Alexandre Goldsztejn
Singularity Conditions for Continuum Parallel Robots2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), May 2022, Philadelphia, United States
Conference papers
Second order sliding mode twisting controller tuning based on two-level optimization processConference on Decision and Control, Dec 2022, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers
Practical stability and attractors of systems with bounded perturbations2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec 2022, Cancun, Mexico. pp.5129-5134, ⟨10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9993324⟩
Conference papers
A New Model for the Multiple Constant Multiplication Problem23ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, INSA Lyon, Feb 2022, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France
Conference papers
Towards a Generic Interval Solver for Differential-Algebraic CSPCP 2020 - 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Simonis, Helmut, Sep 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. pp.548-565, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-58475-7_32⟩
Conference papers
R-Min: a Fast Collaborative Underactuated Parallel Robot for Pick-and-Place OperationsIEEE 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), May 2020, Paris, France. ⟨10.1109/icra40945.2020.9196990⟩
Conference papers
Stability Analysis and Reconfiguration Strategy for Multi-agent D-formation Control23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2020), Sep 2020, Sapporo, Japan. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-58380-4_52⟩
Conference papers
A parametric Kantorovich theorem with application to tolerance synthesisThe 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Solving under-constrained numerical constraint satisfaction problems with IBEXThe 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Estimating the robust domain of attraction for non-smooth systems using an interval Lyapunov equationThe 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan. ⟨10.1016/j.automatica.2018.03.036⟩
Conference papers
HySIA: Tool for Simulating and Monitoring Hybrid Automata Based on Interval AnalysisThe 17th International Conference on Runtime Verification, Sep 2017, Seatle, United States. pp.370-379, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-67531-2⟩
Conference papers
Topology Optimization of a Reactionless Four-bar Linkage7th IFToMM International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2017), May 2017, Poitiers, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-60867-9_47⟩
Conference papers
Certified Detection of Parallel Robot Assembly Mode under Type 2 Singularity Crossing Trajectories2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), May 2017, Singapour, Singapore. ⟨10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989720⟩
Conference papers
A New Methodology for Tolerance Synthesis of Parallel ManipulatorsIFToMM 2015, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. ⟨10.6567/IFToMM.14TH.WC.OS12.017⟩
Conference papers
The Non-overlapping Constraint between Objects Described by Non-linear InequalitiesThe 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Sep 2014, Lyon, France. pp.672 - 687, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-10428-7_49⟩
Conference papers
Contrainte de non-chevauchement entre objets décrits par des inégalités non-linéairesJournées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC), Jun 2014, Angers, France
Conference papers
Robust controller and pre-filter design using QFT and interval constraint techniquesInternational workshop on constraint programming and decision making workshop (CoProd), 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Constraint Based Computation of Periodic Orbits of Chaotic Dynamical Systems19th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'13), 2013, Sweden. pp.774-789
Conference papers
On continuation methods for non-linear multi-objective optimizationInternational conference on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM), 2013, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
A Branch and Prune Algorithm for the Computation of Generalized Aspects of Parallel Robots18th international conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2012, Québec City, Canada. pp.867-882
Conference papers
Méthode de continuation par parallélépipèdes : application à l'optimisation globale continue bi-objectifCongrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision (ROADEF), 2012, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers
Interval-based projection method for under-constrained numerical cspsAnnual meeting of JSSST, 2012, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.number 4B-2
Conference papers
Symmetry Breaking in Numeric Constraint Problems17th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'11), 2011, Italy. pp.317-324
Conference papers
Finding the Maximal Pose Error in Robotic Mechanical Systems Using Constraint ProgrammingThe Twenty Third International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2010), Jun 2010, Cordoba, Spain
Conference papers
Including Ordinary Differential Equations Based Constraints in the Standard CP FrameworkPrinciples and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP2010, Sep 2010, St Andrews, United Kingdom. pp.221--235
Conference papers
Box consistency through Adaptive Shaving25th Symposium On Applied Computing, Mar 2010, Sierre, Switzerland. pp.2049-2054
Conference papers
A New Containment Method For Rigorous ShadowingInternational Conference on SCIentific Computation And Differential Equations, Jul 2009, France
Conference papers
Search Strategies for an Anytime Usage of the Branch and Prune AlgorithmInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009, United States. p. 468-473
Conference papers
Interval-based Solving of Hybrid Constraint Systems3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Sep 2009, Spain. pp.144-149
Conference papers
A Data-Parallel Algorithm to Reliably Solve Systems of Nonlinear EquationsNinth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT '08), 2008, Dunedin, New Zealand. pp.39-46, ⟨10.1109/PDCAT.2008.26⟩
Conference papers
Revisiting the upper bounding process in a safe Branch and Bound algorithm14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Sep 2008, Sydney, Australia. pp.598-602
Conference papers
An Efficient Algorithm for a Sharp Approximation of Universally Quantified InequalitiesACM symposium on Applied computing, Mar 2008, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. pp.134-139
Conference papers
An Efficient Algorithm for a Sharp Approximation of Universally Quantified InequalitiesJFPC 2008- Quatrièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, LINA - Université de Nantes - Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.373
Conference papers
A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Numerical MAX-CSPThe 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Sep 2008, Australia. pp.205-219, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-85958-1_14⟩
Conference papers
Constraint Programming and Safe Global OptimizationSCAN 2008, 3th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerical Computations, Sep 2008, El Paso, TX, United States
Conference papers
Capabilities of Constraint Programming in Rigorous Global Optimization2008 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Sep 2008, Hungary
Conference papers
A New Framework for Sharp and Efficient Resolution of NCSP with Manifolds of SolutionsCP, 2008, France. pp.190-204
Conference papers
The Reach-and-Evolve Algorithm for Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical SystemsSecond Workshop on Reachability Problems in Computational Models, Sep 2008, United Kingdom. pp.87-102
Conference papers
On the approximation of linear AE-solution sets12th GAMM - IMACS International Symposion on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, Sep 2006, Germany. pp.18-18, ⟨10.1109/SCAN.2006.33⟩
Conference papers
A branch and prune algorithm for the approximation of non-linear AE-solution sets21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Apr 2006, France. pp.1650 - 1654, ⟨10.1145/1141277.1141665⟩
Conference papers
Rigorous Inner Approximation of the Range of Functions12th GAMM - IMACS International Symposion on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, Sep 2006, Germany. pp.19-19, ⟨10.1109/SCAN.2006.38⟩
Conference papers
Inner and Outer Approximations of Existentially Quantified Equality ConstraintsTwelfth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Sep 2006, France. pp.198-212, ⟨10.1007/11889205_16⟩
Conference papers
A Generalized Interval LU Decomposition for the Solution of Interval Linear SystemsSixth International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications, Aug 2006, Bulgaria. pp.312-319, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-70942-8_37⟩
Conference papers
Modal intervals revisited : a mean-value extension to generalized intervalsIn International Workshop on Quantification in Constraint Programming (International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP-2005), Oct 2005, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Quantifier Elimination versus Generalized Interval Evaluation: a Comparison on a Specific Class of Quantified ConstraintUncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems, World Scientific, pp.501-511, 2008
Book sections
Design of optimal multiplierless digital filtersUniversité de Nantes. 2020
Definition et Applications des Extensions des