Cécile Roudeau
Résumé Cécile Roudeau
Professeur de littérature états-unienne, LARCA UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité
My main object of research is nineteenth-century American literature.
My work explores how literature interferes with our ways of apprehending the world; to what extent it affects the epistemic categories we live by and henceforth the world we live in. Because it emerges from the experiment with, and experience of, contingent relations that never quite stabilize into a concept, because it opens the concept and makes it differ from itself, literature—the kind of literature that I am interested in—hones and alters the very instruments whereby we seize the world—politically, aesthetically – as relation.
My first book, *La Nouvelle-Angleterre : Politique d’une écriture. Récits, genres, lieu* (PUPS/AFEA, 2012), revisits New England literature, especially women regionalist writers of the turn of the nineteenth-century, from the angle of “place.” I started from a rather simple question: What does it mean for a story to take place? I suggest that texts take place — as do events or characters — in or outside a literary tradition, a national or global history. In French, “place” implies a preexisting order in which one is able, is willing, to fit. I examine therefore the tension between “place” and “*lieu*.” “*Lieu*,” as I understand it, is not indexed on a stable configuration. Rather, it emerges from the reshuffling of categories, the undoing of the “distribution of the sensible” through the agency of unassignable creative energies. I argue then that regionalist texts written by New England women writers like Sarah Orne Jewett, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and others play with, and question, the demarcations of gender, genres. They destabilize hierarchies (region/nation; women/ men; country/city; stories/novels…). More broadly, they negociate between the imperative of generality and the urge of singularity, making up, or rather writing up, a “*lieu*” of their own at a time when the United States was tempted by a new form of imperialism imposing a rearticulation between singularities within a new scale of universality: empire.
The articulation between singularities and different scales of aggregation is at the heart of my current manuscript around the aesthetic expression of the commons in nineteenth-century American literature. The emphasis on non essentialist singularities in regionalist, and more broadly, modernist, literature, I argue, should not be opposed to what I see as a constant attention in literary texts to “what we have in common.” While it requires new imaginings of old universals (the human, the nation, womanhood…), the commons must be distinguished from an essentialist vision of community since it questions the fragile articulation between an “I” that is not an identity and a larger ensemble whose fluid borders are ever contingent on a question, a problem, or an urge. This book, provisionally entitled *Fictions d’un en-commun*, to be published by Honoré Champion, explores how US literature was engaged in making up a commons throughout the long nineteenth-century. The project reads together canonical and lesser known texts to explore the questions of “language,” “war,” “sentiment,” and “the body (politic).”
Université Paris Diderot (Paris Sorbonne Cité)
UFR Etudes anglophones
5 rue Thomas Mann 75205 Paris cedex 13, France
**Current position (since 2015)**
Professor of American Literature, Departement of English Studies, Université Paris Diderot, France
Head editor of *Transatlantica: American Studies Journal* (literature and arts)
2007 Ph.D with distinction.University Paris IV-Sorbonne. Director : Pierre-Yves Pétillon. *La Nouvelle-Angleterre : Questions de lieu. Autour de l’œuvre de Sarah Orne Jewett.*
1998 MA (DEA) with distinction (Université Paris Sorbonne/ENS)
1994 MA (maîtrise) with distinction (Université Paris Sorbonne/ENS)
1992-1998 Ecole normale supérieure (ENS-Ulm) -Paris
**Fellowships/prizes/ invitations**
2014 Associate researcher (Karla Scherer Center for American Studies, University of Chicago)
2011 French Association for American Studies (RFEA) Annual Book Prize
2000 Fulbright Research Fellowship (Harvard University)
1996-1997 ENS Student Fellow (Princeton University)
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Performing the Self in Relation: The Pragmatic ‘Human Work’ of Gilman’s The ForerunnerColloque "Sixth International Charlotte Perkins Gilman Conference", Schlesinger Library, Harvard University, Jun 2015, Cambridge, United States
Conference papers
Cognitions of Empire: Regionalist Reconfigurations of a Literary CommonCongrès annuel de l’American Literature Association (ALA), May 2011, Boston, MA, United States
Conference papers
James Fenimore Cooper ou la frontière mélancolique. The Last of the Mohicans et The Leatherstocking TalesPresses de l'Ecole normale supérieure. 16, 2016, Collection "Actes de la recherche à l'ENS", 978-2-7288-3596-6
Puritains d'Amérique Prestige et déclin d'une théocratie - Textes choisis 1620-1750Books hal-01513277v1 |
Intimate Frictions : History and Literature in the United States from the 19th to the 21st Century.2016, ⟨10.4000/ejas.11406⟩
Monument et modernité dans l'art et la littérature britanniques et américainesPresses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle , 2015, Monument et modernité dans l'art et la littérature britanniques et américaines, 978-2-87854-626-2
Hidden in Plain Sight: Deep Time and American Literature2015, 765-2766
La Nouvelle-Angleterre : politique d’une écriturePU Paris-Sorbonne, 2012
Les Histoires de Pat Hobby.Ph. Jaworski. Gallimard, 2, 2012, Collection. La Pléiade. Œuvres Complètes de F. S. Fitzgerald. 9782070137695
La Nouvelle-Angleterre: Politique d'une Ecriture.PUPS, 2012, Collection "Mondes Anglophones", Marc Amfreville, Élisabeth Angel-Perez, Pierre Iselin, Marie-Madeleine Martinet, 978-2-84050-840-7
De la peur en Amérique : l’écriture au défi du frissonPresses universitaires de Savoie. 16, 2011, Collection "Ecriture et représentation", ISBN-10 2-915797-76-5
De la peur en Amérique : l'écriture au défi du frissonUniversité de Savoie, Ecriture et représentation (16), pp.234, 2010, 978-2-915797-76-3
Melville. Derniers Poèmes.Presses de l'ENS, 2010, collection "Versions françaises", 978-2-7288-0432-0
Sarah Orne Jewett. Le Pays des sapins pointus et autres récits.Presses de l'ENS, 2004, collection "Versions françaises", 2-7288-0308-0
Untimely FreemanEdited by Stephanie Palmer, Myrto Drizou, Cécile Roudeau. New Perspectives on Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. Reading with and Against the Grain, Edinburgh University Press, 2023, Interventions in Nineteenth-Century American Literature, 978-1-399-50449-2
Book sections
READING FREEMAN AGAIN, ANEW STEPHANIE PALMER, MYRTO DRIZOU, CÉCILE ROUDEAUEdited by Stephanie Palmer, Myrto Drizou, Cécile Roudeau. New Perspectives on Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. Reading with and Against the Grain, Edimburgh University Press, 2023, 978-1-399-50449-2
Book sections
Au-delà de la ligne ? Paradoxe de l'émancipation. Eros, Demos, et l'État DémocratiqueAlexandre Mendes; Giuseppe Cocco. O Trabalho das Linhas : Politica, Democracia, Escrita., Autografia, 2022, Màquinas, Linhas e Territorios, 978-6559430901
Book sections
« “Sickly abstractions” and the Poetic Concrete: Walt Whitman’s and Emily Dickinson’s Battlefields of War »Eric Athenot and Cristanne Miller. Whitman and Dickinson : a Colloquy , University of Iowa Press, pp.27-46, 2018, 9781609385316
Book sections
Elizabeth Peabody, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, and the Transatlantic Homeopathic Politics of Reform.Beth L. Lueck ; Sirpa Salenius ; Nancy Lusignan Schultz. Transatlantic Conversations: Nineteenth-Century Women’s Encounters with Italy and the Atlantic World. , University of New Hampshire Press, 2016, coll. "Becoming Modern: New Nineteenth-Century Studies", 978-1512600261
Book sections
“‘Non à ce marbre, mort et froid…’: l’Amérique en mal de monuments.”Marc Porée; Christine Savinel. Coordination éditoriale: Charlotte Gould, Catherine Lanone; Antonia Rigaud; Cécile Roudeau. Monument et modernité dans l’art et la littérature britanniques et américains., Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2015, 978-2878546262
Book sections
A Name for a Monument: Epitaphs of Native America in James Fenimore Cooper and Lydia Howard Sigourney.Marc Porée; Christine Savinel. Coordination éditoriale: Charlotte Gould, Catherine Lanone; Antonia Rigaud; Cécile Roudeau. Monument et modernité dans l’art et la littérature britanniques et américains, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2015, Monument et modernité dans l’art et la littérature britanniques et américains. 9782878546262
Book sections
"Sarah Orne Jewett"Antoinette Fouque. Dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Editions des femmes, 2013, 9782721006318
Book sections
Mary E. Wilkins (Freeman)Antoinette Fouque. Dictionnaire universel des créatrices, Editions des femmes, 2013, 9782721006318
Book sections
La Nouvelle-Angleterre ou le dissensus de la lettre: pratique de l’écart dans le récit de captivité de Mary W. RowlandsonThomas Constantinesco; Antoine Traisnel. Littérature et politique en Nouvelle-Angleterre, Presses de l'ENS-Editions Rue d'Ulm, 2011, coll. "Actes de la recherche à l'ENS", 978-2-7288-3952-0
Book sections
L’orbe du sens: les éclipses d’Emily Dickinson.Agnès Derail-Imbert. Emily Dickinson. Eclipses du sens, 7, Presses de l'ENS-Editions Rue d'Ulm, pp.45-61, 2010, coll. "Actes de la recherche à l'ENS", 978-2-7288-3654-3
Book sections
The Country of the Pointed Firs : “A Main(e) Story” ou l’écriture interlope de la nationMichel Granger. Lieux d'Amérique, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2010, 978-2-7297-0824-5
Book sections
The Angle(s) of Truth: Perspectives for an American Democratic Fiction in William Dean Howells’s Critical Writing.Guillaume Tanguy. William Dean Howells, 21, Presses universitaires de la Méditerrannée, pp.75-105, 2009, collection "Profils américains", 978-2-84269-880-5
Book sections
Geographies of difference: the Politics of Dialect in Nineteenth-Century America.Cécile Cottenet, Jean-Christophe Murat, Nathalie Vanfasse. Cultural Transformations in the English-Speaking World. , Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.129-151, 2009, 9781443817899
Book sections
Hawthorne et ses sorties : lieu et écriture du lieu dans La Lettre écarlate et ‘Les Bureaux de la Douane.’Bruno Monfort. The Scarlet Letter, Editions du Temps, pp.5-33, 2005, collection "Lectures d'une oeuvre", 9782842743178
Book sections
Steven Millhauser, une écriture sur le filAnne Ullmo. Steven Millhauser, une écriture sur le fil, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, pp.11-37, 2004, 978-2-85939-851-4
Book sections
“A Design of her Own": E pluribus unum ou The Country of the Pointed Firs comme "friendship quilt."Claire Bazin; Marie-Claude Perrin-Chenour. « A Literature of their Own » : Les stratégies d’écriture des femmes- écrivains anglaises et américaines au 19ème siècle, 1, Publication de l'Université Paris X-Nanterre, pp.89-117, 2002, collection "Textes & genres", 2-907335-24-3
Book sections
Herman Melville, Derniers poèmes2010
Other publications