Alexandre Bonlarron
A new method to generate automatically highly standardized reading chart text in multiple languages: the case of MNREADARVO 2024 - Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May 2024, Seattle (USA), Washington, United States
Conference poster
Intertwining NLP and CP-AI-OR Reasoning for Constrained Text GenerationJournée Natural Language Argumentation – GDR TAL – GDR RADIA, Nov 2023, Sophia Antipolis (06), France.
Conference poster
Génération de texte sous contraintes pour mesurer des performances de lecture : Une nouvelle approche basée sur les diagrammes de décisions multivaluésConference poster hal-03673066v1 |
Intertwining CP and NLP: The Generation of Unreasonably Constrained SentencesThirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}, Aug 2024, Jeju, South Korea. pp.7600-7608, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2024/841⟩
Conference papers
Markov Constraint as Large Language Model SurrogateThirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}, Aug 2024, Jeju, South Korea. pp.1844-1852, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2024/204⟩
Conference papers
Constraints First: A New MDD-based Model to Generate Sentences Under ConstraintsProceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI23 ), Aug 2023, Macao SAR, China. pp.1893-1901, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2023/210⟩
Conference papers
Bridging Worlds: The Splicing of MDD and GPT for Constrained Text GenerationCNIA 2023 - Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle, AFIA, Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Génération de texte sous contraintes pour mesurer des performances de lecture : Une nouvelle approche basée sur les diagrammes de décisions multivaluésJFPC 2022 - Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Jun 2022, Saint-Étienne, France
Conference papers