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He was the director general of higher education in Lebanon, from 2002 to 2019, and the vice president of the council of higher education. He was in charge of the private higher education sector in Lebanon and of the Technical committee and credentials recognition committee. He was Board member of ANQAHE (Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) & Board member of the Council of Quality Assurance & Accreditation of the Association of Arab Universities. Also he is IEEE senior member since 1990 & member of the order of engineers in Lebanon since 1995. Actually he is member of the board of directors of the council of QA and Accreditation in the International University Union (IUU) – turkey, and member of the Leadership advisory board of the "Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions **(CLICKS)**", UAE & UK. He is working on the dissemination of quality assurance in Higher education and the development of procedures, criteria & standards for QA & Accreditation in Lebanon & worldwide. He participated in the development of guides in this field; also he had participated as expert member in many Accreditation panels (FIBAA Germany). He was professor of Power electronics, Electric Machines & Drives at the University Claude Bernard – Lyon I in France from 1988 to 1996, then at the Lebanese University from 1996 to 2002 and still teaching courses. He worked as research & development engineer at Leroy-Somer Enterprise in France from 1986 to 1988. He obtained: · The BE in Electrical Engineering in 1982 from Damascus University, · The (DEA) MSc, from INPG - France in 1984, · The PhD in Electrical Engineering from Lyon I- in France in 1986, · And the HDR from the same university in 1994. He supervises MSc & PhD students and participated in many thesis dissertations in France & Lebanon. He has published more than 50 papers in International scientific journals & conferences. He is a reviewer in many International Journals (IJEECS Indonesia, IJPEDS, **IJECE**, Edu-Learn, JEECE, AJEPES USA, IET-EPA UK, CSEE-JPES china) and an editorial board member in some of them.