Complex systems approaches to the adaptability of human functions and behavior in health, aging, and chronic diseases: protocol for a meta-narrative review
Louis Hognon
Nelly Heraud
Alain Varray
Kjerstin Torre
Journal articles
High Prevalence of Non-Responders Based on Quadriceps Force after Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD
Marion Desachy
François Alexandre
Alain Varray
Virginie Molinier
Elodie Four
Journal articles
Association between long-term oxygen therapy provided outside the guidelines and mortality in patients with COPD
Francois Alexandre
Virginie Molinier
Maurice Hayot
Guillaume Chevance
Gregory Moullec
Journal articles
Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation Saturation Does Not Equate With Cerebral Oxygen Availability
Francois Alexandre
Alain Varray
Nelly Héraud
Journal articles
Adaptive Capacities and Complexity of Heart Rate Variability in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Throughout Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Louis Hognon
Nelly Heraud
Alain Varray
Kjerstin Torre
Journal articles
Specific motor cortex hypoexcitability and hypoactivation in COPD patients with peripheral muscle weakness
Francois Alexandre
Nelly Héraud
Emilie Tremey
Nicolas Oliver
Dominique Bourgouin
Journal articles
Is bilateral corticospinal connectivity impaired in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Vincent Cabibel
Nelly Héraud
Stéphane Perrey
Nicolas Oliver
François Alexandre
Journal articles
Psychoactive medications in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: From prevalence to effects on motor command and strength
Vincent Cabibel
François Alexandre
Nicolas Oliver
Alain Varray
Nelly Héraud
Journal articles
Psychoactive medications in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: From prevalence to effects on motor command and strength
Vincent Cabibel
François Alexandre
Nicolas Oliver
Alain Varray
Nelly Héraud
Journal articles
Impact of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Cognitive and Motor Performances in Dual-Task Walking
Nelly Héraud
François Alexandre
Mathieu Gueugnon
Corentin Davy
Emilie Tremey
Journal articles
Implicit attitudes and the improvement of exercise capacity during pulmonary rehabilitation
Julie Boiche
Nelly Heraud
Alain Varray
Guillaume Chevance
Journal articles
Implicit attitudes and the improvement of exercise capacity during pulmonary rehabilitation
Guillaume Chevance
Nelly Héraud
Alain Varray
Julie Boiché
Journal articles
Change in explicit and implicit motivation toward physical activity and sedentary behavior in pulmonary rehabilitation and associations with postrehabilitation behaviors.
Alain Varray
Guillaume Chevance
Nelly Héraud
Julie Boiché
Journal articles
[Local exercise and oxidative stress in chronic obstructive broncho-pneumopathies: preliminary results].
Alain Varray
C Couillard
C Cristol
C Chanez
F Maltais
Journal de la Société de Biologie, 2017, pp.419-25
Journal articles
Brain Damage and Motor Cortex Impairment in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Implication of Nonrapid Eye Movement Sleep Desaturation
Francois Alexandre
Nelly Heraud
Anthony M J Sanchez
Emilie Tremey
Nicolas Oliver
Journal articles
The self-perception of dyspnoea threshold during the 6-min walk test
Annabelle Couillard
Emilie Tremey
Christian Prefaut
Alain Varray
Nelly Heraud
Journal articles
Cortical motor output decreases after neuromuscular fatigue induced by electrical stimulation of the plantar flexor muscles
Francois Alexandre
Gerard Derosiere
Maria Papaiordanidou
Maxime Billot
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Is nocturnal desaturation a trigger for neuronal damage in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
François Alexandre
Nelly Heraud
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Neuromuscular Fatigue Is Not Different between Constant and Variable Frequency Stimulation
Maria Papaiordanidou
Maxime Billot
Alain Varray
Alain Martin
Journal articles
Cortical Implication in Lower Voluntary Muscle Force Production in Non-Hypoxemic COPD Patients
Francois Alexandre
Nelly Heraud
Nicolas Oliver
Alain Varray
Journal articles
A new method for muscle fatigue assessment: Online model identification techniques
Maria Papaiordanidou
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe
Alain Varray
Charles Fattal
David Guiraud
Journal articles
Neural and muscular mechanisms of electrically induced fatigue in patients with spinal cord injury
Maria Papaiordanidou
Alain Varray
Charles Fattal
David Guiraud
Journal articles
Exercise-induced hypoxemia correction in COPD patients: Response variability, issues and problems in the context of respiratory rehabilitation
Alain Varray
N. Héraud
F. Durand
C. Préfaut
Journal articles
Stability of physical self: Examining the role of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
G. Ninot
D. Delignières
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Kinetics of neuromuscular changes during low-frequency electrical stimulation
Maria Papaiordanidou
David Guiraud
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Does Central Fatigue Exist Under Low-Frequency Stimulation of a Low Fatigue-Resistant Muscle ?
Maria Papaiordanidou
David Guiraud
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Individual differences in stability of physical self
Grégory Ninot
Didier Delignières
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Daily functioning of dyspnea, self-esteem and physical self in patients with moderate COPD before, during and after a first inpatient rehabilitation program
Grégory Ninot
Grégory Moullec
Jacques Desplan
Christian Prefaut
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Recurrence quantification analysis of surface electromyographic signal: Sensitivity to potentiation and neuromuscular fatigue
Alain Varray
Claire Morana
Sofiane Ramdani
Stéphane Perrey
Journal articles
Importance of Physical Exercise Training in Asthmatics
Alain Varray
Christian Prefaut
Journal articles
An innovative maintenance follow-up program aftera first inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation
Grégory Ninot
Grégory Moullec
Maurice Hayot
Christian Préfaut
Alain Varray
Journal articles
An innovative maintenance follow-up program after a first inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation.
Grégory Moullec
Grégory Ninot
Alain Varray
Jacques Desplan
Maurice Hayot
Journal articles
Does correction of exercise-induced desaturation by O2 always improve exercise tolerance in COPD? A preliminary study
Alain Varray
Nelly Héraud
Christian Prefaut
Fabienne Durand
Journal articles
Stability of physical self
Gregory Ninot
Didier Delignières
Alain Varray
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2007, 175 (A228), pp.n.c
Journal articles
Activité physique adaptée et bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO)
Gregory Ninot
Alain Varray
La Lettre du Pneumologue, 2007, 10 (2), pp.38-43
Journal articles
[What are the post-rehabilitation options for patients with COPD?].
Alain Varray
G Moullec
Gregory Ninot
C Prefaut
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 2007, pp.121-32
Journal articles
Quelles solutions pour l’après-réhabilitation des patients BPCO ?
Gregory Ninot
Grégory Moullec
Jacques Desplan
Christian Préfaut
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Improving Health Status through Physical Activity for Individuals with Chronic Pulmonary Diseases
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Gender difference in coping strategies among patients enrolled in an inpatient rehabilitation program
Alain Varray
Grégory Ninot
Marina Fortes
Magali Poulain
Audrey Brun
Journal articles
Aerobic and Functional Capacities in a Selected Active Population of European Octogenarians
Alain Varray
D. Simar
D. Malatesta
Y. Dauvilliers
C. Préfaut
Journal articles
Question 3-6. Les questionnaires d’activité physique - application aux BPCO
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Effect of acute hyperoxia during exercise on quadriceps electrical activity in active COPD patients
Alain Varray
N. Gosselin
F. Durand
M. Poulain
Karen Lambert
Journal articles
Does exercise-induced hypoxemia modify lactate influx into erythrocytes and hemorheological parameters in athletes?
Philippe Connes
Didier Bouix
Guillaume Py
Corinne Caillaud
Pascale Kippelen
Journal articles
The effects of prior cycling and a successive run on respiratory muscle performance in triathletes
Alain Boussana
Olivier Galy
Olivier Hue
Stefan Matecki
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Influence d'un triathlon courte distance sur la performance des muscles respiratoires
Alain Varray
A Boussana
O Galy
Stefan Matecki
O. Hue
Journal articles
Endurance training improves skeletal muscle electrical activity in active COPD patients
Alain Varray
Nadège Gosselin
Karen Lambert
Magali Poulain
Anne Martin
Journal articles
6-minute walk testing is more sensitive than maximal incremental cycle testing for detecting oxygen desaturation in patients with COPD.
Alain Varray
Magali Poulain
Fabienne Durand
Bernard Palomba
François Ceugniet
Journal articles
Addition of inspiratory resistance increases the amplitude of the slow component of O2 uptake kinetics
Alain Varray
R. Candau
S. Keslacy
F. Giolbas
F. Borrani
Journal articles
Training of aerobic and anaerobic fitness in children with asthma
François-Pierre Counil
Alain Varray
Stefan Matecki
Alain Beurey
Patrick Marchal
Journal articles
V̇O2 responses to different intermittent runs at velocity associated with V̇O2max.
Alain Varray
Grégoire P. Millet
Robin Candau
Philippe Fattori
Frank Bignet
Journal articles
Effects of drafting on energy expenditure in in-line skating.
Alain Varray
G. Millet
R Geslan
R. Ferrier
R. Candau
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2003, pp.285-90
Journal articles
Faster oxygen uptake kinetics at the onset of submaximal cycling exercise following 4-weeks recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) treatment
Alain Varray
Philippe Connes
Stéphane Perrey
Christian Prefaut
Corinne Caillaud
Journal articles
Evidence of local exercise-induced systemic oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
A Couillard
C. Koechlin
J P P Cristol
Alain Varray
C. Prefaut
Journal articles
Prediction of VO2peak in wheelchair-dependent athletes from the adapted Léger and Boucher test
A. Vinet
D Le Gallais
S Bouges
P-L Bernard
M. Poulain
Journal articles
Effects of an intensive-period inpatient rehabilitation programme on the perceived physical self in moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
Alain Varray
A Ninot
M Fortes
S Leymarie
A. Brun
Journal articles
The effect of cycling followed by running on respiratory muscle performance in elite and competition triathletes
Alain Boussana
Olivier Hue
Stefan Matecki
Olivier Galy
Michèle Ramonatxo
Journal articles
Effects of an Enhanced Heart Rate Reserve on Aerobic Performance in Patients with a Heart Transplant
Nathalie Ville
Alain Varray
Béatrice Mercier
Maurice Hayot
Bernard Albat
Journal articles
Reduction of fat accumulation and lipid disorders by individualized light aerobic training in human immunodeficiency virus infected patients with lipodystrophy and/or dyslipidemia.
Alain Varray
J Thöni
C Fedou
J Brun
J Fabre
Diabetes & Metabolism, 2002, pp.397-404
Journal articles
Les effets métaboliques de l'exercice
Alain Varray
Annales d'Endocrinologie = Annals of Endocrinology, 2001, 62 (3), pp.286-287
Journal articles
Factor Analysis of Quality of Life, Dyspnea, and Physiologic Variables in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Before and After Rehabilitation
Alain Varray
Déborah Fuchs-Climent
Daniel Le Gallais
Jacques Desplan
Marielle Cadopi
Journal articles
Anaerobic fitness in children with asthma: Adaptation to maximal intermittent short exercise
Alain Varray
F.‐p. Counil
C. Karila
S. Guillaumont
M. Voisin
Journal articles
Influence of lesion level on the cardioventilatory adaptations in paraplegic wheelchair athletes during muscular exercise.
Alain Varray
A. Bernard
Jacques Mercier
C. Préfaut
Journal articles
Reproducibility of the Adapted Leger and Boucher Test for wheelchair-dependent athletes
Magali Poulain
Agnes Vinet
Pierre Louis Bernard
Alain Varray
Spinal Cord, 1999
Journal articles
Alain Varray
Déborah Fuchs-Climent
Daniel Le Gallais
Jacques Desplan
Marielle Cadopi
Journal articles
Evaluation of quality of life in elderly healthy subjects after aerobic and/or mental training.
Alain Varray
C. Fabre
J Massé-Biron
C Chamari
P Mucci
Journal articles
Reproducibility of the Adapted Leger and Boucher Test for wheelchair-dependent athletes
Alain Varray
M. Poulain
A Vinet
P L Bernard
Journal articles
Exercise tolerance in heart transplant patients with altered pulmonary diffusion capacity
Alain Varray
Nathalie Ville
Jacques Mercier
Bernard Albat
Patrick Messner-Pellenc
Journal articles
Impaired Skeletal Muscle Endurance Related to Physical Inactivity and Altered Lung Function in COPD Patients
Alain Varray
Isabelle Serres
Véronique Gautier
Christian Prefaut
Journal articles
Improved Skeletal Muscle Performance After Individualized Exercise Training in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Alain Varray
Isabelle Serres
Gilles Vallet
Jean Paul Micallef
Christian Préfaut
Journal articles
Aerobic metabolism and cardioventilatory responses in paraplegic athletes during an incremental wheelchair exercise
Agnes Vinet
D Le Gallais
Pierre Louis Bernard
Magali Poulain
Alain Varray
Journal articles
Comparison of two training programmes in chronic airway limitation patients: standardized versus individualized protocols
Alain Varray
Guy Vallet
Said Ahmaidi
I. Serres
C. Fabre
Journal articles
L'asthmatique peut-il faire du sport?
Alain Varray
C. Préfaut
Journal articles
Aerobic metabolism and cardioventilatory responses in paraplegic athletes during an incremental wheelchair exercise
Alain Varray
A. Vinet
D. Le Gallais
P. L. Bernard
M. Poulain
Journal articles
Wingate test performance in children with asthma: aerobic or anaerobic limitation?
Alain Varray
Francois-Pierre Counil
Chantal Karila
Maurice Hayot
Michel Voisin
Journal articles
Influence of post-surgery time after cardiac transplantation on exercise responses
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
Nathalie Ville
Pierre Wintrebert
Corinne Caillaud
Journal articles
Intérêt du sport chez l'asthmatique
Alain Varray
Ch. Préfaut
V. Gautier
Journal articles
Validation of an incremental field test for the direct assessment of peak oxygen uptake in wheelchair-dependent athletes.
Alain Varray
D Vinet
P L Bernard
M. Poulain
D Le Gallais
Journal articles
Individualized training reduces excessive exercise hyperventilation in asthmatics
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
C. G. Prefaut
Journal articles
Study of the energy correlates in the learning of a complex self-paced cyclical skill
Alain Varray
Marc Durand
Valérie Geoffroi
Christian Prefaut
Journal articles
[Value of individualized rehabilitation at the ventilatory threshold level in moderately severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].
Alain Varray
C Vallet
J L Fontaine
C. Préfaut
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 1994, pp.493-501
Journal articles
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Evaluation by the Shuttle Test in Asthmatic Subjects During Aerobic Training
Alain Varray
Said Ahmaidi
Anne M. Savy-Pacaux
Christian G. Prefaut
Journal articles
Cardiac role in exercise limitation in asthmatic subjects with special reference to disease severity.
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
a M Savy-Pacaux
C. Préfaut
The European respiratory journal. Supplement., 1993, pp.1011-7
Journal articles
Respiratory gas exchange indices used to detect the blood lactate accumulation threshold during an incremental exercise test in young athletes
Alain Varray
Said Ahmaidi
J. Hardy
Katia Collomp
Jacques Mercier
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1993, 66 (1), pp.31 - 36. ⟨10.1007/BF00863396⟩
Journal articles
[Evolution of bronchial hyperreactivity during post-exercise asthma].
Alain Varray
C. Pujol
P Savy-Pacaud
P. Godard
F B Michel
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 1992, pp.517-23
Journal articles
[Relation between the change of slope of heart rate and second lactic and ventilatory thresholds in muscular exercise with large load].
Alain Varray
S. Ahmaidi
C Collomp
Jacques Mercier
C. Préfaut
Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales, 1992, pp.145-55
Journal articles
[Physiopathological bases for retraining programs of asthma patients: adjustment to rehabilitation].
Alain Varray
C. Préfaut
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 1992, pp.355-66
Journal articles
Influence of anthropometric characteristics on changes in maximal exercise ventilation and breathing pattern during growth in boys.
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
M. Ramonatxo
B. Mercier
C. Préfaut
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1991, pp.235-41. ⟨10.1007/BF00233854⟩
Journal articles
Principes et résultats du réentraînement à l'effort chez l'asthmatique
Alain Varray
Ch. Préfaut
A. Savy Pacaux
Journal articles
Individualized aerobic and high intensity training for asthmatic children in an exercise readaptation program. Is training always helpful for better adaptation to exercise?
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
C M Terral
C G Prefaut
Journal articles
A BASIC software program to estimate cardiac output and alveolar ventilation.
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
C. Préfaut
Journal articles
[Place of muscular exercise test in screening in asymptomatic smokers].
Alain Varray
J Fabre
Jacques Mercier
C. Caillaud
C. Préfaut
Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales, 1990, pp.351-7
Journal articles
[Effects of individualized aerobic training in the readaptation of the asthmatic child to exercise].
Alain Varray
Jacques Mercier
C Terral
C. Préfaut
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 1990, pp.581-7
Journal articles