Albert Rilliard
Estrutura prosódica e focalização: dados do português do BrasilJosane Moreira de Oliveira; Jacyra Andrade Mota; Regiane Coelho Pereira Reis. Contribuições para a Linguística Brasileira – uma homenagem a Dinah Callou, Editora UFMS, pp.109-124, 2023, 978-65-89995-05-0
Book sections
Identificação perceptiva de pistas prosódicas da asserção e da questão-eco no português brasileiroUrbán Bálint. "Se mais mundo houvera lá chegara": Tanulmányok Rákóczi István 65. születésnapja tiszteletére. [Estudos para István Rákóczi em homenagem a seu 65º aniversário], ELTE Eötvös Kiado, pp.95-124, 2023, 978-963-489-585-5. ⟨10.21862/rakoczi65.elteport.2023⟩
Book sections
Funções dos gestos faciais na prosódia audiovisualMaíra Avelar; Vera Pacheco; Marian Oliveira. Linguística e Estudos de Gestos: Interfaces, 8, Pontes Editores, pp.11-39, 2023, Coleção Linguística em Rede, 9786556377322
Book sections
Chapter 8. Perceptual changes between adults and children for multimodal im/politeness in JapaneseAndreas H. Jucker; Iris Hübscher; Lucien Brown. Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written, 333, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.213-249, 2023, Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, ⟨10.1075/pbns.333.08sho⟩
Book sections
EntoaçãoMiguel Oliveira Jr. Prosódia, Prosódias: uma introdução, Editora Contexto, pp.45-66, 2022, 978-65-5541-161-4
Book sections
Geoprosody: quantitative approaches of prosodic variation across dialectsMarcia dos Santos Machado Vieira, Marcos Luiz Wiedemer. Dimensões e experiências em Sociolinguística, Blucher, pp.55-83, 2019, 978-85-212-1875-3
Book sections
The phonetic approach of voice qualities: challenges in corresponding perceptual to acoustic descriptionsSubsidia. Tools and resources for speech sciences, 2019
Book sections
Personality Judgments Based on Speaker’s Social Affective ExpressionsQiang Fang; Jianwu Dang; Pascal Perrier; Jianguo Wei; Longbiao Wang; Nan Yan. Studies on Speech Production, 10733, Springer International Publishing, pp.3-13, 2018, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 978-3-030-00126-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-00126-1_1⟩
Book sections
Describing the intonation of speech acts in Brazilian Portuguese: Methodological aspectsIngo Feldhausen; Jan Fliessbach; Maria del Mar Vanrell. Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective, 6, Language Science Press, pp.229-262, 2018, Studies in Laboratory Phonology, 978-3-96110-105-4. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.1471564⟩
Book sections
Perception de l'évolution diachronique de la prosodie dans le style journalistiqueLangue française mise en relief. Aspects grammaticaux et discursifs, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, pp.187-198, 2017, 978-2-35412-256-0
Book sections
La prononciation des apprenants de FLE et la multimodalité expressiveLa prononciation du français dans le monde: du natif à l'apprenant, CLE international, pp.257-263, 2017, 978-2-09-038241-9
Book sections
Questions à intonation descendante: un exemple d'isolat corse?Atti del Workshop Lingue delle isole, isole linguistiche, Edizioni dell'Orso, pp.4-19, 2016, 978-88-6274-671-7
Book sections
Prosody and emotion in Brazilian PortugueseIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance. Approaches across linguistic subfields., John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.135-152, 2016, 9789027258052
Book sections
Falling yes/no questions in Corsican French and Corsican: evidence for a prosodic transferÉ. Delais-Roussarie; M. Avanzi; S. Herment. Prosody and languages in contact. L2 acquisition, attrition, languages in multilingual situations, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Chap. 6 ; p. 101-122., 2015, 978-3-662-45167-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-45168-7_6⟩
Book sections
Apprentissage des expressions prosodiques et gestuelles de politesse par des francophonesMakiko Andro-Ueda et Jean-Michel Butel. Japon pluriel. 9, Histoires d'amour : quelques modalités de relation à l'autre au Japon : actes du neuvième colloque de la Société française des études japonaises, Paris Inalco, 16-18 décembre 2010, Ed. Philippe Picquier, 2014, 978-2-8097-0968-1
Book sections
Cross-Cultural Perception of some Japanese Politeness and Impoliteness ExpressionsLinguistic approaches to emotion in context, John benjamins Publishing, pp.251-276, 2014, 9789027256461
Book sections
Présentation du DVD "Intonations romanes"Yolanda Congosto Martin, Maria Luisa Montero Curiel, Antonio Salvador Plans. Fonética Experimental, Educación Superior e Investigación, III. Prosódia, Arco Libros, pp.171-187, 2014
Book sections
Illocution, attitudes and prosody: A multimodal analysisSpoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.233-270, 2014, 9789027203694
Book sections
Prosodic cross-linguistic perception of social affects in Mandarin Chinese by native, French and Vietnamese listenersProceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, Firenze University Press, pp.141-145, 2012, 9788866553519
Book sections
Corsican French questions: is there a prosodic transfer from Corsican to French and how to highlight it?Speech Prosody, Shanghai (China) 22-25 mai 2012, pp.418-421, 2012
Book sections
Can the tones influence the acoustic perception of the Vietnamese attitudes by French listeners?Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, Firenze University Press, pp.146-150, 2012, 9788866553519
Book sections
Acoustic analysis of a corpus of Brazilian Portuguese attitudesProceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, Firenze University Press, pp.162-166, 2012, 9788866553519
Book sections
Questions corses : peut-on mettre en évidence un transfert prosodique du corse vers le français?29eme Journées d'études sur la Parole (JEP), Grenoble 4-8 juin 2012, pp.609-616, 2012, Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL
Book sections
Developmental perception of polite & impolite non-verbal behaviours in JapaneseProceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, Firenze University Press, pp.167-171, 2012, 9788866553519
Book sections
Facial gestures in the expression of prosodic attitudes of Brazilian PortugueseProceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference : Speech and Corpora, Firenze University Press, pp.157-161, 2012, 9788866553519
Book sections
Intercultural perception of English, French and Japanese social affective prosodyHancil, Sylvie (ed.). The Role of Prosody in Affective Speech, Peter Lang publisher, pp.31-60, 2009, Linguistic Insights' series, Studies in Languages and Communication. Vol.97, 978-3-03911-696-6
Book sections
Perception of prosodic French social affects for Japanese learners of French languageStudies in Languages and Communication, Peter Lang publisher, 2009
Book sections
Outils pour le calcul et la comparaison prosodique dans le cadre du projet AMPER-L'exemple des variétés occitane et sardeAdrian Turculet. La variation diatopique de l’intonation dans le domaine roumain et roman, Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", pp.217-229, 2008, 9789737033949
Book sections
La Base de données AMPER et ses interfaces: structure et formats de données, exemple d'utilisation pour une analyse comparative de la prosodie de différents parlers romansLurdes De Castro Moutinho, Rosa Lidia Coimbra. I Jornadas CientÍficas AMPER-POR, Universidade de Aveiro, pp.127-139, 2008
Book sections
Intelligent virtual agentsIntelligent Virtual Agents. IVA 2007, 3D audiovisual rendering and real-time interactive control of expressivity in a talking head, Springer, pp.29-36, 2007, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4_3⟩
Book sections
3D audiovisual rendering and real-time interactive control of expressivité in a talking headIntelligent virtual agents, Springer, pp.29-36, 2007
Book sections
Hatsuwataido no bunkatekitokusei to niseno tomodachiT. Sadanobu & M. Nakagawa (Eds.). Hatsuwataido no bunkatekitokusei to niseno tomodachi, Onsei bunpo no taisho, Tokyo: Kurosio publisher, pp.55-78, 2007
Book sections
L'intonation du parler occitan de la viadène et présentation de la base de données AMPERJosefa Dorta. La prosodia en el ambito lingüistico romanico, La pagina ediciones, pp.73-100, 2007
Book sections
Cultural specificity of expressive attitudes and false friendsContrastive studies on Speech Grammer, Kurosio Publisher, pp.23, 2007
Book sections
Évaluation perceptive de l'anticipation de la prise de parole lors d'interactions dialogiques en français35èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP 2024) 31ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2024) 26ème Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL 2024), Mathieu Balaguer; Nihed Bendahman; Lydia-Mai Ho-dac; Julie Mauclair; Jose G Moreno; Julien Pinquier., Jul 2024, Toulouse, France. pp.390-400
Conference papers
Annotation of Transition-Relevance Places and Interruptions for the Description of Turn-Taking in Conversations in French Media ContentProceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), Sep 2024, Torino, Italy. pp.1225--1232
Conference papers
Perceptual Evaluation of Attitudinal Expressions5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2024), Pärtel Lippus, Sep 2024, Tartu, Estonia. pp.60-64, ⟨10.21437/ISAPh.2024-12⟩
Conference papers
Variação Pragmática e Diminutivização: intensificação e atenuação de atos expressivos e diretivos para a dublagem de animação em português, espanhol e francêsIV Colloque International VariaR 2024, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Jun 2024, Montpellier, France. pp.43-44, ⟨10.3726/978-3-0351-0740-1⟩
Conference papers
Articulatory Configurations across Genders and Periods in French Radio and TV archivesInterspeech 2024, Itshak Lapidot; Sharon Gannot, Sep 2024, Kos, Greece. pp.3085-3089, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2024-1177⟩
Conference papers
Describing voice in French media archives: age and gender effects on pitch and articulation characteristicsXX Convegno Nazionale AISV, LFSAG (Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale "Arturo Genre") Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne Università degli Studi di Torino, Feb 2024, Turin (Italie), Italy
Conference papers
Dimensões das atitudes prosódicas entre culturasV Seminário Internacional de Fonologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Nov 2024, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Brazil
Conference papers
Detecting the terminality of speech-turn boundary for spoken interactions in French TV and Radio contentInterspeech 2024, Itshak Lapidot; Sharon Gannot, Sep 2024, Kos, Greece. pp.3560 - 3564, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2024-1163⟩
Conference papers
Collecting Mandible Movement in Brazilian PortugueseInterspeech 2024, Itshak Lapidot; Sharon Gannot, Sep 2024, Kos, Greece. pp.3145-3149, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2024-1216⟩
Conference papers
Cross Cultural perception of Valence and ArousalInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Radek Skarnitzl; Jan Volín, Aug 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.1776-1780
Conference papers
Discourse Markers as information units formally conveyed by prosodyDiscourse Markers - Theories and Methods, Laure Lansari; Ludivine Crible, May 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Evolution of voices in French audiovisual media across genders and age in a diachronic perspectiveInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Radek Skarnitzl; Jan Volín, Aug 2023, Prague (Czech Republic), Czech Republic. pp.753-757
Conference papers
Macro-and Micro-prosodic Changes in the Duration of Brazilian Portuguese VowelsInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Radek Skarnitzl; Jan Volín, Aug 2023, Prague (Czech Republic), Czech Republic. pp.1464-1468
Conference papers
Projet Gender Equality Monitor (GEM)18e Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications, 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI, 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, 2023, Paris, France. pp.21-21
Conference papers
Voix de femmes au parlement : d’Edith Cresson à Elisabeth BorneJournée d’étude Matérialités vocales - 3e édition - Voix, genre et médias, Louise Barrière; Déborah Gay; Fanny Mazzone; Véronique Perry, Jun 2023, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Voice Passing : a Non-Binary Voice Gender Prediction System for evaluating Transgender voice transitionINTERSPEECH 2023, Naomi Harte; Julie Carson-Berndsen; Gareth Jones, Aug 2023, Dublin, Ireland. pp.5207-5211, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2023-1835⟩
Conference papers
Comprendre les phénomènes permettant la gestion des tours de parole dans les contenus de médias audiovisuelsJournée commune AFIA-TLH / AFCP – “Extraction de connaissances interprétables pour l’étude de la communication parlée", Corinne Fredouille; Maëva Garnier; Olivier Perrotin; Marie Tahon, Dec 2023, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Developing a corpus of audio-visual attitudinal expressions in HindiInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Radek Skarnitzl; Jan Volín, Aug 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.4150-4154
Conference papers
A Valence-Arousal-Dominance Study of American English Social Affective ExpressionsSpeech Prosody 2022, May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.595-599, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-121⟩
Conference papers
A Semi-Automatic Approach to Create Large Gender-and Age-Balanced Speaker Corpora: Usefulness of Speaker Diarization & Identification13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Jun 2022, Marseille, France. pp.3271-3280
Conference papers
Perceptual Identification of Speech Acts in Gallo-Romance Dialects: A Study Based on Prosody Re-synthesisSpeech Prosody 2022, May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.435-439, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-89⟩
Conference papers
Visual channel influences the accuracy of listeners’ comprehension of Brazilian Portuguese intonation of wh-questions and wh-exclamations4TH PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY IN EUROPE, Jun 2021, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
A prosódia como marca formal para os Marcadores Discursivos e suas funçõesXIX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ASSOCIAÇÃO DE LINGUÍSTICA E FILOLOGIA DA AMÉRICA LATINA, josé Mendoza; Dermeval da Hora Oliveira; Miguel Oliveira Júnior, Aug 2021, Online, Bolivia
Conference papers
Can the prosody of statements and various types of questions be identified in Gallo-Romance dialects?1st International Conference of Tone and Intonation (TAI 2021), Dec 2021, Sønderborg, Denmark
Conference papers
Medida objetiva da variação prosódica entre línguas Românicas da FrançaXIX Congresso Internacional da Associação de Linguística e Filologia da América Latina, josé Mendoza; Dermeval da Hora Oliveira; Miguel Oliveira Júnior, Aug 2021, Online, Bolivia
Conference papers
O papel dos gestos faciais na percepção da entoação da asserção e da questão-eco em áudio limpo e degradadoIntercâmbio de Pesquisas em Linguística Aplicada, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Nov 2021, São Paulo, Brazil
Conference papers
Prosodic Boundary Prediction Model for Vietnamese Text-To-SpeechInterspeech 2021, Aug 2021, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.3885-3889, ⟨10.21437/interspeech.2021-125⟩
Conference papers
Prosodic speech acts: between acoustic codes and linguistic conventionalizationXIX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ASSOCIAÇÃO DE LINGUÍSTICA E FILOLOGIA DA AMÉRICA LATINA, josé Mendoza; Dermeval da Hora Oliveira, Aug 2021, Online, Bolivia
Conference papers
Statistical modeling of prosodic contours of four speech acts in Brazilian Portuguese10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. pp.404-408, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-83⟩
Conference papers
Perception of Audio-visual Expressions in German and Cantonese by Native Speakers of Hindi10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. pp.31-35, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-7⟩
Conference papers
Cross cultural differences in arousal and valence perceptions of voice quality10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, May 2020, Tokyo, Japan. pp.720-724, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-147⟩
Conference papers
Audiovisual Perception of WH-Questions and WH-Exclamations in Brazilian PortugueseInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain and Paul Warren (Eds.), Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Categorisation of spoken social affects in Japanese: human vs. machine19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
A Speaking Atlas of Minority Languages of France: Collection and Analyses of Dialectical DataInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain and Paul Warren (Eds.), Aug 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
The perception of prosodic cues in Brazilian Portuguese statements and echo-questions: analysis by resynthesisPhonetics and Phonology in Europe Conference, Jun 2019, Lecce, Italy
Conference papers
Interactions of voice quality settings10th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Sep 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.41-44, ⟨10.36505/ExLing-2019/10/0010/000372⟩
Conference papers
Cultural difference of the perceptual concept for Japanese social affects using a new free description approachInternational Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Aug 2019, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
A Speaking Atlas of Indigenous Languages of France and its OverseasLanguage Technologies for All (LT4All) Enabling Language Diversity & Multilingualism Worldwide, Dec 2019, Paris, France. pp.155-159
Conference papers
A Speaking Atlas of the Regional Languages of FranceInternational Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan
Conference papers
Cross-cultural (A)symmetries in Audio-visual Attitude PerceptionInterspeech 2018, Sep 2018, Hyderabad, India. ⟨10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1373⟩
Conference papers
Free Labeling of Audio-visual Attitudinal Expressions in Cantonese9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, Jun 2018, Poznań, Poland. ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-98⟩
Conference papers
Prosody: from affects to conventionalized speech actsCongresso Internacional da ABRALIN, Mar 2017, Niteroi, Brazil
Conference papers
Cartopho : un site web de cartographie de variantes de prononciation en françaisJournées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP 2016), 2016, Paris, Unknown Region. pp.119-127
Conference papers
Learning effect of social affective prosody in Japanese by French learnersInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2016), May 2016, Boston, United States. pp.970-973
Conference papers
Perception of prosodic transformation for Japanese social affectsSpeech Prosody, May 2016, Boston, United States. pp.989 - 993, ⟨10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016-203⟩
Conference papers
Perception of smiling in different modalities by native vs. non-native speakersInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2016), 2016, Boston, USA, Unknown Region. pp.639-643
Conference papers
Perception of prosodic social affect in Japanese by American learners of Japanese1st International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, May 2016, Nagoya, Japan
Conference papers
Perception of prosodic social affects in Japanese: A free-labeling studyInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2016), May 2016, Boston, United States. pp.811-815
Conference papers
Evaluation of the Impact of Corpus Phonetic Alignment on the HMM-Based Speech Synthesis QualityInternational Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing (SLSP 2015), 2015, Budapest, Hungary. pp.62-72, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-25789-1_7⟩
Conference papers
Comparison of chironomic stylization versus statistical modeling of prosody for expressive speech synthesisAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), 2015, Dresde, Germany. pp.5
Conference papers
Acoustic-Prosodic Analysis of Attitudinal Expressions in GermanAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), 2015, Dresden, Germany. pp.1294-1298
Conference papers
Cross-cultural comparison of socioaffective expressive strategies Paradigm and first results20 Intercâmbio de Pesquisa em Linguística Aplicada (InPLA 2015), 2015, São Paulo, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Classification of Auditory-Visual Attitudes in GermanThe 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation, and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (FAAVSP 2015), 2015, Vienna, Austria. pp.202-207
Conference papers
Perceptual Evaluation of Spoken Japanese Attitudes18th International Congress of Phonetic Science, Aug 2015, Glasgow, Scotland UK, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Prosodic phrasing modeling for Vietnamese TTS using syntactic informationAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2014), 2014, Singapore, Singapore. pp.2332-2336
Conference papers
Objective evaluation of HMM-based speech synthesis system using Kullback-Leibler divergenceProc. INTERSPEECH 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2014, Unknown, Singapore. pp.5
Conference papers
US English attitudinal prosody performances in L1 and L2 speakersInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2014), May 2014, Dublin, Ireland. pp.895-899
Conference papers
Perception of prosodic social affects in french: a free-labeling study18th of International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug 2014, Glasgow, Ireland
Conference papers
Une étude prosodique des questions en français en contact avec l’occitanJournées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2014) , Jun 2014, Le mans, France. pp.111-120
Conference papers
Audiovisual Perception of Expressions of Mandarin Chinese social affects by French L2 LearnersSpeech Prosody 2014 - 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Analyse prosodique des affects sociaux dans l'interaction face à face en japonaisXXXèmes Journées d'études sur la parole, Jun 2014, Le Mans, France
Conference papers
Prosodic Profiles of Social Affects in Mandarin ChineseSpeech Prosody 2014 - 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Intonation issues in HMM-based speech synthesis for VietnameseInternational Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU 2014), 2014, St Petersburg, Russia. pp.98-104
Conference papers
HMM-based TTS for Hanoi Vietnamese: issues in design and evaluationAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2013), 2013, Lyon, France. pp.2311-2315
Conference papers
Social face to face communication American English attitudinal prosodyAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2013), 2013, Lyon, France. pp.1648-1652
Conference papers
Audio-Visual micro-expressions within Japanese-French contrastWASSS 2013, 2013, Grenoble, France. pp.x-x
Conference papers
Cognitive distance of attitudes in ChineseWASSS 2013 - Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals, Aug 2013, Grenoble, France. poster session
Conference papers
Designing french tale corpora for entertaining text to speech synthesisInternational Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1003-1010
Conference papers
Acoustic analysis of a corpus of Brazilian Portuguese attitudesGSCP International Conference (GSCP 2012), 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers
Developmental perception of polite & impolite non-verbal behaviours in JapaneseGSCP International Conference (GSCP 2012), 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers
Can the tones (local function) influence the acoustic perception of the Vietnamese attitudes (global function) for French listeners (non tonal)?GSCP, 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. pp.x-x
Conference papers
Do you hear my attitude? Prosodic perception of social affects in MandarinSpeech Prosody 2012 - 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2012, Shanghai, China. pp.685-688
Conference papers
Prosodic analysis of Brazillian Portuguese attitudesSpeech Prosody 2012, May 2012, Shanghai, China. 4 p
Conference papers
Local vs. global prosodic cues: effect of tones on attitudinal prosody in cross-perception of Vietnamese by FrenchSpeech Prosody, 2012, Shangai, China. pp.x-x
Conference papers
Tonal Influences on the prosodic Cross-linguistic Perception of Mandarin Social Affects by French and Vietnamese listenersTAL 2012 - Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, May 2012, Nanjing, China. pp.n/c
Conference papers
Medidas da variação prosódica diatópica no espaço românicoGSCP International Conference (GSCP 2012), 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers
Prosodic Cross-linguistic Perception of Social Affects in Mandarin Chinese by natives, French and Vietnamese listenersGSCP 2012 International Conference, Feb 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. pp.n/c
Conference papers
Tonal Influences in the Prosodic Cross-Perception of Mandarin Social Affects by French and Vietnamese listenersTonal Aspects of Language, 2012, Nanjing, China. pp.x-x
Conference papers
Can the tones influence the acoustic perception of the Vietnamese attitudes by French listeners?GSCP International Conference (GSCP 2012), 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers
Facial gestures in the expression of prosodic attitudes of Brazilian PortugueseGSCP International Conference (GSCP 2012), 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers
Entends-tu mes attitudes? Perception de la prosodie des affects sociaux en chinois MandarinJEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012 - conférence conjointe 29e Journées d'Études sur la Parole, 19e Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 14e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, Jun 2012, Grenoble, France. pp.25-32
Conference papers
Modelling pause duration as a function of contextual lengthAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2012), 2012, Portland, USA, United States. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Perception of attitudinal meaning in interrogative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug 2011, Hong Kong, China. pp.I
Conference papers
Using dynamic time warping to compute prosodic similarity measuresAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2011), 2011, Florence, Italy. pp.2021-2024
Conference papers
Prosodic Analysis of a Corpus of Tales12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech'11), International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Aug 2011, Florence, Italy. pp.3129-3132
Conference papers
Learning effect of French prosodic social affects for Japanese learners of French languageInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2010), 2010, Chicago, USA, Unknown Region. 4p
Conference papers
Calliphony : a tool for real-time gestural modification and analysis of intonation and rythmInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2010), 2010, Chicago, USA, Unknown Region. 4p
Conference papers
Contrôle gestuel du modèle source/filtre de production de la voix10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Le projet AMPER: état d'avancement d'un projet de géoprosodieNuevos retos de la geolingüistica : el Atlas Multimedia de Prosodia del Espacio Romanic, Feb 2010, Séville, Espagne
Conference papers
Cross-cultural perception of Vietnamese audio-visual prosodic attitudesInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2010), 2010, Chicago, USA, Unknown Region. 4p
Conference papers
Contrôle gestuel du modèle source / filtre de production de la voixCongrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2010), 2010, Lyon, France. 4p
Conference papers
Prosodic correlates for the discrimination of acted vs spontaneous expressive speech : a pilot studyInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2010), 2010, Chicago, USA, Unknown Region. 4p
Conference papers
Multimodal perception and production of attitudinal meaning in Brazilian PortugueseInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2010), 2010, Chicago, USA, Unknown Region. 4p
Conference papers
Perception interculturelle des attitudes audio-visuelles vietnamiennesJournées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2010), 2010, Mons, Belgium. 4p
Conference papers
Japanese children's perception for audio-visual prosody of social politenessNational Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication - International Symposium on Asian Speech Resources, 2009, Xinjiang Province, China. 6p
Conference papers
Audio-visual prosody of social attitudes in Vietnamese : building and evaluating a tones balanced corpusAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2009), 2009, Brighton, UK, United Kingdom. 4p
Conference papers
Japanese children?s acquisition of prosodic politeness expressionsAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2009), 2009, Brighton, UK, United Kingdom. pp.1743-1746
Conference papers
Personality differences in the multimodal perception and expression of cultural attitudes and emotionsIEEE International Workshop on Social Signal Processing, 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 6p
Conference papers
Perception of the evolution of prosody in the French broadcast news styleAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2009), 2009, Brighton, UK, United Kingdom. pp.2531-2534
Conference papers
Comparison between Japanese children and adults perception of prosodic politeness expressionsMeetings on Acoustics, May 2009, Portland, United States. pp.062001, ⟨10.1121/1.3171002⟩
Conference papers
A diachronic study of prosody through French audio archivesInternational Conference on Speech Prosody (SP 2008), 2008, Campinas, Brazil. pp.531-534
Conference papers
Recognition of Japanese attitudes in Audio-Visual speechSpeech Prosody 2008 - 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2008, Campinas, Brazil. (à paraître)
Conference papers
How we are not equally competent for discriminating acted from spontaneous expressive speechSpeech Prosody 2008 - 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2008, Campinas, Brazil. pp.693-696
Conference papers
Emotions actées vs spontanées : variabilité des compétences perceptivesJEP 2008 - 27e Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Jun 2008, Avignon, France. 4p
Conference papers
Perception of French Audio-Visual Prosodic AttitudesSpeech Prosody 2008 - 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2008, Campinas, Brazil. (à paraître)
Conference papers
Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for HungarianLREC 2008 - 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 2008, Marrakech, Morocco. à paraître
Conference papers
Etude diachronique de l'accent initial au travers d'archives audioJournées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2008), 2008, Avignon, France. pp.1621-1624
Conference papers
Acoustic and articulatory cues for Taiwanese, Japanese and American listener's perception of Chinese happy and sad speechFall meeting of The Acoustic Society of Japan, 2008, Unknown, Japan. pp.351-354
Conference papers
Formant lowering in spontaneous crying speechMeeting of Acoustical Society of America (Acoustics 2008), 2008, Miami, Florida, Unknown Region. pp.2556
Conference papers
A cross-linguistic comparison of perception to formant frequency cues in emotional speechOriental COCOSDA, 2008, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
How we are not all competent the same for discriminating acted from spontaneous expressive speechSpeech Prosody 2008 - 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2008, Campinas, Brazil. à paraître
Conference papers
Nihongo hatsuwa ni okeru hatsuwa taido no chikaku : nihongo kankokugo wo taisho niInternational Symposium on Education and Teaching Materials for Spoken Japanese Language, 2007, Kobe, Japan
Conference papers
Calliphony : a real-time intonation controller for expressive speech synthesisISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW 2007), 2007, Bonn, Germany. 6p
Conference papers
Cross-Listening of Japanese, English and French social affect : about universals, false friends and unknown attitudesICPhS 2007 - 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany. pp.2097-2100
Conference papers
Computerized chironomy : evaluation of hand-controlled intonation reiterationEUROSPEECH conference (INTERSPEECH 2007), 2007, Antwerp, Belgium. pp.1270-1273
Conference papers
When is the emotional information? a gating experiment for gradient and contours cuesICPhS 2007 - 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany. pp.2137-2140
Conference papers
3D audiovisual rendering and real-time interactive control of expressivity in a Talking HeadInternational Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2007), 2007, Paris, France. 8p
Conference papers
Auto-annotation : an alternative method to label expressive corportaLREC, 2006, Gênes, Italy
Conference papers
Le focus prosodique n'est pas que déictique: le modèle VID (Valence-Intensité-DomaineJEP, Jun 2006, Dinard, France
Conference papers
The focus prosody: more than a simple binary functionInterspeech'2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005, Lisbone, Portugal. pp.1373-1376
Conference papers
La plateforme E-Wiz (Expressive-Wizard of Oz) : capture d'expressions authentiques en Interaction Homme-MachinePremier Workshop francophone sur les Agents Conversationnels Animés, 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.161-164
Conference papers
De E-Wiz à E-clone: méthodologie expérimentale pour la modélisation des émotions et affects authentiquesPremier Workshop francophone sur les Agents Conversationnels Animés, 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.125-134
Conference papers
The prosodic dimensions of emotion in speech: the relative weights of parametersInterspeech'2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.525-528
Conference papers
The relative weights of prosodic parameters for the expression of emotion in speech: a resynthesis studyFirst international conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, 2005, Beijing, China. pp.527-534
Conference papers
Towards a storytelling humanoid robot2010, 4p
Other publications
Computerized chironomy : from hand gesture in Gregorian singing to hand-controlled synthesis of intonation2008
Other publications
Linguistic varieties in Brazil and beyond (dossier thématique)Diadorim - Revista cientifica do programa de pos-graduaçào em letras vernàculas, 23 (1), 2021, Variedades linguísticas dentro e fora do brasil / Linguistic varieties in brazil and beyond, ISSN: 1980-2552
Special issue