harboring Bacterial Taxa from Hospital and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants among Epilithic Biofilms
Rayan Bouchali
Laurence Marjolet
Leslie Mondamert
Teofana Chonova
Sébastien Ribun
Journal articles
Passive sampling of environmental DNA in aquatic environments using 3D‐printed hydroxyapatite samplers
Héloïse Verdier
Lara Konecny‐dupre
Christophe Marquette
Helen Reveron
Solène Tadier
Journal articles
A strategy for successful integration of DNA-based methods in aquatic monitoring
Philippe Blancher
Estelle Lefrançois
Frédéric Rimet
Valentin Vasselon
Christine Argillier
Journal articles
Recommendations for the preservation of environmental samples in diatom metabarcoding studies
Ana Baricevic
Cécile Chardon
Maria Kahlert
Satu Maaria Karjalainen
Daniela Maric Pfannkuchen
Journal articles
Environmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods
J. Pawlowski
K. Bruce
K. Panksep
F.I. Aguirre
S. Amalfitano
Journal articles
SIPIBEL observatory: Data on usual pollutants (solids, organic matter, nutrients, ions) and micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, surfactants, metals), biological and ecotoxicity indicators in hospital and urban wastewater, in treated effluent and sludge from wastewater treatment plant, and in surface and groundwater
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Rémy Bournique
Vivien Lecomte
Noémie Pernin
Laure Wiest
Journal articles
Expanding ecological assessment by integrating microorganisms into routine freshwater biomonitoring
M. Sagova-Mareckova
J. Boenigk
Agnes Bouchez
K. Cermakova
T. Chonova
Journal articles
How can integrated morphotaxonomy- and metabarcoding-based diatom assemblage analyses best contribute to the ecological assessment of streams?
Panayiota Pissaridou
Marco Cantonati
Agnes Bouchez
Iakovos Tziortzis
Gerald Dörflinger
Journal articles
Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: a review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap
Tristan Cordier
Laura Alonso‐sáez
Laure Apothéloz‐perret‐gentil
Eva Aylagas
David Bohan
Journal articles
Exploring the capacity of aquatic biofilms to act as environmental DNA samplers: Test on macroinvertebrate communities in rivers
Sinziana Rivera
Valentin Vasselon
Nathalie Mary
Olivier Monnier
Fréderic Rimet
Journal articles
The potential of exact sequence variants (ESVs) to interpret and assess the impact of agricultural pressure on stream diatom assemblages revealed by DNA metabarcoding
Kálmán Tapolczai
Géza Selmeczy
Beáta Szabó
Viktória B-Béres
François Keck
Journal articles
Fish eDNA metabarcoding from aquatic biofilm samples: Methodological aspects
Sinziana Rivera
Frédéric Rimet
Valentin Vasselon
Marine Vautier
Isabelle Domaizon
Journal articles
Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life
Frédéric Rimet
Eva Aylagas
Ángel Borja
Agnes Bouchez
Alexis Canino
Journal articles
Monitoring the ecological status of rivers with diatom eDNA metabarcoding: a comparison of taxonomic markers and analytical approaches for the inference of a molecular diatom index
Laure Apothéloz‐perret‐gentil
Agnes Bouchez
Tristan Cordier
Arielle Cordonier
Julie Guéguen
Journal articles
Phytool, a ShinyApp to homogenise taxonomy of freshwater microalgae from DNA barcodes and microscopic observations
Alexis Canino
Agnes Bouchez
Christophe Laplace-Treyture
Isabelle Domaizon
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
Herbicide-Induced Shifts in the Periphyton Community Composition Indirectly Affect Feeding Activity and Physiology of the Gastropod Grazer Physella acuta
Marco Konschak
Jochen Zubrod
Tomás Duque Acosta
Agnes Bouchez
Alexandra Kroll
Journal articles
Cyprus’ diatom diversity and the association of environmental and anthropogenic influences for ecological assessment of rivers using DNA metabarcoding
Panayiota Pissaridou
Valentin Vasselon
Andreas Christou
Teofana Chonova
Athina Papatheodoulou
Journal articles
A pilot experiment to assess the efficiency of pharmaceutical plant wastewater treatment and the decreasing effluent toxicity to periphytic biofilms
Vincent Tardy
Chloé Bonnineau
Agnes Bouchez
Cécile Miège
Matthieu Masson
Journal articles
Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools
Rosetta C Blackman
Florian Altermatt
Arnaud Foulquier
Tristan Lefébure
Maïlys Gauthier
Journal articles
Environmental filtering and limiting similarity as main forces driving diatom community structure in Mediterranean and continental temporary and perennial streams
Gábor Várbíró
Gabor Borics
Maria Helena Novais
Maria Manuela Morais
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
Key questions for next-generation biomonitoring
Andreas Makiola
Zacchaeus G. Compson
Donald J Baird
Matthew A. Barnes
Sam Philip Boerlijst
Journal articles
Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status
Maria Helena Novais
Eduardo F Morales
Alexandra Marchã Penha
Miguel Potes
Agnes Bouchez
Journal articles
The vertical distribution of tetA and intI1 in a deep lake is rather due to sedimentation than to resuspension
Andrea Di cesare
Ester Eckert
Camille Cottin
Agnes Bouchez
Cristiana Callieri
Journal articles
Evaluation and sensitivity analysis of diatom DNA metabarcoding for WFD bioassessment of Mediterranean rivers
Javier Pérez-Burillo
Rosa Trobajo
Valentin Vasselon
Frédéric Rimet
Agnes Bouchez
Journal articles
Diatom metabarcoding applied to large scale monitoring networks: Optimization of bioinformatics strategies using Mothur software
Sinziana Rivera
Valentin Vasselon
Agnes Bouchez
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
A taxonomy-free approach based on machine learning to assess the quality of rivers with diatoms
Maria João Feio
Sonia R.Q. Serra
Andreia Mortágua
Agnes Bouchez
Frédéric Rimet
Journal articles
Factors influencing the heterogeneity of benthic diatom communities along the shoreline of natural alpine lakes
Frédéric Rimet
Léa Féret
Agnes Bouchez
Jean Marcel Dorioz
Etienne Dambrine
Journal articles
The impact of OTU sequence similarity threshold on diatom-based bioassessment: A case study of the rivers of Mayotte (France, Indian Ocean)
Kalman Tapolczai
Valentin Vasselon
Agnes Bouchez
Csilla Stenger-Kovács
Judit Padisák
Journal articles
Assessing pollution of aquatic environments with diatoms' DNA metabarcoding: experience and developments from France Water Framework Directive networks
Valentin Vasselon
Frédéric Rimet
Isabelle Domaizon
Olivier Monnier
Yorick Reyjol
Journal articles
Autumn drought drives functional diversity of benthic diatom assemblages of continental intermittent streams
Viktória B-Béres
Béla Tóthmérész
István Bácsi
Gabor Borics
András Abonyi
Journal articles
Recommandations d'un collectif franco-suisse d'experts pour une meilleure évaluation de la qualité écotoxicologique des sédiments par l'étude des communautés benthiques
Stéphane Pesce
J.D. Ferrari
C. Bonnineau
C. Casado
L. Apotheloz Perret Gentil
Journal articles
Applicability of DNA metabarcoding approach in the bioassessment of Portuguese rivers using diatoms
Andreia Mortágua
Valentin Vasselon
Ricardo Oliveira
Carmen Elias
Cécile Chardon
Journal articles
Benthic Diatom Communities in an Alpine River Impacted by Waste Water Treatment Effluents as Revealed Using DNA Metabarcoding
Teofana Chonova
Rainer Kurmayer
Frédéric Rimet
Jérôme Labanowski
Valentin Vasselon
Journal articles
Diat.barcode, an open-access curated barcode library for diatoms
Frédéric Rimet
Evgenuy Gusev
Maria Kahlert
Martyn G. Kelly
Maxim Kulikovskiy
Journal articles
Diatom DNA metabarcoding for biomonitoring: strategies to avoid major taxonomical and bioinformatical biases Llmiting molecular indices capacities
Kálmán Tapolczai
François Keck
Agnes Bouchez
Frédéric Rimet
Maria Kahlert
Journal articles
A comparison of biotic groups as dry-phase indicators of ecological quality in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams
R. Stubbington
A. Paillex
J. England
A. Barthes
Agnes Bouchez
Journal articles
Connecting the morphological and molecular species concepts to facilitate species identification within the genus Fragilaria (Bacillariophyta)