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Bertrand Vilquin



Reader (HDR) in condensed matters Bertrand Vilquin (reader, HDR, Ecole Centrale de Lyon) has been working on integration of perovskite materials since the beginning of his PhD in 1999 at Université de Caen (France). In 2002, he joined the Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University (Japan) for a JSPS post doctorate fellowship. In 2005, he moved to Université Paris XI to work on an industrial project with ALTIS Semiconductors to realize New Generation of nanoscale MRAM devices. In 2006, he became lecturer at Ecole Centrale de Lyon working on the integration of perovskite materials on silicon though academic and industrial projects. He has a rich experience in both national and international research projects and had been the coordinator of 2 ANR projects. He was invited professor at Osaka University (Japan) in 2012 and at the University of Tokyo (Japan) in 2016. He became associate professor at Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) in 2016. He is the coordinator of the “nanoscale engineering” master course of University of Lyon. He successfully obtained his habilitation to conduct research (HDR) in 2018 and he is member of IEEE and SFP. **Project leader:** \- ANR MINOS (2007-2011) \- ANR SURFFER (2010-2013) **WorkPackage coordinator:** \- ANR PIEZO2POWER (2011-2015) \- ANR INTENSE (2015-2017) \- H2020 ICT 3eFERRO (2018-2021)



Hybrid chip-based nonlinear optical devices using graphene

Christelle Monat , Pierre Demongodin , Jérémy Lhuillier , Milan Sinobad , Houssein El Dirani
graphene2020, Oct 2020, Grenoble, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03299045v1
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Towards active photonic dispersion control using graphene-induced non-radiative loss

Jérémy Lhuillier , Pierre Demongodin , Thomas Wood , Malik Kemiche , Bertrand Vilquin
CLEO: Science and Innovations 2020, May 2020, Washington DC, United States. pp.SW4F.4., ⟨10.1364/CLEO_SI.2020.SW4F.4⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02617933v1
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Modulateur electro-optique large-bande à base de graphene sur résonnateur optique planaire

T. Wood , Jérémy Lhuillier , Pierre Demongodin , M. Kemiche , Bertrand Vilquin
39ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Jul 2019, Paris-Saclay, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02400039v1

Wideband Graphene Electro-optic Modulator on 1D Photonic Crystal Cavity

T. Wood , Jérémy Lhuillier , Pierre Demongodin , M. Kemiche , Bertrand Vilquin
European Quantum Electronics Conference 2019, Jun 2019, Munich, Germany. ⟨10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872717⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02400046v1

Vers la réalisation de composants optiques nonlinéaires intégrés sur puce exploitant du graphène

Alexandra Pavlova , Malik Kemiche , Jérémy Lhuillier , Thomas Wood , Radoslaw Mazurczyk
colloque SFO-PAMO, 24ème Congrès Général de la SFP, Jan 2017, Orsay, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01701490v1