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Anne Tortel



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La prosodie au Laboratoire Parole et Langage : histoire, recherches actuelles et perspectives

Roxane Bertrand , James Sneed German , Sophie Herment , Daniel J. Hirst , Amandine Michelas
Travaux Interdisciplinaires sur la Parole et le Langage, 2022, Panorama des recherches au Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 38, ⟨10.4000/tipa.5210⟩
Journal articles hal-03906455v1

Le rythme en anglais oral : considérations théoriques et illustrations sur corpus

Anne Tortel
Recherche et Pratiques Pédagogiques en Langues de Spécialité. Cahiers de l'APLIUT, 2021, Vol. 40 N°1, ⟨10.4000/apliut.8857⟩
Journal articles hal-03224106v1
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Positional Determination of the Quality of the Schwa in English

Nadine Herry-Bénit , Roussi Nikolov , Anne Tortel
Scientific Works, 2009, 47, pp.247-257
Journal articles hal-01363440v1

ANGLISH : base de données comparatives L1 & L2 de l’anglais lu, répété et parlé

Anne Tortel
Travaux interdisciplinaires du Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 2008, 27, pp.111-122
Journal articles hal-01363441v1
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The British English rising contour: an exception in read speech?

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel , Laetitia Leonarduzzi
10th International Conference on Speech Prosody, May 2020, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-02496587v1

The intonation contour of non-finality revisited: implications for ESL teaching

Anne Tortel , Sophie Herment
6th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP 6), May 2019, Skopje, Macedonia
Conference papers hal-02099192v1

Le contour montant en lecture : une exception ?

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel
59ème Congrès de la SAES: L'exception, Jun 2019, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-02151651v1

Examples of teaching with PAC

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel , Gabor Turcsan
Colloque international PAC 2019, « Phonetic and phonological variation in contemporary English: Xperience-Xperimentation », Jun 2019, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-02151652v1

Phonetic and phonological variation in contemporary English: French comprehension of British & Irish regional varieties

Kizzi Edensor-Costille , Anne Tortel
Colloque international PAC Phonetic and phonological variation in contemporary English: Xperience-Xperimentation, Jun 2019, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-03224164v1
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La voyelle inaccentuée "e" en position initiale : analyses acoustiques et enjeux pédagogiques pour l'anglais L2

Anne Tortel , Sophie Herment
XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, Jun 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. ⟨10.21437/JEP.2018-67⟩
Conference papers hal-01811589v1

Rhythm and Vowel Reduction in Indian English

Oriana Reid-Collins , Anne Tortel
Le 18ème Colloque sur l'anglais oral de Villetaneuse (ALOES), Apr 2016, Villetaneuse, France
Conference papers hal-01387339v1

The pronunciation of unstressed initial by French learners of English: perspectives for automatic assessment

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel
ALOES 2016 Pre-conference workshop "Learner scoring and automatic assessment for spoken data?”, Mar 2016, Paris, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01462238v1

Initial reduction in English: phonological change and pedagogical implications

Anne Tortel , Sophie Herment
EPIP 4: 4th international conference on english pronunciation: issues & practices, May 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. à paraître (en 2015)
Conference papers hal-01363433v1

L'importance du rythme dans l'apprentissage de l'anglais

Anne Tortel
Comment intégrer l’objectif phonologique dans le projet pédagogique en classe d’anglais ?, LPL, 2015, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-01363456v1

e> reduction in English: phonological change and pedagogical implications

Anne Tortel , Sophie Herment
EPIP4, May 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01363455v1
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Modélisation de l’intonation interlangue: le cas des questions

Nicolas Ballier , Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie , Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel
XXXe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP 2014), Jun 2014, Le Mans, France. pp.740-748
Conference papers hal-01239080v1
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Modeling interlanguage intonation: the case of questions

Sophie Herment , Nicolas Ballier , Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie , Anne Tortel
Speech Prosody 7, Trinity College Dublin, May 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-01239050v1

Does the speed of thought match the speed of sound? Speech rate and its impact on L2 word recognition

Cyril Auran , Caroline Bouzon , Anne Tortel
PAC annual conference, Spoken English Corpora: from annotation to interphonologies, May 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-01363457v1

AixOx, a multi-layered learners corpus: automatic annotation

Sophie Herment , Anastassia Loukina , Anne Tortel , Brigitte Bigi
4th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, Mar 2012, Jaèn, SPAIN, Spain
Conference papers hal-01363458v1

Rhythm metrics and the productions of L1/L2

Anne Tortel , Daniel Hirst
Speech Prosody 5, May 2010, Chicago, United States
Conference papers hal-01363439v1

Prosody in a Contrastive Learner Corpus

Anne Tortel
Societas Linguistica Europaea, « Multidisciplinary perspectives to learner corpora », Sep 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers hal-01363459v1

Influence of first language rhythm in the speech of native speakers and French learners of English

Anne Tortel
PAC, Models, Variation and Phonological Corpora, Sep 2009, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-01363461v1

Schwa perception in grammatical words by first and third year students: positional determination of the quality of the schwa in English

Nadine Herry-Benit , Roussi Nikolov , Anne Tortel
PAC, Variation & Phonological Corpora, Sep 2009, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-01363460v1
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Rhythm and Rhythmic Variation in British English: Subjective and Objective Evaluation of French and Native Speakers

Anne Tortel , Daniel Hirst
Speech Prosody 4, May 2008, Campinas, Brazil
Conference papers hal-01363442v1
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The intonation contour of non-finality revisited Implications for EFL teaching

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel
Kirkova-Naskova, A.; Henderson, A.; Fouz-González, J. English pronunciation instruction: Research-based insights, John Benjamins Publishing, pp.176 - 195, 2021, Applied linguistics series, ⟨10.1075/aals.19.08her⟩
Book sections hal-03418097v1
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AixOx, a multi-layered learners corpus: automatic annotation

Sophie Herment , Anne Tortel , Brigitte Bigi , Daniel J. Hirst , Anastassia Loukina
Díaz Pérez J.; Díaz Negrillo A. Specialisation and variation in language corpora, Linguistic insights (179), Peter Lang, pp.41-76, 2014, 978-3035107135
Book sections hal-01363434v1

Prosody in a Contrastive Learner Corpus

Anne Tortel
ANA Diaz-Negrillo, PAUL Thompson (eds.). Automatic treatment and analysis of learner corpus data, Benjamins, 2013
Book sections hal-01363436v1