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Aurélie Dupont

Researcher, CNRS Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique Université Grenoble Alpes

Research domains

Biological Physics []


Fluorescence microscopy Collective movements Experimental biophysics


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Behavioral transition of a fish school in a crowded environment

Bruno Ventéjou , Iris Magniez- -Papillon , Eric Bertin , Philippe Peyla , Aurélie Dupont
Physical Review E , 2024, 109 (6), pp.064403. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.109.064403⟩
Journal articles hal-04632498v1
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Fish evacuate smoothly respecting a social bubble

Renaud Larrieu , Philippe Moreau , Christian Graff , Philippe Peyla , Aurélie Dupont
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.10414. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-36869-9⟩
Journal articles hal-04173035v1
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Optical nanotopography of fluorescent surfaces by axial position modulation

Inhong Kim , Julien Leblanc , Philippe Moreau , Kwangseuk Kyhm , Aurélie Dupont
Optics Express, 2022, 30 (4), pp.6425. ⟨10.1364/OE.451896⟩
Journal articles hal-03609439v1
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Collective orientation of an immobile fish school and effect on rheotaxis

Renaud Larrieu , Catherine Quilliet , Aurélie Dupont , Philippe Peyla
Physical Review E , 2021, 103 (2), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.103.022137⟩
Journal articles hal-03149531v1
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QuanTI-FRET: a framework for quantitative FRET measurements in living cells

Alexis Coullomb , Cécile Bidan , Chen Qian , Fabian Wehnekamp , Christiane I. Oddou
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-62924-w⟩
Journal articles hal-02558690v1
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Identification of an Intermediate Step in Foamy Virus Fusion

Aurélie Dupont , Ivo Glück , Dorothee Ponti , Kristin Stirnnagel , Sylvia Hütter
Viruses, 2020, 12 (12), pp.1472. ⟨10.3390/v12121472⟩
Journal articles hal-03107424v1
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Structural transitions and mechanochemical coupling in the nucleoprotein filament explain homology selectivity and Rad51 protein cooperativity in cellular DNA repair

Scott X. Atwell , Daniel Migliozzi , Aurélie Dupont , Jean-Louis Viovy , Giovanni Cappello
Physical Review E , 2020, 101 (3), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.101.032407⟩
Journal articles hal-02558697v1
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Magneto-active substrates for local mechanical stimulation of living cells

Cécile Bidan , Mario Fratzl , Alexis Coullomb , Philippe Moreau , Alain Lombard
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, pp.1464. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-19804-1⟩
Journal articles hal-01692908v1
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Side-binding proteins modulate actin filament dynamics

Alvaro H Crevenna , Marcelino Arciniega , Aurélie Dupont , Naoko Mizuno , Kaja Kowalska
eLife, 2015, 4, pp.4:e04599. ⟨10.7554/eLife.04599⟩
Journal articles hal-01147381v1

Three-dimensional tracking of carbon nanotubes within living cells.

Nigel F Reuel , Aurélie Dupont , Olivier Thouvenin , Don C Lamb , Michael S Strano
ACS Nano, 2012, 6 (6), pp.5420-8. ⟨10.1021/nn301298e⟩
Journal articles hal-00959548v1

Differential pH-dependent cellular uptake pathways among foamy viruses elucidated using dual-colored fluorescent particles.

Kristin Stirnnagel , Dorothee Schupp , Aurélie Dupont , Volodymyr Kudryavtsev , Juliane Reh
Retrovirology, 2012, 9, pp.71. ⟨10.1186/1742-4690-9-71⟩
Journal articles hal-00959552v1

Nanoscale three-dimensional single particle tracking.

Aurélie Dupont , Don C Lamb
Nanoscale, 2011, 3 (11), pp.4532-41. ⟨10.1039/c1nr10989h⟩
Journal articles hal-00959547v1

Live-cell visualization of dynamics of HIV budding site interactions with an ESCRT component.

Viola Baumgärtel , Sergey Ivanchenko , Aurélie Dupont , Mikhail Sergeev , Paul W Wiseman
Nature Cell Biology, 2011, 13 (4), pp.469-74. ⟨10.1038/ncb2215⟩
Journal articles hal-00959545v1

Direct observation of twisting steps during Rad51 polymerization on DNA.

Hideyuki Arata , Aurélie Dupont , Judith Miné-Hattab , Ludovic Disseau , Axelle Renodon-Cornière
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 106 (46), pp.19239-44
Journal articles hal-01139007v1

Zinc oxide nanorod growth on gold islands prepared by microsphere lithography on silicon and quartz.

Charles W Blackledge , Jodi M Szarko , Aurélie Dupont , George H Chan , Elizabeth L Read
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7 (9), pp.3336-9. ⟨10.1166/jnn.2007.652⟩
Journal articles hal-01131469v1

Short time investigation of the neurospora kinesin step

Lorenzo Busoni , Aurélie Dupont , Clémentine Symonds , Jacques Prost , Giovanni Cappello
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2006, 18 (33), pp.1957. ⟨10.1088/0953-8984/18/33/S13⟩
Journal articles hal-01129016v1

A general method for manipulating DNA sequences from any organism with optical tweezers.

Derek N Fuller , Gregory J Gemmen , John Peter Rickgauer , Aurélie Dupont , Rachel Millin
Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, 34 (2), pp.e15
Journal articles hal-01131462v1

A hydrodynamic toy model for fish locomotion

Bruno Ventéjou , Thibaut Métivet , Aurélie Dupont , Christian Graff , Philippe Peyla
DFD 2023 - 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society, Nov 2023, Washinghton DC, United States
Conference papers hal-04254582v1

QuanTI-FRET calibration for quantitative FRET imaging in living samples

Julien Leblanc , Alexis Coullomb , Cecile Bidan , Fabian Wehnekamp , Chen Qian
Advances in Microscopic Imaging, Jun 2021, Online Only, Germany. pp.13, ⟨10.1117/12.2615695⟩
Conference papers hal-03864082v1
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A hydrodynamic toy model for fish locomotion

Bruno Ventéjou , Thibaut Métivet , Aurélie Dupont , Christian Graff , Philippe Peyla
2023 - Bio-inspired aerial and aquatic locomotion, Sep 2023, Les Houches, France
Conference poster hal-04252308v1
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La recombinaison homologue sur molécule unique d'ADN: mesures de torsion et de couple.

Aurélie Dupont
Biophysique []. Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2008. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00346315v1