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Aurelie Delemarle



Institutionalising promises: The key role of promise champions in mediating and embedding visions of the future into institutions

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Aurélie Delemarle
4S/EASST. Science and technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures., 2016, Bareclona, Spain
Conference papers hal-01711264v1

The embedding of emerging technology fields in research and markets

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Philippe Larédo , Aurélie Delemarle , Axel Lagnau
EU-SPRI conference 2015 , 2015, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01711238v1

Dynamics of epistemic communities and emerging technologies : the need for local embeddedness and spaces of exchange

Aurélie Delemarle , Axel Lagnau , Philippe Larédo , Robinson Douglas
The management of innovation policies : new forms of collaboration in policy design, implementation and evaluation. 2013 EU-SPRI conference, Apr 2013, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-00942808v1

Innovations et construction des marchés

Aurélie Delemarle , J.-P. Gaudilliere
Conférence annuelle de l'IFRIS, Jan 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00908617v1

How do radical innovations 'generalise': the role of market infrastructures

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
EUSPRI Annual Conference, Jun 2012, Karlruhe, Germany
Conference papers hal-00793878v1

Governing emerging markets : creating/transforming market infrastructures

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
4S & EASST Conference, Oct 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00793879v1

Governing markets for radical products by designing market infrastructure. Market infrastructures - towards a market paradigm ?

Aurélie Delemarle
DBP seminar, Apr 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-00793885v1

Coping with standard diversity: an analytical framework - the standard life cycle

Jean-Pierre Galland , Aurélie Delemarle , Allison Marie Loconto , David Demortain
28. EGOS Colloquium, Aalto University. Helsinki, FIN., Jul 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 27 p
Conference papers hal-02807977v1

Organizing markets for nanotechnology products : Investigating firms'collective actions in ISO and the European Code of Conduct, Organising and Reorganizing markets

Aurélie Delemarle
SCORE, Feb 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-00793884v1

Vision Assessment in Asynchronous Logic

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo
Fourth Annual meeting of The Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), Oct 2012, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00794447v1

Coping with standard diversity: An analytical framework - The standard life cycle

Jean-Pierre Galland , Aurélie Delemarle , A. Loconto , David Demortain
28. EGOS Colloquium - sub-theme 15: Multiplicity and Plurality in the World of Standards, Jul 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers hal-00763569v1

Practical relevance and academic excellence: Four business schools in context

Catherine Paradeise , Jean-Claude Thoenig , S. Mignot-Girard , Emilie Biland , G. Goastellec
EFMD Higher Education Research Conference - Session 6B "Relevance of HE Institutions & Business Schools, Jan 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00735953v1

Strategies in nanotechnology markets : Creating a regulatory framework for sustainable markets

Claire Auplat , Aurélie Delemarle
7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sep 2012, Santarem, Portugal. pp.140-148
Conference papers hal-00793836v1

Current regulatory limitations for the development of products containing nanomaterials with a life cycle perspective

Claire Auplat , Aurélie Delemarle
Goldschmidt 2012, Jun 2012, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-00793886v1

Academic quality as a result of individual performances and collective achievement. Inside the black box of high standing academic departments

Catherine Paradeise , Antoine Schoen , Aurélie Delemarle
ENID Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2011 'Actors and Networks in European Science' - Session 7 'Indicators for the evaluation of research programs and groups', Sep 2011, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00669377v1

Excellence académique et pertinence professionnelle. Etude de quatre Business Schools en Europe et aux Etats-Unis

Catherine Paradeise , Jean-Claude Thoenig , Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard , Emilie Biland , G. Goastellec
Les universités au risque de l'histoire. Principes, configurations et modèles. 19ème-20ème siècles, Oct 2011, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-00669445v1

How should we define, construct and compare clusters in emerging S&T fields ? The case of nanotechnologies

Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo , Laurent Villard
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00588200v1
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Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field

Philippe P. Breucker , Audrey Baneyx , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard , Bernard Kahane
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02753679v1

Exploiting keywords life-cycle to analyse the dynamics of an emerging field : An experiment in Nanosciences with the Kwords lab

Aurélie Delemarle , Bernard Kahane , Philippe Larédo , Ludovic Villard , Audrey Baneyx
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on "STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decision", May 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00588205v1

Characterising the dynamics of nano sciences and technologies : Implications for future policy makers

Aurélie Delemarle
Colloque franco-russe " Économie, politique et société : nouveaux défis et perspectives ", Oct 2010, Moscou, Russia
Conference papers hal-00588194v1

The role of standardisation in the shaping of a vision for nanotechnologies.

Aurélie Delemarle , H. Throne-Holst
Conference "Tentative Governance In Emerging Science and Technology", Oct 2010, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00588207v1

Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnology

Philippe Larédo , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard
The knowledge for growth conference, 7-9 juillet 2008, Toulouse (France), Jul 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00614229v1

Public policy as trust enabling mechanism

Aurélie Delemarle
SIAP Seminar, 8 juillet 2008, Champs-sur-Marne (France), Jul 2008, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-00614077v1

Knowledge dynamics and agglomeration phenomena : the case of nanotechnology

Philippe Larédo , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle , Lionel Villard
The PRIME-ENID conference on positioning indicators, 28-30 may 2008, Oslo (Norvège), May 2008, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers hal-00614228v1

La production scientifique en Nanosciences

Aurélie Delemarle
Journées Nationales des Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies, ANR/PNAO/R3N, 21 octobre 2008, Grenoble (France), Oct 2008, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00614079v1

Sciences et Société en mutation - Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'émergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies

Stéphanie Lacour , Marjorie Thomas , Roger Moret , Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
Emergence des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies, Feb 2007, PARIS, France
Conference papers halshs-00193131v1

The role of regional institutional entrepreneurs in the emergence of clusters in nanotechnologies

Vincent Mangematin , Arie Rip , Aurélie Delemarle , D.K.R. Robinson
21. EGOS conference : Unlocking organizations, Jun 2005, Berlin, Germany. 30 p
Conference papers hal-02830014v1

Nanodistricts: Between Global Nanotechnology Promises and Local Cluster Dynamics

Douglas K. R. Robinson , Arie Rip , Aurélie Delemarle
The Local Configuration of New Research Fields - On Regional and National Diversity, 29, springer, 2016, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, 978-3-319-22682-8 (Print) 978-3-319-22683-5 (Online)
Book sections hal-01273366v1

Relevance and Excellence in Higher Education Vocational Schools: Business Schools as Institutional Actors

Catherine Paradeise , Jean-Claude Thoenig , Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard , Emilie Biland , Aurélie Delemarle
The institutional development of business schools. Andrew M. Pettigrew, Eric Cornuel, Ulrich Hommel (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2014
Book sections hal-01191022v1

Pertinence et excellence en gestion

Catherine Paradeise , Jean-Claude Thoenig , Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard , Emilie Biland , Gaële Goastellec
Yamina Bettahar; Marie-Jeanne Choffel-Mailfert. Les universités au risque de l'Histoire, Presses universitaires de Nancy, pp.475-502, 2014, Histoire des institutions scientifiques, 9782814302020
Book sections halshs-01143591v1
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Governing radical change through the emergence of a governance arrangement

Aurélie Delemarle , Philippe Larédo
The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems - Explaining Change, 2014, Eu-SPRI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy series 978 1 78471 018 7
Book sections hal-01273361v1
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Emergence des nanotechnologies : Vers un nouveau "modèle industriel "?

Philippe Larédo , Carole Rieu , Lionel Villard , Bernard Kahane , Aurélie Delemarle
Ph. Laredo, J.-Ph. Leresche et K. Weber. L'internationalisation des systèmes de recherche en action. Les cas français et Suisse, Presses Polytechniques et Universiataires Romandes (PPUR), 24 p., 2009
Book sections hal-00424261v1