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Bruno Gazengel



Feedback on the creation of a scientific show using immersive sound

Bruno Gazengel , Christophe Ayrault , Mathieu Paquier , Arnault Damien
Internoise 2024, Aug 2024, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-04571699v1
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Repeatability of perceptual assessments on single cane reeds

Vincent Koehl , Amélie Gaillard , Bruno Gazengel , Matilde de Quarti , Thomas Blondel
InterNoise 2024, the 53rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Aug 2024, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-04681532v1
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Research of perceptual descriptors discriminating clarinet reeds of identical stiffness

Amélie Gaillard , Bruno Gazengel , Vincent Koehl
InterNoise 2024, the 53rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Aug 2024, Nantes (France), France
Conference papers hal-04681926v1
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Computing the basins of attraction of periodic solutions in a 4D model of a musical instrument

Thomas Passa , Soizic Terrien , Sylvain Maugeais , Bruno Gazengel
European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Jul 2024, Delft, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04682226v1

Saxophone: influence des conditions initiales sur le régime de jeu

Thomas Passa , Soizic Terrien , Sylvain Maugeais , Bruno Gazengel
JJCAAS 2023 : Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio, Société Française d'Acoustique [SFA], Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son [UMR 9912 - STMS], Apr 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04073783v1
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Link between stiffness symmetry and perceived quality of clarinet cane reeds

Amélie Gaillard , Vincent Koehl , Bruno Gazengel
Forum Acusticum 2023, the 10th European Congress on Acoustics, European Acoustics Association, Sep 2023, Turin, Italy. pp.2729-2733, ⟨10.61782/fa.2023.0229⟩
Conference papers hal-04193446v1
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Study of an active mute for controlling the directivity of a trombone

Bruno Gazengel , Christophe Ayrault , Manuel Melon , Colas Cavailles
Forum Acusticum, Sep 2023, Torino, Italy. ⟨10.61782/fa.2023.0462⟩
Conference papers hal-04352892v2
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Wideband sound zone system for automotive applications

Samuel Dupont , Lucas Vindrola , Manuel Melon , Jean-Christophe Chamard , Vincent Roussarie
153rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Oct 2022, New York, United States
Conference papers hal-03838946v1
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Recherche d’indicateurs de qualité d’anches simples – partie 1 : estimation des paramètres équivalents en régimes statique et quasi-statique

Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Etienne Hendrickx , Mathieu Paquier , Vincent Koehl
16ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03644473v1
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Comprendre les caractéristiques des sons en associant concerts scientifiques et dossier pédagogique en ligne

B Gazengel , T Galpin , R Lalanne , I Silpa
Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03644469v1
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Recherche d’indicateurs de qualité d’anches simples – partie 2 : approche subjective

Vincent Koehl , Etienne Hendrickx , Mathieu Paquier , Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
16ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03644479v1

Les concerts scientifiques ou l'apprentissage de l'acoustique par la musique

Bruno Gazengel , Ingrid Silpa
Science &You 2021, Nov 2021, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-03643707v1
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Optimal active control for a trombone: a parametric study

Colas Cavailles , Manuel Melon , Christophe Ayrault , Bruno Gazengel
Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1557-1563, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0312⟩
Conference papers hal-03231992v1
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IMDEA show, a new way to present student's projects in collaboration with companies and universities

Manuel Melon , Antonin Novak , Bruno Gazengel
Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.2581-2585, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0914⟩
Conference papers hal-03231868v1

Loudspeaker optimisation for active control of trombone radiation

Colas Cavaillès , Christophe Ayrault , Manuel Melon , Joel Gilbert , Bruno Gazengel
26th International Congress on Sound Vibration (ICSV) 2019, Jul 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02410579v1

Teaching electroacoustics in a master's degree at Le Mans University : a public-private partnership

Manuel Melon , Bruno Gazengel
26th ICSV, Jul 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02410575v1
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Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
ICSV, Jul 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02466913v1
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Scientific concerts or learning acoustics with arts

Bruno Gazengel , Christophe Ayrault
ICSV 26, Jul 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02466926v1

Personal Sound Zones: A Comparison between Frequency and Time Domain Formulations in a Transportation Context

Lucas Vindrola , Manuel Melon , Jean-Christophe Chamard , Bruno Gazengel , Guy Plantier
147th AES Convention, Oct 2019, New York, United States
Conference papers hal-02408176v1
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Vocalisation du poussin : développement d'une méthode d'enregistrement et d'analyse

Félix Michaud , Pauline Creach , Bruno Brouard , Bruno Gazengel , Simon Laurent
13. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01943407v1
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Etude d'une sourdine passive et active pour trompette simplifiée

Christophe Ayrault , A Bonnet , C Corno , Manuel Melon , Bruno Gazengel
Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2018, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-01877799v1
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Caractérisations objectives et subjectives d'anches simples en situation de jeu

Jean-François Petiot , Alberto Muñoz Arancón , Bruno Gazengel
Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2018, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-01877789v1
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Caractérisation expérimentale de becs de saxophone ténor à l'aide d'un musicien artificiel fonctionnant en aspiration

Bruno Gazengel , L Descuns , P Eveno
Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2018, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-01877793v1
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La mesure de puissance acoustique en laboratoire : facteurs d'erreurs et estimation des incertitudes

François Fohr , Bruno Gazengel
Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2018, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-01877795v1

Caractérisation expérimentale de la déformée statique d'anches simples par méthodes optiques

Frédéric Ablitzer , Bruno Gazengel
Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2018, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-01877794v2

Peut on caractériser une anche simple pour répondre aux attentes du musicien?

Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Jean-François Petiot , Alberto Muñoz Arancón , Pierre-André Taillard
Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio (JJCAAS), Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Jun 2018, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-04546274v1
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Analysis of Nonlinear Characteristics of the Clarinet Exciter Obtained via a New Measurement Method

Pierre-André Taillard , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Bruno Gazengel , Alberto Muñoz Arancón
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Jun 2017, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers hal-02466949v1
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De la capacité d'une bouche artificielle a reproduire le geste d'un instrumentiste

Alberto Muñoz Arancón , Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
13e Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) et 20ème colloque VIbrations, SHocks and NOise (VISHNO), Apr 2016, Le Mans, France
Conference papers hal-01305723v1
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Un exemple de projet pédagogique en électroacoustique

Bruno Gazengel , Manuel Melon
C F A / VISHNO 2 0 1 6, Apr 2016, Le Mans, France
Conference papers hal-01305716v1
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Effet d'un contrôle actif sur l' impédance de rayonnement d'un guide

Christophe Ayrault , Thomas Laurence , Manuel Melon , Bruno Gazengel
C F A / V I S H N O 2 0 1 6, Apr 2016, Le Mans, France
Conference papers hal-01305725v1

Electroacoustique sur le web : un retour d'expérience

Eric Bavu , Stéphane Durand , Bruno Gazengel , Philippe Herzog , Hervé Lissek
12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, SFA, Apr 2014, Poitiers, France. pp.2197-2198
Conference papers hal-01083321v1

Attack transients in clarinet models with different complexity − a comparative view

André Almeida , Baptiste Bergeot , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 2014, Le Mans, France
Conference papers hal-01342885v1
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Prediction of the dynamic oscillation threshold of a clarinet model: comparison between analytical predictions and simulation results

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference, Jul 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.5
Conference papers hal-01023504v1

Modeling of the subjective quality of saxophone reeds

Jean-François Petiot , Pierric Kersaudy , Gary Scavone , Stephen Mcadams , Bruno Gazengel
ICA 2013, Jun 2013, MONTREAL, Canada. pp.2, ⟨10.1121/1.4799446⟩
Conference papers hal-00951804v1
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Jean Kergomard , Philippe Guillemain , Sami Karkar , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Bruno Gazengel
44º Congreso Español de Acústica Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica EAA European Symposium on Environmental Acoustics and Noise Mapping (TECNIACUSTICA 2013), Oct 2013, Valladolid, Spain. pp.1209-1216
Conference papers hal-01309204v1
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Two examples of education in Acoustics for undergraduate and young postgraduate students

Bruno Gazengel , Christophe Ayrault
Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00810984v1
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Measurement of attack transients in a clarinet driven by a ramp-like varying pressure

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00810986v1
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Attack transients in a clarinet model with time-varying blowing pressure

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00810851v1
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Objective and subjective characterization of saxophone reeds

Bruno Gazengel , Jean-François Petiot , Martin Soltés
Acoustics 2012, Apr 2012, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-00810983v1
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Mechanical response characterization of saxophone reeds

Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
Forum Acusticum, Jun 2011, Aalborg, Denmark. pp.000124
Conference papers hal-00607928v1
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Vers la définition d'indicateurs de qualité d'anches de saxophones

Bruno Gazengel , Jean François Petiot , Emmanuel Brasseur
10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00534625v1

Cramer-Rao Bounds for sound field measurements by means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry

Alain Le Duff , Guy Plantier , Jean-Christophe Valière , Bruno Gazengel
2008 IEEE Sensors Conference, 2008, Lecce - Italie, Unknown Region. pp.164-167
Conference papers hal-01166372v1

Experimental investigation of the influence of the mechanical characteristics of the lip on the vibrations of the single reed

Bruno Gazengel , Thomas Guimezanes , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Jean-Baptiste Doc , Sylvain Fagart
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, ISMA 2007, Sep 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-03179547v1

Digital Calibration Procedure for Laser Doppler Velocimetry in Acoustics

A. Le Duff , G. Plantier , J.C. Valiere , Bruno Gazengel
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP'2007), Alcalá de Henares, Spain, October 2007, Oct 2007, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Conference papers hal-00177465v1

Mesure de vitesses acoustiques par LDV en présence de faible écoulement : spécificité des traitements de signaux

Bruno Gazengel , Silvio Montrésor , Laurent Simon , A. Le Duff , G. Plantier
Huitième colloque international francophone sur les METHODES ET TECHNIQUES OPTIQUES POUR L'INDUSTRIE, ARCACHON, 19 - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007, Nov 2007, Arcachon, France
Conference papers hal-00175338v1

Scaling of reed instruments : the case of the saxophone family

Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Bruno Gazengel , Jean Kergomard
Proceedings of the 151th Meeting of the A.S.A., 2006, Providence, United States. pp.3259, ⟨10.1121/1.4786090⟩
Conference papers hal-00106247v1

Mesures de vitesses acoustiques en temps réel par LDV

Anthony Sourice , Alain Le Duff , Stéphane Lebon , James Blondeau , Bruno Gazengel
Congrés Francophone de Techniques Laser - CFTL 2006, 2006, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01166377v1

Real-Time Particle Detection and Velocity Measurement by Means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry

Alain Le Duff , Guy Plantier , Bruno Gazengel
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - IMTC 2005, 2005, Ottawa, Canada. pp.2222--2225
Conference papers hal-01166385v1

Insertion d'informations numériques dans un signal : Application à la classification de données expérimentales en anémométrie laser Doppler

Alain Le Duff , Bruno Gazengel
20 ıeme colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, 2005, Louvain-La-Neuve - Belgique, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01166386v1

Mesure de vitesse particulaire acoustique en présence d'écoulement faible

Alain Le Duff , Bruno Gazengel , Philippe Rouquier
9 ieme Congrés Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser, 2004, Bruxelles - Belgique, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01166391v1

Characterization of a dipole radiation by Laser Doppler Velocimetry

Grégory Souchon , Bruno Gazengel , Olivier Richoux , Alain Le Duff
7 ıeme Congrés Français d'acoustique, 30. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01166390v1

Mesure de Vitesse Acoustique Particulaire En Champ Libre Par Anémométrie Laser Doppler

Alain Le Duff , Guy Plantier , Jean-Christophe Valière , Bruno Gazengel
Colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2003, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01206927v1
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From the input impedance to the synthesized pressure signal : application to the saxophone

Bruno Gazengel , Joel Gilbert
ISMA 1995, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Jul 1995, Dourdant, France. pp.484-489
Conference papers hal-00876425v1
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Évaluation subjective de la qualité d'anches de clarinette

Amélie Gaillard , Vincent Koehl , Bruno Gazengel
JPS 2023, 4èmes Journées Perception Sonore, Nov 2023, IRCAM, Paris, France. , 2023
Conference poster hal-04309775v1
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Lien entre symétrie de raideur et qualité globale d'anches de clarinette

Amélie Gaillard , Bruno Gazengel , Vincent Koehl
JJCAAS 2023, 13èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio, Apr 2023, IRCAM, Paris, France. , 2023
Conference poster hal-04067744v1

Chick vocalizations: development of a recording and analysis method

Pauline Creach , Felix Michaud , Bruno Brouard , Bruno Gazengel , Laurent Simon
26. World Poultry Congress, Aug 2022, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-04152717v1
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Study of the optimal active control of a trombone

Colas Cavaillès , Bruno Gazengel , Manuel Melon , Christophe Ayrault
Acta Acustica, 2022, 6, pp.18. ⟨10.1051/aacus/2022015⟩
Journal articles hal-03662763v1

Use of the filtered-x least-mean-squares algorithm to adapt personal sound zones in a car cabin

Lucas Vindrola , Manuel Melon , Jean-Christophe Chamard , Bruno Gazengel
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150 (3), pp.1779-1793. ⟨10.1121/10.0005875⟩
Journal articles hal-03344262v1

Pressure Matching With Forced Filters for Personal Sound Zones Application

Lucas Vindrola , Manuel Melon , Jean-Christophe Chamard , Bruno Gazengel
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2020, 68 (11), pp.832-842. ⟨10.17743/jaes.2020.0058⟩
Journal articles hal-03088457v1

Role of the Resonator Geometry on the Pressure Spectrum of Reed Conical Instruments

Jean Kergomard , Philippe Guillemain , Patrick Sanchez , Christophe Vergez , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2019, 105 (2), pp.368-380. ⟨10.3813/AAA.919320⟩
Journal articles hal-02310014v1

Comparison of Human and Artificial Playing of a Single Reed Instrument

Alberto Muñoz Arancón , Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2018, 104 (6), pp.1104-1117. ⟨10.3813/AAA.919275⟩
Journal articles hal-01921285v1
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Investigation of the Relationships Between Perceived Qualities and Sound Parameters of Saxophone Reeds

Jean-François Petiot , Pierric Kersaudy , Gary Scavone , Stephen Mcadams , Bruno Gazengel
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2017, 103 (5), pp.812 - 829. ⟨10.3813/AAA.919110⟩
Journal articles hal-01716533v1

Estimation of saxophone reed parameters during playing

Alberto Muñoz Arancón , Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Ewen Conan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016, 139 (5), pp.2754 - 2765. ⟨10.1121/1.4948774⟩
Journal articles hal-01877649v1
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Link between objective and subjective characterizations of Bb clarinet reeds

Bruno Gazengel , Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Jean François Petiot
Applied Acoustics, 2016, 106, pp.155 - 166. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.12.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01716564v1

Acoustic velocity measurement by means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry: Development of an Extended Kalman Filter and validation in free-field measurement

Alain Le Duff , Guy Plantier , Jean-Christophe Valière , Bruno Gazengel
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 70-71 (5), pp.832 - 852. ⟨10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.08.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01877675v1
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Analytical Determination of the Attack Transient in a Clarinet With Time-Varying Blowing Pressure

André Almeida , Baptiste Bergeot , C Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2015, 101 (5), pp.1026-1038. ⟨10.3813/AAA.918897⟩
Journal articles hal-01216282v1
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Response of an artificially blown clarinet to different blowing pressure profiles

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel , Ferrand Didier
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 135 (1), pp.479-490. ⟨10.1121/1.4835755⟩
Journal articles hal-00769274v3
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Prediction of the dynamic oscillation threshold in a clarinet model with a linearly increasing blowing pressure : influence of noise

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 74 (3), pp.591-605. ⟨10.1007/s11071-013-0991-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00809293v4
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Prediction of the dynamic oscillation threshold in a clarinet model with a linearly increasing blowing pressure

Baptiste Bergeot , André Almeida , Christophe Vergez , Bruno Gazengel
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73 (1), pp.521-534. ⟨10.1007/s11071-013-0806-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00719228v4

A Dome Shaped PVDF Loudspeaker Model

Bruno Gazengel , P. Hamery , Pierrick Lotton , A. Ritty
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2011, 97 (5), pp.800 - 808. ⟨10.3813/AAA.918460⟩
Journal articles hal-01877702v1

Modelling the pressure field in the vicinity of a microphone membrane using PIV

Olivier Richoux , A. Degroot , Bruno Gazengel , Robert Mac Donald , Murray Campbell
Applied Acoustics, 2010, 71 (2), pp.157-163. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2009.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01877720v1

Model and estimation method for predicting the sound radiated by a horn loudspeaker – With application to a car horn

Guillaume Lemaître , Boris Letinturier , Bruno Gazengel
Applied Acoustics, 2008, 69 (1), pp.47-59. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2006.10.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01877776v1
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Suitability of Laser Doppler Velocimetry for the Calibration of Pressure Microphones

Anne Degroot , Robert Macdonald , Olivier Richoux , Bruno Gazengel , Murray Campbell
Applied Acoustics, 2007, 69 (12), pp.1308-1317. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2007.09.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00589266v1

Measurement of acoustic particle velocities in enclosed sound field: Assessment of two Laser Doppler Velocimetry measuring systems

Bruno Gazengel , Sylvain Poggi
Applied Acoustics, 2005, 66 (1), pp.15-44. ⟨10.1016/j.apacoust.2004.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01877779v1

The Use of PVDF Strain Sensing in Active Control of Structural Intensity in Beams

Pascal Audrain , P. Masson , A. Berry , J. -C. Pascal , Bruno Gazengel
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2004, 15 (5), pp.319-327. ⟨10.1177/1045389X04039936⟩
Journal articles hal-01877783v1

Evaluation of the performances of two acquisition ans signal processing systems for measuring acoustic particle velocities in air by means of Laser Doppler Velocimetry

Bruno Gazengel , S. Poggi , J.C. Valière
Measurement Science and Technology, 2003, 14 (12), pp.2047-2064. ⟨10.1088/0957-0233/14/12/003⟩
Journal articles hal-00146792v1

Acoustic power flow measurement in a thermoacoustic resonator by means of laser Doppler anemometry (L.D.A.) and microphonic measurement

Hélène Bailliet , Pierrick Lotton , M. Bruneau , Vitali Goussev , Jean-Christophe Valière
Applied Acoustics, 2000, 60 (1), pp.1-11. ⟨10.1016/S0003-682X(99)00046-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01877784v1

Time domain simulation of single-reed wind instruments. From the measured input impedance to the synthesis signal

Bruno Gazengel , Joel Gilbert , Noam Amir
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 1995
Journal articles hal-01877788v1
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Some Aspects of Tuning and Clean Intonation in Reed Instruments

Jean-Pierre Dalmont , Bruno Gazengel , Joël Gilbert , Jean Kergomard
Applied Acoustics, 1995, 46 (1), pp.19-60. ⟨10.1016/0003-682X(95)93950-M⟩
Journal articles hal-00475069v1
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Simulations numériques dans les domaines temporels et fréquentiels. Etude comparative, application aux instruments à vent à anche simple

Bruno Gazengel , Joel Gilbert
Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 1994, 04 (C5), pp.577-580. ⟨10.1051/jp4:19945122⟩
Journal articles jpa-00252798v1
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Etude de la clarinette à partir de la mesure de l'impédance d'entrée

Joel Gilbert , Bruno Gazengel , F. Giroud , Franck Durand , Jean-Pierre Dalmont
Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 1994, 04 (C5), pp.581-584. ⟨10.1051/jp4:19945123⟩
Journal articles jpa-00252799v1