Akiko Takemura
A new local indicator of spatial autocorrelation identifies clusters of high rendaku frequency in Japanese place namesJournal of Linguistic Geography, 2023, 11 (1), pp.1-7. ⟨10.1017/jlg.2022.11⟩
Journal articles
Rendaku in place names across Japanese dialectsReports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, 2019, 50, pp.79-89
Journal articles
A quantitative perspective on Japanese accent34th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics, Jul 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
共通日本語アクセントは二型アクセントかProceedings of the 163rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (日本言語学会第163回大会予稿集), Linguistic Society of Japan, Nov 2021, Online, Japan
Conference papers
Effets des exercices d’écrit sur l’apprentissage des kanji pour les apprenants du niveau moyen-débutant17ème colloque sur l’enseignement du japonais, 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Perception des consonnes géminées en japonais langue étrangère par des apprenants francophonesJEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 (31èmes Journées d’Études sur la Parole), Jul 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Perception of geminates in Japanese by French-speaking learnersNew Sounds 2016: 8th International Conference on Second Language Speech, Jun 2016, Århus, Denmark
Conference papers
Rendaku in place names across Japanese dialectsConference poster hal-01290139v1 |
Nasō to nasasō no shiyō jittai no keiryōteki chōsa (ナソウとナサソウの使用実態の計量的調査) [A quantitative study of the usage of nasō and nasasō]U, Ichiraku (于 一楽); Eguchi, Kiyoko (江口 清子); Kido, Yasuhito (木戸 康人); Mano, Miho (眞野 美穂). Tōgo kōzō to goi no takakuteki kenkyū : Kishimoto Hideki kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū (統語構造と語彙の多角的研究:岸本秀樹教授還暦記念論文集) [Multifaceted studies of syntactic structure and of the lexicon: Festschrift for the sixtieth birthday of Hideki Kishimoto], Kaitakusha, pp.277-287, 2020, 978-4-7589-2283-8
Book sections