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Arnaud Legrand



### Contact: ### Webpage: [Academic Page ]( ### Resume: Arnaud Legrand is the leader of the [POLARIS]( team. He is a [CNRS]( research scientist at the [LIG]( His research targets the management (mostly from an algorithmic point of view, i.e., scheduling, load balancing, fairness, game theory….) and performance evaluation (in particular through simulation, visualization, statistical analysis, …) of large scale distributed computing infrastructures such as clusters, grids, desktop grids, volunteer computing platforms, clouds,… when used for scientific computing. He is one of the main developers of the [**SimGrid**]( project, a **simulation** toolkit for building simulators of distributed applications (originally designed for scheduling algorithm evaluation purposes) developed in collaboration with [Henri Casanova](, [Martin Quinson]( and [Frédéric Suter]( ### ### Education and Professional Experience Nov. 2015*Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches*, University of GrenobleOct. 2004-…:Tenured Researcher for the CNRS (*Chargé de Recherche*) at Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble.2004-2005:Post-Doctoral Research Associate, UCSD (USA). Collaboration with Henri Casanova, Larry Carter and Jeanne Ferrante.2003-2004:Post-Doctoral Research Associate, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France).2000-Dec. 2003:Ph.D. Computer Science, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme. Thesis: *Heterogeneous parallel algorithms and scheduling : static and dynamic approaches* Advisors: Prof. Olivier Beaumont and Prof. Yves Robert.


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Characterizing the Performance of Modern Architectures Through Opaque Benchmarks: Pitfalls Learned the Hard Way

Luka Stanisic , Lucas Mello Schnorr , Augustin Degomme , Franz Heinrich , Arnaud Legrand
IPDPS 2017 - 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (RepPar workshop), May 2017, Orlando, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01470399v2