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Alda Mari



Evidentiality, Assertivity, Trustworthiness in Social Networks

Alda Mari
Grammar of Interaction, University of Alicante, Oct 2024, Alicante, Spain
Conference papers halshs-04861533v1

Expressivity and semantic composition : evidence from mica exclamative questions

Alda Mari
Workshop Functional categories, dimensions of meaning, and expletiveness, University of Barcelona, Jun 2024, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-04860961v1
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Assertion, cooperativity and evidence on X

Marie Boscaro , Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari , Valentin Tinarrage
28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Sep 2024, Trento, Italy
Conference papers halshs-04707500v1

Assertion, evidentiality and trust in social networks

Marie Boscaro , Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
RALFE, Jun 2024, Bayonne, France
Conference papers hal-04860951v1
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Action-oriented apprehensives and the embedding of negative purpose adjuncts

Chloé Tahar , Alda Mari
Formal Diachronic Semantics, Université de Bologne, Nov 2024, Bologne (ITA), Italy
Conference papers hal-04860953v1

Truth judgment, internal states and LLMs

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
AIAI Workshop, University of Göttingen, May 2024, Göttingen, Germany
Conference papers hal-04860958v1
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Classification de tweets en situation d'urgence pour la gestion de crises

Romain Meunier , Leila Moudjari , Farah Benamara , Véronique Moriceau , Alda Mari
18e Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications -- 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI -- 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles -- 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, 2023, Paris, France. pp.204-216
Conference papers hal-04130181v1
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Epistemic Future In Questions: Evidence Quality And The Mirativity Effect Of Mica

Alda Mari
Proceedings of IATL 36, Jul 2023, Bar Ilan, France
Conference papers halshs-04354269v1
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Give me your Intentions, I'll Predict Our Actions: A Two-level Classification of Speech Acts for Crisis Management in Social Media

Enzo Laurenti , Nils Bourgon , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari , Véronique Moriceau
13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Jun 2022, Marseille, France. pp.4333-4343
Conference papers hal-03707232v1
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Are Sudden Crises Making me Collapse? Measuring Transfer Learning Performances on Urgency Detection

Nils Bourgon , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari , Véronique Moriceau , Gaëtan Chevalier
19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2022), ISCRAM Organisation; National School of Engineers of Tarbes (France), May 2022, Tarbes, France
Conference papers hal-03707241v1
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Speech acts and Communicative Intentions for Urgency Detection

Enzo Laurenti , Nils Bourgon , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari , Véronique Moriceau
11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2022), Jul 2022, Seatle, United States. ⟨10.18653/v1/2022.starsem-1.25⟩
Conference papers hal-03730461v1
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Forbid is not order not *

Bridget Copley , Alda Mari
NELS 52 (Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society), Oct 2021, New Brunswick, United States
Conference papers hal-03898351v1
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He said “who’s gonna take care of your children when you are at ACL?”: Reported Sexist Acts are Not Sexist

Patricia Chiril , Véronique Moriceau , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari , Gloria Origgi
58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020), ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics, Jul 2020, Online, France. pp.4055-4066, ⟨10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.373⟩
Conference papers ijn_03046501v1
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An Annotated Corpus for Sexism Detection in French Tweets

Patricia Chiril , Véronique Moriceau , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari , Gloria Origgi
12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), May 2020, online, France. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-02889035v1
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Grammatical mood and ambiguity aversion

Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde , Alda Mari , David Nicolas , David Blunier
ExLing 2019 10th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Sep 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.25 - 27
Conference papers halshs-02869834v1
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“Chaque vin a sa lie." versus “Toute nuit a un jour." --- does the difference in the human processing of " chaque" and " tout" match the difference between the proof rules for conjunction and quantification?

Alda Mari , Christian Retoré
(In)Coherence of discourse, M. Amblard; M. Musiol; M. Rebuschi, Dec 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01341007v1

Epistemic attitudes consensus and truth

Alda Mari
Workshop on Modality and Subjectivity, Apr 2015, Chicago, IL, United States
Conference papers ijn_01353392v1

Emotive factives and the puzzle of the subjunctive

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Chicago LInguistic Society, Apr 2015, Chicago, France
Conference papers ijn_01153919v1
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Emotive predicates and the subjunctive: a flexible mood OT account based on (non)veridicality

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Sinn und Bedeutung 20, Sep 2015, Tübingen, Germany. pp.288-305
Conference papers hal-03896737v1
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Mixed (Non)veridicality and mood choice with emotive verbs

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
CLS 51, Apr 2015, Chicago, France
Conference papers ijn_01181251v1

Constraints on quantificational domains : generic plural des indefinites in French

Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin , Alda Mari
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11, 2007, Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. pp.165-179
Conference papers halshs-00751101v1

Generic Plural Indefinites : Sums or Groups ?

Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin , Alda Mari
Proceedings of NELS 37, 2007, United States. pp.205-218
Conference papers halshs-00761794v1


Jacques Jayez , Alda Mari
Sinn und Bedeutung 9, Nov 2004, Nijmegen, Germany. pp.155-169
Conference papers halshs-00391080v1
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La construction de composants de connaissance pour l'extraction et le filtrage de l'information sur les réseaux

Luc Grivel , Sylvie Guillemin-Lanne , Christian Lautier , Alda Mari
Filtrage et résumé automatique de l'information sur les réseaux, 3ème congrès du Chapitre français de l'ISKO International Society for knowledge Organization, Jul 2001
Conference papers sic_00000466v1
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Solipsistic and inter-subjective attitude reports. From representational to volitionals

Enzo Laurenti , Alda Mari
Susana Rodríguez Rosique; Jordi M. Antolí Martínez. Verb and Context. The impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories, 34, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.171-202, 2023, IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, ⟨10.1075/ivitra.34.08lau⟩
Book sections hal-03984248v1
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Belief and Performativity

Alda Mari
Aspects of Tenses, Modality, and Evidentiality, 2021, ⟨10.1163/9789004468184_011⟩
Book sections halshs-02870102v1
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The French Future: evidentiality and incremental information

Alda Mari
Ad Foolen; Helen de Hoop; Gijs Mulder. Evidence for evidentiality, John Benjamins, pp.199-226, 2018, ⟨10.1075/hcp.61.09mar⟩
Book sections hal-03896728v1
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Pour une anatomie des règles : le cas des jugements mixtes avec noms nus pluriels en italien.

Alda Mari
Approches plurielles du nom sans déterminant : distributions, interprétations, fonctions, 2017
Book sections ijn_02162147v1
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Epistemic future and epistemic MUST: nonveridicality, evidence, and par- tial knowledge

Alda Mari , Anastasia Giannakidou
Mood, Aspect, Modality RevisitedNew Answers to Old Questions, University of Chicago Press, 2016, 9780226363523
Book sections ijn_02161962v1
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Actuality Entailments: When the Modality is in the Presupposition

Alda Mari
Lecture Notes In Computer Science, pp.191-210, 2016
Book sections ijn_02162129v1
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Overt and covert modality in generic sentences

Alda Mari
Cahiers Chronos 27, Brill, pp.265-288, 2015
Book sections ijn_02161876v1
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La dimension évaluative du futur : le rôle des adverbes

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Le futur dans les langues Romanes. Baranzini, L. and de Saussure L. (eds)., Peter Lang, 2015
Book sections ijn_01117822v1

L'interprétation des constructions coordonnées

Anne Abeillé , Alda Mari , François Mouret
Abeillé, Anne; Godard, Danièle; Delaveau, Annie;. La grande Grammaire du français, Actes Sud, 2013
Book sections halshs-00748348v1
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Alda Mari , Claire Beyssade , Fabio Del Prete
Genericity, Oxford University Press, 2012, Genericity, 9780199691807
Book sections ijn_02161789v1
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Alda Mari , Claire Beyssade , Fabio Del Prete
Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade, Fabio Del Prete. Genericity, Oxford University Press, pp.1-92, 2012, Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 978-0-19-969180-7. ⟨10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199691807.003.0001⟩
Book sections hal-00992406v1
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Another look at Italian generic sentences

Alda Mari
Romance Linguistics 2010, 2011
Book sections ijn_01150199v1
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Bare and indefinite NPs in predicative position in French

Alda Mari , Fabienne Martin
Schafer. Incremental specification in context, University of Stuttgart, pp.119-144, 2008
Book sections ijn_00354265v1
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Analyticity under perspective: indefinite generics in French

Alda Mari
Gronn. Proceedings of SuB12, University of Oslo, pp.414-429, 2008
Book sections ijn_00354269v1
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Analyticity and In virtue Of generalizations in French'

Alda Mari
Charles B. Chang and Hannah J. Haynie. Proceedings of WCCFL 26, Cascadilla Press, Sommerville, pp.357-365, 2008
Book sections ijn_00354271v1
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Constraints on Quantificational Domains: Generic Plural des-Indefinites in French

Alda Mari , Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin
E. Puig-Waldmüller. proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11, University of Barcelona, pp.165-179, 2007
Book sections ijn_00354290v1
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What do Instrumentality and Manner have in common

Alda Mari
Saint-Dizier, P. The Syntax and the Semantics of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases, Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp.263-286, 2006
Book sections ijn_00354451v1
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An additive and a scalar particle: the case of the Italian ‘neppure' and its French counterparts

Alda Mari , Lucia Tovena
J.P. Montreuil et C. Nishida. New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics. Vol. 1: Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics., John Benjamins, pp.187-200, 2006
Book sections ijn_00354446v1
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Linearizing sets: each other

Alda Mari
O. Bonami & P. Cabredo Hofherr. Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 6, cnrs, pp.249-283, 2006
Book sections ijn_00354314v1
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Intensional and epistemic wholes

Alda Mari
E. Machery and M. Werning. (eds),. The compositionality of Meaning and Content. Vol I Foundational issues., Ontos Verlag, pp.189-212, 2005
Book sections ijn_00655950v1
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Intensional and epistemic wholes

Alda Mari
The compositionality of Meaning and Content. Vol I Foundational issues, Ontos Verlag, pp.189-212, 2005
Book sections ijn_00354448v1
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Sous-spécification et interprétation contextuelle

Alda Mari
F. Corblin et C. Gardent. Interpréter en Contexte, Hermès, pp.81-106, 2005
Book sections ijn_00354453v1
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Alda Mari
Maier, E., Bary, C. et Huitink, J. Proceedings Sinn und Bedeutung 9, UNiversity of Nijmegen, pp.155-169, 2005
Book sections ijn_00354457v1
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Offer `can'

Marta Abrusan , Enzo Laurenti , Alda Mari
Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique, In press
Journal articles hal-04876576v1
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Turning expletive: from embedded speech-acts to embedded propositions

Chloé Tahar , Alda Mari
Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique, 2024, 68 (4), pp.590-614. ⟨10.1017/cnj.2023.32⟩
Journal articles halshs-04068714v1
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The Italian futuro as a non-biased epistemic necessity: A reply to Ippolito and Farkas

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Linguistics and Philosophy, 2023, 46, pp.1269-1284. ⟨10.1007/s10988-023-09383-4⟩
Journal articles halshs-04354294v1
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Desire, moral evaluation or sense of duty: The modal framing of stated preference elicitation

Eva Wanek , Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde , Alda Mari
Environmental Values, In press, ⟨10.1177/09632719231212391⟩
Journal articles halshs-04354354v1
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Interpreting high negation in Negative Interrogatives: the role of the Other

Pierre Larrivée , Alda Mari
Linguistics Vanguard : a Multimodal Journal for the Language Sciences, 2022, 8 (s2), pp.219-226. ⟨10.1515/lingvan-2020-0115⟩
Journal articles hal-03898338v1
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Mood variation with belief predicates: Modal comparison and the raisability of questions

Alda Mari , Paul Portner
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2021-..), 2021, ⟨10.16995/glossa.5726⟩
Journal articles halshs-03509240v1
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A linguistic framework for knowledge, belief, and veridicality judgement

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Know, 2021, 5 (2), ⟨10.1086/716348⟩
Journal articles halshs-03088697v1
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Negative priorities: evidence from prohibitive and expletive negation

Alda Mari , Chloé Tahar
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung , 2020, 24 (2), ⟨10.18148/sub/2020.v24i2.886⟩
Journal articles ijn_03085340v1
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A three-level classification of French tweets in ecological crises

Diego Kozlowski , Elisa Lannelongue , Frédéric Saudemont , Farah Benamara , Alda Mari
Information Processing and Management, 2020, 57 (5), pp.1-46. ⟨10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102284⟩
Journal articles hal-02889027v1
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From epistemic modality to concessivity: Alternatives and pragmatic reasoning per absurdum

Laura Baranzini , Alda Mari
Journal of Pragmatics, 2019, 142, pp.116-138. ⟨10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.002⟩
Journal articles ijn_02194771v1
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A unified analysis of the future as epistemic modality the view from Greek and Italian

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 2018, 36 (1), pp.85-129. ⟨10.1007/s11049-017-9366-z⟩
Journal articles ijn_02194772v1
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The semantic roots of positive polarity: epistemic modal verbs and adverbs in English, Greek and Italian

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Linguistics and Philosophy, 2018, 41 (6), pp.623-664. ⟨10.1007/s10988-018-9235-1⟩
Journal articles ijn_02194773v1
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Conditions d’assertion de "chaque" et de "tout" et règles de déduction du quantificateur universel

Alda Mari , Christian Retoré
Travaux de Linguistique : Revue Internationale de Linguistique Française, 2016, 72, pp.89-106. ⟨10.3917/tl.072.0089⟩
Journal articles hal-01471265v1
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Review of Carrara et al. eds. Unity and Plurality: Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics

Alda Mari
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2016
Journal articles hal-03896699v1
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French future: exploring the future ratification hypothesis

Alda Mari
Journal of French Language Studies, 2015, ⟨10.1017/S0959269515000289⟩
Journal articles ijn_01204953v1
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Each Other, Asymmetry and Reasonable Futures

Alda Mari
Journal of Semantics, 2014, 31 (2), pp.209 - 261. ⟨10.1093/jos/fft003⟩
Journal articles ijn_02161864v1
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Alda Mari
Rercherches Linguistiques de VIncennes, 2012
Journal articles ijn_02161805v1

Les abstractions sont-elles des règles ? Le cas de : avec

Jacques Jayez , Alda Mari
Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, 2002, N° 12, pp.53- 77
Journal articles halshs-00425262v1
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Les abstractions sont-elles des règles ? Le cas de avec.

Alda Mari , Jacques Jayez
Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, 2002, 12, pp.53-77
Journal articles ijn_00656098v2
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Scope ambiguities in future questions: reflection and queclamative with Italian MICA

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-04487338v1
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The Human and the Mechanical: logos, truthfulness, and ChatGPT

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-04434082v1
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Mere-desire and action-oriented bouletics in French

Alda Mari , Enzo Laurenti
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-04074769v1
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On Prohibitive and Expletive Negations

Alda Mari , Chloé Tahar
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-02865961v1
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The epistemic and the counterfactual interpretations of present perfect 'pouvoir' in French

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00839362v1
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(Co)vert modality in generic sentenes

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00680238v1
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On the evidential nature of the Italian future

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00678549v1
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Raisonnement temporel et modalité

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00451836v1
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Future, judges and normalcy conditions

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00354462v1
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Generic Sentences and Types of Judgments

Alda Mari , Fabienne Martin
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00429982v1
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Epistemic and circumstantial modality in the present perfect (present and imperfective) in French and Italian

Alda Mari
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00430552v2
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Perfective and Imperfective in French Kinds of abilities and Actuality Entailment (And some notes on epistemic readings)

Alda Mari , Fabienne Martin
Preprints, Working Papers, ... ijn_00416168v1

A truth and Veridicality in Grammar and Thought

Anastasia Giannakidou , Alda Mari
The University of Chicago Press, 2021, 9780226763484
Books hal-03898391v1


Alda Mari , Claire Beyssade , Fabio Del Prete
Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade, Fabio Del Prete. Oxford University Press, pp.464, 2013, Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, David Adger, Hagit Borer, 978-0-19-969180-7. ⟨10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199691807.001.0001⟩
Books hal-00992403v1

Modalités et Temps: des modèles aux données.

Alda Mari
Peter Lang. Peter Lang., pp.250 env., 2013, Sciences de la Communication, Louis de Saussures
Books halshs-00765789v1

Forbid is not order not

Bridget Copley , Alda Mari
Proceedings of NELS 52 (Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society), 52, 2022
Proceedings hal-04455716v1
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Assertability conditions of epistemic (and fictional) attitudes and mood variation

Alda Mari
Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 26, pp.61-81, 2016, ⟨10.3765/salt.v26i0.3782⟩
Proceedings hal-03896764v1
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Sentence meaning as argumentative dialogues

Davide Catta , Alda Mari , Christian Retoré
SEMDIAL: Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Nov 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. , 22nd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
Conference poster hal-02150083v1