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Antoine Renaud




Intermittency of Flame Structure and Thermo-Acoustic Behavior in a Staged Multipoint Injector Using Liquid Fuel

Marie Truffot , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Zimmer , Franck Richecoeur , Alain Cayre
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2024, 146 (3), ⟨10.1115/1.4063638⟩
Journal articles hal-04446435v1
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Plasma-assisted combustion of hydrogen swirling flames: Extension of lean blowout limit and NO$_x$ emissions

Jean-Baptiste Perrin-Terrin , Nicolas Vaysse , Daniel Durox , Ronan Vicquelin , Sébastien Candel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40 (1-4), pp.105546. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2024.105546⟩
Journal articles hal-04665064v1
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Stabilization of Low-NOx Hydrogen Flames on a Dual-Swirl Coaxial Injector

Maxime Leroy , Clément Mirat , Antoine Renaud , Ronan Vicquelin
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2023, 145 (2), ⟨10.1115/1.4055711⟩
Journal articles hal-03699639v1
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Impact of spray dynamics on combustion instabilities investigated by changing the atomizer recess in a swirl combustor

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
Combustion and Flame, 2023, 252, pp.112757. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112757⟩
Journal articles hal-04097959v1
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Structure and NOx Emissions of Stratified Hydrogen-Air Flames Stabilized on a Coaxial Injector

Maxime Leroy , Clément Mirat , Antoine Renaud , Stefano Puggelli , Stephan Zurbach
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2023, 146 (3), ⟨10.1115/1.4063579⟩
Journal articles hal-04441509v1

Swirling spray flames dynamical blow out induced by transverse acoustic oscillations

Clément Patat , Françoise Baillot , Jean-Bernard Blaisot , Éric Domingues , Guillaume Vignat
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39 (4), pp.4651-4659. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.029⟩
Journal articles hal-04567303v1
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Adaptation of the PTV method for droplets evaporating in vicinity of a flame

Gaël Parant , Laurent Zimmer , Antoine Renaud , Franck Richecoeur
Experiments in Fluids, 2022, 63, ⟨10.1007/s00348-022-03443-4⟩
Journal articles hal-03364134v3
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Swirler effects on combustion instabilities analyzed with measured FDFs, injector impedances and damping rates

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud , Guillaume Vignat , Sébastien Candel
Combustion and Flame, 2022, 238, pp.111947. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111947⟩
Journal articles hal-03570157v2
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Do flame describing functions suitably represent combustion dynamics under self-sustained oscillations?

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Guillaume Vignat , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 534, pp.117034. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117034⟩
Journal articles hal-03586643v2
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Azimuthal Instabilities of an Annular Combustor with Different Swirling Injectors

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2022, ⟨10.1115/1.4055450⟩
Journal articles hal-03768133v2
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Comparison of Flame Describing Functions Measured in Single and Multiple Injector Configurations

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , D. Durox , Guillaume Vignat , Antoine Renaud , Jérôme Beaunier
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2022, ⟨10.1115/1.4055451⟩
Journal articles hal-03768131v2
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Investigation of transient PVC dynamics in a strongly swirled spray flame using high speed planar laser imaging of SnO 2 microparticles

Guillaume Vignat , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud , Théa Lancien , Ronan Vicquelin
Combustion and Flame, 2021, 225, pp.305 - 319. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.11.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03493394v1
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Dynamics of spray and swirling flame under acoustic oscillations : A joint experimental and LES investigation

Guillaume Vignat , Ermanno Lo Schiavo , Davide Laera , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Gicquel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38 (4), pp.6015-6024. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.054⟩
Journal articles hal-03694578v1
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Improvement of lean blow out performance of spray and premixed swirled flames using nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges

Guillaume Vignat , Nicolas Minesi , Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38 (4), pp.6559-6566. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.136⟩
Journal articles hal-03117288v1
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Effect of different fuels on combustion instabilities in an annular combustor

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Guillaume Vignat , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2021, 143 (3), pp.031007. ⟨10.1115/1.4049702⟩
Journal articles hal-03674709v1
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High Amplitude Combustion Instabilities in an Annular Combustor Inducing Pressure Field Deformation and Flame Blow Off

Guillaume Vignat , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019, 142 (1), pp.011016. ⟨10.1115/1.4045515⟩
Journal articles hal-02494341v1

레이저 유도 플라즈마가 기상 유동에 미치는 영향

Junghwa Yi , Choongsik Bae , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Zimmer
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers - B, 2019, 43 (8), pp.549-554. ⟨10.3795/KSME-B.2019.43.8.549⟩
Journal articles hal-02324635v1
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Experimental Study of the Precessing Vortex Core Impact on the Liquid Fuel Spray in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor

Antoine Renaud , Sebastien Ducruix , Laurent Zimmer
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019, ⟨10.1115/1.4044998⟩
Journal articles hal-02312909v1
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Study of a thermo-acoustic instability triggering in a low-swirl burner using simultaneous time-resolved acetone and OH-PLIF

Antoine Renaud , Takeshi Yokomori , Shigeru Tachibana
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37, pp.2627 - 2633. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2018.08.036⟩
Journal articles hal-03486385v1

Experimental characterization of the velocity boundary layer in a motored IC engine

Antoine Renaud , C.-P. Ding , S. Jakirlic , A. Dreizler , B. Böhm
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2018, 71, pp.366-377. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.04.014⟩
Journal articles hal-02060364v1
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Experimental Study of Thermo-Acoustic Instability Triggering in a Staged Liquid Fuel Combustor Using High-Speed OH-PLIF

Antoine Renaud , Shigeru Tachibana , Shuta Arase , Takeshi Yokomori
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2018, 140 (8), ⟨10.1115/1.4038915⟩
Journal articles hal-01757145v1
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Bistability and Transitions between Stable Operation and Thermo-Acoustic Instability in a Staged Liquid-Fuel Combustor

Antoine Renaud , Sebastien Ducruix , Laurent Zimmer
Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, 2017, 59 (187), pp.33-40. ⟨10.20619/jcombsj.59.187_33⟩
Journal articles hal-01863886v1
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Bistable behaviour and thermo-acoustic instability triggering in a gas turbine model combustor

Antoine Renaud , Sebastien Ducruix , Laurent Zimmer
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36 (3), pp.3899-3906. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2016.08.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01424851v1
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Flame shape transition in a swirl stabilised liquid fueled burner

Antoine Renaud , Sebastien Ducruix , Philippe Scouflaire , Laurent Zimmer
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35, pp.3365-3372. ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01189097v1

Structure and NOx Emissions of Stratified Hydrogen-Air Flames Stabilized on a Coaxial Injector

Maxime Leroy , Clément Mirat , Antoine Renaud , Stefano Puggelli , Stephan Zurbach
ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2023, Boston, France. ⟨10.1115/GT2023-102876⟩
Conference papers hal-04565584v1
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Stabilization and Dynamics of Pure Hydrogen Swirling Flames Using Cross-Flow Injection

Nicolas Vaysse , Daniel Durox , Ronan Vicquelin , Sébastien Candel , Antoine Renaud
ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2023, Boston (MA), United States. ⟨10.1115/GT2023-101977⟩
Conference papers hal-04564363v1
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Structure and light emission of swirling flames produced by pure hydrogen injection in cross-flow

Nicolas Vaysse , D. Durox , Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Ronan Vicquelin , Sébastien Candel
European Combustion Meeting, CORIA (UMR 6614), GFC (French Section of the Combustion Institute), Apr 2023, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-04564294v1
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Experimental investigation of self-sustained thermoacoustic instabilities in pure hydrogen swirling flames

Nicolas Vaysse , D. Durox , Ronan Vicquelin , Sébastien Candel , Antoine Renaud
Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC 2023), CAPS, ETH Zürich, ZHAV, Sep 2023, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-04564503v1

Assessing Transfer Matrix Models and Measurements Using Acoustic Energy Conservation Principles

Véranika Latour , Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2023, Boston, France. ⟨10.1115/gt2023-102035⟩
Conference papers hal-04567294v1

Effects of Fuel Composition on Azimuthal Combustion Instabilities in an Annular Combustor Equipped With Spray Injectors

Véranika Latour , D. Durox , Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2023, Boston, France. ⟨10.1115/gt2023-101370⟩
Conference papers hal-04567290v1
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Marie Truffot , Antoine Renaud , Franck Richecoeur , Laurent Zimmer , Alain Cayre
17 ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2022), Sep 2022, Louvain, Belgique
Conference papers hal-03861736v1
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Adaptation d'une méthode de PTV pour les gouttes de combustible s'évaporant à proximité d'une flamme

Gaël Parant , Laurent Zimmer , Antoine Renaud , Franck Richecoeur
17 ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2022), Sep 2022, Louvain, Belgique
Conference papers hal-03866890v1

Azimuthal Instabilities of an Annular Combustor With Different Swirling Injectors

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2022, Rotterdam, France. ⟨10.1115/GT2022-82281⟩
Conference papers hal-04567288v1
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Comparaison entre flot optique et corrélation croisée pour décrire la dynamique d'un système d'injection turbulent

Marie Truffot , Laurent Zimmer , Antoine Renaud , Franck Richecoeur
17 ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL 2022), Sep 2022, Louvain, Belgique
Conference papers hal-03834691v1
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Bistability of a modulated downwards oriented laminar flame

Marie Truffot , Axel Ivaldi , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Zimmer , Franck Richecoeur
10th European Combustion Meeting (2021), Apr 2021, Naples (virtual), Italy
Conference papers hal-03335144v1
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Swirling spray flames dynamical blow-out induced by transverse acoustic oscillations

Clément Patat , Françoise Baillot , Jean-Bernard Blaisot , Éric Domingues , Guillaume Vignat
Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (soTiC 2021), Sep 2021, Munich, France
Conference papers hal-03674675v1
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Impact of injector characteristics on combustion instabilities in a swirl-spray combustor

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Guillaume Vignat , Daniel Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
5e colloque de l'initiative en combustion avancée (INCA), Safran, Apr 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03832334v1
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The flame describing function and flame dynamics under self-sustained oscillations

Guillaume Vignat , Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Antoine Renaud , Daniel Durox , Sébastien Candel
5e colloque de l'initiative en combustion avancée (INCA), Safran, Apr 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03832347v1

Effect of Different Fuels on Combustion Instabilities in an Annular Combustor

Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan , Guillaume Vignat , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Sep 2020, Virtual, France. ⟨10.1115/GT2020-16092⟩
Conference papers hal-04567271v1

High Amplitude Combustion Instabilities in an Annular Combustor Inducing Pressure Field Deformation and Flame Blow-Off

Guillaume Vignat , D. Durox , Antoine Renaud , Sébastien Candel
ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Jun 2019, Phoenix, France. ⟨10.1115/GT2019-90738⟩
Conference papers hal-04567263v1
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Experimental Study Of The Interactions Betwen Air Flow Rate Modulations And PVC In A Swirl-Stabilised Liquid Fuel Burner

Antoine Renaud , Sebastien Ducruix , Philippe Scouflaire , Laurent Zimmer
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015 GT2015, Jun 2015, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1115/gt2015-42775⟩
Conference papers hal-01286619v1

Effect of fuel staging on the flame shape in a staged liquid-fueled burner

Antoine Renaud , Philippe Scouflaire , Sebastien Ducruix , Laurent Zimmer
European Combustion Meeting, Jun 2013, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01863998v1
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Interaction entre des ondes de choc induites par laser et des gouttelettes

Junghwa Yi , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Zimmer
L. Zimmer ed. Recueil des actes du 16e Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser pour la Mécanique des Fluides., Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris−Saclay, pp 269−276, 2018, 979−10−699−2816−9
Book sections hal-02097667v2
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DMD algorithms for experimental data processing in combustion

Franck Richecoeur , Layal Hakim , Antoine Renaud , Laurent Zimmer
Proceeding of the 2012 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, pp.459-468, 2012
Book sections hal-00825509v1