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Institutionalising promises: The key role of promise champions in mediating and embedding visions of the future into institutions4S/EASST. Science and technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures., 2016, Bareclona, Spain
Conference papers
The embedding of emerging technology fields in research and marketsEU-SPRI conference 2015 , 2015, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers
Dynamics of epistemic communities and emerging technologies : the need for local embeddedness and spaces of exchangeThe management of innovation policies : new forms of collaboration in policy design, implementation and evaluation. 2013 EU-SPRI conference, Apr 2013, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Innovations et construction des marchésConférence annuelle de l'IFRIS, Jan 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
How do radical innovations 'generalise': the role of market infrastructuresEUSPRI Annual Conference, Jun 2012, Karlruhe, Germany
Conference papers
Governing emerging markets : creating/transforming market infrastructures4S & EASST Conference, Oct 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
Governing markets for radical products by designing market infrastructure. Market infrastructures - towards a market paradigm ?DBP seminar, Apr 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
Coping with standard diversity: an analytical framework - the standard life cycle28. EGOS Colloquium, Aalto University. Helsinki, FIN., Jul 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 27 p
Conference papers
Organizing markets for nanotechnology products : Investigating firms'collective actions in ISO and the European Code of Conduct, Organising and Reorganizing marketsSCORE, Feb 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Vision Assessment in Asynchronous LogicFourth Annual meeting of The Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), Oct 2012, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers
Coping with standard diversity: An analytical framework - The standard life cycle28. EGOS Colloquium - sub-theme 15: Multiplicity and Plurality in the World of Standards, Jul 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Practical relevance and academic excellence: Four business schools in contextEFMD Higher Education Research Conference - Session 6B "Relevance of HE Institutions & Business Schools, Jan 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Strategies in nanotechnology markets : Creating a regulatory framework for sustainable markets7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sep 2012, Santarem, Portugal. pp.140-148
Conference papers
Current regulatory limitations for the development of products containing nanomaterials with a life cycle perspectiveGoldschmidt 2012, Jun 2012, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Academic quality as a result of individual performances and collective achievement. Inside the black box of high standing academic departmentsENID Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2011 'Actors and Networks in European Science' - Session 7 'Indicators for the evaluation of research programs and groups', Sep 2011, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Excellence académique et pertinence professionnelle. Etude de quatre Business Schools en Europe et aux Etats-UnisLes universités au risque de l'histoire. Principes, configurations et modèles. 19ème-20ème siècles, Oct 2011, Nancy, France
Conference papers
How should we define, construct and compare clusters in emerging S&T fields ? The case of nanotechnologies3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field : An experiment in Nanosciences with the Kwords lab3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", May 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Characterising the dynamics of nano sciences and technologies : Implications for future policy makersColloque franco-russe " Économie, politique et société : nouveaux défis et perspectives ", Oct 2010, Moscou, Russia
Conference papers
The role of standardisation in the shaping of a vision for nanotechnologies.Conference "Tentative Governance In Emerging Science and Technology", Oct 2010, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers
Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnologyThe knowledge for growth conference, 7-9 juillet 2008, Toulouse (France), Jul 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Public policy as trust enabling mechanismSIAP Seminar, 8 juillet 2008, Champs-sur-Marne (France), Jul 2008, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers
Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnologyThe PRIME-ENID conference on positioning indicators, 28-30 may 2008, Oslo (Norvège), May 2008, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers
La production scientifique en NanosciencesJournées Nationales des Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies, ANR/PNAO/R3N, 21 octobre 2008, Grenoble (France), Oct 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Sciences et Société en mutation - Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'émergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologiesEmergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies, Feb 2007, PARIS, France
Conference papers
The role of regional institutional entrepreneurs in the emergence of clusters in nanotechnologies21. EGOS conference : Unlocking organizations, Jun 2005, Berlin, Germany. 30 p
Conference papers
Nanodistricts: Between Global Nanotechnology Promises and Local Cluster DynamicsThe Local Configuration of New Research Fields - On Regional and National Diversity, 29, springer, 2016, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, 978-3-319-22682-8 (Print) 978-3-319-22683-5 (Online)
Book sections
Relevance and Excellence in Higher Education Vocational Schools: Business Schools as Institutional ActorsThe institutional development of business schools. Andrew M. Pettigrew, Eric Cornuel, Ulrich Hommel (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2014
Book sections
Pertinence et excellence en gestionYamina Bettahar; Marie-Jeanne Choffel-Mailfert. Les universités au risque de l'Histoire, Presses universitaires de Nancy, pp.475-502, 2014, Histoire des institutions scientifiques, 9782814302020
Book sections
Governing radical change through the emergence of a governance arrangementThe Governance of Socio-Technical Systems - Explaining Change, 2014, Eu-SPRI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy series 978 1 78471 018 7
Book sections
Emergence des nanotechnologies : Vers un nouveau "modèle industriel "?Ph. Laredo, J.-Ph. Leresche et K. Weber. L'internationalisation des systèmes de recherche en action. Les cas français et Suisse, Presses Polytechniques et Universiataires Romandes (PPUR), 24 p., 2009
Book sections
Tentative governance for radical innovation: the strategic role of market infrastructures2016
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Les nanomatériaux manufacturés à l'horizon 2030 en France[Rapport Technique] INRS. 2015
Mapping and characterising the dynamics of emerging technologies to inform policy[Research Report] Université paris Est, IFRIS. 2015
Les leviers de l'action de l'entrepreneur institutionnel: le cas des micro et nanotechnologies et du pôle de grenobleGestion et management. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2007. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩