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Aurelien Maurel-Pantel

Brief CV


**Depuis Septembre 2011** - **Maitre de conférences** LMA / Aix Marseille Université **2011 Ingénieur de Recherche** - Composite Manufacturing Process Expert au Pôle Innovation Europe Owens Corning (Chambéry) **2010 Ingénieur de Recherche** - Post-Doctorat au CEMEF MinesParisTech (Sophia Antipolis) **2009 ATER** - ENSMM Conception & Fabrication Mécanique - µfraisage des aciers **2005-2008 Doctorat en Sciences pour l'Ingénieur et Microtechniques** de l'Université de Franche Comté (DMA FEMTO-ST, Besançon) **2002-2005** Diplôme **Ingénieur ENSMM**, option Mécanique & **Master Recherche Mécanique et Ingénierie**, option Dynamique des Structures et Acoustiques (Besançon)
**Since September 2011** - **Assistant Professor** LMA / Aix Marseille University **2011 Research Engineer** - Composite Manufacturing Process Expert at Innovation Pole Europe Owens Corning (Chambéry) **2010 **Research Engineer**** - Post-Doctorate at CEMEF MinesParisTech (Sophia Antipolis) **2009 ATER** - ENSMM Conception & Fabrication Mécanique - µfraisage des aciers **2005-2008 PhD in Engineering Sciences and Microtechnics** of Franche Comté University (DMA FEMTO-ST, Besançon) **2002-2005** E**ngineer Degree of ENSMM**, Mechanics and Microtechnics & **Research** **Master of Mechanics and Engineering**, Acoustics and Dynamics of Structures (Besançon)


Freezing does not influence the microarchitectural parameters of the microstructure of the freshly harvested femoral head bone

Virginie Taillebot , Théo Krieger , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Youngji Kim , Matthieu Ollivier
Cell and Tissue Banking, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s10561-024-10147-y⟩
Journal articles hal-04668000v1
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Porosity estimation of a micro-cracked adhesive interface by μCT scanning: Comparison between experimentally measured effective stiffnesses and those predicted by an imperfect interface model

M. Lamberti , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , K. Idrissa , F. Lebon
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, In press, 131, pp.103653. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2024.103653⟩
Journal articles hal-04459111v1
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Accelerated aging procedure of epoxy structural adhesive for marine offshore applications

Marco Lamberti , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 2024, 9, pp.100216. ⟨10.1016/j.jajp.2024.100216⟩
Journal articles hal-04525820v1

Achilles tendon enthesis behavior under cyclic compressive loading: Consequences of unloading and early remobilization

Claire Camy , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Marylène Lallemand , Théo Fovet , Thomas Brioche
Journal of Biomechanics, 2024, 173, pp.112231. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112231⟩
Journal articles hal-04661713v1
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On the Durability Performance of Two Adhesives to Be Used in Bonded Secondary Structures for Offshore Wind Installations

Khaoula Idrissa , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Noamen Guermazi
Materials, 2024, 17 (10), pp.2392. ⟨10.3390/ma17102392⟩
Journal articles hal-04661719v1
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Experimental characterization and modelling of adhesive bonded joints under static and non-monotonic fracture loading in the mode II regime

Marco Lamberti , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frederic Lebon
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2023, 124, pp.103394. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2023.103394⟩
Journal articles hal-04104342v1
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Experimental and numerical evaluation of hydro-thermal ageing's effects on adhesive connections in offshore structures

Marco Lamberti , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon
Ocean Engineering, 2023, 290, pp.116303. ⟨10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.116303⟩
Journal articles hal-04304251v1
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Mechanical Performance of Adhesive Connections in Structural Applications

Marco Lamberti , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon
Materials, 2023, 16 (22), pp.7066. ⟨10.3390/ma16227066⟩
Journal articles hal-04274902v1
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Cyclic behaviour modelling of GFRP adhesive connections by an imperfect soft interface model with damage evolution

Marco Lamberti , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Francesco Ascione
Composite Structures, 2022, 279, pp.114741. ⟨10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114741⟩
Journal articles hal-03406895v1
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Comparison of three different adhesive joints using static and dynamic impact tests: development of a new drop weight impact test rig incorporating a modified Arcan fixture

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , M. Voisin , F. Mazerolle , F. Lebon
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2022, pp.103104. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2022.103104⟩
Journal articles hal-03524358v1
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A versatile and straightforward process to turn plastics into antibacterial materials

Slim Hadiouch , Marc Maresca , Didier Gigmes , Guilherme Machado , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel
Polymer Chemistry, 2022, ⟨10.1039/D1PY01344K⟩
Journal articles hal-03465949v1
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Effective thermo-viscoelastic behavior of short fiber reinforced thermo-rheologically simple polymers: An application to high temperature fiber reinforced additive manufacturing

C.A. Suarez-Afanador , Rémi Cornaggia , Noël Lahellec , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Djaffar Boussaa
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2022, 96, pp.104701. ⟨10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104701⟩
Journal articles hal-03698764v1
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Modeling the effective viscoelastic properties of PEEK matrix reinforced by arbitrary oriented short glass fibers

Boris Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Noëlle Billon
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s11043-020-09475-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03000114v1
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Modelling of a GFRP adhesive connection by an imperfect soft interface model with initial damage

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Marco Lamberti , Maria Letizia Raffa , Camilo Suarez , Francesco Ascione
Composite Structures, 2020, pp.112034. ⟨10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112034⟩
Journal articles hal-02478526v1
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A cohesive zone model for fracture initiation and propagation of fused silica direct bonding interface

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , M. Voisin , Q. Bui , N. Cocheteau , Frédéric Lebon
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, pp.106649. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106649⟩
Journal articles hal-02277738v1
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Micromechanical modelling of matrix cracks effect on shear and transverse response for unidirectional composites with a full field approach

B. Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , N. Lahellec , C. Hochard
Composite Structures, 2019, 208, pp.338-345
Journal articles hal-01966668v1
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The Flexible Initiation Test (FIT): A new experimental test to characterize fracture initiation in mode I at the free edge of bonded assemblies

Thanh Quang Bui , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Mazerolle , Ch Hochard
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2018, 84, pp.291 - 300. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2018.02.037⟩
Journal articles hal-01777870v1
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Effective viscoelastic behavior of short fibers composites using virtual DMA experiments

Boris Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Noëlle Billon
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2018, 23 (3), pp.337-360. ⟨10.1007/s11043-018-9386-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01806389v1
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Influence of roughness on mechanical strength of direct bonded silica and Zerodur glasses

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Frédéric Mazerolle , Iulian Rosu
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2016, 68, pp.87-94. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01284059v1
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Influence of roughness on mechanical strength of direct bonded silica and Zerodur® glasses

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Frédéric Mazerolle , Iulian Rosu
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2016, 68, pp.87-94. ⟨10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01420876v1
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Influence of web/flange reinforcement on the GFRP bonded beams mechanical response: A comparison with experimental results and a numerical prediction

Marco Lamberti , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Francesco Ascione , Frédéric Lebon
Composite Structures, 2016, ⟨10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.03.043⟩
Journal articles hal-01313883v1
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On the flexural behaviour of GFRP beams obtained by bonding simple panels: an experimental investigation

Francesco Ascione , Geminiano Mancusi , Saverio Spadea , Marco Lamberti , Frédéric Lebon
Composite Structures, 2015, 131, pp.55-65. ⟨10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.04.039⟩
Journal articles hal-01247913v1
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A thermo-mechanical large deformation constitutive model for polymers based on material network description: Application to a semi-crystalline polyamide 66

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Jérôme Bikard , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Noëlle Billon
International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 67, pp.102-126. ⟨10.1016/j.ijplas.2014.10.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01083213v1
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Process parameters influence on mechanical strength of direct bonded surfaces for both materials: Silica and Zerodur glasses

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , E. Prieto
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2014, 28 (10), pp.915-934. ⟨10.1080/01694243.2013.876138⟩
Journal articles hal-01007301v1
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Experimental investigations from conventional to high speed milling on a 304-L stainless steel

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Gérard Michel , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, ⟨10.1007/s00170-013-5159-7⟩
Journal articles hal-00861789v1
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3D FEM simulations of shoulder milling operations on a 304L stainless steel

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2012, 22, pp.13-27. ⟨10.1016/j.simpat.2011.10.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00679945v1
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Coupled thermo mechanical characterisation of polymers based on inverse analyses and IR measurements

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Jérôme Bikard , Noëlle Billon
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 70, pp.393-398. ⟨10.4028/⟩
Journal articles hal-00842058v1
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Experiments and FEM simulations of milling performed to identify material parameters

Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Jean-Claude Gelin , Gérard Michel , Sébastien Thibaud
International Journal of Material Forming, 2008, 1 (suppl. 1), pp.1435-1438. ⟨10.1007/s12289-008-0106-0⟩
Journal articles hal-00418876v1

Analyse microtomographique et vibroacoustique d'anches synthétiques pour saxophone

André Calazans , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Fabrice Silva , Guilherme Machado , Christophe Vergez
16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03848516v1

Evaluation of damage parameter in the adhesive material

Marco Lamberti , Pantel, Aurélien Maurel , Frédéric Lebon
2nd International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2022, Mar 2022, Algarve, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03909553v1

Multi-scale analysis of the aging of composite / concrete bonding subjected to monotonic and cyclic mechanical loadings

Khaoula Idrissa , Marco Lamberti , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Noamen Guermazi
5ème Congrès Tunisien de Mécanique, Mar 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-03546614v1

Characterization of structural bonding under monotonic and cyclic loading

Khaoula Idrissa , Marco Lamberti , Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Noamen Guermazi
The First International Conference ICIRASTE’2021, 5-6 June 2021, Jun 2021, Kasserine, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-03546598v1

An imperfect soft interface model for the cyclic behaviour of GFRP adhesive connections

Marco Lamberti , Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , F. Ascione
6th International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding 2021, Jul 2021, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03546608v1
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Camilo Suarez , Rémi Cornaggia , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Djaffar Boussaa
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug 2021, Milano, Italy
Conference papers hal-03454777v1

Numerical Modeling of Microcracked Interfaces/interphases and Some Applications

Frédéric Lebon , Maria Letizia Raffa , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel
COMSOL Conference 2020 Europe, Virtual Meeting, Oct 2020, Virtuel, France
Conference papers hal-03085187v1
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Estimation du comportement thermo-viscoélastique effectif des pièces composites obtenues par impression 3D-FDM

Camilo Suarez , Rémi Cornaggia , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Djaffar Boussa
Fabrication Additive des Composites (FabAddComp), AMAC, Journées Scientifiques et Techniques, Oct 2020, Lorient, France
Conference papers hal-03454764v1
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Mean-Field Approximations in Effective Thermo-viscoelastic Behavior for Composite Parts Obtained via Fused Deposition Modeling Technology

Camilo Suarez Afanador , Rémi Cornaggia , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Djaffar Boussa
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Sep 2020, RHODES, Greece
Conference papers hal-03454742v1

Caractérisation mécanique statique et dynamique et renforcement d'un collage par adhérence moléculaire

Natacha Cocheteau , Q Bui , M Voisin , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon
Journée thématique - adhésion moléculaire pour les applications optiques, Nov 2019, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-02375721v1

Fracture modelling of a GFRP adhesive connection by an imperfect soft interface model

Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Marco Lamberti , Francesco Ascione , Maria Letizia Raffa
XXIV AIMETA Conference, AIMETA, Sep 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02339786v1
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Shock and vibration tests of space light-weighted corner cubes manufactured with adhesion process

Natacha Cocheteau , C. Du Jeu , Marina Voisin , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon
International Conference on Space Optics - ICSO 2018, Oct 2018, Chania, Greece. pp.298, ⟨10.1117/12.2536218⟩
Conference papers hal-02335737v1

An interface model to simulate the mechanical behavior of adhesive joints

Francesco Ascione , Marco Lamberti , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Maria Letizia Raffa
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02335809v1

Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Modelling using Full Field Computing, Application to Glass Fiber Reinforced PEEK

Boris Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noël Lahellec , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Noëlle Billon
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Jul 2018, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers hal-03560992v1

New Experimental Test to Characterize Direct Bonding Shock Resistance

Marina Voisin , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Natacha Cocheteau , Sébastien Begoc
European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing 2018, May 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02335690v1

Fracture modeling of adhesive connection by an imperfect soft interface model

Francesco Ascione , Marco Lamberti , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Maria Letizia Raffa
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Jul 2018, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers hal-03560987v1
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Shock characterization for fused silica glass direct bonding with a new experimental bench

Marina Voisin , Pantel, Aurélien Maurel , Frederic Lebon , Frédéric Mazerolle , Sébastien Begoc
CFM 2017 - 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03465443v1

Behavior of bonded pultruded beams via an imperfect interface model with damage

Francesco Ascione , Marco Lamberti , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Maria Letizia Raffa
XXIII Congresso - Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, Sep 2017, Salerno, Italy
Conference papers hal-01697738v1

New experimental test to characterize bonding shock resistance

Marina Voisin , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Frédéric Mazerolle , Sébastien Begoc
14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 14), Jun 2017, Rhodes, Greece
Conference papers hal-01697423v1

Shock characterization of a fused silica glass direct bonding with a new experimental test

Marina Voisin , Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Frédéric Mazerolle , Sébastien Begoc
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, AFM, Aug 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01697448v1
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Modélisation du comportement visco-élastique d'un composite thermoplastique renforcé par des fibres courtes de verre.

Boris Burgarella , Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Noel Lahellec , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Hervé Moulinec
Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2017, École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Jun 2017, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne, France
Conference papers hal-01621563v1

Short Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Modelling Using Full Field Computing, Application to Glass Fiber Reinforced PEEK

Boris Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noel Lahellec , Hervé Moulinec , Frédéric Lebon
14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2017, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-01697470v1

Experimental and theoretical study of the direct bonding of two silica surfaces

Marina Voisin , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Sonia Ait-Zaid
Colloquium Lagrangianum 2016, May 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01420907v1

Short fiber reinforced thermoplastics modelling

Boris Burgarella , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noel Lahellec , Jean-Luc Bouvard , Hervé Moulinec
MTDM2016: 10th International Conference on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials , May 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01498814v1

New experimental test to characterize brittle bonding shock resistance

Marina Voisin , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Mazerolle , Frédéric Lebon , Sonia Ait-Zaid
14th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing (ECSSMET), Sep 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01420898v1

First experimental results on the mechanical behavior of “pultruded” beams realized by bonding modular plates

Francesco Ascione , Marco Lamberti , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Saverio Spadea
18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Jun 2015, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01247956v1

Renforcement du collage par adhérence moléculaire de lames en verre de silice

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Sonia Ait Zaid , Yves Salaun
JADH 2015 18eJournées d’Etude sur l’Adhésion, Sep 2015, Najac, France
Conference papers hal-01247999v1

Modelling of an initiation and propagation test of fused silica direct bonding assembly

Marina Voisin , Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Sonia Ait Zaid
General Meeting on the Mechanics of Nano Objects GDRi CNRS MECANO, Nov 2015, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01247984v1
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Mise en place d'APP en licence SPI : Vers des régulations pédagogiques

Juliette Payan , Claude Brunel , Sylvain Motheron , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Philippe Padula
CFM 2015 - 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03444535v1
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Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of direct bonding interface

Marina Voisin , Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Sonia Ait Zaid
M2D2015-6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Jul 2015, P. Delgada/Azores, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01247961v1
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Modélisation micromécanique du comportement de composites unidirectionnels endommagés par une approche en champs complets

Boris Burgarella , Noel Lahellec , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Ch Hochard , Frédéric Lebon
19ème Journées Nationales des Composites, AMAC, Jun 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01247943v1

A new design strategy for the realization of pultruded low cost beams

Francesco Ascione , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Marco Lamberti
Colloquium Lagrangianum, Sep 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03560600v1
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Estimation par méthodes spectrales régularisées de sources thermomécaniques localisées : validation numérique

Christophe Rodiet , Fabrice Rigollet , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , J.L. Gardarein , C. Le Niliot
Congrès Français de Thermique, May 2015, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers hal-01247994v1

Experimental characterisation and multi-physic modelling of a direct bonded interface

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Frédéric Mazerolle
The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Sep 2014, Naples, Italy. pp.CD ROM
Conference papers hal-01007555v1

Experimental characterisation and multi-physic modelling of direct bonding mechanical behaviour : applications for spatial optical systems

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Frédéric Mazerolle
European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Apr 2014, Braunschweig, Germany
Conference papers hal-01007559v1

Etude du collage par adhérence moléculaire

Natacha Cocheteau , Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
28ème Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Jan 2014, Ecully, France
Conference papers hal-01007569v1

La résistance des matériaux en pédagogie active

Juliette Payan , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Noel Lahellec
Congrès Français de Mécanique 2013 (CFM 2013), Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-00843290v1

Mechanical characterisation of direct bonding

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France. pp.CD ROM
Conference papers hal-00840873v1
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On the modeling of two bonded silicon surfaces

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology & Tribochemistry Forum, Sep 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00840886v1
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On the modeling of two bonded silicon surfaces

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
22 ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, Jul 2013, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-00837508v1

Etude de l'initiation de fissure en mode I pour la caractérisation de surfaces adhérées

Thanh Quang Bui , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Christian Hochard
18th Journée Nationale sur les Composites (JNC 18), Jun 2013, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00842620v1
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Étude et modélisation du collage par adhérence moléculaire

Natacha Cocheteau , Aurélien Maurel Pantel , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03439814v1

On the modeling of two bonded silicon surfaces

Frédéric Lebon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Natacha Cocheteau , Iulian Rosu , Sonia Ait Zaid
12th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives - ADHESION '13, Sep 2013, York, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00840888v1

Sinchronised digital image correlation and IR measurements on a polymer to validate a coupled thermomechanical constitutive model

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Jérôme Bikard , Noëlle Billon
PhotoMechanics 2013, May 2013, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-00842372v1
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La résistance des matériaux en pédagogie active

Juliette Payan , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Noel Lahellec
CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03441296v1
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On the modelling of the direct bonding of two silicon surfaces

Natacha Cocheteau , Frédéric Lebon , Iulian Rosu , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Sonia Ait Zaid
Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Sep 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ⟨10.4203/ccp.99.143⟩
Conference papers hal-00740761v1

Coupled thermo mechanical characterisation of polymers based on inverse analyses and IR measurements

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Jérôme Bikard , Noëlle Billon
8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation, Sep 2011, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.393-398, ⟨10.4028/⟩
Conference papers hal-00607243v1

Modélisation des couplages thermomécaniques dans les polymères. Identification des paramètres constitutifs et validation expérimentale.

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Noëlle Billon , Jérôme Bikard
23th Colloque sur la déformation des polymères solides (DEPOS), Sep 2010, Lorient, France
Conference papers hal-00689873v1

Coupled thermomechanical modelling of behaviour of polymers based on revisited network theory: Model and experimental identification.

Noëlle Billon , Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Erwan Baquet , Jérôme Bikard
IUPAC - 4th International Conference on Polymer Behaviour, Sep 2010, Lodz, Poland
Conference papers hal-00689377v1

Modélisation physique, mécanique et simulation numérique des procédés de microfabrication

Jean-Claude Gelin , Thierry Barriere , Mohamed Salhi , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel
19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2009, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-00435701v1
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Reconstruction 3D d'outils coupants pour le contrôle géométrique des fraises et la modélisation thermomécanique du fraisage

Michaël Fontaine , Laurence Lambert-Campagne , Aurélien Maurel-Pantel
CFM 2009 - 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2009, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03391373v1

3D FEM simulations of milling on a 304L stainless steel

Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin
12th CIRP Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, May 2009, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference papers hal-00418620v1

Experiments and FEM simulations of milling performed to identify material parameters

Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Gérard Michel , Jean-Claude Gelin
ESAFORM Conference, Apr 2008, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00418624v1

3D FEM simulations of milling on a 304L stainless steel

Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin
Metal Forming Conference, Sep 2008, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers hal-00418622v1

Inverse identification of material models directly from high speed machining experiments

Aurélien Maurel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin , Gérard Michel
ESAFORM Conference, 2007, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers hal-00329594v1

Milling process FEM simulation for identification of material parameters directly from experiments

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin
NUMIFORM Conference, 2007, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers hal-00329585v1

Modélisation thermo-élasto-viscoplastique du comportement de l'acier inoxydable 304 L - Applications à l'usinage grande vitesse

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin , Gérard Michel
CFM 2007 - 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2007, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00329596v1

Inverse method for identification of material parameters directly from milling experiments

Aurelien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Jean-Claude Gelin , Gérard Michel , Sébastien Thibaud
AIP Conf. Proceedings, 2007, France. pp.739-744
Conference papers hal-00329611v1

FEM modelling and experiments of milling performed to identify 304L stainless steel material parameters

Aurélien Maurel-Pantel , Michael Fontaine , Sébastien Thibaud , Jean-Claude Gelin , Gérard Michel
10th CIRP Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, 2007, Calabria, Italy
Conference papers hal-00287041v1