New pharmacodynamic parameters linked with ibrutinib responses in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Prospective study in real-world patients and mathematical modeling
Sarah Cadot
Chloe Audebert
Charlotte Dion
Soleakhena Ken
Loic Dupré
Article dans une revue
Mathematical modeling of adipocyte size distributions: identifiability and parameter estimation from rat data
Anne-Sophie Giacobbi
Leo Meyer
Magali Ribot
Romain Yvinec
Hedi Soula
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Discrete and continuum models for the coevolutionary dynamics between CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes and tumour cells
Luís Almeida
Chloe Audebert
Emma Leschiera
Tommaso Lorenzi
Article dans une revue
A mathematical model to study the impact of intra-tumour heterogeneity on anti-tumour CD8 + T cell immune response
Emma Leschiera
Tommaso Lorenzi
Shensi Shen
Luis Almeida
Chloe Audebert
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2022
Article dans une revue
A mathematical model to study the impact of intra-tumour heterogeneity on anti-tumour CD8+ T cell immune response
Emma Leschiera
Tommaso Lorenzi
Shensi Shen
Luis Almeida
Chloe Audebert
Article dans une revue
A hybrid discrete-continuum modelling approach to explore the impact of T-cell infiltration on anti-tumour immune response
Luís Almeida
Chloe Audebert
Emma Leschiera
Tommaso Lorenzi
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, In press
Article dans une revue
Modeling and characterization of inter-individual variability in CD8 T cell responses in mice
Chloe Audebert
Daphné Laubreton
Christophe Arpin
Olivier Gandrillon
Jacqueline Marvel
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Predicting the risk of post-hepatectomy portal hypertension using a digital twin: A clinical proof of concept
Nicolas Golse
Florian Joly
Prisca Combari
Maïté Lewin
Quentin Nicolas
Article dans une revue
Kinetics of Hepatic Volume Evolution and Architectural Changes after Major Resection in a Porcine Model
Mohamed Bekheit
Petru O. Bucur
Chloe Audebert
Elodie Miquelestorena-Standley
Irene Vignon-Clementel
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Transit time ultrasound perivascular flow probe technology is superior to MR imaging on hepatic blood flow measurement in a porcine model
Mohamed Bekheit
Chloe Audebert
Petru Bucur
Hans Adriansen
Emilie Bled
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Model and methods to assess hepatic function from indocyanine green fluorescence dynamical measurements of liver tissue
Chloe Audebert
Irene Vignon-Clementel
Article dans une revue
Closed-loop lumped parameter modelling of hemodynamics during cirrhogenesis in rats
Chloe Audebert
Geert Peeters
Patrick Segers
Wim Laleman
Diethard Monbaliu
Article dans une revue
Kinetic scheme for arterial and venous blood flow, and application to partial hepatectomy modeling.
Chloe Audebert
Petru Bucur
Mohamed Bekheit
Eric Vibert
Irene Vignon-Clementel
Article dans une revue
Modulating Portal Hemodynamics With Vascular Ring Allows Efficient Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy in a Porcine Model.
Petru O. Bucur
Mohamed Bekheit
Chloe Audebert
Amnah Othman
Seddik Hammad
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Simplified technique for 75% and 90% hepatic resection with hemodynamic monitoring in large white swine model
Petru Bucur
Mohamed Bekheit
Chloe Audebert
Irene E. Vignon-Clementel
Eric Vibert
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Partial hepatectomy hemodynamics changes: Experimental data explained by closed-loop lumped modeling
Chloe Audebert
Mohamed Bekheit
Petru Bucur
Eric Vibert
Irene Vignon-Clementel
Article dans une revue