Bernard Ratier
Optimisation des cellules solaires organiques à couche active PF2:ITIC pour des applications en éclairage intérieurCinquième Congrès National Sciences et Technologies des Systèmes pi-Conjugués (SPIC2025), Jan 2025, Paris, France
Conference papers
Improving Indoor Energy Efficiency with PF2:ITIC Organic Solar Cells for IoT ApplicationsInternational Workshop on Emerging Solar Energy Materials and Applications (ESEMA 2024), May 2024, Hyères, France
Conference papers
Des cellules solaires…qui écoutent !Journée de la Physique 2024, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Limoges, Université de Limoges, Apr 2024, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Optimization of PF2 Organic Solar Cells for Indoor ApplicationFirst Indoor Photovoltaic Conference (IPVC-1), Jul 2024, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Ingénierie Nanophotonique par Lithographie par Nano-ImpressionJournées Nano, Micro et Optoélectronique 2024 (JNMO 2024), Oct 2024, Le Lazaret, Sète, France
Conference papers
Nanophotonic engineering of perovskite metasurface LEDsOrganic and Hybrid Light Emitting Materials and Devices XXVIII, SPIE Optics and Photonics, Aug 2024, San Diego, United States. pp.131220H, ⟨10.1117/12.3027593⟩
Conference papers
Optimization of organic solar cells for innovative indoor applications11ème Workshop des Doctorants XLIM, Mar 2023, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Fabrication of green light-emitting diodes using CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals embedded in polymer matrices8ème Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2023), May 2023, Biarritz (France), France
Conference papers
Unleashing the Potential of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Embedded in Polymer Matrices for Quantum-Dot Perovskite Light-Emitting DiodesEMRS Fall Meeting 2023, EMRS, Sep 2023, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers
Un nouvel accepteur non-fullerène à base d’heptazines pour le photovoltaïque organique indoorScience et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués (SPIC 2022), Dec 2022, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Optimisation de cellules solaires organiques pour applications « indoor » innovantesJournées Nationales du Photovoltaïque 2022 (JNPV 2022), Nov 2022, Dourdan, France
Conference papers
Improving device-to-device reproducibility of light-emitting diodes based on layered halide perovskites5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN 2022), Nov 2022, Hanoi, Vietnam
Conference papers
Fabrication of green light-emitting diodes with optimization of perovskite thin film growth7ème Journées des Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2022), Mar 2022, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France
Conference papers
Fabrication of inverse architecture of green light emitting diodes based on quasi-2D perovskite7ème Journées des Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2022), Mar 2022, Ecully, France
Conference papers
Resonant Metasurface for Halide Perovskite-Based Emitting Devices: Extraction Efficiency Enhancement and Radiation Pattern on-Demand6ème e-Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2021), Mar 2021, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
Perovskite solar cells as energy harvesters and data receivers for visible light communications (VLC)6ème e-Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2021), Mar 2021, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
Application of inverted organic solar cells for energy harvesting and visible light communications (VLC)6ème Colloque Francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l’Environnement et l’Electronique (PLUMEE 2019), Apr 2019, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Influence of a soft annealing treatment on Bismuth-based lead-free perovskite solar cells processed by sequential low-temperature thermal vapor deposition method5ème Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2019), Mar 2019, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Electrodes innovantes à base de nanostructures carbonées pour les cellules solaires pérovskites5ème Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH2019), Mar 2019, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Potentialités des Heptazines pour l’Ingénierie des Interfaces des Dispositifs de l’Electronique Imprimée3ème Congrès National Sciences et Technologies des Systèmes pi-Conjugués (SPIC 2019), Oct 2019, Arras, France
Conference papers
Single-step incorporation of graphene materials into TiO2 nanopowders using laser pyrolysis for efficient perovskite solar cellsInternational Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NANOSMAT-AFRICA 2018), Nov 2018, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference papers
Effet plasmonique de nanofils d'argents dans les électrodes transparentes oxyde/AgNWs/oxyde sur les performances des cellules solaires organiques2ème Congrès National Science et Technologie des Systèmes Pi-Conjugués (SPIC), Oct 2017, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Conference papers
Générateur thermoélectrique flexible imprimé sur papier à base de matériaux organiques et hybridesScience et Tecnologie des Systèmes Pi-Conjugués, Oct 2017, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Interfacial charge kinetics in solid-state p-type dye-sensitized solar cellsInternational Conference on Interface Properties in Organic Electronics (IPOE 2017): Key Challenges, Jul 2017, Cergy Pontoise, France
Conference papers
Conditions De Mouillabilité pour les Cellules Solaires Pérovskite Imprimées : le Rôle du Chlore3ème Journées Pérovskites Hybrides (JPH 2017), May 2017, Angers, France
Conference papers
Stabilité de Molécules Organiques Photoluminescentes Utilisées pour la Protection des Cellules Solaires Pérovskites2ème Congrès National Science et Technologie des Systèmes Pi-Conjugués (SPIC), Oct 2017, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Low-temperature annealed printed perovskite solar cells: the role of chlorine in wetting confitionsE-MRS 2017 Fall Meeting, Symposium G – Perovskite solar cells, Sep 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers
Ag nanowires percolating network embedded in oxide nanoparticles for transparent and conducting electrodes for organic solar cell10th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE17), Jul 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Conditions de mouillabilité pour les cellules solaires pérovskites imprimées : le rôle du chlore3ème journée Pérovskite Hybride, May 2017, Angers, France
Conference papers
Graphene / TiO2 composites synthesized in one-step by laser pyrolysis for improved charge extraction in perovskite solar cellsGraphene and Semiconductors International Conference, Jul 2017, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Solution-processed polymer-silver nanowire anode and cathode for inverted flexible semi-transparent solar cellsPhotovoltaic Technical Conference (PVTC), Apr 2016, Marseille, France
Conference papers
N-type Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)/V2O5 hybrid material obtained by intercalation for flexible thermoelectric devicesInternational Conference on Organic and Hybrid Thermoelectrics (ICOT) 2016 , Jan 2016, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Pérovskites hybrides pour les dispositifs optoélectroniques : la problématique des interfaces2ème Journées des Pérovskites Hybrides (JPH 2016), May 2016, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Printed perovskite solar cells and energy supply for autonomous sensors networkWorkshop des Doctorants XLIM, Oct 2016, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Organic and perovskite solar cells for autonomous sensor network1st RSET International Symposium, Jan 2016, Kanazawa, Japan
Conference papers
Solution processed silver nanowire embedded in zinc oxide nanoparticles for organic solar cells electrodeEMN Meeting on Transparent Electrode: Energy Materials and Nanotechnology , Dec 2016, Orlando, United States
Conference papers
Plasmonic Ag nanowire network embedded in zinc oxide nanoparticles for inverted organic solar cells electrodeWorkshop des Doctorant de XLIM, Oct 2016, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Printed perovskite solar cells and energy supply for autonomous sensors networkConseil Scientifique du LABEX SIGMA-LIM. 2015, Jun 2016, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Optical modeling and realization of transparent multilayer electrode and their application for solar cellsHybrid and organic photovoltaics conference nanoGe HOPV, May 2015, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Perovskite solar cells for autonomous sensor networks1st International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PCSO), Sep 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Elaboration et caractérisation d‘électrodes transparentes à base de nanofils d’argent pour une application solaireSPIC 2015 : Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués, Oct 2015, Anger, France
Conference papers
Printed perovskite solar cells and energy supply for autonomous sensors network1st International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO 2015), Sep 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Photovoltaïque Organique : historique et récents développements à XLIMSCF’15, Chimie et transition énergétique, Société Chimique de France, Jul 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Printed perovskite solar cells for autonomous sensors network5ème Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie pour l’Alimentation de Microsystèmes Autonomes, May 2015, Orsay, France
Conference papers
Pérovskite hybride pour cellules solaires impriméesSPIC 2015 : Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués, Oct 2015, Anger, France
Conference papers
Optical Modeling and Realization of Transparent Multilayer Electrode and their Application for Solal CellsHybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference nanoGe HOPV 2015, May 2015, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Organic solar cells : Oxide nanoparticles materials for PEDOT:PSS replacementEsos Establish , Jun 2015, Cargèse, France
Conference papers
Couches Photoactives Ternaires pour les Cellules Photovoltaïques OrganiquesCongrès Optique Bretagne JNPO, Jul 2015, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Colorants Auto-Assemblés pour Cellules Sensibilisées à Electrolyte Solide : Nouvelle Stratégie « Bio-Inspirée » pour la Collecte Efficace des PhotonsSPIC 2015 : Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués, Oct 2015, Angers, France
Conference papers
Pérovskites imprimées pour le photovoltaïques, les capteurs autonomes, les dispositifs de positionnement, et les communications optiques sans fils1ère Journée Pérovskites Hybrides (JPH2015), Mar 2015, Cachan, France
Conference papers
Elaboration of TiO2/MWCNT nanocomposites by laser pyrolysis and their application in Solid State sensitized Solar Cells.MRS Fall Meeting, Material Research Society, Nov 2014, Boston, United States
Conference papers
Elaboration application of TiO2/MWCNT nanocimposites and their application in solid state dye sensitized solar cells.Nano 2014, Jul 2014, Moscou, Russia
Conference papers
Optoélectronique plastique imprimée: le rôle des architectures et du designjournée Electronique EEA, Oct 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Ternary blends for colour tuned organic solar cells: investigation via the parallel diode and trap modelsICSM2014, Jul 2014, Turku, Finland
Conference papers
Elaboration of TiO2/MWCNT (Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes) Nanocomposites and Their Application in Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar CellsXII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), Jul 2014, Moscow, Russia
Conference papers
The Parallel Diode and Trap Behaviour of Ternary Polymer Solar Cells29th EUPVSEC 2014, Oct 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Elaboration of TiO2/MWCNT (Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes) Nanocomposites by Laser Pyrolysis and Their Application in Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar CellsMRS Fall Meeting, Nov 2014, Boston, United States
Conference papers
Elaboration of TiO2/MWCNT nanocomposites and their application in solid state dye sensitized solar cells19th International Conference on Semiconductor Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion (SPASEC-19), Nov 2014, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Multichromophoric sensitizers by antenna effect in solid state dye sensitized solar cellsE-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, May 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Equivalent electrical circuit of a parallel diode model approximation in colour-tuned ternary polymer solar cells.”,14th International Symposium on Advanced Organic Photonics, Nov 2014, OSAKA, Japan
Conference papers
Printable Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles (MoO3) as HTL and Copper Phthalocyanine-Tetra-Sulfonated (TS-CuPc) as ETL for High Performance Organic Solar CellsICSM2014, Jul 2014, Turku, Finland
Conference papers
Multistep charge transfer by antenna effect in solid state dye sensitized solar cellsICSM 2014, Jun 2014, Turku, Finland
Conference papers
Interfacial layers in inverted solar cells architecture and their LBIC characterization6th International Symposium Technology for Polymer Electronics TPE14, May 2014, Ilmenau, Germany
Conference papers
An investigation of the influence of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the electric properties of polymer nanocomposites using a simple structuration strategyE-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, May 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Photovoltaic application of titanium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysisEMRS Spring Meeting, May 2013, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Grafting Self-Assembled Monolayer to improve organic solar cell11th International Symposium on Fonctionnal pi-Electron Systems, Jun 2013, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Photovoltaic application of titanium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysisNanotechnology for Next Generation High Efficiency Photovoltaics, Spring International School, Apr 2013, Cargèse, France
Conference papers
Nanocomposite Organic and Hybrid Solar CellsComposites at Lake Louise 2013, Engineering Conferences International (ECI), Nov 2013, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
Conference papers
Polymer solar cells doped with functionalized carbon nanotubes13th International Symposium on Advanced Organic Photonics, Sep 2013, Kingston, Canada
Conference papers
Carbon Nanotube-doped Polymer Solar Cells11th International Symposium on Functional π-Elecrton Systems, Jun 2013, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Photovoltaic application of titanium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysisInternational Conference on Nanoscience and Technology ICN+T, Sep 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Photovoltaic Application of Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized By Laser PyrolysisThe 18th International Conference on Semiconductor Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion (SPASEC-18), Nov 2013, San Diego, California, United States
Conference papers
Enhancement of charge mobilities in organic field effect transistors (OFET) using alignment of carbon nanotubes (CNT) : application as organic phototransistorEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), May 2012, Strasbourg, France. Symposium H
Conference papers
Synthèse de nanoparticules d’oxyde de titane par pyrolyse laser : caractérisation et application photovoltaïque.5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Transistor geometry and gate dielectric dependence on the characteristics of organic inverters5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12), Jul 2012, Thessalonique, Greece
Conference papers
Dopage de semi-conducteurs organiques par co-sublimation pour application dans des dispositifs électroniques organiques5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Remplacement du PEDOT:PSS par du V2O5 sol-gel et transfert sur substrats souples5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Nitrogen doping of TiO2 nanocrystals: impact on electrical and optical properties, and application to photovoltaic energy conversionXXI International Materials Research Congress, Symposium 6A "Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics", Aug 2012, Cancuun, Mexico
Conference papers
Large Area Fabrication of Polymer Solar Cells40th Physical Organic Mini-Symposium, Nov 2012, Kingston, Canada
Conference papers
Electrodes sans indium performantes avec une couche nanométrique de métal pour cellules solaires flexibles5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Nanocomposites polymères à base de nanotubes de carbone alignés : vers un contrôle fin des propriétés de transport de charges5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Organic and Hybrid polymer/oxide materials for thermoelectric applicationsEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), May 2012, Strasbourg, France. Symposium D
Conference papers
Influence of N-doping on the properties of TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by laser pyrolysis and applications to solid-state dye-sensitized solar cellsPhotovoltaic technical Conference PVTC 2012, Jun 2012, Aix en Provence, France
Conference papers
Incorporation of Functionalized Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Inverted Polymer Solar Cells5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 05, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Elaboration and characterization of flexible organic solar cellsEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), May 2012, Strasbourg, France. Symposium H
Conference papers
Etude sur les dimensions latérales d'une cellule solaire BHJ imprimée afin de réduire les dissipations de puissance dans les connexions5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Incorporation de nanotubes de carbone semi-conducteurs dans des cellules organiques à bulk hétérojonction et dans des transistors organiques5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, Nov 2012, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Nanoscale morphological study of polymer solar cells by current sensing AFM5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12), Jul 2012, Thessalonique, Greece
Conference papers
The effect of the organic active layer thickness on the pentacene-based phototransistor performanceEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium N, May 2011, Nice, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Effect of ITO/Au/ITO multilayer electrodes on characteristics of CuPc/C60 photovoltaic cellsEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium S, May 2011, Nice, France. Symposium S
Conference papers
Alignement des nanotubes de carbone (NTC) sous champ électrique et application aux propriétés de transport de charge dans des nano-composites polymère-NTCDeuxième colloque francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l'Environnement et l'Electronique (PLUMEE 2011), May 2011, Limoges, France. pp.Présentation Orale - 4C-60-Plumee2011
Conference papers
Cellules Solaires Polymère / Fullerène : Peut-on prédire les Paramètres de Fabrication Optimisés en fonction des caractéristiques du Polymère Donneur ?Conférences Matériaux et Nanostructures Pi-conjugés - MNPC 11, Oct 2011, Obernai, France
Conference papers
Characterizations of PEDOT:PSS/SWCNT organic anodes2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Nov 2011, Boston, United States. pp.225-230, ⟨10.1557/opl.2012.469⟩
Conference papers
Utilisation de photocathodes à base de nanocristaux de ZnO synthétisés en solution par voie sol gel dans les Cellules solaires sensibilisées à l'état solideInternational Symposium on Advanced Materials for Optics, Micro-Electronics and Nano-Electronics AMOMEN (2011), Oct 2011, Kénitra, Morocco
Conference papers
Organic ThermoelectricsThermoelectric Materials & Devices for Energy Applications, May 2011, Nice, France. Oral presentation
Conference papers
Effet de l'orientation de nanotube de carbone (NTC) sur les propriétés électriques des transistors à base de nano- composite : Polymère - NTCConférences Matériaux et Nanostructures pi-conjugés (2011)- MNPC 11, Oct 2011, Obernai, France
Conference papers
Cellules solaires sensibilisées à l'état solide à base de nanocristaux de ZnO synthétisés en solution par voie sol gelFirst International Conference on New Materials and Active Devices (NMCA 2011), May 2011, Oum El-Bouaghi, Algérie
Conference papers
Influence des paramètres structuraux du P3HT sur la stabilité photochimique et sur l'optimisation des performances des cellules solaires organiques à base de P3HT/PCBMConférences Matériaux et Nanostructures pi-conjugés (2011), Oct 2011, Obernai, France
Conference papers
Reproducibility issues of polymer solar cells to afford mass production : is it possible ?European Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium S, May 2011, Nice, France. Symposium S
Conference papers
Efficient Solid-State Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Elaborated Form Laser Synthesized TiO2 NanocrystalsISOPE-2011, Jun 2011, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers
Morphology Control at the Nanoscale of Polymer Composites for Organic Solar CellsInternational Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT (2011), "Nanodevices and Nanofabrication", Jun 2011, Suntec City, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers
New N-doped TiO2 Nanocrystals synthesized by Laser Pyrolysis for Improved Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar CellsNanoelectronics & Clean Energy, NN11 Conference, Jul 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
High Transparent and Conducting Film Based on PEDOT:PSS Doped with SWNT to Replace ITO in Low Cost Manufacturing Opto-Electronic Device2011 Materials Research Society, Symposium AA, Nov 2011, Boston, France
Conference papers
Optimization of ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayer electrodes obtained by Ion Beam sputtering at room temperature for optoelectronic devicesEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium D, "Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of Nanoscale Multi Functional Oxide Films III", May 2011, Nice, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Influence of P3HT : PCBM blend composition on performance of organic photovoltaic devicesEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium K, May 2011, Nice, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
High resolution KPFM investigations of nanoscale phase segregated organic bulk heterojunctionsEuropean Material Research Society (E-MRS), Spring & Bilateral Meeting, Symposium N, May 2011, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Orientation of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in semiconducting polymer hosts using electric fields for optoelectronic applicationsFirst Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Materials and Renewable Energies (EMCMRE-11), Nov 2011, Marrakech, France
Conference papers
Photocurrent Mapping of Oragnic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy under IlluminationInternational Conference on Organic Electronics ICOE, Jun 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Study of high conductive PEDOT:PSS/SWNT nanocomposites for organic optoelectronic devicesInternational Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE 2010 - Université Paris Diderot, Paris VII, Jun 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Cartographies de photo-courants par microscopie à force atomique photovoltaique (AFMP) dans des couches actives de cellules photovoltaïques organiques en hétérojonction volumique à base de P3HT/PCBMDispositifs Electroniques Organiques - DIELOR 2010, Oct 2010, Giens, France
Conference papers
Efficient Solid-State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells based on Ti02 Nanocrystals Synthesized by Laser Pyrolysis : use of Organic Dye and Influence of a TiCl4 TreatmentInternational Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE-Université Paris Diderot, Jun 2010, Paris VII, France
Conference papers
Laser pyrolysis for up-scaling the porous Ti02 photocathodes in nanocrystalline solid-state dye-sensitized solar cellsElectronics Convention Proceedings, "Large-area, Organic and Printed Electronics Convention", LOPE-C, May 2010, Frankfurt, Germany
Conference papers
Study of printable organic electrodes based on various PEDOT:PSS/SWNT mixturesElectronics Convention Proceedings, "Large-area, Organic and Printed Electronics Convention", LOPE-C, Frankfurt, May 2010, Frankfurt, Germany
Conference papers
Nanocristaux de TiO2 synthétisés par pyrolyse laser pour cellules solaires sensibilitées solides grandes surfacesDispositifs Electroniques Organiques - DIELOR (2010), Oct 2010, Giens, France
Conference papers
Titanium oxide nanoparticles synthesised by laser pyrolysis - optical properties and application to photovoltaics and photocatalysisNanotechnologies for sustainable energy, Jul 2010, Obergurgl, Austria
Conference papers
Characterizations of SWNT based anode for organic optoelectronic devices5th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics ELECMOL, Dec 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Lifetime of organic solar cells with different thin cathode interfacial layersInternational Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE-Université Paris Diderot, Jun 2010, Paris VII, France
Conference papers
Photovoltaïque organique : vers la maturitéSéminaire annuel de l'Observatoire des Micro et Nanotechnologies, Feb 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Effect of ITO/Au/ITO multilayer electrodes on characteristics of CuPc/C60 photovoltaic cellsInternational Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE 2010 - Université Paris Diderot, Paris VII, Jun 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Modelling of screen printed organic transistorsInternational Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE 2010 - Université Paris Diderot, Paris VII, Jun 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Study of SWNT/PEDOT :PSS nanocomposite electrodesInternational Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2010, ICSM 2010, Jul 2010, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on N-doped TiO2 Nanocrystals synthetized by Laser Pyrolysis5th International meeting on molecular electronics ELECMOL (2010), Dec 2010, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Etude diélectrique de la dispersion de nanotubes de carbone (NTC) : application à l'orientation dans une matrice de polymère semi-conducteur (P3HT)"Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques - DIELOR 2010, Oct 2010, Giens, France
Conference papers
Effet d'un recuit thermique sur des électrodes tri-couches pour composants optoélectroniques organiquesDispositifs Electroniques Organiques, DIELOR 2010, Oct 2010, Giens, France
Conference papers
Controlled orientation of carbon nanotubes in semiconducting polymer hosts using electric fields and application to organic bulk heterojunction solar cellsWorkshop : A world of Nanotubes - Optoelectronic applications of carbon nanotubes - Onera, Apr 2010, Chatillon, France
Conference papers
Solid-State Dye-sensitized Solar Cells based on TiO2 Nanocrystals synthesized by Laser PyrolysisMRS Fall Meeting, Nov 2010, Boston, United States
Conference papers
Cellules solaires sensibilisées à l'état solide à base de nanocristaux de Zn0 synthétisés en solution par voie sol gel4ème Congrès International Physique des Interactions Rayonnement Matière, PIRM IV, Thème - Energies Renouvelables, Apr 2010, Dakhla, Maroc
Conference papers
Cellules solaires sensibilisées à l'état solide à base de nanocristaux de TiO2 synthétisés par pyrolyse laserMatériaux et Nanostructures -Conjugués 2009 (MNPC'09), Oct 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Electrodes en nanotubes de carbones pour l'optoélectronique organiqueTELECOM 2009 & 6ème JFMMA, Agadir,, Mar 2009, Agadir, Morocco. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Stratégies pour améliorer le rendement de conversion des cellules solaires organiques28ièmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée & Horizons de l'Optique, Jul 2009, Lille, France
Conference papers
Solution-processed Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on metal oxide NanocrystalsE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Symposium A,, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Vieillissement des cellules solaires - Mesures / SolutionsJournées Thématiques du réseau Nanorgasol (CNRS-MRCT), Sep 2009, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Effect of active layer thickness on organic phototransistor performanceE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009,, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium H
Conference papers
Electrodes ITO/Ag/ITO et ITO/Au/ITO dans un dispositif photovoltaïque organiqueMNPC 09, Oct 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Dielectric properties of SWNTs : effect of an applied electric field on dispersabilityE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Jun 2009, Stasbourg, France. Symposium A : Mesoscopic dye sensitized and organic heterojunction solar cells
Conference papers
Influence of application of DC bias voltage for defects' distributions in organic solar cells P3HT: PCBM analyzed by admittance spectroscopyE-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting, 2009, Strasbourg, France. pp.CD-Rom Proceedings
Conference papers
Solution processed solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells based on ZnOInternational Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2009, Mar 2009, Tours, France
Conference papers
High performance organic solar cells through improved electrode designs and active layer morphology9th International Symposium on Advanced Organic Photonics ISAOP-9 2009, Sep 2009, Shannon, Ireland
Conference papers
Versatile Synthesis by Laser Pyrolysis of Various Titanium Oxide Based Nanoparticles: Application to Catalysis, UV Protection and Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells14th International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalysis : Fundamentals and Applications (TiO2-14), Oct 2009, New York, United States
Conference papers
Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells based on metal oxide nanocrystals synthesized from solution (ZnO) or by laser pyrolysis (TiO2)E-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Symposium A : Mesoscopic dye sensitized and organic heterojunction solar cells, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium A
Conference papers
Cellules Solaires Sensibilisées à Colorants à l'Etat Solide à base d'Oxydes Métalliques Synthétisés en solution (ZnO) ou par pyrolyse laser (TiO2)Journées Thématiques du réseau Nanorgasol (CNRS - MRCT), Sep 2009, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Les cellules solaires organiques : spécificités, stratégies menées à XLIMColloque International Télécom'2009 & 6èmes JFMMA,, Mar 2009, Agadir, Maroc. pp.11
Conference papers
Buffer layer influence on organic solar cell lifetimeE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium A : Mesoscopic dye sensitized and organic heterojunction solar cells
Conference papers
Cellules solaires organiques à couches composites polymères incluant des nanotubes de carboneMatériaux et Nanostructures Π-Conjugués 2009 (MNPC'09), Oct 2009, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
High performance Organic Solar Cells through Enhanced Charge TransportPhotovoltaicsBeyond Conventional Silicon, Apr 2009, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Performance reproducibility of OPV based on sublimed small organic moleculesE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium A : Mesoscopic dye sensitized and organic heterojunction solar cells
Conference papers
Characterizations of SWNT films to obtain organic optoelectronic devices anodesE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009,, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium N : Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Low Dimensional Carbon
Conference papers
Organic optoelectronic devices-flexibility versus performanceConference IS-FOE09, 2nd International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics, Jul 2009, Halkidiki, Greece
Conference papers
Cellules solaires sensibilisées à colorants à l'état solide à base d'oxydes métalliques synthétisés en solution (ZnO) ou par pyrolyse laser (TiO2)Journées Thématiques du réseau Nanorgasol (CNRS-MRCT), Sep 2009, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Improvement of organic solar cell performance with ITO/Au/ITO anodesE-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Jun 2009, Strasbourg, France. Symposium A
Conference papers
Controling the nanoscale morphology for high efficiency organic solar cellsCEE Photovoltaic 2009, Nov 2009, Athens, Greece
Conference papers
Investigation of electric charge transport in conjugated polymer P3HT: PCBM solar cell with temperature dependent current and capacitance measurements23rd International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, ICANS23, 2009, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers
Influence du couche tampon sur la durée de vie des cellules solaires organiquesJournées Thématiques du réseau Nanorgasol (CNRS-MRCT), Sep 2009, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Performances des cellules à base de CuPc et de C60 avec et sans apport d'airJournées Thématiques du réseau Nanorgasol (CNRS-MRCT), Sep 2009, limoges, France
Conference papers
Surface Modelling of Organic Solar CellsAdvances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, 2009. ACTEA '09. International Conference on, Jul 2009, Beyrouth, Lebanon. pp.427-431
Conference papers
Nanoparticules d'oxydes de Titane synthétisées par pyrolyse laser : propriétés optiques et structure électronique10èmes Journées Francophones des Jeunes Physico-chimistes, Oct 2009, Ambleteuse, France
Conference papers
Study of organic solar cell with new electrode structures.Symposium Q : Functional supramolecular architectures for ogranic electronics and nanotechnology, E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, May 2008, Strasbourg, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
Organic solar cells developments at XLIM Research Institute.supramolecular architectures for ogranic electronics and nanotechnology, E-MRS 2008 ., May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Characterization of charge transport in the pentacene by different methods to determine carrier mobilityE-MRS Spring Meeting 2008, Symposium O, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Ultraviolet light effect on electrical properties of a flexible organic thin film transistor.Conférences EMRS, Symposium E, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Réalisation et caractérisation d'une cellule solaire organique à anode tricouche.Journées Thématiques des Sections Electronique et Electrotechnique du Club EEA., Mar 2008, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Evaluation d'une électrode ITO/Ag/ITO dans un dispositif photovoltaïque organique.Journées Thématiques des Sections Electronique et Electrotechnique du Club EEA., Mar 2008, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Réalisation et caractérisation d'une cellule solaire organique déposée sur un substrat souple.Rencontre DGA, Recherche et Innovation Scientifique, Mar 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers
Characterization of charge transport in the pentacene by different methods to determine carrier mobility.Conférences EMRS, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Organic solar cells developments at XLIM Research Institute.International Symposium Towards Organic Photovoltaics in the field of Organic and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria, The European Coordination Action Project ORGAPVNET & Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, Feb 2008, Linz, Austria
Conference papers
High quality transparent conductive electrodes in organic photovoltaic devices.2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides Conference., Oct 2008, Hersonissos, Greece
Conference papers
Transparent conductive ZnO thin films processed from solution: influence of doping on optical and electrical propertiesE-MRS Spring Meeting, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Electronic transport and optical properties of transparent conductive oxides.2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides Conference., Oct 2008, Hersonissos, Greece
Conference papers
High efficiency polymer solar cells with nanoscale control of the network morphology.E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting,Symposium Q : Functional supramolecular architectures for ogranic electronics and nanotechnology, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
High photoconductivity effect of a polycrystalline pentacene associated with Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes.Conférences EMRS, Symposium E, May 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Effet de l'intensité lumineuse sur les caractéristiques d'un transistor organique à base de pentacèneMNPC 07, Sep 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers
Réalisation de films d'oxydes transparents conducteurs par un procédé DIBS - Application à la réalisation d'OLEDs à émission par la surfaceMNPC 07, Sep 2007, Le Grau du Roi, France
Conference papers
Optical Optimization of Organic Solar CellsInternational Conference on "Optical Interference Coatings" 2007, Optical Society of America, Jun 2007, Tucson, United States. paper ThC2, ⟨10.1364/OIC.2007.ThC2⟩
Conference papers
Réalisation de structures métalliques interdigitées pour l'orientation de composites nanotubes-polymères destinés à la réalisation de cellules photovoltaïques.Colloque National ADEME-ANR "Electricité solaire photovoltaïque", Mar 2007, Aix-les-Bains, France
Conference papers
Characterization of organic phototransistors realized on polyethyleneterephtalate transparent flexible substratesE-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, May 2007, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Organic phototransistor based on a flexible plastic substrateThe 7th International Symposium on Advanced Organic Photonics (ISAOP-7), Jun 2007, Angers, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Contribution des faisceaux d'ions à l'élaboration de dispositifs pour l'électronique soupleOURNÉES SCIENTIFIQUES DU CNFRS " NANOSCIENCES ET RADIOÉLECTRICITÉ", Mar 2007, Paris, France
Conference papers
Optimisation de cellules photovoltaïques organiques à réseau interpénétré.Colloque National ADEME-ANR "Electricité solaire photovoltaïque., Mar 2007, Aix-les-Bains, France
Conference papers
Modélisation du dépôt assisté par faisceau d'ions de cathodes pour les dispositifs organiques.Colloque DIELOR 06 (DIspositifs ELectroniques ORganiques), Jun 2006, PARIS, France
Conference papers
OLEDs : Caractérisations polychromatiques et effet de la densification de la cathode sur le veillissement.Dielor 06, Jun 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Physical properties of organic solar cells deduced from the comparison of current-voltage characteristics under illumination to absorption and external quantum efficiency spectra.International Conference on Synthetic Metals, ICSM 06., Jul 2006, Dublin, Ireland. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
Hole-transporting molecular glasses based on carbazole for photovoltaic systems.European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, ECHOS'06., Jun 2006, PARIS, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
P and n dopable carbazole/perylene alternated materials for organic photovoltaic devices.International Conference on Synthetic Metals, Jul 2006, DUBLIN, Ireland. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
Physical treatment of electrodes for organic optoelectronics applications.2nd International Symposium Technologies for Polymer Electronics, TPE 06., May 2006, Germany
Conference papers
Electron extracting layer study of organic solar cells.2nd International Symposium Technologies for Polymer Electronics - TPE06, May 2006, Rudolstadt, Germany. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
P and N dopable perylene based materials for organic photovoltaic devices.European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, ECHOS'06., Jun 2006, Paris,, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers
Photovoltaic properties dependence on the active layer morphology of small molecule organic solar cells.SPIE Photonics Europe, Apr 2006, Strasbourg, France. pp.Vol. 6192, 619223
Conference papers
Oganic solar cell encapsulation by vapor deposition polymerization of parylene.SPIE EUROPE 2006 : Photonics Europe, 2006, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Anode optimisation of small molecule organic solar cells using ITO obtained by sputtering.European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, ECHOS'06., Jun 2006, PARIS, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers