Studying the dynamics of cell wall polysaccharides by metabolic click-mediated labeling of pectins
Marc Ropitaux
Quentin Hays
Aurélie Baron
Laura Fourmois
Isabelle Boulogne
5ème Journées Scientifiques de la Fédération de Recherche Normandie-Végétal- FED4277, Jul 2023, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Use of glycans metabolic engineering for studying plant cell wall biosynthesis and functions
Quentin Hays
Mathieu Carlier
Marc Ropitaux
Aurélie Baron
Boris Vauzeilles
Eurocarb21, The 21st European Carbohydrate Symposium, Jul 2023, Paris, France
Conference poster
Glycosyltransferase inhibitor engineering and its uses to study plant cell growth
Mathieu Carlier
Thomas Poisson
Cyrille Sabot
Jean-Claude Mollet
Patrice Lerouge
28èmes Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences, May 2022, Branville, France.
Conference poster
Use of metabolic-click labelling sugars to visualize the dynamic of cell wall polysaccharides in living tip-polarized growing cells
Marc Ropitaux
Quentin Hays
Aurélie Baron
Laura Fourmois
Isabelle Boulogne
28èmes Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences, May 2022, Branville, France
Conference poster
Glycans metabolic engineering, a tool for the study of the cell wall glycosylation of living plants. Rencontre de Chimie Organique Biologique
Mathieu Carlier
Quentin Hays
Marc Ropitaux
Laura Fourmois
Boris Vauzeilles
Rencontre de Chimie Organique Biologique RECOB 18eme édition, Mar 2022, Aussois, France
Conference poster
Biochemical and functional characterization of AtPGLR an endoPG expressed in roots
Ludivine Hocq
Olivier Habrylo
Aline Voxeur
Josip Safran
Sophie Guinand
VIII Cell Wall research Conference, Jun 2018, Asilomar, United States
Conference poster
Deciphering the links between ROS, Ca 2+ and cell wall remodeling during Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tube growth
Jérémy Dehors
Bruno Gügi
Alain A. Mareck
Patrice Lerouge
Arnaud Lehner
25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, ICSPR, Gifu, Japan. June 11-16th 2018, Jun 2018, Gifu, Japan
Conference poster
Deciphering the links between ROS, Ca and cell wall remodeling during Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tube growth
Jérémy Dehors
Ferdousse Laggoun
Bruno Gügi
Alain Mareck
Patrice Lerouge
21ème Journées de l'école doctorale normande BISE, Mar 2018, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Cell wall Changes induced by ROS and ethylene in sunflower seed dormancy alleviation.
Elissa Naim
Patrice Meimoun
Arnaud Lehner
Bruno Gügi
Ferdousse Laggoun
11ème Journées du Réseau Français des Parois, Jun 2017, Orléans, France
Conference poster
Arabidopsis pollen tube growth and adhesion using an enzymatic approach
Ferdousse Laggoun
Flavien Dardelle
Azeddine A. Driouich
Patrice Lerouge
Arnaud Lehner
1ère journée de la SFR Normandie Végétal, Jul 2017, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Chemical Screen of Natural Small Molecules Identified a steroidal alkaloid, Holaphyllamine, Able to Induce Defense Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana and Increase Resistance against Pseudomonas syringae
Abderrakib Zahid
Ferdousse Laggoun
Maïté Vicré
Arnaud Lehner
Isabelle Remy-Jouet
12th European Fondation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) & 10th French Society for Plant Pathology (SFP) congress, May 2017, Dunkerque, France
Conference poster
Deciphering the links between ROS, Ca 2+ and cell wall remodeling during Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tube growth
Jérémy Dehors
Ferdousse Laggoun
Bruno Gügi
Alain A. Mareck
Patrice Lerouge
1ère journée de la SFR Normandie Végétal, Jul 2017, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Arabidopsis pollen tube growth and adhesion: Dissecting the pectin structure using an enzymatic approach
Ferdousse Laggoun
Flavien Dardelle
Azeddine Driouich
Patrice Lerouge
Arnaud Lehner
24th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, ICSPR, Mar 2016, Tucson, United States
Conference poster
Plant cell wall imaging using metabolic click-mediated labelling
Marie Dumont
Arnaud Lehner
Alan Marchant
Boris Vauzeilles
Charles Anderson
Journée scientifique du GRR-IRIB, Jun 2015, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France
Conference poster
Small molecules interfere with the tip-polarized growth of Arabidopsis and tomato pollen tubes
Ferdousse Laggoun
Flavien Dardelle
Denis Falconet
Jean-Claude Mollet
Patrice Lerouge
17ième Journées de l’Ecole Doctorale NBISE, Apr 2014, Le Havre, France
Conference poster
The cell wall pectic polymer rhamnogalacturonan-II is required for proper pollen tube elongation: implication of a putative sialyltransferase-like protein
Marie Dumont
Arnaud Lehner
Jean-Claude Mollet
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
Aline Voxeur
23rd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, ICSPR, Jul 2014, Porto, Portugal
Conference poster
Decrease in PME48 activity leads to abnormal pollen germination
Christelle Leroux
Sophie Bouton
Claudine Morvan
Françoise Fournet
Stephanie S. Guenin
23rd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, ICSPR, Jul 2014, Porto, Portugal
Conference poster
Small molecules interfere with the tip-polarized growth of Arabidopsis and tomato pollen
Ferdousse Laggoun
Flavien Dardelle
Denis Falconet
Aurélien Lesnard
Sylvain Rault
23rd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, ICSPR, Jul 2014, Porto, Portugal
Conference poster
The cell wall of tobacco and tomato pollen tubes contains fucosylated xyloglucan not found in somatic cells
Flavien Dardelle
Arnaud Lehner
Muriel Bardor
Christophe Rihouey
Mathilde Causse
XIIIth Cell Wall Meeting, Jul 2013, Nantes, France
Conference poster
Role of Rhamnogalacturonan type II in pollen tube elongation
Marie Dumont
Aline Voxeur
Arnaud Lehner
Jean-Claude Mollet
Patrice Lerouge
XIIIth Cell Wall Meeting, Jul 2013, Nantes, France
Conference poster
Role of Rhamnogalacturonan type II in pollen tube elongation
Marie Dumont
Aline Voxeur
Arnaud Lehner
Jean-Claude Mollet
Patrice Lerouge
2ième Journée de l’Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation Biomédicale, Jun 2013, Rouen, France
Conference poster
AtPME48 encodes a pectin methylesterase involved in Arabidopsis pollen grain germination
Arnaud Lehner
Christelle Leroux
Stephanie Guenin
Françoise Fournet
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
XIIIth Cell Wall Meeting, Jul 2013, Nantes, France
Conference poster
Characterization of pollen tube xyloglucan from tobacco and tomato (Solanaceae)
Flavien Dardelle
Maxime Grare
Arnaud Lehner
Christophe Rihouey
Muriel Bardor
Symposium - Everything you want to know about Plant Sex but were afraid to ask, Jul 2012, Porto, Portugal
Conference poster
Involvement of pectin methylesterases during pollen imbibition and germination
Christelle Leroux
Arnaud Lehner
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
Jérôme Pelloux
Azeddine A. Driouich
15ième Journées de l’Ecole Doctorale NBISE, Mar 2012, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France
Conference poster
Characterization of pollen tube xyloglucan from tobacco and tomato (Solanaceae)
Flavien Dardelle
Maxime Grare
Arnaud Lehner
Christophe Rihouey
Muriel Bardor
24èmes Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences, May 2012, Val Joly, France
Conference poster
Involvement of Pectin methylesterases in Arabidopsis pollen imbibitions and germination
Christelle Leroux
Arnaud Lehner
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
Jérôme Pelloux
Azeddine Driouich
1ere journée de l’Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation Biomédicale, Jun 2012, Rouen, France
Conference poster
A new model depicting the role of PME during dehydration and germination of pollen grain
Christelle Leroux
Arnaud Lehner
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
Jérôme Pelloux
Azeddine Driouich
Colloque Grands Réseaux de Recherche, Nov 2012, Rouen, France
Conference poster
De la fleur à la graine : Le fabuleux destin du pollen
Arnaud Lehner
Flavien Dardelle
Jean Claude Mollet
21ème édition de la fête de la science, Nov 2012, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Involvement of two pectin methylesterases AtPME1 and ApPME48 during Arabidopsis pollen germination
Christelle Leroux
Arnaud Lehner
Françoise Fournet
Stéphanie Guénin
Marie-Christine Kiefer-Meyer
Journées du Réseau Français des Parois, Jun 2011, Lille, France
Conference poster
Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tube cell wall
Flavien Dardelle
Arnaud Lehner
Yasmina Ramdani
Muriel Bardor
Patrice Lerouge
ASPB-CSPP Annual Plant Biology Meeting, Jul 2010, Montréal, Canada
Conference poster
The pollen tube cell wall: a microscopic and biochemical characterization
Flavien Dardelle
Arnaud Lehner
Yasmina Ramdani
Muriel Bardor
Patrice Lerouge
XIIth Cell Wall Meeting, Jul 2010, Porto, Portugal
Conference poster
Pectin methylesterases and Arabidopsis pollen tube growth
Arnaud Lehner
Florian Païola
Romain R. Louvet
Jérôme Pelloux
Azeddine A. Driouich
ASPB-CSPP Annual Plant Biology Meeting, Jul 2010, Montréal, Canada
Conference poster
Extracellular matrix characterization of in vitro grown Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes
Jean-Claude Mollet
Roll Ngouala Finassi
Arnaud Lehner
Marie-Laure Follet-Gueye
Muriel Bardor
Valorisation des ressources : applications biotechnologiques dans les agrosystèmes arides et sahariens, Dec 2009, Djerba, Tunisia
Conference poster
Extracellular matrix characterization of in vitro grown Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes
Jean-Claude Mollet
Jean-Claude Mollet
Arnaud Lehner
Muriel Bardor
Marie-Laure Follet-Gueye
XVième Journée IFRMP 23, Jun 2009, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France
Conference poster
De la fleur à la graine : Le fabuleux destin du pollen
Arnaud Lehner
Flavien Dardelle
Jean Claude Mollet
17ème édition de la fête de la science, Nov 2008, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Les plantes reviviscentes : une solution au réchauffement climatique ?
Maïté Vicré-Gibouin
Arnaud Lehner
Azeddine Driouich
17ème édition de la fête de la science, Nov 2008, Rouen, France
Conference poster
Ageing of wheat grains : Two (or more) ways to die?
Arnaud Lehner
Norbert Mamadou
Daniel Côme
Christophe Bailly
François Corbineau
1er colloque du Reseau Français de Biologie des Graines, Jun 2007, Angers, France
Conference poster
Oligosaccharide metabolism in wheat embryo as possible indicator of sprouting susceptibility
Arnaud Lehner
Daniel Côme
Françoise Corbineau
8th International Workshop on Seeds, May 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Conference poster
Activité catalase : un moyen d’apprécier l’aptitude à la conservation des semences de blé
Arnaud Lehner
Christophe Bailly
Daniel Côme
François Corbineau
25ème congrès du GETIS, Mar 2005, Paris, France
Conference poster
Teneur en sucres solubles : mise en évidence d’un début de germination sur pied pendant la culture
Arnaud Lehner
Daniel Côme
François Corbineau
25ème congrès du GETIS, Mar 2005, Paris, France
Conference poster
Variation de la composition et des propriétés thermodynamiques des lipides de réserve des semences de tournesol au cours de leur développement
Christophe Bailly
Arnaud Lehner
Sandrine Rousseau
Daniel Côme
François Corbineau
11èmes journées des Sciences de la Vie de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Jan 2003, Paris, France
Conference poster
Composition and thermal properties of reserve lipids of developing sunflower seeds
Christophe Bailly
Arnaud Lehner
Juliette Leymarie
Sandrine Rousseau
Daniel Côme
7th International Workshop on Seeds, May 2002, Salamanque, Spain
Conference poster
Changes in free radical scavenging during sunflower seed development
Christophe Bailly
Juliette Leymarie
Arnaud Lehner
Sandrine Rousseau
Daniel Côme
5th Meeting on Oxygen, free Radicals and Oxidative Stress in Plants, Nov 2001, Nice, France
Conference poster
Changes in antioxidant enzymes during sunflower seed development
Arnaud Lehner
Christophe Bailly
Sandra Rousseau
Françoise Corbineau
Daniel Côme
Journée de l'UFR de Biologie de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, 2001, Paris, France
Conference poster
Changes in antioxydant enzymes during sunflower seed development
Arnaud Lehner
Christophe Bailly
Sandrine Rousseau
François Corbineau
Daniel Côme
10èmes Journées des Sciences de la Vie de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Jul 2001, Paris, France
Conference poster