Efficient 3D Frequency-domain Full-waveform Inversion of Ocean-bottom Cable Data - Application to Valhall in the Visco-ac
Stéphane Operto
Alain Miniussi
Romain Brossier
Laure Combe
N. Haller
Conference papers
Data-driven layer-stripping strategy in 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography with TOMO3D
Adrià Meléndez
Jun Korenaga
Valentí Sallarès
A. Miniussi
César Ranero
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a Parallel BLR multifrontal direct solver
Patrick Amestoy
Romain Brossier
Alfredo Buttari
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Théo Mary
SEG Annual meeting, Oct 2015, New Orleans, United States. pp.3606-3611
Conference papers
Efficient 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data with sparse block low-rank direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea
Patrick Amestoy
Romain Brossier
Alfredo Buttari
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Théo Mary
Conference papers
TOMO3D: new 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography parallel code for active-source seismic data - synthetic tests
A. Miniussi
Adrià Meléndez
Jun Korenaga
Valenti Sallarès
César Ranero
16TH SEISMIX International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle., Oct 2014, Barcelonna, Spain
Conference papers
An Efficient Algorithm for Recognizing the Forward-Branching Class of Term-Rewriting Systems
Alain Miniussi
Robert Strandh
APPIA-GULP-PRODE, Jun 1997, France. pp.445-456
Conference papers