An Ordovician Assemblage of Cool Water‐Adapted Paleotropical Ostracods Suggests an Early Psychrosphere
Anna Mcgairy
Phong Duc Nguyen
Mark Williams
Christopher Stocker
Thomas Harvey
Journal articles
Recurrent marine anoxia in the Paleo-Tethys linked to constriction of seaways during the Early Triassic
Yuyang Wu
Alexandre Pohl
Li Tian
Jacopo Dal Corso
Ying Cui
Journal articles
Impact of global climate cooling on Ordovician marine biodiversity.
Daniel Eliahou Ontiveros
Gregory Beaugrand
Bertrand Lefebvre
Chloe Markussen Marcilly
Thomas Servais
Journal articles
Why the Early Paleozoic was intrinsically prone to marine extinction
Alexandre Pohl
Richard G Stockey
Xu Dai
Ryan Yohler
Guillaume Le Hir
Journal articles
Post-extinction recovery of the Phanerozoic oceans and biodiversity hotspots
Pedro Cermeño
Carmen García-Comas
Alexandre Pohl
Simon Williams
Michael J. Benton
Journal articles
Dataset of Phanerozoic continental climate and Köppen–Geiger climate classes
Alexandre Pohl
Thomas Wong Hearing
Alain Franc
Pierre Sepulchre
Christopher Scotese
Journal articles
Continental configuration controls ocean oxygenation during the Phanerozoic
Alexandre Pohl
Andy Ridgwell
Richard G. Stockey
Christophe Thomazo
Andrew Keane
Journal articles
The complex response of continental silicate rock weathering to the colonization of the continents by vascular plants in the Devonian
Pierre Maffre
Yves Godderis
Alexandre Pohl
Yannick Donnadieu
Sebastien Carretier
Journal articles
Berriasian ammonites of supposed Tethyan origin from the type 'Ryazanian', Russia: a systematic re-interpretation.
Camille Frau
William A.P. Wimbledon
Christina Ifrim
Luc Bulot
Alexandre Pohl
Journal articles
Decreasing Phanerozoic extinction intensity as a consequence of Earth surface oxygenation and metazoan ecophysiology
Richard Stockey
Alexandre Pohl
Andy Ridgwell
Seth Finnegan
Erik Sperling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 118 (41), pp.e2101900118. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2101900118⟩
Journal articles
Vertical decoupling in Late Ordovician anoxia due to reorganization of ocean circulation
Alexandre Pohl
Zunli Lu
Wanyi Lu
Richard Stockey
Maya Elrick
Journal articles
Truncated bimodal latitudinal diversity gradient in early Paleozoic phytoplankton
Axelle Zacaï
Claude Monnet
Alexandre Pohl
Gregory Beaugrand
Gary Mullins
Journal articles
Quantitative comparison of geological data and model simulations constrains early Cambrian geography and climate
Thomas W Wong Hearing
Alexandre Pohl
Mark Williams
Yannick Donnadieu
Thomas H P Harvey
Journal articles
Carbonate platform production during the Cretaceous.
Alexandre Pohl
Yannick Donnadieu
Yves Godderis
Cyprien Lanteaume
Alex Hairabian
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2020, 132 (11-12), pp.2606-2610. ⟨10.1130/B35680.1⟩
Journal articles
Extinction intensity during Ordovician and Cenozoic glaciations explained by cooling and palaeogeography
Erin Saupe
Huijie Qiao
Yannick Donnadieu
Alexander Farnsworth
Alan Kennedy-Asser
Journal articles
Marine carbonate factories: a global model of carbonate platform distribution
Julien Michel
Marie Laugié
Alexandre Pohl
Cyprien Lanteaume
Jean-Pierre Masse
Journal articles
Global distribution of modern shallow-water marine carbonate factories: a spatial model based on environmental parameters
Marie Laugié
Julien Michel
Alexandre Pohl
Emmanuelle Poli
Jean Borgomano
Journal articles
Quantifying the paleogeographic driver of Cretaceous carbonate platform development using paleoecological niche modeling
Alexandre Pohl
Marie Laugié
Jean Borgomano
Julien Michel
Cyprien Lanteaume
Journal articles
Possible patterns of marine primary productivity during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
Alexandre Pohl
David Harper
Yannick Donnadieu
Guillaume Le Hir
Elise Nardin
Journal articles
Ocean Circulation in the Toarcian (Early Jurassic): A Key Control on Deoxygenation and Carbon Burial on the European Shelf
Itzel Ruvalcaba Baroni
Alexandre Pohl
Niels van Helmond
Nina Papadomanolaki
Angela Coe
Journal articles
An early Cambrian greenhouse climate
Thomas Hearing
Thomas Harvey
Mark Williams
Melanie Leng
Angela Lamb
Journal articles
Glacial onset predated Late Ordovician climate cooling
Alexandre Pohl
Yannick Donnadieu
Guillaume Le Hir
Jean‐baptiste Ladant
Christophe Dumas
Journal articles
High dependence of Ordovician ocean surface circulation on atmospheric CO 2 levels
Alexandre Pohl
Elise Nardin
Thijs R.A. Vandenbroucke
Yannick Donnadieu
Journal articles
Effect of the Ordovician paleogeography on the (in)stability of the climate.
Alexandre Pohl
Yves Donnadieu
G. Le Hir
Jean-François Buoncristiani
Emmanuelle Vennin
Journal articles
The Bossons glacier protects Europe's summit from erosion.
C. Godon
Jean-Louis Mugnier
Renaud Fallourd
Jean-Louis Paquette
Alexandre Pohl
Journal articles