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Alice Leplongeon



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Benchmarking methods and data for the whole‐outline geometric morphometric analysis of lithic tools

Renata P Araujo , Felix Riede , Mercedes Okumura , Astolfo G M Araujo , Alice Leplongeon
Evolutionary Anthropology, 2023, 32 (3), pp.124-127. ⟨10.1002/evan.21981⟩
Journal articles hal-04151450v1

Replicability in Lithic Analysis

Justin Pargeter , Alison Brooks , Katja Douze , Metin Eren , Huw Groucutt
American Antiquity, 2023, 88 (2), pp.163-186. ⟨10.1017/aaq.2023.4⟩
Journal articles hal-04151437v1
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Le peuplement paléolithique de l’Afrique du Nord-Est dans son contexte macrorégional

Alice Leplongeon
L'anthropologie, 2022, 126 (2), pp.103015. ⟨10.1016/j.anthro.2022.103015⟩
Journal articles hal-03965096v1

Influences du modèle européen de préhistoire en Égypte au début du XXe siècle: les travaux du Père Paul Bovier–Lapierre S. J. (1873–1950) et D’Edmond Vignard (1885–1969)

Alice Leplongeon
Organon, 2022, 54, pp.65-101. ⟨10.4467/00786500.ORG.22.004.16954⟩
Journal articles hal-03987147v1
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The Main Nile Valley at the End of the Pleistocene (28–15 ka): Dispersal Corridor or Environmental Refugium?

Alice Leplongeon
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 8, pp.607183. ⟨10.3389/feart.2020.607183⟩
Journal articles hal-03124192v1

The prehistory of the Sudan

Giulio Lucarini , Alice Leplongeon
Azania : The journal of the British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa, 2021, 56 (2), pp.274-276. ⟨10.1080/0067270X.2021.1909913⟩
Journal articles hal-04005043v1
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Backed Pieces and Their Variability in the Later Stone Age of the Horn of Africa

Alice Leplongeon , Clément Ménard , Vincent Bonhomme , Eugenio Bortolini
African Archaeological Review, 2020, 37 (3), pp.437-468. ⟨10.1007/s10437-020-09401-x⟩
Journal articles hal-03031824v1
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Using morphometrics to reappraise old collections: The study case of the Congo Basin Middle Stone Age bifacial industry

Isis Mesfin , Alice Leplongeon , David Pleurdeau , Antony Borel
Journal of lithic studies, 2020, 7 (1), ⟨10.2218/jls.4329⟩
Journal articles hal-03233159v1

Le Middle Stone Age dans le bassin du Congo. Un regard historiographique

Isis Mesfin , David Pleurdeau , Marie-Josée Angue zogo , Alice Leplongeon
Journal des Africanistes, 2020, 556 (90-2), pp.88-120. ⟨10.4000/africanistes.9903⟩
Journal articles hal-03351128v1

Comparative analysis of Middle Stone Age artifacts in Africa (CoMSAfrica)

Manuel Will , Christian Tryon , Matthew Shaw , Eleanor M L Scerri , Kathryn Ranhorn
Evolutionary Anthropology, 2019, 28 (2), pp.57-59. ⟨10.1002/evan.21772⟩
Journal articles hal-02662226v1

International workshop on human occupations of the Nile Valley and neighboring regions between 75,000 and 15,000 years ago

Alice Leplongeon , Mae Goder-Goldberger , David Pleurdeau
Evolutionary Anthropology, 2019, 28 (1), pp.10-13. ⟨10.1002/evan.21756⟩
Journal articles hal-02628427v1
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Terminal Pleistocene lithic variability in the Western Negev (Israel): Is there any evidence for contacts with the Nile Valley?

Alice Leplongeon , A. Nigel Nigel Goring-Morris
Journal of lithic studies, 2018, 5 (5 (1)), pp.xx - xx. ⟨10.2218/jls.2614⟩
Journal articles hal-02268286v1
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Across the Gap: Geochronological and Sedimentological Analyses from the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sequence of Goda Buticha, Southeastern Ethiopia

Chantal Tribolo , Asfawossen Asrat , Jean-Jacques Bahain , Cécile Chapon , Eric Douville
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (1), pp.e0169418. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0169418⟩
Journal articles hal-01841520v1

Late Pleistocene and Holocene Lithic Variability at Goda Buticha (Southeastern Ethiopia): Implications for the Understanding of the Middle and Late Stone Age of the Horn of Africa

Alice Leplongeon , David Pleurdeau , Erella Hovers
Journal of African archaeology, 2017, 15 (2), pp.202-233. ⟨10.1163/21915784-12340010⟩
Journal articles hal-04037448v1
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Technological variability in the Late Palaeolithic lithic industries of the Egyptian Nile Valley: The case of the Silsilian and Afian industries

Alice Leplongeon
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (12), pp.e0188824. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0188824⟩
Journal articles mnhn-01691723v1

West African Palaeolithic history: New archaeological and chronostratigraphic data from the Falémé valley, eastern Senegal

B. Chevrier , M. Rasse , L. Lespez , Chantal Tribolo , I. Hajdas
Quaternary International, 2016, 408, pp.33 - 52. ⟨10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.060⟩
Journal articles hal-01480999v1

Transitions et continuités dans la vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal) : résultats de la 18ème année de recherche du programme international « Peuplement humain et paléoenvironnement en Afrique »

Eric Huysecom , Benoît Chevrier , Anne Mayor , Thomas Pelmoine , Nadia Cantin
Jahresbericht , 2016, pp.103--160
Journal articles hal-01743339v1
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Establishing a West African chrono-cultural framework: First luminescence dating of sedimentary formations from the Falémé Valley, Eastern Senegal

Brice Lebrun , Chantal Tribolo , Benoît Chevrier , Michel Rasse , Laurent Lespez
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2016, 7, pp.379 - 388. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01481122v1

Microliths in the Middle and Later Stone Age of eastern Africa: New data from Porc-Epic and Goda Buticha cave sites, Ethiopia

Alice Leplongeon
Quaternary International, 2014, 343, pp.100-116. ⟨10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-03151583v1

The Upper Palaeolithic Lithic Industry of Nazlet Khater 4 (Egypt): Implications for the Stone Age/Palaeolithic of Northeastern.

Alice Leplongeon , David Pleurdeau
African Archaeological Review, 2011, 28 (3), pp.213-236
Journal articles hal-03217463v1

Disentangling Middle Palaeolithic Techno-complexes without using labels.

G. Marciani , A. Leplongeon , E. Bortolini , A. Kandel , F. Negrino
28th European Association of Archaeologists meeting, European Association of Archaeologists, Aug 2022, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-03997017v1

Porc-Epic Cave, more than 90 years later–a typical MSA site in the Horn of Africa?

A. Leplongeon , M. Goder-Goldberger , D. Pleurdeau , C. Tribolo , A. Leplongeon
16th Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association for Prehistory and related studies, Aug 2022, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Conference papers hal-03996955v1

Ré-investigation de l’abri sous roche de Chole, Tanzanie

Alice Leplongeon , Amandus Kwekason , Lucy Farr.
Colloque international ‘Préhistoire sous les tropiques, peuplements, adaptations, comportements en milieu tropical et subtropical sur le temps long, MNHN; Musée de l'Homme; UMR 1794, Nov 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04006370v1

The lithic assemblage of E71P1A (Levallois Edfuan) and the occurrence of Levallois technology in the Egyptian Late Palaeolithic.

Alice Leplongeon
International symposium ‘Society and Subsistence in the Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, Jul 2019, Poznan, Poland
Conference papers hal-02556234v1

The Nile Valley during the Late Palaeolithic: corridor of dispersal or environmental refugium ?

Alice Leplongeon
ISA weekly lectures, May 2019, Bologna, Italy
Conference papers hal-02556232v1

La plateforme collaborative du projet Big Dry : présentation et perspectives

A. Leplongeon , I. Crèvecoeur , B. Habte , L. Khalidi , Clément Ménard
Dynamiques culturelles et Transformation des paysages dans un continent en mutation : Du Big Dry à l’Holocène dans l’Est africain, Société Préhistorique Française, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02556239v1

Regards croisés sur les traditions techniques en Afrique de l'Est et du Nord-Est à la fin du Pléistocène (Partie 1)

Katja Douze , Alice Leplongeon , François Bon , Behailu Habte Endalew , Lamya Khalidi
Séances ouvertes de la Société préhistorique française : Cultural dynamics and landscape transformation in a rapidly changing continent : from the Big Dry to the Holocene in Eastern Africa, Jessie Cauliez; François Bon; Joséphine Lesur; Lamya Khalidi; Isabelle Crevecoeur; Chantal Tribolo; David Pleurdeau; Laurent Bruxelles, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02379822v1

Variabilité dans l’Early Later Stone Age est-africain : l’exemple d’Enkapune Ya Muto, Kenya.

Alice Leplongeon
séminaire « Le Later Stone Age, préhistoire d’un autre continent ?, Oct 2019, Liège, Belgique
Conference papers hal-02556240v1

A comparative look at technical traditions in the Horn of Africa and the Nile Valley at the end of the Pleistocene

Alice Leplongeon , Katja Douze , Behailu Habte , Alice Leplongeon , Katja Douze
Actes de la Séance de la Société préhistorique française de Toulouse, Société préhistorique française, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03997010v1

Late Pleistocene lithic variability in eastern Africa and the Middle to the Later Stone Age transitions.

Alice Leplongeon
Prähistorisches Kolloquium, Institut für Ur- and Frühgeschichte, 2019, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers hal-02553579v1

Regards croisés sur les traditions techniques en Afrique de l’Est et du Nord-Est à la fin du Pléistocène (Partie 1).

K. Douze , A. Leplongeon , F. Bon , B. Habte , L. Khalidi
Séance d’automne de la Société Préhistorique Française « Dynamiques culturelles et transformation des paysages dans un continent en mutation : du Big Dry à l’Holocène récent dans l’est africain, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02560015v1

The Nile Valley at the end of the Pleistocene.

Alice Leplongeon
European Geosciences Union 2019 meeting, European Geosciences Union, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-02553574v1

Regards croisés sur les traditions techniques en Afrique de l'Est et du Nord-Est à la fin du Pléistocène (Partie 2)

Alice Leplongeon , Katja Douze , François Bon , Behailu Habte Endalew , Lamya Khalidi
Séances ouvertes de la Société préhistorique française : Cultural dynamics and landscape transformation in a rapidly changing continent : from the Big Dry to the Holocene in Eastern Africa, Jessie Cauliez; François Bon; Joséphine Lesur; Lamya Khalidi; Isabelle Crevecoeur; Chantal Tribolo; David Pleurdeau; Laurent Bruxelles, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02379830v1

Goda Buticha (Ethiopie) ou le fantôme de la transition du Middle au Later Stone Age

David Pleurdeau , Erella Hovers , Alice Leplongeon , Asfawossen Asrat , Zelalem Assefa
Dynamiques culturelles et transformation des paysages dans un continent en mutation : du Big Dry à l’Holocène dans l’Est africain, Sep 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02402425v1

Using multivariate analyses to interpret lithic variability: contributions and limitations.

A Leplongeon , Garcea Elena
Congrès international MetroArcheo, Oct 2018, Cassino, Italy
Conference papers hal-02784721v1

What, if any, evidence is there of contacts between the Nile Valley and the Negev desert during the terminal Pleistocene?

A Leplongeon , A.N. Goring-Morris
XVIIIth congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, UISPP, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02877014v1

Techno-morphometrical analysis of Central African Middle Stone Age bifacial industry: contributions and limitations of multivariate statistics.

I. Mesfin , A. Leplongeon , A. Borel , D. Pleurdeau
MetroArcheo Conferences, Oct 2018, Cassino, Italy
Conference papers hal-02875942v1

The Nile Valley during the Palaeolithic.

Alice Leplongeon
Conférence annuelle de l’association ‘Archéo-Nil’, association Archéo-Nil, 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02553566v1

Cultural dynamics in eastern Africa during the Late Pleistocene: a view from Goda Buticha (Ethiopia) and Enkapune Ya Muto (Kenya).

Alice Leplongeon
Rencontres d’Air Moderne et de Préhistoire Africaine, Dec 2018, Nanterre, France
Conference papers hal-02879545v1

The Middle Stone Age in Central Africa: using old collections to rethink the Lupemban’s definition.

I. Mesfin , A. Leplongeon , D. Pleurdeau
Rencontres d’Air Moderne et de Préhistoire Africaine, Dec 2018, Nanterre, France
Conference papers hal-02875941v1

Exploring lithic variability using multivariate analyses: a case study from southeastern Ethiopia.

A Leplongeon
MetroArchaeo Conference, Oct 2018, Cassino, Italy
Conference papers hal-02879544v1

The Nile Valley in Prehistory - did it play a role in human dispersal ?

A. Leplongeon , M. Goder-Goldberger
XVIIIth congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, UISPP, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02784715v1

A view from the East: Backed pieces in the Horn of Africa.

A Leplongeon , C. Ménard
XVIIIth congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, UISPP, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02877012v1

Comparative Analysis of Middle Stone Age artefacts in Africa Radcliffe Institute, Université de Harvard (USA).

A Leplongeon , M. Will , C. Tryon
Université de Harvard (USA), table-ronde internationale, Nov 2018, Harvard, United States
Conference papers hal-02879547v1

Lithic variability in the Late Palaeolithic of the Egyptian Nile Valley: a new look at the Levallois Idfuan, Afian and Silsilian industries.

Alice Leplongeon
International Symposium: Desert and the Nile. Late Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara, Jul 2017, Poznan, Poland
Conference papers hal-03065716v1
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Backed pieces and their significance in the Later Stone Age of the Horn of Africa

Alice Leplongeon , Clément Ménard
ESHE. 7th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Sep 2017, Leiden, Netherlands. ESHE, 6, pp.114, 2017, Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution
Conference poster mnhn-01643208v1

Luminescence dating of sediments from Porc Epic (Ethiopia) and Sibudu (South Africa): first results from the Radiofluorescence (RF70) of feldspar grains

Chantal Tribolo , Norbert Mercier , Asfawossen Asrat , Alice Leplongeon , Pleurdeau David
German LED, Nov 2016, Emmendigen, Germany
Conference poster hal-02536165v1

A Comparative Look at Technical Traditions in the Horn of Africa and the Nile Valley at the End of the Pleistocene

Alice Leplongeon , Katja Douze , Behailu Habte , Lamya Khalidi , Clément Ménard
J. Lesur, J. Cauliez, L. Khalidi, L. Bruxelles, I. Crevecoeur, D. Pleurdeau, Ch. Tribolo et F. Bon. Du Big Dry à l’Holocène en Afrique de l’Est et au-delà, 20, Société Préhistorique Française, pp.39-74, 2023
Book sections hal-04840322v1

Goda Buticha, Ethiopia

Pleurdeau David , Asfawossen Asrat , Erella Hovers , Osbjorn Pearson , Alice Leplongeon
Beyin A.; Wright D.; Wilkins J.; Olszewski D. Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin Behavior, Geography, and Chronology, pp.337-352, 2023
Book sections hal-04185543v1

The Horn of Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (75-12ka) in its macroregional context.

A. Leplongeon , D. Pleurdeau , C. Ménard , K. Douze , B. Habte
in Leplongeon, A., Goder-Goldberger, M. and Pleurdeau, D. (eds) Not Just a Corridor. Human occupation of the Nile Valley and neighbouring regions between 75,000 and 15,000 years ago., Natures en Sociétés, 3, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, pp.269-283, 2020
Book sections hal-02566799v1

The Horn of Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (75 12 ka) in its macroregional context

Alice Leplongeon , Clément Ménard , Katja Douze , Habte Behailu , François Bon
Leplongeon Alice, Goder-Goldberger Mae, Pleurdeau David. Not just a Corridor. Human occupation of the Nile Valley and neighbouring regions between 75,000 and 15,000 years ago, Paris : Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, p. 269-283, 2020
Book sections hal-04265494v1


Alice Leplongeon , Mae Goder-Goldberger , David Pleurdeau
Not just a corridor. Human occupation of the Nile Valley and neighbouring regions between 75,000 and 15,000 years ago, 3, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, pp.9-15, 2020, Natures en sociétés, 9782856539316
Book sections hal-02566797v1

Techninal Diversity in the Nile Valley and the Southern Levant at the End of the Pleistocene (25-15ka): Evidence for Contacts?

A. Leplongeon , A.N. Goring-Morris
Proceedings of the European Society for Human Evolution 4 London 10-12 Septembre 2015,, pp.142, 2015
Book sections hal-03132209v1
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La transition Middle Stone Age / Later Stone Age en Afrique de l'Est (Éthiopie)

Alice Leplongeon
Archéologie et Préhistoire. Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France), 2013. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-03515047v1