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**Working on ecology, diversity and evolution of plants, I’m interested by wild life and conservation in general. In my other life I’m living with my wife and my son in Marseille, also climbing, hiking and reading a lot.** Cursus • 2013 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : « Situation des structures de diversité génétique dans l’enquête écologique », Aix-Marseille Université • 2002 : Maître de conférences de l’Université Paul Cézanne, Aix Marseille III • 2002 : Attaché temporaire de l’Université Rennes I (ATER) • 2001 : Thèse de l’Université Rennes I, mention Biologie : « Contexte phylogénétique et conséquences génomiques de l’hybridation et de la polyploïdie : Les enseignements d’une jeune espèce, Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard (Poacées) ». • 1998 : DEA Écologie Université Rennes I • 1997 : Maîtrise Biologie et Ecologie, Université Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble I • 1993 : Bac D. Lycée Alain Borne, Montélimar. Despite the appearances my research objective is clear : To improve new knowledge on diversity because [« we can not protect what we do not know »]( "« we can not protect what we do not know » (nouvelle fenêtre)") ... Some key-words and selected papers, **Phylogeography, Biogeography, Plant systematic, Niche ecology, DNA, Polymorphism, Molecular ecology, Diversity, ...** - Baumel A, Roquet C, Lavergne S, Smyčka J, Garaud L, Abdulhak S, Dentant C, Mouly A, Vuillemenot M, Crémel K, chemin C, Auclair L, Charrier M (2023) Evolutionary distinctiveness with incomplete isolation of the narrow endemic alpine plant Saxifraga delphinensis Ravaud. AlpineBotany 133, 85–99 - Baumel A, Nieto Feliner G, Médail F, La Malfa S, Di Guardo M, Bou Dagher Kharrat M, Lakhal-Mirleau F, Frelon V, Ouahmane L, Diadema K, Sanguin H, Viruel J 2022. Genome-wide footprints in the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) unveil a new domestication pattern of a fruit tree in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology, 31: 4095-4111 - Viruel J, Le Galliot N, Pironon S, Nieto Feliner G, Suc JP, Lakhal-Mirleau F, Juin M., Selva M., Bou Dagher Kharrat M, Ouahmane L, Malfa S, Diadema K, Sanguin H, Méail F, Baumel A (2020). A strong east–west Mediterranean divergence supports a new phylogeographic history of the carob tree ( Ceratonia siliqua , Leguminosae) and multiple domestications from native populations. Journal of Biogeography 47(2), 460-471. - Migliore, J., Baumel, A., Leriche, A., Juin, M., & Médail, F. (2018). Surviving glaciations in the Mediterranean region : an alternative to the long-term refugia hypothesis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 187(4), 537-549. - Baumel, A., Mirleau, P., Viruel, J., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., La Malfa, S., Ouahmane, L., ... & Médail, F. (2018). Assessment of plant species diversity associated with the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, Fabaceae) at the Mediterranean scale. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 151(2), 185-193 - Hardion, L., Dumas, P. J., Abdel-Samad, F., Kharrat, M. B. D., Surina, B., Affre, L., ... & Baumel, A. (2016). Geographical isolation caused the diversification of the Mediterranean thorny cushion-like Astragalus L. sect. Tragacantha DC.(Fabaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97:187-195 - Pouget, M., Youssef, S., Dumas, P. J., Baumberger, T., San Roman, A., Torre, F., ... & Baumel, A. (2016). Spatial mismatches between plant biodiversity facets and evolutionary legacy in the vicinity of a major Mediterranean city. Ecological Indicators, 60, 736-745. - Pouget, M., Youssef, S., Migliore, J., Juin, M., Médail, F., & Baumel, A. (2013). Phylogeography sheds light on the central–marginal hypothesis in a Mediterranean narrow endemic plant. Annals of botany, 112 : 1409-1420. - Migliore, J., Baumel, A., Juin, M., & Médail, F. (2012). From Mediterranean shores to central Saharan mountains : key phylogeographical insights from the genus Myrtus. Journal of Biogeography, 39(5), 942-956. - Youssef, S., Baumel, A., Véla, E., Juin, M., Dumas, E., Affre, L., & Tatoni, T. (2011). Factors underlying the narrow distribution of the Mediterranean annual plant Arenaria provincialis (Caryophyllaceae). Folia Geobotanica, 46(4), 327-350.

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