Disturbed expression of autophagy genes in blood of Parkinson’s disease patients
Saïd El Haddad
Amandine Serrano
Fréderic Moal
Thierry Normand
Chloé Robin
Journal articles
B. Chauveau
C. Auclair
A. Legrand
R. Mangione
Laurent Gerbaud
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology = Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2019, 53 (2), pp.276-277. ⟨10.1002/uog.20164⟩
Journal articles
Interaction of Alpha-synuclein with Cytogaligin, a protein encoded by the proapoptotic gene GALIG
Saïd El Haddad
Amandine Serrano
Thierry Normand
Chloé Robin
Martine Dubois
Journal articles
Dysregulation of apoptosis and autophagy gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of efficiently treated HIV-infected patients
Amandine Serrano
Saïd El Haddad
Fréderic Moal
Thierry Prazuck
Eric Legac
Journal articles
Recombinant yeast and human cells as screening tools to search for antibacterial agents targeting the transcription termination factor Rho
Kévin Moreau
Justine Surand
Aurélia Le Dantec
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Alain Legrand
Journal of Antibiotics, 2018, 71 (4), pp.447-455
Journal articles
Opposing Mcl-1, the GALIG proapoptotic gene is upregulated as neutrophils die and underexpressed in Acute Myeloid Leukemia cells.
Lucile Mollet
Pauline Robinet
Martine Dubois
Axel Aurouet
Thierry Normand
Journal articles
The addressing fragment of mitogaligin: first insights into functional and structural properties.
Violette Senille
Dominique Lelievre
Françoise Paquet
Norbert Garnier
Ned Lamb
Journal articles
The mitogaligin protein is addressed to the nucleus via a non-classical localization signal
Pauline Robinet
Lucile Mollet
Patrick Gonzalez
Thierry Normand
Stephane Charpentier
Journal articles
Apoptotic activity of a nuclear form of mitogaligin, a cell death protein
Patrick Gonzalez
Pauline Robinet
Stéphane Charpentier
Lucile Mollet
Thierry Normand
Journal articles
Multiple reprobing of Western blots after inactivation of peroxidase activity by its substrate, hydrogen peroxide
Alexis D. Sennepin
Stéphane Charpentier
Thierry Normand
Cedric Sarre
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
Glycofection: The Ubiquitous Roles of Sugar Bound on Glycoplexes
Valerie Boutin
Alain Legrand
Roger Mayer
Maurice Nachtigal
Michel Monsigny
Journal articles
Destabilization of Membranes Containing Cardiolipin or Its Precursors by Peptides Derived from Mitogaligin, a Cell Death Protein
Patrick Gonzalez
Mélanie Duneau
Stéphane Charpentier
Thierry Normand
Lucile Mollet
Journal articles
Protective Effects of 4-Hydroxycinnamic Ethyl Ester Derivatives and Related Dehydrodimers against Oxidation of LDL: Radical Scavengers or Metal Chelators?
Anne Neudörffer
Jean-Pierre Desvergne
Dominique Bonnefont-Rousselot
Alain Legrand
Maurice-Bernard Fleury
Journal articles
Galig, a novel cell death gene that encodes a mitochondrial protein promoting cytochrome c release
M. Duneau
M. Boyer Guittaut
P. Gonzalez
S. Charpentier
T. Normand
Experimental Cell Research, 2005, 302, pp.194-205
Journal articles
Identification of an Internal Gene to the Human Galectin-3 Gene with Two Different Overlapping Reading Frames That Do Not Encode Galectin-3
Michaël Guittaut
Stéphane Charpentier
Thierry Normand
Martine Dubois
Jacques Raimond
Journal articles
The sugar binding activity of MR60, a mannose-specific shuttling lectin, requires a dimeric state
V. Carrière
V. Piller
Alain Legrand
M. Monsigny
A.C. Roche
Journal articles
The Tat protein of HIV-1 induces galectin-3 expression
S. Fogel
M. Guittaut
Alain Legrand
M. Monsigny
E. Hebert
Journal articles
Galectin-3 gene (LGALS3) expression in experimental atherosclerosis and cultured smooth muscle cells.
C Arar
J.C Gaudin
L Capron
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
A Chromosome 4 Satellite I DNA Isolated from SV40-Transformed Human Cells
Alain Legrand
Drazen B. Jimonjic
Nicolae C. Popescu
Maurice Nachtigal
Journal articles
Modulation of the expression of the rabbit galectin-3 gene by p53 and c-Ha-ras proteins and PMA
Jean-Charles Gaudin
Chantal Arar
Michel Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
Mapping of the galectin-3 gene (LGALS3) to human chromosome 14 at region 14q21-22.
J. Raimond
D Zimonjic
C. Mignon
M. Mattei
N Popescu
Mammalian Genome, 1997, 8 (9), pp.706-707
Journal articles
Transformation of rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells by human cytomegalovirus morphological transforming region I.
Alain Legrand
E.P Mayer
S Dalvi
M Nachtigal
American Journal of Pathology, 1997, 151 (5), pp.1387-95
Journal articles
Mapping of the MR60/ERGIC-53 gene to human chromosome 18q21.3-18q22 by in situ hybridization.
C Arar
C. Mignon
M. Mattei
M. Monsigny
Alexis Roche
Journal articles
Isolation of carbohydrate metabolic clones from cultured astrocytes
V Vergé
Alain Legrand
T Hévor
Journal articles
Cloning of the cDNA encoding rabbit galectin-3.
J-C Gaudin
M. Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
The second intron of the human galectin-3 gene has a strong promoter activity down-regulated by p53.
J Raimond
F Rouleux
M. Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
ERGIC-53, a Membrane Protein of the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Golgi Intermediate Compartment, Is Identical to MR60, an Intracellular Mannose-specific Lectin of Myelomonocytic Cells
Chantal Arar
Valérie Carpentier
Jean-Pierre Le Caer
Michel Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
Transcriptional expression of mannose receptor gene during differentiation of human macrophages.
F Rouleux-Bonnin
M. Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1995, 217 (1), pp.106-12
Journal articles
A Negative Regulatory Element of the Macrophage-Specific Human Mannose Receptor Gene Represses Its Expression in Nonmyeloid Cells
Florence Rouleux
Michel Monsigny
Alain Legrand
Journal articles
An EBV-Based Vector Allowing a High Level of LTRHIV-Directed Expression in Human Cells
J. Raimond
C. Plessis
F. Fargette
Alain Legrand
E. Hebert
Journal articles
A SV-40 immortalized murine endothelial cell line from peripheral lymph node high endothelium expresses a new alpha-L-fucose binding protein.
N Bizouarne
V. Denis
Alain Legrand
M. Monsigny
C. Kieda
Journal articles
Specific gene transfer mediated by lactosylated poly-L-lysine into hepatoma cells
Patrick Midoux
Christina Mendes
Alain Legrand
Jacques Raimond
Roger Mayer
Journal articles
Homologous Recombination of a Plasmid Containing the SV40 Early Region in Rabbit Cells
Alain Legrand
Maurice Nachtigal
Journal articles
Characterization of human vascular smooth muscle cells transformed by the early genetic region of SV40 virus.
Alain Legrand
P Greenspan
M Nagpal
S Nachtigal
M Nachtigal
American Journal of Pathology, 1991, 139 (3), pp.629-640
Journal articles
Immortalization of Rabbit Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells after Transfection with a Fragment of the BglII N Region of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 DNA
M. Nachtigal
Alain Legrand
P. Greenspan
S Nachtigal
M. Nagpal
Journal articles
Transformation of rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells by transfection with the early region of SV40 DNA.
M Nachtigal
Alain Legrand
M Nagpal
S Nachtigal
P Greenspan
American Journal of Pathology, 1990, 136 (2), pp.297-306
Journal articles
Characterization of a continuous smooth muscle cell line derived from rabbit aorta.
M Nachtigal
M Nagpal
P Greenspan
A Nachtigal
Alain Legrand
In vitro cellular & developmental biology : journal of the Tissue Culture Association, 1989, 25 (10), pp.892-8. ⟨10.1007/BF02624001⟩
Journal articles
Liposomes as carriers for in vivo gene transfer and expression.
C. Nicolau
Alain Legrand
E. Grosse
Journal articles
Biologically active, recombinant DNA in clathrin-coated vesicles isolated from rat livers after in vivo injection of liposome-encapsulated DNA.
P Nandi
Alain Legrand
C. Nicolau
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1986, 261 (35), pp.16722-6
Journal articles
Targeted and nontargeted liposomes for in vivo transfer to rat liver cells of a plasmid containing the preproinsulin I gene.
P. Soriano
J Dijkstra
Alain Legrand
H. Spanjer
D. Londos-Gagliardi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1983, 80 (23), pp.7128-7131. ⟨10.1073/pnas.80.23.7128⟩
Journal articles