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Akiko Takemura



A quantitative perspective on Japanese accent

Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
34th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics, Jul 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03283679v1


Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
Proceedings of the 163rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会第163回大会予稿集), Linguistic Society of Japan, Nov 2021, Online, Japan
Conference papers hal-03388347v1

Effets des exercices d’écrit sur l’apprentissage des kanji pour les apprenants du niveau moyen-débutant

Yayoi Nakamura-Delloye , Haruka Nishimura , Akiko Takemura , Maho Komatsu , Yu Miyauchi
17ème colloque sur l’enseignement du japonais, 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04095538v1
Image document

Perception des consonnes géminées en japonais langue étrangère par des apprenants francophones

Akiko Takemura , Takeki Kamiyama
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 (31èmes Journées d’Études sur la Parole), Jul 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01431373v1

Perception of geminates in Japanese by French-speaking learners

Akiko Takemura , Takeki Kamiyama , Yayoi Nakamura-Delloye
New Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second Language Speech, Jun 2016, Århus, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01431448v1

Rendaku in place names across Japanese dialects

Hyun Kyung Hwang , Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard , Timothy Vance
13es rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France. , 2015
Conference poster hal-01290139v1
Image document

Nasō to nasasō no shiyō jittai no keiryōteki chōsa (ナソウとナサソウの使用実態の計量的調査) [A quantitative study of the usage of nasō and nasasō]

Akiko Takemura , Thomas Pellard
U, Ichiraku (于 一楽); Eguchi, Kiyoko (江口 清子); Kido, Yasuhito (木戸 康人); Mano, Miho (眞野 美穂). Tōgo kōzō to goi no takakuteki kenkyū : Kishimoto Hideki kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū (統語構造と語彙の多角的研究:岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集) [Multifaceted studies of syntactic structure and of the lexicon: Festschrift for the sixtieth birthday of Hideki Kishimoto], Kaitakusha, pp.277-287, 2020, 978-4-7589-2283-8
Book sections hal-02910235v1