Ahmed Boubrima
UrMapSens: Joint Mapping-Sensing Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Urban Environmental MonitoringIEEE Sensors Journal, inPress, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1109/JSEN.2024.3450898⟩
Journal articles
On the Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks for Air Quality Mapping: Optimization Models and AlgorithmsIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2019, 27 (4), pp.1629-1642. ⟨10.1109/TNET.2019.2923737⟩
Journal articles
Optimal WSN Deployment Models for Air Pollution MonitoringIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2017, 16 (5), pp.2723 - 2735. ⟨10.1109/TWC.2017.2658601⟩
Journal articles
HeatPulse: Thermal Attacks on Air Pollution SensorsThe 3rd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES @ EWSN 2024), Dec 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers
Toward Accurate Environmental Mapping using Balloon-based UAVsIEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Jan 2024, Las vegas, NV (US), United States. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Réseaux de capteurs sans fil pour la caractérisation fine de la pollution de l’airCIVIC 2018 - Colloque International sur les Villes Intelligentes à Constantine "Smart cities", Laboratoire « de l’architecture à l’urbanisme. Technique, espace et société » (AUTES), Nov 2018, Constantine, Algérie
Conference papers
WSN Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Correction of Environmental ModellingIEEE MASS 2018 - 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, Oct 2018, Chengdu, China. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Leveraging the Potential of WSN for an Efficient Correction of Air Pollution Fine-Grained SimulationsICCCN 2018 - 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Jul 2018, Hangzhou, China. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1109/ICCCN.2018.8487343⟩
Conference papers
A New WSN Deployment Approach for Air Pollution MonitoringCCNC 2017 - 14th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Jan 2017, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers
Optimal Deployment of Dense WSN for Error Bounded Air Pollution MappingDCOSS 2016 - International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, May 2016, Washington, DC, United States
Conference papers
Wireless Sensor Networks Deployment for Air Pollution MonitoringTAP 2016 - 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Cost-Precision Tradeoffs in 3D Air Pollution Mapping using WSNUNET 2016 - 2nd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, May 2016, Casablanca, Morocco
Conference papers
Error-Bounded Air Quality Mapping Using Wireless Sensor NetworksLCN 2016 - The 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Nov 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers
Optimal Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks for Air Pollution MonitoringICCCN 2015 - 24th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks, Aug 2015, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers
Poster: Toward a Better Monitoring of Air Pollution using Mobile Wireless Sensor NetworksMobiCom 2017 - The 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Oct 2017, Utah, United States. , pp.1-3, 2017, ⟨10.1145/3117811.3131249⟩
Conference poster
On the Optimization of WSN Deployment for Sensing Physical Phenomena: Applications to Urban Air Pollution MonitoringMission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science, 163, Springer, pp.99-145, 2019, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 978-3-319-91145-8. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-91146-5_4⟩
Book sections
Deployment and Scheduling of Wireless Sensor Networks for Air Pollution MonitoringNetworking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI]. Insa Lyon, 2019. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩