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Alexandra SANDU



Analyzing the spatial patterns of the urban development in post-socialist cities from Eastern and Central Europe

Alexandra Sandu , Lydia Coudroy de Lille , Octavian Groza
59th ERSA Congress Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges, Aug 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers halshs-02189457v1

A comparative analysis of the land-use patterns of the post-socialist urban peripheries in Central and Eastern Europe

Alexandra Sandu , Lydia Coudroy de Lille
International Conference Urban Peripheries of European Cities: Social Institutions, Policies, and Territories, Jun 2019, Milan, Italy
Conference papers halshs-02189436v1

La résilience urbaine : un outil pour décrypter les transformations urbaines post-socialistes des pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale

Alexandra Sandu , Alexandru Bănică
56ème colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Jul 2019, Iasi, Roumanie
Conference papers halshs-02189445v1

Les villes post-socialistes en Europe centrale et orientale – des structures captives entre la croissance spatiale et le déclin démographique

Alexandra Sandu
Colloque Géographique International « DIMITRIE CANTEMIR », XXXVIIIème édition, Oct 2018, Iasi, Roumanie
Conference papers halshs-02127912v1

Urban (re)densification and/or urban sprawl? What trajectory for the Romanian city after the adhesion to the European Union?

Alexandra Sandu
6ÈME CONGRÈS EUGEO, Société Royale Belge de Géographie, Sep 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers halshs-01586424v1
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Alexandra Sandu
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017 Jun 2017, Albena, Bulgaria. SGEM2017, INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING, Jun 2017, Albena, Bulgaria. pp.799-806, ⟨10.5593/sgem2017/23/S11.100⟩
Conference papers halshs-01561513v1
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Alexandra Sandu , Octavian Groza
17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017 Jun 2017, Albena, Bulgaria. SGEM2017, SGEM 2017, Jun 2017, Albena, Bulgaria. pp.867-874, ⟨10.5593/sgem2017/23/S11.109⟩
Conference papers halshs-01561509v1

L'utilisation de SIG dans l'évaluation de l'accessibilité spatiale aux services éducatifs en Roumanie

Alexandra Sandu , Mihail Eva
Colloque SIG 2017, Sep 2017, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers halshs-01618957v1

La grande ville roumaine après l'adhésion. Etudes de cas : Timișoara, Bacău et Sibiu

Alexandra Sandu , Octavian Groza
Colloque Géographique International « DIMITRIE CANTEMIR », XXXVIIème édition, Oct 2017, Iasi, Roumanie
Conference papers halshs-01618954v1

Trajectoires et inerties territoriales en Europe Centre-orientale

Octavian Groza , Alexandra Sandu , Lydia Coudroy de Lille
Les défis de développement pour les villes et les régions dans une Europe en mutation", ASRDLF; section Grecque de l’ERSA, Jul 2017, Athènes Grèce
Conference papers halshs-01561955v1

Restructuration territoriale et résilience dans les Carpates Orientales roumaines. Étude de cas : la dépression de Hangu

Ionel Muntele , Adrian Grozavu , Alexandra Sandu
La montagne, territoire d'innovation, LabEx ITEM (Innovation et Territoires de montagne) Jan 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers halshs-01445575v1

La figure du chaos pour penser la ville « post-socialiste »

Lydia Coudroy de Lille , Alexandra Sandu , Octavian Groza
Colloque Géographique International « DIMITRIE CANTEMIR », XXXVIème édition, Université « Alexandru Ioan Cuza » de Iași (Roumanie), Oct 2016, Iasi, Roumanie
Conference papers halshs-01397067v1

Resilient development? The evolution of western peri-urban area of Iași

Alexandra Sandu , Alexandru Banica
International Geographic Seminar "DIMITRIE CANTEMIR", the 36th edition, Oct 2016, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers halshs-01397130v1
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A comparative study of the urban morphology in Europe using GMES Urban Atlas: the post-socialist city vs. the capitalist city (Romania vs. France)

Alexandra Sandu
16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, Jun 2016, Albena, Bulgaria. ⟨10.5593/SGEM2016/B23/S11.001⟩
Conference papers halshs-01397098v1

Mapping the spatial patterns of the urban sprawl in Central and Eastern Europe. What particularities for the post-socialist city ?

Alexandra Sandu
, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, Jun 2016, Albena, Bulgaria
Conference papers halshs-01397725v1

Spatial disparities in the distribution of green urban spaces in the postsocialist cities- a GIS approach. Case study: Romania

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium GEOMAT - 2015, Nov 2015, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers halshs-01397738v1

Sistemul urban post-socialist românesc : Policentricitate vs monocentricitate

Bogdan Gabriel Ionescu , Alexandra Sandu
Colloque National « Mihai David », Nov 2015, Rarau, Romania
Conference papers halshs-01397795v1

Utilizarea SIG în analiza dinamicii spaţio-temporale a expansiunii urbane în oraşele post-socialiste româneşti

Alexandra Sandu
Colloque National « Mihai David » , Nov 2015, Rarau, Romania
Conference papers halshs-01397796v1

L’analyse morphologique des villes en Europe Centrale et Orientale. Etude de cas : Bulgarie, Roumanie et Hongrie

Alexandra Sandu , Emmanuelle Boulineau
Colloque International « Dimitrie Cantemir » 2015, Oct 2015, Iasi, Roumanie
Conference papers halshs-01397748v1

A GIS-based analysis for assessing the accessibility to green urban areas: the post-socialist city vs the neo-liberal city

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium “ Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Jun 2018, Iasi, Romania
Conference poster halshs-02127921v1

Urban green areas : a study of potential accessibility in cities from Central and Eastern Europe

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Oct 2018, Iasi, Romania
Conference poster halshs-02127917v1

Sprawling or compact post-socialist cities? Case study: Romania

Alexandra Sandu
Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Jun 2017, Iasi, Romania.
Conference poster halshs-01534061v1

Compact or dispersed? A comparative analysis of the urban sprawl across the post-socialist cities – a GIS approach

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium GEOMAT - 2016 , Nov 2016, Iasi, Romania.
Conference poster halshs-01397116v1

Evaluarea accesibilităţii potenţiale la spaţiile verzi urbane cu ajutorul instrumentelor GIS. Studiu de caz: Lyon, Franţa

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium SIG, Oct 2015, Iasi, Romania
Conference poster halshs-01397790v1

Variaţii temporale şi spaţiale ale poluanţilor atmosferici în Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Est

Diana Elena Bobric , Madalina Andreea Moisii , Alexandra Sandu
Colloque International « Dimitrie Cantemir » , Oct 2015, Iasi, Romania
Conference poster halshs-01397782v1

The Sustainable Urban Development Challenge. How Green Are The Romanian post-Socialist cities?

Alexandra Sandu
International Symposium Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Jun 2015, Iasi, Romania
Conference poster halshs-01397764v1
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Les types d’utilisation du sol dans les périphéries des villes d’Europe Médiane : le cas de la Pologne et de la Roumanie

Alexandra Sandu , Lydia Coudroy de Lille
Locatelli A.M., Molinari P., Besana C., Martinelli N. Periferie europee. Istituzioni sociali, politiche, luoghi, FrancoAngeli, pp.140-155, 2021, 9788835125228
Book sections halshs-03250828v1