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Bertrand Dumont

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We are combining knowledge from several disciplines (animal sciences, grassland ecology, agroecology, etc.) to increase the sustainability of livestock farming systems. Current projects analyse i) bundles of impact and services provided by European livestock farming systems, ii) interactions within organic farming systems and low-input dairy systems in France and India, and iii) pasture management, integrated management of animal health, work organisation and economic performance in mixed horse-cattle grazing systems.


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Rôles, impacts et services issus des élevages en Europe. Rapport final

Bertrand Dumont , Pierre Dupraz , Joël Aubin , Miroslav Batka , Diane Beldame
[0] Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt. 2016, 1032 p
Rapport hal-01608700v1