Variety, growing conditions and processing method act on different structural and biochemical traits to modify viscosity in tomato puree
Miarka Sinkora
Anne-Laure Fanciullino
Nadia Bertin
Robert Giovinazzo
François Zuber
Journal articles
Probing gallic acid–starch interactions through Rapid ViscoAnalyzer in vitro digestion
Adrian d'Costa
Billy Golding
Mrudav Raval
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Nicolas Bordenave
Journal articles
Varietal and environmental influences on organoleptic and cooking quality of water yam ( Dioscorea alata ) landraces
Dominique Rinaldo
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
David Lange
Dalila Pétro
Journal articles
Experimental and theoretical investigation on interactions between xylose-containing hemicelluloses and procyanidins
Xuwei Liu
Jiayi Li
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Serge Perez
Carine Le Bourvellec
Journal articles
Native and fermented waxy cassava starch as a novel gluten-free and clean label ingredient for baking and expanded product development
Dominique Dufour
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Hansel Mina Cordoba
Jorge Luis Luna Melendez
Jhon Larry Moreno Alzate
Journal articles
Modification of apple, beet and kiwifruit cell walls by boiling in acid conditions: Common and specific responses
Xuwei Liu
Catherine M.G.C. Renard
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sylvie Bureau
Carine Le Bourvellec
Journal articles
Pectin degradation accounts for apple tissue fragmentation during thermomechanical-mediated puree production
Alexandra Buergy
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alexandre Leca
Xavier Falourd
Loïc Foucat
Journal articles
Apple puree's texture is independent from fruit firmness
Alexandra Buergy
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alexandre Leca
Catherine M.G.C. Renard
Journal articles
Exploring interactions between pectins and procyanidins: Structure-function relationships
Xuwei Liu
Catherine M.G.C. Renard
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Carine Le Bourvellec
Journal articles
Analysis of consumer‐oriented quality characteristics of raw and boiled plantains in Cameroon: implication for breeding
Gérard Ngoh Newilah
Cédric Kendine Vepowo
Annie Takam Ngouno
Alexandre Bouniol
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56 (3), pp.1135-1147. ⟨10.1111/ijfs.14812⟩
Journal articles
Influence of ionic plasticizers on the processing and viscosity of starch melts
Paul Decaen
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Gael Colomines
Sophie Guilois
Denis Lourdin
Journal articles
Multiscale Structure of Starches Grafted with Hydrophobic Groups: A New Analytical Strategy
Chloé Volant
Alexandre Gilet
Fatima Beddiaf
Marion Collinet-Fressancourt
Xavier Falourd
Journal articles
Pectin modifications in raw fruits alter texture of plant cell dispersions
Alexandra Buergy
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alexandre Leca
Catherine M.G.C. Renard
Journal articles
Size-based characterization of polysaccharides by Taylor dispersion analysis with photochemical oxidation or back scattering interferometry detections
L Leclercq
Phoonthawee Saetear
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Jean Philippe Biron
Joseph Chamieh
Journal articles
Macromolecular characteristics and fine structure of amylomaltase-treated cassava starch
Sureeporn Boonna
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Denis Lourdin
Sunanta Tongta
Journal articles
Multi-scale characterization of thermoplastic starch structure using Second Harmonic Generation imaging and NMR
Veronica Nessi
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Denis Lourdin
Frederic Jamme
Chloé Chevigny
Journal articles
Macromolecular structure and film properties of enzymatically-engineered high molar mass dextrans
Pauline Faucard
Florent Grimaud
Denis Lourdin
Jean-Eudes Maigret
Claire Moulis
Journal articles
A dextran with unique rheological properties produced by the dextransucrase from Oenococcus kitaharae DSM 17330
Marlène Vuillemin
Florent Grimaud
Marion Claverie
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Catherine Garnier
Journal articles
Thermal, conformational and rheological properties of κ-carrageenan-sodium stearoyl lactylate gels and solutions
M.C. Ortiz-Tafoya
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Catherine Garnier
Josefina Valadez-García
Alberto Tecante
Journal articles
Changes in seed composition and germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and pea (Pisum sativum) when exposed to high temperatures during grain filling and maturation
Carolyne C. Durr
Sophie Brunel-Muguet
Christine Girousse
Annabelle Larmure
Colette Larre
Journal articles
How does temperature govern mechanisms of starch changes during extrusion?
Nicolas Logié
Guy Della Valle
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Nicolas Descamps
Jérémie Soulestin
Journal articles
Enzymatic synthesis of polysaccharide-based copolymers
Florent Grimaud
Pauline Faucard
Laurence Tarquis
Sandra Pizzut Serin
Pierre Roblin
Journal articles
Determination of hydro-colloidal characteristics of milk protein aggregates using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled with Multiangle Laser Light Scattering and Differential Refractometer (AF4-MALLS-DRi)
Thibault Loiseleux
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Catherine Garnier
Thomas Croguennec
Sophie Guilois-Dubois
Journal articles
Plant-crafted starches for bioplastics production
Domenico Sagnelli
Kim H. Hebelstrup
Eric Leroy
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois-Dubois
Journal articles
Choline chloride vs choline ionic liquids for starch thermoplasticization
Paul Decaen
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois
Vanessa Jury
Nadine Allanic
Journal articles
Effect of xyloglucan molar mass on its assembly onto the cellulose surface and its enzymatic susceptibility
Ana Villares Garicochea
Herve Bizot
Céline Moreau
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Bernard Cathala
Journal articles
Spherulitic self-assembly of debranched starch from aqueous solution and its effect on enzyme digestibility
Worawikunya Kiatponglarp
Supagorn Rugmai
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alain Buleon
Sunanta Tongta
Journal articles
Discovery of new spontaneous sources of amylose-free cassava starch and analysis of their structure and techno-functional properties
Nelson Morante
Hernán Ceballos
Teresa Sanchez
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Fernando Calle
Journal articles
Structure of branching enzyme- and amylomaltase modified starch produced from well-defined amylose to amylopectin substrates
Waraporn Sorndech
Domenico Sagnelli
Sebastian Meier
Anita M. Jansson
Byung-Hoo Lee
Journal articles
Shape-memory effect in amorphous potato starch: The influence of local orders and paracrystallinity
Chloé Chevigny
Loic Foucat
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alain Buleon
Denis Lourdin
Journal articles
Plant-crafted starches for bioplastics production
Domenico Sagnelli
Kim H Hebelstrup
Éric Leroy
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois
Journal articles
Interphase vs confinement in starch-clay bionanocomposites
Gildas Coativy
Chloé Chevigny
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Eric Leroy
Denis Lourdin
Journal articles
Multivariate model to characterise relations between maize mutant starches and hydrolysis kinetics
Kamal Kansou
Alain Buleon
Catherine Gérard
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Journal articles
Understanding the destructuration of starch in water–ionic liquid mixtures
L. Sciarini
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
S. Guilois
Paul Decaen
Eric Leroy
Journal articles
A single amino acid substitution in puroindoline b impacts its self-assembly and the formation of heteromeric assemblies with puroindoline a
Nathalie N. Geneix
Michèle M. Dalgalarrondo
Benedicte Bakan
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Khalil K. Elmorjani
Journal articles
Amylolysis of maize mutant starches described with a fractal-like kinetics model.
Kamal Kansou
Alain Buleon
Catherine Gérard
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Journal articles
Crystallization and chain reorganization of debranched rice starches in relation to resistant starch formation
Worawikunya Kiatponglarp
Sunanta Tongta
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Alain Buleon
Journal articles
Characterization of hyperbranched glycopolymers produced in vitro using enzymes
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois
Florent Grimaud
Christine Lancelon-Pin
Xavier Roussel
Journal articles
Characterization of enzymatically synthesized amylopectin analogs via asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation
Jelena Ciric
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois
Katja Loos
Journal articles
Molecular and supra-molecular structure of waxy starches developed from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Teresa Sanchez
Alain Buleon
Paul Colonna
Hernán Ceballos
Journal articles
In Vitro Synthesis of Hyperbranched alpha-Glucans Using a Biomimetic Enzymatic Toolbox
Florent Grimaud
Christine Lancelon-Pin
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Xavier Roussel
Sandrine Laguerre-Gheusi
Journal articles
Isolated starches from yams (Dioscorea sp) grown at the Venezuelan Amazons: Structure and functional properties
Elevina Pérez
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Dominique Dufour
Romel Guzman
Maria Tapia
Journal articles
Characterization of substrate and product specificity of the purified recombinant glycogen branching enzyme of Rhodothermus obamensis
Xavier Roussel
Christine Lancelon-Pin
Anders Vikso-Nielsen
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Florent Grimaud
Journal articles
Some properties of starch and starch edible films from under-utilized roots and tubers from the Venezuelan Amazons
Maria S. Tapia
Elevina Pérez
Pablo E. Rodriguez
Romel Guzman
Marie-Noëlle Ducamp-Collin
Journal articles
Hydrolysis of concentrated raw starch: a new very efficient [alpha]-amylase from Anoxybacillus flavothermus
Georges Tawil
Anders Viksø-Nielsen
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Paul Colonna
Alain Buleon
Journal articles
Structure and Property Engineering of alpha-D-Glucans Synthesized by Dextransucrase Mutants
Romain Irague
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Laurence Tarquis
Jean Louis Doublier
Claire Moulis
Journal articles
Structural characterization of novel cassava starches with low and high amylose contents in comparison with other commercial sources
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
T. Sanchez
Alain Buleon
Paul Colonna
Benoit B. Jaillais
Journal articles
In Depth Study of a New Highly Efficient Raw Starch Hydrolyzing alpha-Amylase from Rhizomucor sp
Georges Tawil
Anders Vikso-Nielsen
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Paul Colonna
Alain Buleon
Journal articles
Physicochemical, Functional, and Macromolecular Properties of Waxy Yam Starches Discovered from "Mapuey" (Dioscorea trifida) Genotypes in the Venezuelan Amazon
Elevina Pérez
Olivier Gibert
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Yarlezka Jimenez
Teresa Sanchez
Journal articles
Molecular size and mass distributions of native starches using complementary separation methods: Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation (A4F) and Hydrodynamic and Size Exclusion Chromatography (HDC-SEC)
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Sophie Guilois
Benoit B. Jaillais
Paul Colonna
Journal articles
Reliable Measurements of the Size Distributions of Starch Molecules in Solution: Current Dilemmas and Recommendations
Michael J. Gidley
Isao Hanashiro
Norziah Mohd Hani
Sandra E. Hill
Huber Anton
Journal articles
Characterizing the Size and Molecular Weight Distribution of Starch: Why It Is Important and Why It Is Hard
R. G. Gilbert
M. J. Gidley
S. Hill
P. Kilz
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Journal articles
Thermoplastic starch plasticized by an ionic liquid
A. Sankri
A. Arhaliass
Isabelle Dez
Annie-Claude Gaumont
Yves Grohens
Journal articles
Online determination of structural properties and observation of deviations from power law behavior
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Maria Guadalupe Mendez-Montealvo
Paul Colonna
Veronique V. Planchot
Journal articles
Molecular and physicochemical where science meets business characterisation of starches from yam, cocoyam, cassava, sweet potato and ginger produced in the Ivory Coast
Fabrice Achille Tetchi
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Georges N'Guessan Amani
Paul Colonna
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2007, 87 (10), pp.1906-1916. ⟨10.1002/jsfa.2928⟩
Journal articles
Branching features of amylopectins and glycogen determined by asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation coupled with multiangle laser light scattering
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Paul Colonna
Maria Guadalupe Mendez-Montealvo
Veronique V. Planchot
Journal articles
Stability of yam starch gels during processing
G.A. N'Guessan
A. Kamenan
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Paul Colonna
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2005, 4 (1), pp.94-101
Journal articles
Elongation and insolubilisation of alpha-glucans by the action of Neisseria polysaccharea amylosucrase
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
Paul Colonna
G. Potocki-Veronese
P. Monsan
Veronique Planchot
Journal of Cereal Science, 2004, 40, pp.17-30
Journal articles
Macromolecular characteristics of ten yam (Dioscorea spp) starches
Agnès Rolland-Sabaté
N.G. Amani
D. Dufour
S. Guilois
Paul Colonna
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2003, 83, pp.927-936
Journal articles