Study of the electric arc dynamics in a cascaded-anode plasma torch
Céline Ruelle
Simon Goutier
Vincent Rat
Alan Keromnes
Christophe Chazelas
RIPT 2022, Jun 2022, Jülich, Germany
Conference papers
Solving the riddle of the high-temperature chemistry of 1,3-dioxolane
Alina Wildenberg
Malte Döntgen
Indu Sekhar Roy
Can Huang
Benoite Lefort
39th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 2022, VANCOUVER, Canada
Conference papers
Oxidation of pentan-2-ol – Part II: Experimental and modeling study
Guillaume Dayma
Zeynep Serinyel
Maxime Carbonnier
Alan Keromnes
Benoite Lefort
38th International Symposium on Combustion, Jan 2021, Adelaïde, Australia
Conference papers
An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the oxidation of 1,3-dioxolane
Alina Wildenberg
Yann Fenard
Maxime Carbonnier
Alan Keromnes
Benoite Lefort
38th International Symposium on Combustion, Jan 2021, Adélaïde, Australia
Conference papers
Stratégie adaptative de la gestion énergétique d'un véhicule hybride | 20ème Cycle 'Utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et environnement'
A. Keromnes
Arthur da Silva
20ème Cycle 'Utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et environnement, Apr 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
An Experimental and Modelling Study of the Oxidation of Cyclopentanol at High Pressure
Maxime Carbonnier
Z. Serinyel
Alan Keromnes
Philippe Dagaut
Benoite Lefort
9th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the reactivity of 1,3-dioxolane under engine-relevant condition
Alina Wildenberg
Yann Fenard
Benoite Lefort
Luis Le Moyne
Alan Keromnes
8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Apr 2019, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference papers
An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the reactivity of 1,3-dioxolane under engine relevant conditions
Siet van den Wildenberg
Yann Fenard
Benoite Lefort
Luis Le Moyne
Alan Keromnes
9th European Combustion Meeting, At Lisboa, Portugal, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
An experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of cyclopentanol at high pressures
Maxime Carbonnier
Guillaume Dayma
Zeynep Serinyel
Alan Keromnes
Benoite Lefort
9th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Optimizing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of a SI engine for eco-driving applications
Alice Guille Des Buttes
Bruno Jeanneret
Alan Keromnes
Serge Pelissier
Luis Le Moyne
Futurmob 2018, Jun 2018, Nevers, France
Conference papers
Optimizing Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions of a Spark Ignition Engine for Eco-driving Applications
Alice Guille Des Buttes
Bruno Jeanneret
Alan Keromnes
Serge Pelissier
Luis Le Moyne
VPPC 2018, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Aug 2018, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
More Insight Into Methyl-3-Hexenoate Combustion Kinetics: Low-Pressure Premixed Flame Structure, High-Pressure Ignition Delay Time Measurements and Mechanism Development
Maxime Carbonnier
Benoite Lefort
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
Zeynep Serinyel
37th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
A comparative high-pressure shock tube study on the ignition of pentanol isomers: 1-, 2- and 3- pentanol
Maxime Carbonnier
Benoite Lefort
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
Guillaume Dayma
25th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, Jul 2018, Lille, France
Conference papers
On the design of novel access and methodology for optical diagnostics inside internal combustion engines under severe operating conditions
Richard Oung
Yujun Cao
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
THIESEL 2018 Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines, Sep 2018, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Étude expérimentale et simulation de l'oxydation du 3-pentanol à haute pression
Maxime Carbonnier
Zeynep Serinyel
Alan Keromnes
Guillaume Dayma
Benoite Lefort
Futurmob 2018, Jun 2018, Nevers, France
Conference papers
An experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of 3-pentanol at high pressure
Maxime Carbonnier
Zeynep Serinyel
Alan Keromnes
Guillaume Dayma
Benoite Lefort
37th Symposium (Int'l) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Jul 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Predictive Energy Management for Hybrid Vehicles Based on Driving Cycle Recognition
Loïc Joud
Daniela Chrenko
Alan Keromnes
Rui da Silva
Luis Le Moyne
Conference papers
An experimental and kinetic modelling study of ethanol/DME mixtures auto -ignition
Yingjia Zhang
Hilal El Merhubi
Benoite Lefort
Luis Le Moyne
H.J. Curran
10th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK 2017), 2017, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Etude de l’auto-inflammation de l’éthanol à haute pression et basse température
Hilal El Merhubi
Benoite Lefort
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
H.J. Curran
Journées thématiques du GFC : Combustion de Biocarburants, de la Biomasse et de ses Dérivés, Nov 2017, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation de la combustion des biocarburants oxygénés pour les applications de mobilités
Maxime Carbonnier
Benoite Lefort
Zeynep Serinyel
Guillaume Dayma
H.J. Curran
Futurmob'17, Sep 2017, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers
An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Ethanol / Dme Mixtures Auto-Ignition
Hilal El Merhubi
Benoîte Lefort
Luis Le Moyne
Alan Keromnes
H.J. Curran
8th European Combustion Meeting, Apr 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Prédiction de cycle et stratégie de gestion énergétique basée sur une méthode d’optimisation globale
Loïc Joud
Alan Keromnes
Daniela Chrenko
Luis Le Moyne
FUTURMOB, Sep 2017, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers
A simplified temperature model for the three way catalytic converter
Varun Pandey
B. Jeanneret
Sylvain Gillet
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers
A simplified thermal model for the three way catalytic converter
Varun Pandey
Bruno Jeanneret
Sylvain Gillet
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
TAP 2016, 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, May 2016, LYON, France. 6 p
Conference papers
A high-pressure shock tube characterization and auto-ignition delay investigations
Hilal El Merhubi
Alan Keromnes
Benoite Lefort
Luis Le Moyne
JCI European Capitals Meeting, Apr 2015, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Experimental Study of Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Behaviour for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Zul Hilmi Che Daud
Daniela Chrenko
El-Hassane Aglzim
Alan Keromnes
Luis Le Moyne
Conference papers
Development and Validation of a Five Stroke Engine
Clément Ailloud
Alan Keromnes
Bernard Delaporte
Gerhard Schmitz
Luis Le Moyne
Conference papers