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Alan Kéromnès



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Study of the electric arc dynamics in a cascaded-anode plasma torch

Céline Ruelle , Simon Goutier , Vincent Rat , Alan Keromnes , Christophe Chazelas
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 462, pp.129493. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129493⟩
Journal articles hal-04281064v1
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Optimal Control for Cleaner Hybrid Vehicles: A Backward Approach

Bruno Jeanneret , Alice Guille Des Buttes , Alan Keromnes , Serge Pelissier , Luis Le Moyne
Applied Sciences, 2022, 12 (2), pp.578. ⟨10.3390/app12020578⟩
Journal articles hal-03524324v1

Solving the riddle of the high-temperature chemistry of 1,3-dioxolane

Alina Wildenberg , Malte Döntgen , Indu Sekhar Roy , Can Huang , Benoîte Lefort
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022, 12 (2), pp.578. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.194⟩
Journal articles hal-03936057v1
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In-flight mechanisms in Suspension Plasma Spraying Issues and perspectives

V. Rat , C. Chazelas , S. Goutier , A. Keromnes , G. Mariaux
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2022, 31 (4), pp.699-715. ⟨10.1007/s11666-022-01376-2⟩
Journal articles hal-03860806v1
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Optimal Control of a Spark Ignition Engine Including Cold Start Operations for Consumption/Emissions Compromises

Bruno Jeanneret , Alice Guille Des Buttes , Jérémy Pelluet , Alan Keromnes , Serge Pelissier
Applied Sciences, 2021, 11 (3), 30 p. ⟨10.3390/app11030971⟩
Journal articles hal-03184537v1
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Oxidation of pentan-2-ol -Part II: Experimental and modeling study

Guillaume Dayma , Zeynep Serinyel , Maxime Carbonnier , Junfeng Bai , Yuxiang Zhu
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38 (1), pp.833-841. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.062⟩
Journal articles hal-03216659v1
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An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the oxidation of 1,3-dioxolane

Alina Wildenberg , Yann Fenard , Maxime Carbonnier , Alan Kéromnès , Benoîte Lefort
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38 (1), pp.543-553. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.362⟩
Journal articles hal-03216737v1

Energy management strategy to reduce pollutant emissions during the catalyst light-off of parallel hybrid vehicles

Alice Guille Des Buttes , Bruno Jeanneret , Alan Kéromnès , Luis Le Moyne , Serge Pelissier
Applied Energy, 2020, 266, ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114866⟩
Journal articles hal-02647942v1
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Methyl-3-Hexenoate Combustion Chemistry: Experimental Study and Numerical Kinetic Simulation

Ilya E Gerasimov , Denis A Knyazkov , Tatyana A Bolshova , Andrey G Shmakov , Oleg P Korobeinichev
Combustion and Flame, 2020, 222, pp.170-180. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.08.028⟩
Journal articles hal-02934473v1
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Smart Energy Management for Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Driver Habits Recognition and Prediction

Loïc Joud , Rui da Silva , Daniela Chrenko , Alan Kéromnès , Luis Le Moyne
Energies, 2020, 13 (11), pp.2954. ⟨10.3390/en13112954⟩
Journal articles hal-03350732v1
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An experimental and modeling study of the oxidation of 3-pentanol at high pressure

Maxime Carbonnier , Zeynep Serinyel , Alan Keromnes , Guillaume Dayma , Benoîte Lefort
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37 (1), pp.477-484. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.114⟩
Journal articles hal-02011316v1
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Development of a Multi-Architecture and Multi-Application Hybrid Vehicle Design and Management Tool

Shiyu Gan , Daniela Chrenko , Alan Keromnes , Luis Moyne
Energies, 2018, 11 (11), pp.3185. ⟨10.3390/en11113185⟩
Journal articles hal-02131069v1

Probing the low-temperature chemistry of ethanol via the addition of dimethyl ether

Yingjia Zhang , Hilal El-Merhubi , Benoîte Lefort , Luis Le Moyne , Henry J Curran
Combustion and Flame, 2018, 190, pp.74-86. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.11.011⟩
Journal articles hal-02444126v1

A high pressure experimental and numerical study of methane ignition

Hilal El Merhubi , Alan Kéromnès , Gianni Catalano , Benoîte Lefort , Luis Le Moyne
Fuel, 2016, 177, pp.164 - 172. ⟨10.1016/j.fuel.2016.03.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01415214v1
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Comparison of Flow Measurement by 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging and by Particles Image Velocimetry on Phantom of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Yufei Wang , D. Joannic , Juillion Patrick , A. Keromnes , Monnet Aurélien
JSM Vascular Medicine and Research, 2016, 1 (2), pp.1008
Journal articles hal-01463873v1

3D electro-thermal modelling and experimental validation of lithium polymer-based batteries for automotive applications

Zul Hilmi Che Daud , Daniela Chrenko , Fabien dos Santos , El-Hassane Aglzim , Alan Keromnes
International Journal of Energy Research, 2016, 40 (8), pp.1144 - 1154. ⟨10.1002/er.3524⟩
Journal articles hal-01384622v1

Development and validation of a 5 stroke engine for range extenders application

Alan Kéromnès , Bernard Delaporte , G. Schmitz , Luis Le Moyne
Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 82, pp.259-267. ⟨10.1016/j.enconman.2014.03.025⟩
Journal articles hal-02444240v1

An experimental and detailed chemical kinetic modeling study of hydrogen and syngas mixture oxidation at elevated pressures

Alan Keromnes , Wayne Metcalfe , Karl Heufer , Nicola Donohoe , Apurba Das
Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160 (6), pp.995-1011. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.01.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02539787v1

Study of the electric arc dynamics in a cascaded-anode plasma torch

Céline Ruelle , Simon Goutier , Vincent Rat , Alan Keromnes , Christophe Chazelas
RIPT 2022, Jun 2022, Jülich, Germany
Conference papers hal-03821430v1

Solving the riddle of the high-temperature chemistry of 1,3-dioxolane

Alina Wildenberg , Malte Döntgen , Indu Sekhar Roy , Can Huang , Benoite Lefort
39th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 2022, VANCOUVER, Canada
Conference papers hal-03936476v1

Oxidation of pentan-2-ol – Part II: Experimental and modeling study

Guillaume Dayma , Zeynep Serinyel , Maxime Carbonnier , Alan Keromnes , Benoite Lefort
38th International Symposium on Combustion, Jan 2021, Adelaïde, Australia
Conference papers hal-03351229v1

An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the oxidation of 1,3-dioxolane

Alina Wildenberg , Yann Fenard , Maxime Carbonnier , Alan Keromnes , Benoite Lefort
38th International Symposium on Combustion, Jan 2021, Adélaïde, Australia
Conference papers hal-03351221v1

Stratégie adaptative de la gestion énergétique d'un véhicule hybride | 20ème Cycle 'Utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et environnement'

A. Keromnes , Arthur da Silva
20ème Cycle 'Utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et environnement, Apr 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02561833v1

An Experimental and Modelling Study of the Oxidation of Cyclopentanol at High Pressure

Maxime Carbonnier , Z. Serinyel , Alan Keromnes , Philippe Dagaut , Benoite Lefort
9th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02797960v1

An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the reactivity of 1,3-dioxolane under engine-relevant condition

Alina Wildenberg , Yann Fenard , Benoite Lefort , Luis Le Moyne , Alan Keromnes
8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Apr 2019, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03351199v1

An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the reactivity of 1,3-dioxolane under engine relevant conditions

Siet van den Wildenberg , Yann Fenard , Benoite Lefort , Luis Le Moyne , Alan Keromnes
9th European Combustion Meeting, At Lisboa, Portugal, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02561796v1

An experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of cyclopentanol at high pressures

Maxime Carbonnier , Guillaume Dayma , Zeynep Serinyel , Alan Keromnes , Benoite Lefort
9th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02561784v1

Optimizing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of a SI engine for eco-driving applications

Alice Guille Des Buttes , Bruno Jeanneret , Alan Keromnes , Serge Pelissier , Luis Le Moyne
Futurmob 2018, Jun 2018, Nevers, France
Conference papers hal-03351642v1
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Optimizing Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions of a Spark Ignition Engine for Eco-driving Applications

Alice Guille Des Buttes , Bruno Jeanneret , Alan Keromnes , Serge Pelissier , Luis Le Moyne
VPPC 2018, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Aug 2018, Chicago, United States
Conference papers hal-02013962v2

More Insight Into Methyl-3-Hexenoate Combustion Kinetics: Low-Pressure Premixed Flame Structure, High-Pressure Ignition Delay Time Measurements and Mechanism Development

Maxime Carbonnier , Benoite Lefort , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne , Zeynep Serinyel
37th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-03350872v1

A comparative high-pressure shock tube study on the ignition of pentanol isomers: 1-, 2- and 3- pentanol

Maxime Carbonnier , Benoite Lefort , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne , Guillaume Dayma
25th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, Jul 2018, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03350880v1

On the design of novel access and methodology for optical diagnostics inside internal combustion engines under severe operating conditions

Richard Oung , Yujun Cao , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne
THIESEL 2018 Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines, Sep 2018, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers hal-03350853v1

Étude expérimentale et simulation de l'oxydation du 3-pentanol à haute pression

Maxime Carbonnier , Zeynep Serinyel , Alan Keromnes , Guillaume Dayma , Benoite Lefort
Futurmob 2018, Jun 2018, Nevers, France
Conference papers hal-03351651v1

An experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of 3-pentanol at high pressure

Maxime Carbonnier , Zeynep Serinyel , Alan Keromnes , Guillaume Dayma , Benoite Lefort
37th Symposium (Int'l) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Jul 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-02080767v1
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Predictive Energy Management for Hybrid Vehicles Based on Driving Cycle Recognition

Loïc Joud , Daniela Chrenko , Alan Keromnes , Rui da Silva , Luis Le Moyne
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017), Dec 2017, Belfort, France. ⟨10.1109/VPPC.2017.8331052⟩
Conference papers hal-03021702v1

An experimental and kinetic modelling study of ethanol/DME mixtures auto -ignition

Yingjia Zhang , Hilal El Merhubi , Benoite Lefort , Luis Le Moyne , H.J. Curran
10th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK 2017), 2017, Chicago, United States
Conference papers hal-01557942v1

Etude de l’auto-inflammation de l’éthanol à haute pression et basse température

Hilal El Merhubi , Benoite Lefort , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne , H.J. Curran
Journées thématiques du GFC : Combustion de Biocarburants, de la Biomasse et de ses Dérivés, Nov 2017, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers hal-03351255v1

Caractérisation de la combustion des biocarburants oxygénés pour les applications de mobilités 

Maxime Carbonnier , Benoite Lefort , Zeynep Serinyel , Guillaume Dayma , H.J. Curran
Futurmob'17, Sep 2017, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers hal-03351268v1

An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Ethanol / Dme Mixtures Auto-Ignition

Hilal El Merhubi , Benoîte Lefort , Luis Le Moyne , Alan Keromnes , H.J. Curran
8th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers hal-02561881v1
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Prédiction de cycle et stratégie de gestion énergétique basée sur une méthode d’optimisation globale

Loïc Joud , Alan Keromnes , Daniela Chrenko , Luis Le Moyne
FUTURMOB, Sep 2017, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers hal-02355272v1

A simplified temperature model for the three way catalytic converter

Varun Pandey , B. Jeanneret , Sylvain Gillet , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne
21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03350819v1

A simplified thermal model for the three way catalytic converter

Varun Pandey , Bruno Jeanneret , Sylvain Gillet , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne
TAP 2016, 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, LYON, France. 6 p
Conference papers hal-01341104v1

A high-pressure shock tube characterization and auto-ignition delay investigations

Hilal El Merhubi , Alan Keromnes , Benoite Lefort , Luis Le Moyne
JCI European Capitals Meeting, Apr 2015, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-02860008v1

Experimental Study of Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Behaviour for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Zul Hilmi Che Daud , Daniela Chrenko , El-Hassane Aglzim , Alan Keromnes , Luis Le Moyne
2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Oct 2014, Coimbra, Portugal. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/VPPC.2014.7007069⟩
Conference papers hal-02860096v1

Development and Validation of a Five Stroke Engine

Clément Ailloud , Alan Keromnes , Bernard Delaporte , Gerhard Schmitz , Luis Le Moyne
11th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles, 2013, Paris, France. ⟨10.4271/2013-24-0095⟩
Conference papers hal-02860486v1

Rapid Compression Machine. 2013.

Alan Keromnes
Rapid Compression Machines, 2013
Book sections hal-02563279v1

Étude de la dynamique de l'arc électrique dans une torche segmentée

Céline Ruelle , Simon Goutier , Vincent Rat , Alan Kéromnès , Christophe Chazelas
Journées Annuelles du Groupe Français de la Céramique 2023, Mar 2023, Limoges, France
Conference poster hal-04145983v1

Ceramics coating under thermomechanical and chemical solicitations

Maxime Gaudin , Emilie Béchade , Simon Goutier , Aurélien Joulia , Alan Kéromnès
Journées Annuelles du Groupe Français de la Céramique 2023, Mar 2023, Limoges, France
Conference poster hal-04117418v1

Étude expérimentale d'une torche à plasma d'arc segmentée

Céline Ruelle , Simon Goutier , Alan Keromnes , Vincent Rat , Erick Meillot
CAE 15 (15e Colloque sir les Arcs Electriques), Jun 2021, Rouen, France
Conference poster hal-03666532v1