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Ashiqul Islam Dip



**Ashiqul Islam Dip** Azimpur 17/A/3, Lalbagh, Dhaka 1205 | +880-1727-444271 | EDUCATION University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000 **B.S. Honors in Physics** **2015** **Major Courses:** Mechanics, Oscillations and Properties of Matter; Thermal Physics; Electricity and Magnetism; Waves and Optics; Electronics-I; Mathematical Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Classical Mechanics and Special Theory of Relativity; Electrodynamics; Quantum Mechanics-I; Nuclear Physics-I; Solid State Physics-I; Programming and Scientific Computing; Quantum Mechanics-II; Electronics and Computer; Solid State Physics-II; Statistical Mechanics; Nuclear Physics-II; Methods of Experimental Physics. **Minor Courses:** Linear Algebra; Calculus-I; Fundamentals of Chemistry; Introduction to Statistics; Calculus-II; Ordinary Differential Equations; Numerical Analysis; Principles of Statistics; Advanced Language Skills. **Cumulative Grade Point Average:** 3.53 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Community of Physics, Dhaka 1205 **Course Instructor** – **“Classical Electromagnetism”** **July 2015 – June 2016** Developed syllabus and the overall course structure. **Course Instructor** – **“Classical Mechanics”** **July 2014 – June 2015** Developed syllabus and the overall course structure. RELATED EXPERIENCE Community of Physics, Dhaka 1205 **Chief Researcher** **July 2016 – Present** Monitoring research activities. Currently, I am working on simulating the event of compact binary coalescence. **Chief Coordinator** **December 2013 – June 2016** Administering all academic and administrative activities. Designing course outlines. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Student Branch, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000 **Academic & Technical Secretary** **April 2015 – December 2015** Approving project ideas and monitoring the progress of the projects. Bangladesh Physics Olympiad Committee, Dhaka 1209 **Academic Volunteer** **August 2012 – March 2015** Set question papers and evaluated answer scripts for Bangladesh Physics Olympiad. PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS *“**Gender Differences in Physics: A Comparative Study of Persistence”* **2016** Submitted to the American Journal of Physics. Available on with the identifier arXiv:1611.01951. Outreach Activities Community of Physics, Dhaka 1205 **Speaker — “2nd Workshop on Differential Equations”** **October 2016** Developed course outline, lectured for two sessions, and set question paper. **Speaker — “1st Workshop on Classical Electromagnetism”** **July 2016** Developed course outline, lectured for five sessions, and set question paper. **Speaker — “****1st Workshop on Classical Mechanics: From Newton to Lagrange****”** **February 2016** Developed course outline, lectured for three sessions, and set question paper. **Speaker — “1st Workshop on Vector Calculus”** **December 2015** Developed course outline, lectured for four sessions, and set question paper. **Speaker — “1st Workshop on Differential Equations”** **June 2015** Lectured for two sessions and set question paper. SKILLS C++ Programming C# Programming Fortran Programming LaTeX ASP.NET Development MEMBERSHIPS American Physical Society (APS) **Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV)** **Division of Astrophysics (DAP)** Graduate Student Member Institute of Physics (IOP) **Gravitational Physics Group (GPG) Astroparticle Physics Group (APG)** Graduate Student Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) **IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S)** Graduate Student Member
