Annie Chan
**full CV available[ here](**
**Annie Chan**
Kaulbachstr. 53, München 80539, Germany
Office: +49 (0) 89 2180-5819
<> | [linkedin](
**Pursuits:** Archaeology of Inner Asia (present-day Xinjiang, southern Siberia, western Mongolia)
prehistory - early medieval period - contemporary
pastoral production technologies; architecture and concepts of space; cross-regional transmissions and ethnogenesis; nomadic cultures, ethnography, and political ecology; imperial China and InterAsian geopolitics
- ***The archaeological microcosms of medieval China-steppe geopolitics and InterAsia Cosmopolitanism*** (developed from *Tribute, Truce and Tutelage: Chinese objects in Early Medieval Steppe Geopolitics,* [SSRC Transregional Research Fellowship project](
- ***An integrated study of the cemeteries and habitation sites of Aduuchuluu in Bortala Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region****.* 2019 China National Social Science Foundation Project. PI: Cong Dexin, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
- ***Les peuples de Haute Asie dans l’histoire de la Chine.*** PI: Pierre Marsone, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale (CRCAO).
- ***The Turkic burials of Tunnug 1 (Arzhan 0) in Uyuk Valley.*** PIs: Gino Caspari, Universität Bern and University of Sydney, and Timur Sadykov, Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences.
2011-2017 Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dissertation: *Out of Place: Stone Architecture and Pastoral Nomadism in Prehistoric Inner Asia*
Committee: Nancy S. Steinhardt (advisor), Harold L. Dibble, Adam D. Smith, Katherine M. Moore
2011-2013 A.M. (Ph.D. track) in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania
2010-2011 Graduate coursework in Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
2009 M.A. (Research) in Archaeology, University of Sydney, Australia
2006 B.A. in Archaeology and Italian, Australian National University, Australia
**ACADEMIC APPOINTMENT (including teaching experience)**
2019- Present **Assistant Professor \[Wissenschaftliche Assistentin\]**, LMU Munich
**Courses offered:**
- *China and beyond (1500 BCE- 800 CE): Archaeological perspectives*
- *Nomads of Inner Asia in early Chinese texts/ Writing about ancient nomads*
- *Herds, Curds, Yurts: Steppe archaeology and ethnoarchaeology*
- *Life with animals in prehistoric China*
- *Turfan through the ages*
- *Health and disease in early China* (joint course with Maxim Korolkov, Heidelberg University)
- *Archaeology of Xinjiang in interAsian contexts*
- *The Lives of Monuments in Asia*
- *Kaogu: field methods and archaeological science*
2019- Present **Extraordinary Member \[Außerordentliche Mitglieder\]**, Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten
2019- Present **Associate Member \[Membre Associée\]**, Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale (CRCAO), Paris
2018-19 **Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Transregional Research Junior Scholar Fellow**
2018-19 **Visiting Scholar \[Boursiere d’Excellence\]**, University of Geneva
2017-19 **Visiting Scholar**, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania
2017-18 **Postdoctoral Research Award Grantee**, Tang Center for Early China, Columbia University
2012-2014 **Teaching Fellow**, University of Pennsylvania
(2013: Awarded **Certificate in College and University Teaching**)
**Courses taught:**
- *Introduction to Chinese Civilization,* Fall 2012. Instructor: Paul Goldin
- *Introduction to Japanese Civilization*, Spring 2013. Instructor: David Spafford
- *Introduction to Chinese Civilization*, Fall 2013. Instructor: Adam Smith
- *Beginning Modern Chinese*, Spring 2014. Instructor: Mien-hwa Chiang
- \[volunteer TA\] *Practicum in Archaeological Field Methods and Problems,* Spring 2014. Instructor: Harold L. Dibble
2018-2019 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Transregional Research Junior Scholar Fellowship
2016-2017 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
2015-2016 Bradley Fellowship, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
2011-2015 Benjamin Franklin Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
2010-2011 Doctoral Student Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis
**Grants and Awards:**
2017 Tang Post-Doctoral Research Award in Early China, Columbia University
2015 The Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant
2014 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) / Henry Luce Foundation Predissertation-summer Grant
2021 “LMU Munich Mentoring Excellence” Program grant for Scientific Assistant
2020 “LMU Munich Mentoring Excellence” Program grant for Software and Scientific Assistant
2020 “LMU Munich Mentoring Excellence” Program grant for Travel and Career Development
2017 Penn Center for East Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant
2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 Penn School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Travel Subvention
2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 Penn Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Research Travel Grant
2015, 2014, 2012 Penn Museum Field Research Grant
2014 Penn School of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Government Travel Grant
**Edited collections (peer-reviewed):**
**Chan, A.** ed. 2020. Special Section: Prehistoric Stone Remains in Xinjiang (China) and Mongolia and Their Symbolic Landscapes: Updates from Field Research. *Asian Perspectives* 59 (2): 330-477.
**Articles in peer-reviewed journals:**
Shannon P. McPherron, A. Abdolahzadeh, W. Archer, **A. Chan**, I. Djakovic, T. Dogandžić, G. Leader, L. Li, S. Lin, M. Magnani, J. Reeves, Z. Rezek, and M. Weiss. 2020. Introducing platform surface interior angle (PSIA) and its role in flake formation, size and shape. *PLoS ONE* 15 (11): e0241714.
**Chan, A.** and Dexin Cong. 2020. Results of field research of ancient stoneworks in the River Valleys of Bortala and Ili in Western Tian Shan (Xinjiang, China). Special Section: Prehistoric Stone Remains in Xinjiang (China) and Mongolia and Their Symbolic Landscapes: Updates from Field Research*, Asian Perspectives* 59 (2): 385-420.
**Chan, A.** 2020. Modules of Stone Construction and the Building of Ritual and Social Traditions in Past Xinjiang (China) and Mongolia*.* Special Section: Prehistoric Stone Remains in Xinjiang (China) and Mongolia and Their Symbolic Landscapes: Updates from Field Research*, Asian Perspectives* 59 (2): 330-337.
Seregin, Nikolai N. and **Annie Chan**. 2020. Китайский импорт из памятников тюрок Центральной Азии (VI–XI вв. н.э.): динамика распространения, историко-культурный контекст \[Chinese imports from the sites of Central Asian Turks (VI–XI centuries AD): Dynamics of distribution, historical and cultural context\]. *Tomsk State University Journal of History* 66: 181-189.
**Chan, A.** 2017. From Milk and Wool: Vital Pastoral Crafts and their Vitality in 21st Century Xinjiang. *Journal of Ethnobiology* 37 (3): 542-560*.*
**Chan, A.** 2014. Fieldwork in Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. *Expedition: The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology* 56 (3): 11.
Magnani, Matthew, Zeljko Rezek, Sam Lin, **Annie Chan**, and Harold Dibble. 2014. Flake Variation in relation to the Application of Force, *Journal of Archaeological Science* 46: 37-49.
**Book reviews:**
\[in press\] **Chan, A.** 2021. Review of “*The Burial Record of Prehistoric Liangshan in Southwest China: Graves as Composite Objects.* Anke Hein. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017. 534 pp. 1 online resource. ISBN 9783319423838, 9783319423845 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42384-5”. *Asian Perspectives* 60 (1).
**Papers in published proceedings:**
**Chan A.** and H-Q Shao. 2018. Злементы Андроновскoй культурны Синьцзяна в евразийском бронзовом веке \[The Andronovo elements of Xinjiang in the Eurasian Bronze Age\] in А.А. Tishkin (ed.), *Современные решения актуальных проблем евразийской археологии. Сборник научных трудов 2* \[Contemporary Solutions to the Current Problems of Eurasian archaeology. Collection of Scientific Papers, vol. 2\], pp. 55-59. Barnaul: Altai University Publishing House.
\[forthcoming 2021\] Tishkin, A.A. and **A. Chan** «Оленные» камни в Синьцзяне: распространение и особенности изучения \[“Deer” stones in Xinjiang: geographic distribution and research techniques\]. In *Proceedings of the 6th All-Russian Archaeological Congress 2020*.
**Translations (Chinese into English):**
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology. 2018. The Excavation of the Tang Dynasty Tomb of the Couple of Yang Gui in a Southern Suburb of Xi’an. *Chinese Cultural Relics* 1-4 (5): 5-29.
Jing, Zhongwei and Xuanpeng Li. 2016. Excavated Bronzes from Han Dynasty tombs in Zuo Village of Nanhe County in the Southern Suburbs of Xingtai, Hebei Province. *Chinese Cultural Relics* 3-4: 256-263.
Zhang, Chi. 2016. Four Topics in Archaeological Chronology, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 3-4: 184-196.
Zhao, Li, Lilla Russell-Smith, Caren Dreyer, Ines Buschmann, and Meixiang Qi. 2015. The Collection of Murals from the Kizil Grottoes in the Museum of Asian Art in Berlin, Germany, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 2-4: 270-313.
Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Relics of Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou City. 2015. The Excavation of a Liao-Jin Dynasty Mural Tomb in Xuanhua District of Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 2-4: 106-121.
Li, Xiaocen, Jinlong Guo and Bo Wang. 2015. A Study of Ancient Paper Fragments from an Eastern Han Dynasty Tomb in Minfeng County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Chinese Cultural Relics, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 1-2: 366-370.
Yan, Yaozhong. 2014. An Attempted Interpretation of the Thousand-Eyed Seated Buddha Wooden Tablet Paintings Unearthed in Damagou Township, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 2-4: 296-304.
Inner Mongolia Normal University, Inner Mongolian Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, and Inner Mongolian Institute for Cultural Relics Conservation. 2014. The Excavation of a Que-Gate Tower-Shaped Palace Foundation at the Site of Xanadu of the Yuan Dynasty in the Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, *Chinese Cultural Relics* 2-4: 164-181.
Aug-Sept 2018 Study of early medieval collections in institutions and museums in Russia | Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Kyzyl.
July-Aug 2018 Site reconnaissance and study of early medieval collections in institutions and museums in China | Urumqi, Turfan, Guqung, Bortala and Ili Prefectures
July 2018 Translator | Archaeological Summer School | Université de Genève and Renmin University of China Joint Seed Funding project
Sept 2017 Excavator, Visiting Scholar | Niuheliang, Liaoning, China
Aug 2015 Site Supervisor | (4th season) Aduuchuluu and the Bortala Valley, Xinjiang, China
Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jun-Aug, 2014 Square Supervisor, EDM operator, aerial photography | (3rd season) Aduuchuluu, Xinjiang, China
Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
July-Aug, 2013 Excavator, EDM Operator | La Ferrassie, Dordogne, France (National Science Foundation project)
University of Pennsylvania, Musée National de Préhistoire
Jun-July, 2013 Square Supervisor, Technician | (2nd season) Aduuchuluu, Xinjiang, China
Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jan, 2013 Excavator | Ra’s al-Hadd, Oman
University of Bologna, Ministry of Heritage and Culture of the Sultanate of Oman
July-Aug, 2012 Excavator | (1st season) Aduuchuluu, Xinjiang, China
Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
June 2011 Surveyor | Sanyang Zhuang, Henan, China
Washington University in St. Louis, Institute of Archaeology of Henan Province
Jun-July, 2010 Excavator | Tel Megiddo, Israel
George Washington University, Tel Aviv University
June 2021 Organizer, virtual international conference: *Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World*
Department of Asian Studies, Institute of Sinology, LMU Munich
Mar 30, 2017 invited chair, *Archaeology in China*
82nd SAA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Feb 25, 2017 organizing committee, *Alcohol in the Ancient World*
Center for Ancient Studies Graduate Student Conference, University of Pennsylvania.
Aug 29, 2016 panel organizer, *The cultural politics of archaeological heritage in Eurasia.*
8th World Archaeology Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
Jun 10, 2016 panel organizer, *From the Tian Shan to the Altai: Recent advances in archaeological research* \[double panel\]
7th World Conference of the SEAA, Cambridge, USA.
June 7, 2014 panel organizer, *Surfacing the past: Field methods and techniques of archaeological investigations in East and Central Asia.*
6th World Conference of the SEAA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Apr 26, 2021 \[virtual lecture\] *Bronze Age archaeology and field research in Xinjiang today*
Lecture Series “Xinjiang und die Uiguren in Geschichte und Gegenwart”, Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Oct 28-29, 2019 *A study of leatherwork as ritualistic and military finesse based on the Artificers’ Record (Kaogong-ji) and Iron Age artifacts of China and Inner Asia*
“Before the Silk Road”, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH), Heidelberg University.
Oct 25-27, 2019 *Corporeal variability and commemorative rituals of Turkic anthropomorphic stelae from Xinjiang, Tuva Republic, and Mongolia*
Middle Period Mongolian Archaeology Conference, University of Pennsylvania
April 17, 2018 *Latest Archaeological Research of Funerary Architecture in Prehistoric Inner Asia (first and second millennia BCE),* Department of the Sciences of Antiquity, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
April 10, 2018 *Archaeology in China: History, Trends, and Prospects*
Department of East Asian Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Sept 16, 2017 *The spatial logic of prehistoric architecture and pastoral nomadism in Xinjiang* 新疆史前建築文化和草原遊牧的空間分析
The Third Renmin University of China Conference on International Archaeology: Northern China and Eurasian Civilization, Beijing, China
Sept 12, 2017 *On ritual performance and architectural monumentality in Prehistoric Western Tian Shan* 論西天山史前祭祀表現和建築紀念碑性
The Seventh International Scientific Conference on Ancient cultures of Mongolia, Baikal Siberia and Northern China, Jilin University, Changchun, China.
Mar 23, 2016 *Considering the archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age Northeast Asia*
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany
Jun 29, 2015 *Archaeological Research in the Bortala River Valley, Xinjiang*
Department of Archaeology, University of Aberdeen, U.K.
Oct 10, 2012 *The archaeological record of prehistoric Eastern Central Asia from Xinjiang*
University of Pennsylvania Museum Scholar Series
June 2021 Opening remarks "Outlook and Insight: Cosmopolitan Artfacts", *Cosmopolitan Pasts of China and the Eurasian World,* LMU Munich
Feb 10-11, 2020 *Archaeology of the (Gök)Türks in medieval Eastern Eurasia*
Tunnug-1 Archaeological Expedition project workshop, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Oct 31- *The microcosms of InterAsia: the archaeological materiality of medieval China-steppe geopolitics*
Nov 2, 2019 SSRC Transregional Research Junior Scholars second workshop, ZMO (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient), Berlin, Germany
Sept 10, 2018 *The artisanship of ritual accoutrements and the propagation of prehistoric funerary customs in Western Xinjiang*
The Eighth International Scientific Conference on Ancient cultures of Mongolia, Baikal, Siberia and Northern China, Ulan-Ude, Russia.
Sept 8, 2018 *Tribute, Truce, and Tutelage: Chinese objects in early Medieval steppe geopolitics*
SSRC Transregional Research Junior Scholars first workshop, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Sept 4, 2018 *Bronze Age Andronovo elements of Xinjiang in the Eurasian Bronze Age*
II International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Solutions to the Current Problems of Eurasian archaeology”, Barnaul, Russia.
Jun 8, 2018 *On funerary architecture, accoutrements and activities and the permeation of the Bronze Age Andronovo Culture through Xinjiang.* XVIIIe congrès mondial Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP), Paris, France.
March 23, 2018 *Reconsidering constituents of the Andronovo Culture in Xinjiang.*
Archaeology in Eurasia. First International Meeting of Young Researchers. University of Bonn, Germany.
Oct 6, 2017 \[poster and talk\] *ДРЕВНЯЯ КАМЕННАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА И ГЕОГРАФИЯ ПОГРЕБАЛЬНО-ПОМИНАЛЬНЫХ ТРАДИЦИЙ В ЗАПАДНОМ ТЯНЬ-ШАНЕ* (*Prehistoric stone architecture and the geography of funerary and commemorative traditions in Western Tian Shan*), V (XXI) All-Russian Archaeological Congress, Barnaul, Russia.
Mar 30, 2017 *The monumentality of ancient pastoral landscapes in Western Tian Shan (Xinjiang, China)*
82nd Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Feb 25, 2017 *Milking alcohol: The artisanal production of milk liquor and the heritage of pastoral food cultures*
Center for Ancient Studies Graduate Student Conference “Alcohol in the Ancient World”, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jun 10, 2016 *A geospatial analysis of Bronze Age stoneworks in the Asian steppes*
7th World Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA), Cambridge, USA.
2019- **Journal Collection Management**, Library of the Institute of Sinology, LMU
2019- **Alumni Interviewer**, University of Pennsylvania Admissions Committee in Germany
2016-7 **Member of Organizing committee**, Center for Ancient Studies Graduate Student Conference, Penn
2016 **Committee member**, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, Penn
2014 **Departmental representative**, Graduate student government of the School of Arts and Sciences, Penn
*Journal of Ethnobiology*
*Asian Perspectives*
Imaging and illustration softwares: AutoCAD, Agisoft PhotoScan 3D photogrammetry, MicroScribe 3D Digitizer
Spatial analysis programs: ArcGIS
Database management: Airtable, Numbers, Microsoft Excel
Field instruments: total station (EDM), Real Time Kinematic
Lab experience:
2014-2017 Laboratory Assistant and Microscribe Technician, glass-core controlled experiments in lithic flake variation, Penn Archaeology Lab.
Native proficiency in English and Chinese (fluency in Cantonese and Mandarin)
Advanced Classical Chinese
Good working knowledge of French and Italian
Basic Japanese, Russian and German
Heritage speaker of Hokkien (Minnan)
The Andronovo elements of Xinjiang in the Eurasian Bronze AgeContemporary Solutions to the Current Problems of Eurasian archaeology. Collection of Scientific Papers, vol. 2, Sep 2018, Barnaul, Russia
Conference papers