Characterization of a new Post Translational Modification of Neurofibromin: atypical structural requirements for its SUMOylation
Mohammed Bergoug
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Amandine Serrano
Fabienne Godin
Michel Doudeau
2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels, Belgium
Conference poster
Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Pathogenicity in Destabilized variants of Neurofibromin mutated in its SecPH domain
Hélène Bénédetti
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Mohammed Bergoug
Amandine Serrano
Fabienne Godin
2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels (Belgium), Belgium
Conference poster
Stressed by hydrogel? Physiological response of yeast cells embedded in thermoresponsive Pluronic F127: a prerequisite for bioreactor development
Bojan Zunar
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Hélène Bénédetti
Régis Guégan
Béatrice Vallée
FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference poster
Development of a bioactive fluorescent inhibitor probe targeting the Rho kinase ROCK for monitoring inhibition action
Justine Corret
Sokaina Hammoud
Frédéric Buron
Pierre Daligaux
Christophe Chesné
FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Lnubljana, virtual, Slovenia
Conference poster
New molecular insights into the crosstalk between Rho/ROCK/LIMK2/cofilin signalling pathway and Nf1
Mélissa Thomas
Lauren Blot
Kevin Lesage
Fabienne Godin
Michel Doudeau
2021 NF1 virtual conference, Jun 2021, Virtual, France
Conference poster
New insights into the regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics via the Rho/ROCK/LIMK2/cofilin signalling pathway: a novel mechanism of regulation of cofilin by LIMK2
Elodie Villalonga
Célina Chalal
Déborah Cassas
Michel Doudeau
Fabienne Godin
FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Ljubljana, virtual, Slovenia
Conference poster
High Efficiency of Histidylated-based Lipid Formulations for mRNA Transfection of Human Schwann Cells
N Laroui
C Delehedde
Cristine Gonçalves
F Godin
F Perche
10th mRNA Health Conference, Nov 2021, Berlin, Germany
Conference poster
Sumoylation of Neurofibromin and its SecPH Domain Plays a Role in Their Functions and Implies Unexpected Structural Requirements
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Mohammed Bergoug
Fabienne Godin
Michel Doudeau
Iva Sosic
2021 NF1 virtual conference, Jun 2021, Virtual, France
Conference poster
LIM kinases, new therapeutic targets to treat cancers, neurological disorders and Neurofibromatosis: development of small molecule inhibitors
Béatrice Vallée
A. Cosson
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
A. Champiré
FEBS Meeting 2019, Jul 2019, Cracovie, Poland
Conference poster
Neurofibromin, a new SUMO target involved in neurofibromatosis type 1 disease
M. Bergoug
I. Sošic
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
Béatrice Vallée
EMBO Workshop "The ubiquitin system: Biology, mechanisms and roles in disease", Sep 2019, Cavtat, Croatia
Conference poster
Molecular and functional characterization of LIMK2-1, a hominidae-specific isoform of LIMK2 associated with intellectual disability
H. Bénédetti
Béatrice Vallée
J. Tastet
H. Cubéros
A. Toutain
NeuroFrance 2019, May 2019, Marseille, France
Conference poster
Study of the different forms of sumoylation of the neurofibromin SecPH domain
H. Bénédetti
M. Bergoug
I. Sošic
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
EMBO Workshop "The ubiquitin system: Biology, mechanisms and roles in disease", Sep 2019, Cavtat, Croatia
Conference poster
Yeast biosensors to detect environmental pollutants into effluent waters
Christine Mosrin-Huaman
B. Handelaoui
H. Bénédetti
Béatrice Vallée
ICYGMB XXIX International Congress on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Aug 2019, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster
LARP6, a RNA−binding protein involved in translation and stability of collagen mRNA, is a new partner of Neurofibromin: Molecular studies and functional implications
H. Bénédetti
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
Béatrice Vallée
A. Cosson
Joint Global Neurofibromatosis Conference 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France
Conference poster
Development of small molecule inhibitors of LIM kinases, new therapeutic targets to treat Neurofibromatosis type I
Béatrice Vallée
A. Cosson
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
A. Champiré
Joint Global Neurofibromatosis Conference 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France
Conference poster
LIM Kinases: new anticancer therapeutic targets
Béatrice Vallée
A. Cosson
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
Anthony Champiré
Breast Cancer Symposium, Jun 2017, Nantes, France
Conference poster
Study of the sumoylation of neurofibromin, the protein responsible for neurofibromatosis type 1
M. Bergoug
A. Cosson
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
Béatrice Vallée
EMBO Conference "Ubiquitin and SUMO: from molecular mechanisms to system-wide responses, Sep 2017, Cavtat, Croatia
Conference poster
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of LIMK inhibitors
A. Champiré
A. Braka
Béatrice Vallée
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
XXIVe Journées Jeunes Chercheurs (SCT), Feb 2017, Châtenay-Malabry, France
Conference poster
LINGO-1, a protein involved in various neurodevelopmental processes, interacts with neurofibromin (Nf1), the protein responsible for neurofibromatosis type I: molecular studies and functional implications
Hélène Bénédetti
Fabienne Godin
Michel Doudeau
Béatrice Vallée
Marie-Ludivine De Tauzia
10 th FENS (Forum of Neuroscience), Jul 2016, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference poster
The three isoforms of human LIMK2 regulate actin cytoskeleton remodeling via different pathways
Béatrice Vallée
Hélène Cuberos
Michel Doudeau
Fabienne Godin
Patrick Vourc’h
EMBL Symposium, Actin in action: From Molecules to Cellular Functions, Sep 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
Conference poster
LIM kinases: new therapeutic targets to treat Neurofibromatosis type I
Béatrice Vallée
Michel Doudeau
Fabienne Godin
Anthony Champiré
Karen Plé
The 7th EMBO meeting, Sep 2016, Mannheim, Germany.
Conference poster
Projet Région LiCorNe: LIMK protein inhibitors, new therapeutic agents for treatment of cognitive disorders associated with type I Neurofibromatosis
Béatrice Vallée
Michel Doudeau
F. Godin
H. Cubéros
A. Champiré
Journée Fédération PCV FR2708, Jan 2016, Orléans, France
Conference poster
Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique d’inhibiteurs de LIM kinases
A. Champiré
A. Braka
Béatrice Vallée
M. Doudeau
F. Godin
29e colloque de Biotechnocentre, Oct 2016, Seillac, France
Conference poster
LIMK2-1, a new primate-specific isoform of LIMK2, is associated with intellectual disability
Béatrice Vallée
Hélène Cuberos
Julie Tastet
Michel Doudeau
Fabienne Godin
10 th FENS (Forum of Neurosciences), Jul 2016, Copenhague, Denmark.
Conference poster