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Anne Sophie GOUPIL



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Spermatozoa methylome and its sensitivity to water temperature in a teleost fish

Aurélien Brionne , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Stéphanie Kica , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Catherine Labbé
Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 892, pp.164077. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164077⟩
Journal articles hal-04172467v1
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La cryoconservation des cellules germinales souches chez la truite arc-en-ciel : une stratégie pour restaurer l’intégralité d’un génotype d’intérêt

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Stéphanie Kica , Tina Terrenne , Lionel Goardon , Alexandra Depince
NOV'AE, 2022, Numéro Spécial 02, RARe, pp.54-63. ⟨10.17180/novae-2022-NS02-art07⟩
Journal articles hal-04623893v1

New insights into the evolution, hormonal regulation, and spatiotemporal expression profiles of genes involved in the Gfra1/Gdnf and Kit/Kitlg regulatory pathways in rainbow trout testis

Ahmed Maouche , Edouard Curran , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Johanna Bellaïche
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 44 (6), pp.1599-1616. ⟨10.1007/s10695-018-0547-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02019264v1

Differential expression patterns of three aromatase genes and of four estrogen receptors genes in the testes of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Christelle Delalande , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2015, 82 (9), pp.694-708. ⟨10.1002/mrd.22509⟩
Journal articles hal-01222887v1

Gdnf-gfra1 pathway is expressed in a spermatogenetic-dependent manner and is regulated by fsh in a fish testis

Johanna Bellaïche , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
Biology of Reproduction, 2014, 91 (4), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1095/biolreprod.114.119834⟩
Journal articles hal-01205109v1
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Profiling of androgen response in rainbow trout pubertal testis: relevance to male gonad development and spermatogenesis.

Antoine D. Rolland , Aurélie Lardenois , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Rémi Houlgatte
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (1), pp.e53302. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0053302⟩
Journal articles inserm-00825763v1

A promoter fragment of the sycp1 gene is sufficient to drive transgene expression in male and female meiotic germ cells in zebrafish.

Aude Gautier , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Florence Le Gac , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
Biology of Reproduction, 2013, 89 (4), pp.89. ⟨10.1095/biolreprod.113.107706⟩
Journal articles hal-00920501v1
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Expression profiling of rainbow trout testis development identifies evolutionary conserved genes involved in spermatogenesis.

Antoine Rolland , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jérôme Montfort , Marie-José Ricordel
BMC Genomics, 2009, 10 (1), pp.546. ⟨10.1186/1471-2164-10-546⟩
Journal articles inserm-00663561v1

Purification de spermatides de truite arc-en-ciel

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Audrey Laurent
SperMix, May 2022, Visio Conférence, France
Conference papers hal-04692726v1

Sperm DNA methylation and sensitivity to environmenatl variations in rainbow trout

Audrey Laurent , Aurélien Brionne , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Catherine Labbé , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Jun 2022, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04692707v1

Développement des techniques de greffes de cellules souches germinales au service des productions piscicoles : la réalité rejoint-elle la science fiction ?

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Sarah Trempont , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
6. Journées de la Recherche Filière Piscicole, Institut Technique de l'Aviculture et des Elevages de Petits Animaux (ITAVI). FRA., Jul 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02734413v1

Evolution of germline gene expression profiles during rainbow trout ontogenesis and puberty onset

Ahmed Maouche , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Edouard Curran , Elisabeth Sambroni , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
7. International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, Sep 2019, Rennes, France. pp.51-52
Conference papers hal-02396251v1
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Germ stem cells transplantation in fish: an innovative biotechnology for the faithful regeneration of cryopreserved genetic resources collected from selected lines of agronomic interest

Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Ahmed Maouche , Alexandra Depince , Lionel Goardon
World Aquaculture 2018, European Aquaculture Society (EAS)., Aug 2018, Montpellier, France. 848 p
Conference papers hal-02737462v1

Germ stem cells transplantation in fish: an innovative biotechnology for the faithfull regeneration of cryopreserved genetic ressources collected from selected lines

Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Ahmed Maouche , Alexandra Depince , Lionel Goardon
Aqua 2018, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01837859v1
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The mutation of FSHR affects reproductive physiology and growth in zebrafish

Elisabeth Sambroni , Amélie Patinote , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Florence Le Gac , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
11. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA). Manaus, BRA., Jun 2018, Manaus, Brazil. 251 p
Conference papers hal-01809606v1

Implementation of a germ stem cell transplantation procedure for the regeneration of isogenic trout lines

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Ahmed Maouche , Alexandra Depince , Lionel Goardon , Marjorie Bideau
6. International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. CZE., Sep 2017, Vodnany, Czech Republic. 156 p
Conference papers hal-01607605v1

Contrôle de la maturation sexuelle et de la croissance d’animaux triploïdes greffés avec des cellules germinales

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Cécile Duret
2. Journées des Installations Expérimentales LPGP, Jun 2017, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-01605272v1

Expression profiling of new germline markers suggests successive waves of different spermatogonial stem cell subpopulations during rainbow trout ontogenesis

Ahmed Maouche , Edouard Curran , Aude Gautier , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni
6. International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. CZE., Sep 2017, Vodnany, Czech Republic. 156 p
Conference papers hal-01594588v1

En quête des cellules souches de la gamétogenèse

Florence Le Gac , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Johanna Bellaïche
CRB ANIM - Réunion du Réseau de Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les animaux domestiques, Nov 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02801459v1

Identifying the spermatogonial stem cells in fish testis: morphological aspects, molecular markers and functional study

Johanna Bellaïche , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
46. International Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Jul 2013, Montréal, Québec, Canada. 391 p
Conference papers hal-02746323v1

The effect of GonazonTM (GnRH analog) on LH and 17α20β-DHP secretion and sperm parameters in rainbow trout

Tomasz Mikolajczyk , Jaroslaw Chyb , Henryk Kuzminski , Florence Le Gac , Stefan Dobosz
7. International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Sep 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Conference papers hal-02746905v1

Expression of K, cyp19b, ERa, ERß1 and ERß2 in testes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Christelle Delalande , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Florence Le Gac
7. International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Sep 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Conference papers hal-02750129v1

Pathways used by androgens or FSH to regulate testis maturation

Elisabeth Sambroni , Antoine D. Rolland , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
9. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Aug 2011, Thrissur (Cochin), India
Conference papers hal-02746430v1

Identification of androgen-responsive genes in fish testis: relevance to the male gonad development and the regulation of spermatogenesis

Antoine D. Rolland , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Frédéric Chalmel , Rémi Houlgatte , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
9. International Congress of Andrology, Mar 2009, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-02754652v1

KISS/GPR54, un système régulateur de la puberté et de la reproduction chez les poissons ?

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Pierre-Yves Le Bail , Olivier Kah , Alain Caraty
1. Journées de la recherche filière piscicole, Jul 2007, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02751053v1

Presence of a GPR54 –like but no agonistic effect of mammalian kisspeptids in trout

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Pierre-Yves Le Bail , Olivier Kah , A. Caraty
8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2007, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-00449787v1

Expression of a GPR54 –like but no agonistic effect of mammalian kisspeptins in trout

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Pierre-Yves Le Bail , Olivier Kah , A. Caraty
8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2007, Saint Malo, France. pp.41-42
Conference papers hal-00180289v1

Deux nouveaux membres de la superfamille des tgfβ sont exprimés très préférentiellement dans la gonade mâle de truite et sont différentiellement exprimés au cours de la différenciation sexuelle et la spermatogenèse

Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Marie-José Ricordel , Sophie Mahé , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Denise Vizziano
2. Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département PHASE, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2007, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02756027v1

The INRA AGENAE program and the Agenae trout EST collections: first results applied to fish physiology research

Sandrine Aegerter , Daniel Baron , C. Carpentier , François Chauvigné , Christelle Dantec
Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting, Mar 2004, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02761230v1

Bilan du séquençage d'une collection de "gènes exprimés" chez la truite arc-en-ciel Oncorhynchus mykiss

Marina Govoroun , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Florence Le Gac , Yann Guiguen
Journées AGENAE, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., Mar 2004, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02761733v1

Towards improving the practicability of germ stem cell grafting in commercial salmonids farms

Sarah Trempont , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Tina Terrenne , Francine Krieg , Marjorie Bideau
7. International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, Sep 2019, Rennes, France. , pp.119-120, 2019
Conference poster hal-02282235v1

Régénération de lignées de truite par transplantation de cellules souches germinales

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Francine Krieg , Ahmed Maouche , Alexandra Depince , Cécile Duret
6. Journées de la Recherche Filière Piscicole, Jul 2019, Paris, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02737370v1

Développement d’une procédure de production de populations monosexes femelles chez les salmonidés sans utilisation d’hormone exogène

Sarah Trempont , Tina Terrenne , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Francine Krieg , Marjorie Bideau
6. Journées de la Recherche Filière Piscicole, Jul 2019, Paris, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02184267v1

La greffe des cellules souches germinales permet la production de populations monosexes chez les salmonidés

Sarah Trempont , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Tina Terrenne , Nicolas Dechamp , Laurent Labbé
Séminaire Défis Scientifiques du Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage, Nov 2019, Rennes, France. 85 p., 2019, Recueil des résumés
Conference poster hal-02738327v1

Mise en évidence d'étapes de transition successives des cellules souches germinales qui conduisent à l'apparition de progéniteurs au cours de l’ontogénèse de la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Ahmed Maouche , Edouard Curran , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Florence Le Gac
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase (JAS Phase 2018), Apr 2018, Rennes, France. 2018, Journées d’animation scientifiques du département Phase - Recueil des résumés
Conference poster hal-01771814v1

Gene expression profiling during rainbow trout ontogenesis reveals successive changes gated in teleosts in germ stem cell molecular signature and regulatory pathways

Ahmed Maouche , Edouard Curran , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Florence Le Gac
11. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2018, Manaus, Brazil. , 251 p., 2018, New frontiers in reproductive diversity in a changing environment
Conference poster hal-01812833v1

Germ stem cell transplantation procedure for the regeneration of isogenic trout lines

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Francine Krieg , Alexandra Depince , Ahmed Maouche , Cécile Duret
11. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2018, Manaus, Brazil. , 251 p., 2018, New frontiers in reproductive diversity in a changing environment
Conference poster hal-01812825v1
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Spermatogonial Stem Cells: the Gdnf-Gfra1 pathway regulation is spermatogenetic dependent in trout, and differs from that in mouse

Johanna Bellaïche , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Elisabeth Sambroni , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
1. Journées du GdR 3606 Repro, Apr 2015, Rennes, France. 105 p., 2015, 1ères Journées Scientifiques du GdR Repro
Conference poster hal-02740720v1

Characterization of a non-lethal indicator to predict puberty

Ana Gόmez , M. Blάzquez , B. Crespo , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Lionel Goardon
Aquaculture Europe 2014, Oct 2014, Saint Sébastien, Spain. , 1500 p., 2014, Adding value. Abstracts
Conference poster hal-02743797v1

Investigation on two putative androgen-responsive genes expressed in the gonads of teleostean fish species

Vanessa Mella Alvarado , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Florence Le Gac
7. International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Sep 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina. , 2012, Program and abstracts book. 7 ISFE Buenos Aires 2012
Conference poster hal-02745611v1

Genes involved in the sex steroid control of sperm hydration and final maturation in fish

Johanna Bellaïche , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Antoine D. Rolland , Vanessa Mella Alvarado , Florence Le Gac
7. International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Sep 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina. , 2012, Program and abstracts book. 7 ISFE Buenos Aires 2012
Conference poster hal-02747124v1

Conserved molecular markers of spermatogonial stem cells in the rainbow trout testis

Johanna Bellaïche , D. Mahé , Naoual Bennouioua , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre
17. European Testis Workshop, Apr 2012, Djurönäset, Sweden. 153 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02747119v1

Expression of a GPR54-like but no agonistic effect of mammalian kisspeptins in trout

Anne-Sophie Goupil , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Pierre-Yves Le Bail , Olivier Kah , Alain Caraty
8. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2007, Saint-Malo, France. MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Cybium, 32 (S2), 2008, Comptes rendus / Proceedings "8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish (ISRPF)"
Conference poster hal-02756309v1

Two-way selection for muscle lipid content modifies puberty and gametogenesis in rainbow trout

Claudine Weil , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Edwige Quillet , Laurent Labbé , Florence Le Gac
8. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2007, Saint-Malo, France. MNHN - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Cybium, 32 (S2), 2008, Comptes-Rendus / Proceedings “8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish (ISRPF)”
Conference poster hal-02753171v1

Two new TGF beta members are restricted to the gonad and differentially expressed during sex differentiation and gametogenesis in trout

Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Marie-José Ricordel , Sophie Mahé , Anne-Sophie Goupil , Denise Vizziano
8. International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Jun 2007, Saint-Malo, France. MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Cybium, 32 (S2), 2008, Comptes-Rendus / Proceedings “8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish (ISRPF)”
Conference poster hal-02756495v1

Réseaux d'ADNc pour l'analyse du transcriptome des animaux d'élevage

Agnès Bonnet , Severine S. Degrelle , Christian Diot , Madeleine Douaire , Marina Govoroun
Séminaire des programmes INRA de génomique animale, végétale et des microorganismes, Dec 2004, Paris, France. 2004
Conference poster hal-02831028v1

Bilan du séquençage de collections de gènes exprimés des animaux d'élevage

Agnès Bonnet , Severine S. Degrelle , Colette Désert , Madeleine Douaire , Marina Govoroun
Séminaire des programmes INRA de génomique animale, végétale et des microorganismes, Dec 2004, Paris, France. 2004
Conference poster hal-02833006v1