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Aurore Brézard



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Fast and Uncooled Semiconducting Ca-Doped Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Film-Based Thermal Sensors for Infrared

Annick Dégardin , David Alamarguy , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Samir Beldi , Christine Chaumont
Sensors, 2023, 23 (18), pp.7934. ⟨10.3390/s23187934⟩
Journal articles hal-04244836v1
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Uranium incorporation in fluorite and exploration of U–Pb dating

Louise Lenoir , Thomas Blaise , Andréa Somogyi , Benjamin Brigaud , Jocelyn Barbarand
Geochronology, 2021, 3 (1), pp.199-227. ⟨10.5194/gchron-3-199-2021⟩
Journal articles hal-03206395v1
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Understanding and monitoring the capacitance‐voltage technique for the characterization of tandem solar cells

Cyril Léon , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré
Progress in Photovoltaics, 2020, 28 (6), pp.601-608. ⟨10.1002/pip.3235⟩
Journal articles hal-02439912v1
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Interface Properties of GaP/Si Heterojunction Fabricated by PE-ALD

Alexander S. Gudovskikh , Alexander Uvarov , Ivan A. Morozov , Artem Baranov , Dimitry Kudryashov
Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2019, 216 (10), pp.1800617. ⟨10.1002/pssa.201800617⟩
Journal articles hal-01943257v1
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Explicit analytical modeling of the low frequency a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction capacitance: Analysis and application to silicon heterojunction solar cells

O. Maslova , A. Brézard-Oudot , M.-E. Gueunier-Farret , J. Alvarez , J.-P. Kleider
Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118 (11), pp.114507. ⟨10.1063/1.4931150⟩
Journal articles hal-01310865v1
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Revisiting the theory and usage of junction capacitance: Application to high efficiency amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells

Jean-Paul Kleider , José Alvarez , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Olga Maslova
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2015, 135, pp.8-16. ⟨10.1016/j.solmat.2014.09.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01206182v1

Temperature and bias dependence of hydrogenated amorphous silicon – crystalline silicon heterojunction capacitance: the link to band bending and band offsets

O. Maslova , A. Brézard-Oudot , M.E. Gueunier-Farret , J. Alvarez , W. Favre
Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014, 92 (7/8), pp.690-695. ⟨10.1139/cjp-2013-0544⟩
Journal articles hal-01099596v1

An investigation of fretting wear behaviour of nickel coatings for electrical contacts application in dry and lubricated conditions

Sophie Noël , David Alamarguy , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , P. Gendre
Wear, 2013, 301 (1-2), pp.551-561. ⟨10.1016/j.wear.2013.01.076⟩
Journal articles hal-00927008v1

Understanding inversion layers and band discontinuities in hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions from the temperature dependence of the capacitance

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , José Alvarez , Wilfried Favre
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (18), pp.183907 - 183907-4. ⟨10.1063/1.4826920⟩
Journal articles hal-00931277v1

Modeling of capacitance spectroscopy of (p) a-Si:H/(n) c-Si interfaces

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Wilfried Favre , José Alvarez , A.S. Gudovskikh
physica status solidi (c), 2012, 9 (6), pp.1481-1483. ⟨10.1002/pssc.201100761⟩
Journal articles hal-00778954v1

Modulated photoluminescence as an effective lifetime measurement method : application to a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells

Rémy Chouffot , Aurore Brézard , Jean-Paul Kleider , R. Brüggemann , M. Labrune
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2009, 159, pp. 186-189
Journal articles hal-00445959v1

Transient currents produced by mobile ions in thick Metal-Semiconductor-Metal devices

Leonardo Kopprio , Sylvain Le Gall , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Koffi Ahanogbe , Pilar Lopez-Varo
41th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sep 2024, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-04894602v1
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Comportement électrique et tribologique des contacts glissants or/or d’un collecteur tournant type cil/bague

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
34èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, May 2023, Lille, France. pp. 44-46
Conference papers hal-04128765v1
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New developments in PFPE lubrication: application to tinned electrical contacts

Sophie Noël , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Thierry Leblanc , Christine Hamon , Andrea Lotierzo
2023 IEEE 68th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts (HOLM), Oct 2023, Seattle (USA), Washington, United States. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/HOLM56075.2023.10352298⟩
Conference papers hal-04409401v1
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Electrical and tribological behaviour of gold/gold sliding contacts of the wire/ring type for slip ring applications

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
68th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2023, Seattle (USA), Washington, United States. pp.278-284, ⟨10.1109/HOLM56075.2023.10352303⟩
Conference papers hal-04207904v1
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Comparative performance study of different conventional silver and hard silver-plating processes for connector applications

Antoine Fares Karam , Anthony Franchini , Damien Comte , Ana Torrealba , Sophie Noël
31st International Conference on Electrical Contacts - ICEC 2022, Jun 2022, Sapporo, Japan. pp.150 - 157
Conference papers hal-03851620v1
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Experimental Evaluation of the True Remaining Capacity of Legacy Lead-Acid Batteries

Khadim Ullah , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Anne Migan-Dubois , Demba Diallo
9th International Conference on Smart Grids (icSmartGrid), Jun 2021, Setúbal, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03312365v1

Development and simulated environment testing of β-(Al)Ga2O3-based photodetectors for space-based observation of the Herzberg continuum

Xavier Arrateig , David Rogers , Pierre Maso , Faustine Bouyssou , Imène Sidi Boumeddine
Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXV. Proceedings SPIE 11858, Sep 2021, Online, Spain. pp.1185813, ⟨10.1117/12.2603565⟩
Conference papers hal-03414495v1

Experimental Evaluation of the True Remaining Capacity of Legacy Lead-Acid Batteries

Khadim Ullah Jan , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Anne Migan-Dubois , Demba Diallo
2021 9th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid), Jun 2021, Setubal, Portugal, Portugal. pp.92-96, ⟨10.1109/icSmartGrid52357.2021.9551263⟩
Conference papers hal-04491354v1
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Durability of some asymmetrical contact pairs for connector application

Ana Torrealba , Sophie Noël , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Antoine Fares Karam , Damien Comte
30th International Conference on Electrical Contacts - ICEC 2020, Jun 2021, online, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-03329862v1
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Compatibility of Gold, Palladium and hard Silver based plating systems for connector applications

Antoine Fares Karam , Anthony Franchini , Ana Torrealba , Damien Comte , Aurore Brézard-Oudot
30th International Conference on Electrical Contacts - ICEC 2020, Jun 2021, online, Switzerland. pp.260-267
Conference papers hal-03329869v1
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Analysis of Fretting Behavior of Silver and Gold Flashed Palladium-nickel Dissimilar Coatings for Connectors

Ana Torrealba , Sophie Noël , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Antoine Fares Karam , Damien Comte
2020 IEEE 66th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts and Intensive Course (HLM), Sep 2020, San Antonio, United States. pp.149-156, ⟨10.1109/HLM49214.2020.9307847⟩
Conference papers hal-03329833v1
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Capacitance-Voltage Characterization Technique Adapted to Tandem Solar Cell

Cyril Léon , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré
36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, WIP, Sep 2019, Marseille, France. pp.638, ⟨10.4229/EUPVSEC20192019-3CO.8.3⟩
Conference papers hal-02343918v1
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Printed copper connections on flexible substrates

Nataliya Kalashnyk , Sophie Noël , Pascal Chrétien , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Thierry Leblanc
65th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Sep 2019, Milwaukee, United States. pp.350-358, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2019.8923847⟩
Conference papers hal-02154088v1

Modulated photocurrent and photoluminescence for the characterization of silicon heterojunctions: experiments and simulation

Alexandra Levtchenko , Rudolf Brüggemann , Hrachya Kyureghian , Alexandre Jaffré , Aurore Brézard-Oudot
EMRS Spring Meeting 2018, Jun 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01801362v1

Characterization of Nanocomposite Graphene/Polymer Films for Electrical Contact Applications

Bourlier Yoan , Sophie Noël , Pascal Viel , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Pascal Chrétien
29th International Conference on Electrical Contacts Together with 64th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2018, Albuquerque, United States. pp.448 - 455, ⟨10.1109/holm.2018.8611659⟩
Conference papers hal-01944396v1
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Modélisation et caractérisation de matériaux composites tissés.

Ghida Al Achkar , Lionel Pichon , Olivier Dubrunfaut , A. Brézard-Oudot , Laurent Daniel
15èmes Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux (JCMM), Mar 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01990784v1

Application de la technique de caractérisation Capacité-Tension à l’étude des cellules tandem

Cyril Léon , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Christophe Longeaud
Journées Nationales du PhotoVoltaïque (JNPV) 2018, Dec 2018, Dourdan, France
Conference papers hal-01943020v1

Fretting behaviour of tinned connectors under grease lubrication

Sophie Noël , A. Brézard-Oudot , Pascal Chrétien , D. Alamarguy
2017 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Sep 2017, Denver, United States. pp.109-116, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2017.8088072⟩
Conference papers hal-02406814v1

Electrical behavior of golden automotive connectors under vibration tests

Sophie Noël , Aurore Brezard-Oudot
ICEC 2014, ETG Energietechnische Gesells. im VDE ITG Informationstechnische Gesells. im VDE, Jun 2014, Dresden, Germany. pp.85 - 90
Conference papers hal-01099235v1

Revisiting the theory and usage of capacitance techniques: application of high efficiency amorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cells

Jean-Paul Kleider , José Alvarez , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Olga Maslova
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, European Materials Research Society, May 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01099589v1

Temperature and Bias Dependence of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon/Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Capacitance: The Link to Band Bending and Band Offsets

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , José Alvarez , Wilfried Favre
ICANS 25, Aug 2013, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers hal-00931318v1

An investigation of fretting wear behaviour of lubricated nickel coatings for electrical contacts application

Sophie Noël , David Alamarguy , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , P. Gendre
WOM 2013, Apr 2013, Portland, United States
Conference papers hal-00927016v1

Capacitance spectroscopy of hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions : analytical calculations and experiment

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Wilfried Favre , D Munoz , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret
E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting, May 2013, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00931314v1

Plateforme de caractérisation de modules photovoltaïques en extérieur

Thomas Mambrini , Anne Migan-Dubois , Arouna Darga , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Christophe Longeaud
JNPV 2012, Dec 2012, Chantilly, France
Conference papers hal-00779019v1

Caracterisation de l'interface (p) a-Si :H/(n) c-Si par spectroscopie de capacite : modelisation et resultats experimentaux

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Wilfried Favre , José Alvarez , A.S. Gudovskikh
JNPV 2012, Dec 2012, Chantilly, France
Conference papers hal-00779018v1

Caractérisation de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques en conditions réelles dímplantation et en fonction de différentes technologies

Thomas Mambrini , Anne Migan-Dubois , Cédric Ors , Aurore Brézard , Arouna Darga
Journées Nationales PhotoVoltaïques 2011, Dec 2011, Dourdan, France
Conference papers hal-00710800v1

Characterization of the a-Si:H/c-Si interface by capacitance spectroscopy measurements: modeling and experiments

Olga Maslova , Aurore Brézard , Wilfried Favre , José Alvarez , A.S. Gudovskikh
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2011, Sep 2011, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-00710779v1

Fretting behaviour of various intermetallic compounds in electrical contacts : Influence on reliability

Sophie Noël , David Alamarguy , Sandra Correia , Aurore Brézard , P. Gendre
WOM 2011, Apr 2011, Philadelphie, United States
Conference papers hal-00710621v1

Essais de vieillissement par vibration de connecteurs pour la mécatronique

J.P. Michelet , J. Guinet , C. Colin , P. Michon , Aurore Brézard-Oudot
Journée "La Connectique : état de l'art et perspectives", Dec 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00806336v1

Polymorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells : optimization on monocrystalline silicon

M. Labrune , Pere Roca I Cabarrocas , Rémy Chouffot , Aurore Brezard-Oudot , Jean-Paul Kleider
23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sep 2008, Valencia, Spain. pp.CD-ROM Proceedings
Conference papers hal-00351246v1

Modulated photoluminescence as an effective lifetime measurement method : application to a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells

Rémy Chouffot , Aurore Brezard-Oudot , Jean-Paul Kleider , R. Brüggemann , M. Labrune
E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, May 2008, Strasbourg, France. pp.0
Conference papers hal-00351253v1
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A new set-up for the investigation of electrical and tribological properties of wire/ring sliding contacts

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
Wear of Materials, Apr 2023, Banff, Canada
Conference poster hal-04121443v1

Application de la technique de DLTS aux cellules multijonctions

Cyril Léon , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré
Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque - JNPV 2020, Jan 2021, Dourdan, France
Conference poster hal-03289623v1

Application de la spectroscopie d’admittance aux cellules multi-jonctions

Cyril Léon , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré
Les Houches School of Physics 2020 - Physics of Solar Cells: from basic principles to advanced characterization, Mar 2020, Les houches, France.
Conference poster hal-04530887v1

Application de la spectroscopie d'admittance aux cellules multi-jonctions

Cyril Léon , Sylvain Le Gall , Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré
JNPV 2019, Dec 2019, Dourdan, France
Conference poster hal-02344069v1

Application de la technique de photocourant modulé (MPC) aux cellules à hétérojonctions c-Si / a-Si:H

Alexandra Levtchenko , Raphaël Lachaume , Rudolf Brüggemann , Hrachya Kyureghian , Alexandre Jaffré
Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque 2017, Dec 2017, Dourdan, France
Conference poster hal-01633186v1

Etude des propriétés photoélectriques de couches de GaP deposées à basse température par des mesures de conductivité et de photocourant modulé

Alexandra Levtchenko , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Alexandre Jaffré , J Alvarez , Artem Baranov
Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque (JNPV 2016), Nov 2016, Dourdan, France
Conference poster hal-01475039v1