Legionella pneumophila subverts the antioxidant defenses of its amoeba host Acanthamoeba castellanii
Alban Hay
Willy Aucher
Romain Pigeault
Joanne Bertaux
Alexandre Crépin
Journal articles
Exposure to endocrine disruptors promotes biofilm formation and contributes to increased virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Audrey Thiroux
Jérôme Labanowski
Nicolas Venisse
Stéphanie Crapart
Chloé Boisgrollier
Journal articles
In vitro reciprocal interactions between yeasts from human cutaneous mycobiota and parabens used in cosmetics
Mohammed Benlaassri
Florine Ecale
Alexandre Crépin
Marie-Helene Rodier
Nicolas Venisse
Journal articles
Application of QSAR Approach to Assess the Effects of Organic Pollutants on Bacterial Virulence Factors
Roukaya Al Haj Ishak Al Ali
Leslie Mondamert
Jean-Marc Berjeaud
Joelle Jandry
Alexandre Crépin
Journal articles
Sensitivity of Legionella pneumophila to phthalates and their substitutes
Alexandre Crépin
Audrey Thiroux
Aurélien Alafaci
Amine Boukerb
Izelenn Dufour
Journal articles
The risk of bacterial virulence in the face of concentrated river pollution
Roukaya Al Haj Ishak Al Ali
Leslie Mondamert
Alexandre Crépin
Maha Al Badany
Joelle Jandry
Journal articles
Effect of endocrine disruptors on bacterial virulence
Audrey Thiroux
Jean-Marc Berjeaud
Romain Villéger
Alexandre Crépin
Journal articles
Development of an in vitro Model of Human Gut Microbiota for Screening the Reciprocal Interactions With Antibiotics, Drugs, and Xenobiotics
Abdelaziz El Houari
Florine Ecale
Anne Mercier
Stéphanie Crapart
Jérôme Laparre
Journal articles
Effect of Phthalates and Their Substitutes on the Physiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mélissande Louis
Ali Tahrioui
Julien Verdon
Audrey David
Sophie Rodrigues
Journal articles
Implication of actin in the uptake of sucrose and valine in the tap root and leaf of sugar beet
Philippe Michonneau
Pierrette Fleurat‐lessard
Anne Cantereau
Alexandre Crépin
Gabriel Roblin
Journal articles
Legionella spp. all ears? The broad occurrence of quorum sensing elements outside Legionella pneumophila
Benjamin Herran
Pierre Grève
Jean-Marc Berjeaud
Joanne Bertaux
Alexandre Crépin
Journal articles
Biocontrol of Biofilm Formation: Jamming of Sessile-Associated Rhizobial Communication by Rhodococcal Quorum-Quenching
Yvann Bourigault
Sophie Rodrigues
Alexandre Crépin
Andrea Chane
Laure Taupin
Journal articles
Exploring the Individual Bacterial Microbiota of Questing Ixodes ricinus Nymphs
Aurélien Alafaci
Alexandre Crépin
Sabine Beaubert
Jean-Marc Berjeaud
Vincent Delafont
Journal articles
In vitro sensitivity of 30 anaerobic bacterial strains of the human intestinal core microbiota to antibiotics: Culture and LC-MS/MS approaches
Florine Ecale
Abdelaziz El Houari
Stéphanie Crapart
Jérome Laparre
Manilduth Ramnath
Journal articles
In vitro and intracellular activities of frog skin temporins against Legionella pneumophila and its eukaryotic hosts
Alexandre Crépin
Jean-Francois Jégou
Sonia André
Florine Ecale
Anastasia Croitoru
Journal articles
The aliphatic amidase AmiE is involved in regulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence
Thomas Clamens
Thibaut Rosay
Alexandre Crépin
Teddy Grandjean
Takfarinas Kentache
Journal articles
Type III Secretion System and Virulence Markers Highlight Similarities and Differences between Human- and Plant-Associated Pseudomonads Related to Pseudomonas fluorescens and P. putida
Sylvie Mazurier
Annabelle Mérieau
Dorian Bergeau
Victorien Decoin
Daniel Sperandio
Journal articles
In Planta Biocontrol of Pectobacterium atrosepticum by Rhodococcus erythropolis Involves Silencing of Pathogen Communication by the Rhodococcal Gamma-Lactone Catabolic Pathway.
Corinne Barbey
Alexandre Crépin
Dorian Bergeau
Asma Ouchiha
Lily Mijouin
Journal articles
Catabolic Pathway of Gamma-caprolactone in the Biocontrol Agent Rhodococcus erythropolis
Corinne Barbey
Alexandre Crépin
Amélie Cirou
Aurélie Budin-Verneuil
Nicole Orange
Journal articles
N-Acyl Homoserine Lactones in Diverse Pectobacterium and Dickeya Plant Pathogens: Diversity, Abundance, and Involvement in Virulence
Alexandre Crepin
Amelie Beury-Cirou
Corinne Barbey
Christine Farmer
Valerie Hélias
Journal articles
Quorum sensing signaling molecules produced by reference and emerging soft-rot bacteria (Dickeya and Pectobacterium spp.).
Alexandre Crépin
Corinne Barbey
Amélie Beury-Cirou
Valérie Hélias
Laure Taupin
Journal articles
Mechanisms and recent advances in biological control mediated through the potato rhizosphere
Stéphanie Diallo
Alexandre Crépin
Corinne Barbey
Nicole Orange
Jean-François Burini
Journal articles