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**Full Professor at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)**
**Director of Research Unity LASMIS (Laboratory of Mechanical & Material Engineering)**
**Email:** [**carl.labergere@utt.fr**](mailto:farouk.yalaoui@utt.fr)
**ORCID ID :** [**https://orcid.org/**](https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Forcid.org%2F0000-0001-7360-2932%3Flang%3Dfr&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHL5Y4kf9cr6ks5LRTf_fCUgzO1oQ)**[0000-0001-7675-427X](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7675-427X)**
***Professional career and Diploma***
- 1 sept 2017: Full Professor at UTT
- *1 March 2005 :* associate professor at UTT
- *20 March 2015 :* **HDR** diploma from University of Technology of Compiegne, entitled : “Modeling, simulation and numerical optimization of metalforming processes “
- *Sept 2004-Feb 2005* : Research engineer at the Femto-ST, DMA and ENSMM of Besançon
- *28 March 2003* : PhD diploma in Engineering Sciences - University of Franche Comté, entitled:"Contributions to the modeling, optimization and control of hydroforming processes of tubes and sheets".
- *Sept 1999-Sept 2002* : **phd student** in FEMTO-ST, DMA
- Sept 1999 : DEA of university of Franche Comté, speciality Mechanic & Material.
- Sept 1999 : **Engineering degree** from ENSMM **(Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et de Microtechnique)**
- **Director of Research Unity LASMIS** since february 2021 (43 phD students for 28 permanent staff)
- **Head of the Mechanical Engineering Program** of UTT from October 2016 to February 2021 (about 360 engineering students to supervise)**.**
- Member of the French Association of Mechanics (AFM). Co-leader of the virtual Forming Commission of the AFM. Member of the AFM scientific council since January 2018.
- Member and co-leader of the « Innovative processes for materials and structures » theme of the new Grand Est Mechanical and Materials Research Federation GE@2M
o ***Research topics*** :
- Multi-physics and multi-scale (macro-meso-micro) behavior models.
- Formulation of models in the framework of micromorphic formulation
- Modeling of ductile/fatigue damage and its coupling with other physical phenomena
- Characterization and analysis of the damage of various metal (steels, aluminum or nickel-based alloys, titanium). Identification of model parameters from optical measurements of strain rate fields by interferometry.
- Numerical methods adapted for the resolution of thermodynamic problems (Finite element method with 3D adaptive spatial discretization, so-called "MESHLESS" methods)
- Numerical simulation of various forming processes (hydroforming, stamping, cutting, hot forging, ….)
- Multi-criteria optimization of forming processes.
- Modeling and simulation of component service life prediction (oligo-cyclic and poly-cyclic fatigue)
o ***Scientific production*** :
- 36 publications in international peer-reviewed journals
- 5 publications in international peer-reviewed journals following an international conference
- 2 book chapters
- 55 papers from international conferences
- 11 papers from national conferences
o ***Student supervision*** :
- 11 co-supervised theses
- 6 post-doctoral students supervised at 50% and 1 at 100%.
- 17 internship supervisions
o ***Research projects***:
- Participation ANR project "Omicron”, (2019-2023). Laboratory partners: L2M, ICB, LASMIS, Industrial partner C&K. This project deals with the micro-macro analysis of materials by scanning microwave microscopy. Budget of 550k€.
- Participation ANR project "MICROMORFING" (2014-2017). Laboratory Partner : CDM, Roberval, LASMIS, L2N. This project focuses on micromorphic media for multiphysics modeling and advanced numerical simulation of forming processes. budget of 400k€
- LASMIS leader of collaborative research project "PREDUCAT" funded by the Champagne-Ardenne region and the FEDER, (2012-2014) for a budget of 950 k€. Industrial partner CERA PSI, Laboratoty partners: LEM3, LASMIS. This project aims to propose a numerical and experimental methodology for the design and manufacture of heat shields in order to improve their behavior during their services.
- Participation in the CPER project "OPOMEF" financed by the Champagne-Ardenne region and the FEDER (2008-2011). Industrial partners: Manoir-Industries and Forges de Courcelles, Laboratory partner : GRESPI, LASMIS. The objective of this project was the optimization of forging processes and tools.
- Participation in the European Manunet project "Pro-Eng" financed by the ADEME (2008-2011). Industrial partners: SAPA (Spain), Techniker (Spain), ESTAMFOR (France), University Ecole Poly Technique de Turin, UTT
o ***Organization of international conferences***:
- Co-organizer with my colleague Pr Saanouni of the international conference ICDM2, The second International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Troyes France, 8-10 July 2015, http://icdm2.utt.fr/, 170 participants with 138 papers presented and 6 plenary lectures
- Co-organizer with my colleague Pr Saanouni of the international conference NUMIFORM2016, The 12th International Conference on Numerical methods in Industrial Forming processes, Troyes France, July 4-7, 2016, http://numiform2016.utt.fr/, 250 submitted abstracts and 6 plenary lectures
More than 40 industrial valorization actions (minimum amount: 6 keuros maximum: 100 keuros) and major scientific collaborations with various companies (Arcelor-Mittal, Faurecia, ANDRA, ESI-Group, SAFRAN, CEA)
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