A moderately chocked estuary: Influence of a constriction on the water level variations of the Wouri estuary (Cameroon)
Willy Noël Dima
Yves Morel
Vanessa Elvire Toukep Ngnepi
Raphael Onguene
Thomas Stieglitz
Journal articles
Seasonal and interannual variations of suspended particulate matter in a West-African lagoon (Nokoué lagoon, Benin): Impact of rivers and wind
Indrig Laeticia Ntangyong
Alexis Chaigneau
Yves Morel
Arnaud Assogba
Victor Olaègbè Okpeitcha
Journal articles
Water mass circulation and residence time using Eulerian approach in a large coastal lagoon (Nokoué Lagoon, Benin, West Africa)
Kodjo Jules Honfo
Alexis Chaigneau
Yves Morel
Thomas Duhaut
Patrick Marsaleix
Journal articles
Modeling seasonal salinity variations in a large West African lagoon (Nokoué, Benin): major drivers and mechanisms
Olaègbè Victor Okpeitcha
Alexis Chaigneau
Yves Morel
Thomas Duhaut
Patrick Marsaleix
Journal articles
Tidal Impacts on Zooplankton Dynamics in a Major Ocean-Lagoon Channel: Insights from a 25-Hour Intensive Survey in the Cotonou Channel, Benin
Hervé Hotèkpo Akodogbo
Fridolin Ubald Dossou-Sognon
François Talomonwo Ouinsou
Thalasse Tchémangnihodé Avocegan
Junior Patric Kouglo
Journal articles
Characteristics of submesoscale eddy structures within mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Mexico from 1/48° ECCO estimates
Paul A Ernst
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Corinne B Trott
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Physicochemical Drivers of Zooplankton Seasonal Variability in a West African Lagoon (Nokoué Lagoon, Benin)
Alexis Chaigneau
François Talomonwo Ouinsou
Hervé Hotèkpo Akodogbo
Gauthier Dobigny
Thalasse Tchémangnihodé Avocegan
Journal articles
Subsurface Eddy Detection Optimized with Potential Vorticity from Models in the Arabian Sea
Paul Ernst
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Yves Morel
Corinne Trott
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Imprint of Mesoscale Eddies on Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Habib Micaël A. Aguedjou
Alexis Chaigneau
Isabelle Dadou
Yves Morel
Ezinvi Baloïtcha
Journal articles
Terrestrial or oceanic forcing? Water level variations in coastal lagoons constrained by river inflow and ocean tides
Yves Morel
Alexis Chaigneau
Victor Olaègbè Okpeitcha
Thomas Stieglitz
Arnaud Assogba
Journal articles
From seasonal flood pulse to seiche: Multi-frequency water-level fluctuations in a large shallow tropical lagoon (Nokoué Lagoon, Benin)
Alexis Chaigneau
Olaègbè Victor Okpeitcha
Yves Morel
Thomas Stieglitz
Arnaud Assogba
Journal articles
Detection and tracking of mesoscale eddies in the Mediterranean Sea: A comparison between the Sea Level Anomaly and the Absolute Dynamic Topography fields
Cori Pegliasco
Alexis Chaigneau
Rosemary Morrow
Franck Dumas
Journal articles
Surface Circulation and Vertical Structure of Upper Ocean Variability Around Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and Rocas Atoll During Spring 2015 and Fall 2017
Alex Costa Da Silva
Alexis Chaigneau
Alina N. Dossa
Gérard Eldin
Moacyr Araujo
Journal articles
Near-surface western boundary circulation off Northeast Brazil
Alina N. Dossa
Alex C. Silva
Alexis Chaigneau
Gerard Eldin
Moacyr Araujo
Journal articles
Seasonal and interannual variability of salinity in a large West-African lagoon (Nokoué Lagoon, Benin)
Victor Olaègbè Okpeitcha
Alexis Chaigneau
Yves Morel
Thomas Stieglitz
Yves Pomalegni
Journal articles
Eddy Surface Characteristics and Vertical Structure in the Gulf of Mexico from Satellite Observations and Model Simulations
Richard J. Brokaw
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Corinne B. Trott
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
From Mixing to the Large Scale Circulation: How the Inverse Cascade Is Involved in the Formation of the Subsurface Currents in the Gulf of Guinea
Fernand Assene
Yves Morel
Audrey Delpech
Micael Aguedjou
Julien Jouanno
Journal articles
Erosion of the Subsurface Salinity Maximum of the Loop Current Eddies From Glider Observations and a Numerical Model
R. Sosa-Gutiérrez
E. Pallàs-Sanz
Julien Jouanno
Alexis Chaigneau
J. Candela
Journal articles
Degradation of groundwater quality in expanding cities in West Africa. A case study of the unregulated shallow aquifer in Cotonou
Honoré Houéménou
Sarah Tweed
Gauthier Dobigny
Daouda Mama
Abdoukarim Alassane
Journal articles
Eddies in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean and their seasonal variability
H. Aguedjou
I. Dadou
A. Chaigneau
Yves Morel
G. Alory
Journal articles
Eddy‐Induced Salinity Changes in the Tropical Pacific
Thierry Delcroix
Alexis Chaigneau
D. Soviadan
Jacqueline Boutin
Cori Pegliasco
Journal articles
Eddy‐Induced Temperature and Salinity Variability in the Arabian Sea
Corinne Trott
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Alexis Chaigneau
Heather Roman-Stork
Journal articles
Spatio-temporal variability of the equatorial front in the eastern tropical Pacific from remote sensing salinity data (2010–2015)
Cristhian Asto
Alexis Chaigneau
Dimitri Gutiérrez
Journal articles
Long-term changes in the breeding seasonality of Peruvian seabirds and regime shifts in the Northern Humboldt Current System
Giannina Passuni
Christophe Barbraud
Alexis Chaigneau
Arnaud Bertrand
Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos
Journal articles
Anticyclonic Eddies Connecting the Western Boundaries of Indian and Atlantic Oceans
R. Laxenaire
S. Speich
B. Blanke
A. Chaigneau
C. Pegliasco
Journal articles
Upper ocean hydrology of the Northern Humboldt Current System at seasonal, interannual and interdecadal scales
Carmen Grados
Alexis Chaigneau
Vincent Echevin
Noel Dominguez
Journal articles
Eddy Tracking in the Northwestern Indian Ocean During Southwest Monsoon Regimes
Corinne Trott
Bulusu Subrahmanyam
Alexis Chaigneau
Thierry Delcroix
Journal articles
Subsurface Fine-Scale Patterns in an Anticyclonic Eddy Off Cap-Vert Peninsula Observed From Glider Measurements
Nicolas N. Kolodziejczyk
Pierre Testor
Alban Lazar
Vincent Echevin
Gerd Krahmann
Journal articles
Density dependence, prey accessibility and prey depletion by fisheries drive Peruvian seabird population dynamics
Christophe Barbraud
Arnaud Bertrand
Marilú Bouchón
Alexis Chaigneau
Karine Delord
Journal articles
Observed Characteristics and Vertical Structure of Mesoscale Eddies in the Southwest Tropical Pacific
Lydia Keppler
Sophie Cravatte
Alexis Chaigneau
Cori Pegliasco
Lionel Gourdeau
Journal articles
Density dependence, prey accessibility and prey depletion by fisheries drive Peruvian seabird population dynamics
Christophe Barbraud
Arnaud Bertrand
Marilu Bouchon
Alexis Chaigneau
Karine Delord
Journal articles
Complementary Use of Glider Data, Altimetry, and Model for Exploring Mesoscale Eddies in the Tropical Pacific Solomon Sea
L. Gourdeau
J. Verron
Alexis Chaigneau
S. Cravatte
W. Kessler
Journal articles
Striations and preferred eddy tracks triggered by topographic steering of the background flow in the eastern South Pacific
Ali Belmadani
Emilio Concha
David Donoso
Alexis Chaigneau
François Colas
Journal articles
Seasonality in marine ecosystems: Peruvian seabirds, anchovy, and oceanographic conditions
Giannina Passuni
Christophe Barbraud
Alexis Chaigneau
Hervé Demarcq
Jesus Ledesma
Journal articles
Seasonality in marine ecosystems: Peruvian seabirds, anchovy and oceanographic conditions
Giannina Passuni
Christophe Barbraud
Alexis Chaigneau
Hervé Demarcq
Jesus Ledesma
Journal articles
Spatial and seasonal patterns of fine-scale to mesoscale upper ocean dynamics in an Eastern Boundary Current System
Daniel Grados
Arnaud Bertrand
François Colas
Vincent Echevin
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
An Index to Distinguish Surface- and Subsurface-Intensified Vortices from Surface Observations
C. Assassi
Yves Morel
Frédéric Vandermeirsch
Alexis Chaigneau
C. Pegliasco
Journal articles
Seasonality in marine ecosystems: Peruvian seabirds, anchovy, and oceanographic conditions
Giannina Passuni
Christophe Barbraud
Alexis Chaigneau
Hervé Demarcq
Jesus Ledesma
Journal articles
Spatial and seasonal patterns of fine-scale to mesoscale upper ocean dynamics in an Eastern Boundary Current System
Daniel Grados
Arnaud Bertrand
François Colas
Vincent Echevin
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Main eddy vertical structures observed in the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
Cori Pegliasco
Alexis Chaigneau
Rosemary Morrow
Journal articles
Biological characteristics of the hydrological landscapes in the Bay of Biscay in spring 2009
Ainhoa Lezama-Ochoa
Daniel Grados
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Xabier Irigoien
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
The signature of mesoscale eddies on the air‐sea turbulent heat fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean
A. Villas Bôas
O. Sato
Alexis Chaigneau
G. Castelão
Journal articles
Impact of a coastal-trapped wave on the near-coastal circulation of the Peru upwelling system from glider data
Alice Pietri
Vincent Echevin
Pierre Testor
Alexis Chaigneau
Laurent Mortier
Journal articles
Ecosystem scenarios shape fishermen spatial behavior. The case of the Peruvian anchovy fishery in the Northern Humboldt Current system
Rocio de Abril Joo Arakawa
Arnaud Bertrand
Marilu Bouchon
Alexis Chaigneau
Hervé Demarcq
Journal articles
Multiscale analysis of geometric planar deformations: application to wild animals electronic tracking and satellite ocean observation data
Ronan Fablet
Alexis Chaigneau
Sophie Bertrand
Journal articles
Acoustics Reveals the Presence of a Macrozooplankton Biocline in the Bay of Biscay in Response to Hydrological Conditions and Predator-Prey Relationships
Ainhoa Lezama-Ochoa
Xabier Irigoien
Alexis Chaigneau
Zaida Quiroz
Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy
Journal articles
Broad impacts of fine-scale dynamics on seascape structure from zooplankton to seabirds
Arnaud Bertrand
Daniel Grados
François Colas
Sophie Bertrand
Xavier Capet
Journal articles
Near-coastal circulation in the Northern Humboldt Current System from shipboard ADCP data
Alexis Chaigneau
Noel Dominguez
Gérard Eldin
Roberto Flores
Carmen Grados
Journal articles
Climate change scenarios experiments predict a future reduction in small pelagic fish recruitment in the Humboldt Current system
Timothée Brochier
Vincent Echevin
Jorge Tam
Alexis Chaigneau
Katerina Goubanova
Journal articles
Anatomy and evolution of a cyclonic mesoscale eddy observed in the northeastern Pacific tropical-subtropical transition zone
J. A. Kurczyn
Emilio Beier
Miguel F. Lavín
Alexis Chaigneau
V. M. Godínez
Journal articles
Finescale Vertical Structure of the Upwelling System off Southern Peru as Observed from Glider Data
Alice Pietri
Pierre Testor
Vincent Echevin
Alexis Chaigneau
Laurent Mortier
Journal articles
Mesoscale eddies in the northeastern Pacific tropical-subtropical transition zone: Statistical characterization from satellite altimetry
J. A. Kurczyn
Emilio Beier
Miguel F. Lavín
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Scale-dependent interactions of Mediterranean whales with marine dynamics.
Cédric Cotté
Francesco d'Ovidio
Alexis Chaigneau
Marina Lévy
Isabelle Taupier-Letage
Journal articles
The VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study Regional Experiment (VOCALS-REx): goals, platforms, and field operations.
R. Wood
C. R. Mechoso
C. S. Bretherton
R. A. Weller
B. J. Huebert
Journal articles
Oxygen: A Fundamental Property Regulating Pelagic Ecosystem Structure in the Coastal Southeastern Tropical Pacific
Arnaud Bertrand
Alexis Chaigneau
Salvador Peraltilla
Jesus Ledesma
Michelle Graco
Journal articles
Sensitivity of the Northern Humboldt Current System nearshore modeled circulation to initial and boundary conditions.
Vincent Echevin
François Colas
Alexis Chaigneau
P. Penven
Journal articles
Optimization of an artificial neural network for identifying fishing set positions from VMS data: An example from the Peruvian anchovy purse seine fishery.
Rocio Joo
Sophie Bertrand
Alexis Chaigneau
Miguel Niquen
Journal articles
Vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in the eastern South Pacific Ocean: A composite analysis from altimetry and Argo profiling floats
Alexis Chaigneau
Marie Le Texier
Gérard Eldin
Carmen Grados
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Acoustic Observation of Living Organisms Reveals the Upper Limit of the Oxygen Minimum Zone
Arnaud Bertrand
Michael Ballon
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Eddy activity in the four major upwelling systems from satellite altimetry (1992-2007)
Alexis Chaigneau
Gérard Eldin
Boris Dewitte
Journal articles
Global climatology of near-inertial current characteristics from Lagrangian observations.
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Winston Rojas
Journal articles
Mesoscale eddies off Peru in altimeter records: identification algorithms and eddy sptio-temporal patterns.
Alexis Chaigneau
Arnaud Gizolme
Carmen Grados
Journal articles
Lagrangian study of the Panama Bight and surrounding regions
Alexis Chaigneau
Rodrigo Abarca del Rio
François Colas
Journal articles
Surface circulation and fronts of the South Pacific Ocean, east of 120°W
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Mean surface circulation and mesoscale turbulent flow characteristics in the eastern South Pacific from satellite tracked drifters
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Eddy characteristics in the eastern South Pacific
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Correction to “Eddy characteristics in the eastern South Pacific”
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Alexis Chaigneau
Oscar Pizarro
Journal articles
Cold-core an.omalies at the subantarctic front,south of Tasmania
Rosemary Morrow
Jean-René Donguy
Alexis Chaigneau
Stephen R. Rintoul
Journal articles
Seasonal and interannual evolution of the mixed layer in the Antarctic Zone south of Tasmania
Alexis Chaigneau
Rosemary Morrow
Stephen R. Rintoul
Journal articles
Seasonal and interannual variations of the upper ocean energetics between Tasmania and Antarctica
Rosemary Morrow
Aurore Brut
Alexis Chaigneau
Journal articles
Surface temperature and salinity variations between Tasmania and Antarctica, 1993-1999
Alexis Chaigneau
Rosemary Morrow
Journal articles