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Carles Blanch-Mercader
1\. J.G. Orlandi, C. Blanch-Mercader, J. Brugués and J. Casademunt. Cooperativity of self-organized Brownian motors pulling on soft cargoes. Phys. Rev. E 82, 061903 (2010)
2\. C. Blanch-Mercader and J. Casademunt. Spontaneous Motility of Actin Lamellar Fragments. Phys. Rev. Letters 110, 078102 (2013)
3\. C. Blanch-Mercader, J. Casademunt and J.-F. Joanny. Morphology and growth of polarized tissues. Eur. Phys. J. E, 37, 1 (2014)
4\. D. Oriola, H. Gadêlha, C. Blanch-Mercader and J. Casademunt. Subharmonic oscillations of collective molecular motors. EPL 107, 18002 (2014)
5\. C. Blanch-Mercader, R. Vincent, E. Bazellières, X. Serra-Picamal, X. Trepat and J. Casademunt. Effective viscosity and dynamics of spreading epithelia: A solvable model. Soft Matter, 13, 1235 (2017)
6\. C. Blanch-Mercader, and J. Casademunt. Hydrodynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence in spreading epithelia. Soft Matter, 13, 6913 (2017)
7\. B. Brunel, C. Blanch-Mercader, A. Gourrier, V. Petrolli, A. Delon, J-F. Joanny, R. Carminati, R. Pierrat and G. Cappello. Structure and dynamics of multicellular assemblies measured by coherent light scattering, New J. Phys., 19 (2017)
8\. G. Duclos\*, C. Blanch-Mercader\*, V. Yashunsky\*, G. Salbreux, J.-F. Joanny, J. Prost, P. Silberzan, Spontaneous chiral shear flow in confined cellular nematics, Nat. Phys., 14, 728–732 (2018)
9\. C. Blanch-Mercader\*, V. Yashunsky\*, S. Garcia, G. Duclos, L. Giomi, and P. Silberzan, Turbulent dynamics of epithelial cell cultures, Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 208101 (2018)
10\. C. Pérez-González \*, R. Alert \*, C. Blanch-Mercader, M. Gómez-González, T. Kolodziej, E. Bazellieres, J. Casademunt and X. Trepat. Active wetting of epithelial tissues, Nat. Phys., 15, 79-88 (2019)
11\. G. Beaune\*, C. Blanch-Mercader\*, S. Douezan, J. Dumond, D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, D. Cuvelier, T. Ondarçuhu, P. Sens, S. Dufour, M.P. Murrell, F. Brochard-Wyart, Spontaneous migration of cellular aggregates from giant keratocytes to running spheroids, PNAS, 115, 12926-12931 (2018).
12\. S. Moitrier\*, C. Blanch-Mercader\*, S. Garcia, K. Sliogeryte, T. Martin, J. Camonis, P. Marcq, P. Silberzan, I. Bonnet, Collective stresses drive competition between monolayers of normal and Ras-transformed cells, Soft Matter 15, 537-545 (2019).
13\. H.D. Moreau, C. Blanch-Mercader, R. Attia, Z. Alraies, M. Maurin, P. Bousso, J.-F. Joanny, R. Voituriez, M. Piel, A.M. Lennon-Dumenil, Macropinocytosis overcomes directional bias due to hydraulic resistance to enhance space exploration by dendritic cells, Dev. Cell, 49, 171-188 (2019).
14\. R. Alert, C. Blanch-Mercader, and J. Casademunt. Active fingering instability in tissue spreading, Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 088104, (2019).
15\. M. Richard, C. Blanch-Mercader, H. Ennomani, W. Cao, E. M. De La Cruz, J-F Joanny, F. Julicher, L. Blanchoin, P. Martin, Active cargo positioning in antiparallel transport networks, PNAS, 116, 14835-14842 (2019).
16\. C. Blanch-Mercader, J.G. Orlandi and J. Casademunt, Unraveling the hidden complexity of quasideterministic ratchets: Random walks, graphs, and circle maps, Phys. Rev. E 101, 012203, (2020).
17\. A. Trushko, I. Di Meglio, A. Merzouki, C. Blanch-Mercader, S. Abuhattum, J. Guck, K. Alessandri, P. Nassoy, K. Kruse, B. Chopard, A. Roux, Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement, Dev. Cell 54, 665, (2020).
18\. V. Yashunsky\*, D.J.G. Pearce\*, C Blanch-Mercader\*, F. Ascione, L. Giomi, P. Silberzan, Chiral edge currents in confined fibrosarcoma cells, arXiv:2010.15555 (2020)
19\. C. Blanch-Mercader \*, P. Guillamat \*, A. Roux, K. Kruse, Quantifying material properties of cell monolayers by analyzing integer topological defects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 028101 (2021)
20\. C. Blanch-Mercader, P. Guillamat, A. Roux, K. Kruse, Integer topological defects of cell monolayers -- mechanics and flows, Phys. Rev. E 103, 012405, (2021)
21\. P. Guillamat \*, C. Blanch-Mercader \*, K. Kruse, A. Roux, Integer topological defects organize stresses driving tissue morphogenesis, bioRxiv:2020.06.02.129262, (2020)
22\. C. Tomba, V. Luchnikov, L. Barberi, C. Blanch-Mercader, A. Roux, Transient active osmotic swelling of epithelium upon curvature induction, bioRxiv:2020.11.25.398107, (2020)
23\. I. Di Meglio, A. Trushko, P. Guillamat, C. Blanch-Mercader, A. Roux, Pressure and curvature control of contact inhibition in epithelia growing under spherical confinement, bioXiv:2021.06.17.448824 (2021).
24\. T. Sarkar, V. Yashunsky, L. Brézin, C. Blanch-Mercader, T. Aryaksama, M. Lacroix, T. Risler, J-F Joanny, and P. Silberzan, Crisscross multilayering of cell sheets. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.22.449403 (2021)
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Curvature sensing of epithelial cells under tubular confinementMICROPHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS from organoids to organ-on-chip, Apr 2022, Cargèse, France
Conference papers
Transient active osmotic swelling of epithelium upon curvature induction2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...