Current coupled innovations for glyphosate-free agricultural systems
Marie Thiollet-Scholtus
Priscila Duarte Malanski
Bruno Chauvel
Chloé Salembier
18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy “Synergies for a resilient future: from knowledge to action”, INRAE; AgroCampusOuest Rennes, Aug 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Genealogy of agronomic approaches to reduce pesticide use.
Jean-Marc Meynard
Chloé Salembier
Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture, INRAE, Jun 2022, Dijon (France), France
Conference papers
An approach to detect and overcome cognitive fixations to innovate in crop protection
Chloé Salembier
Aïcha Attoumani-Ronceux
Elise Favrelière
Jean-Marc Meynard
Toward a pesticide free agriculture, INRAE, Jun 2022, Dijon (France), France
Conference papers
Design workshops for innovative cropping systems and decision support tools: how to prepare and implement them?
Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy
Chantal Loyce
Thibault Lefeuvre
Muriel Valantin-Morison
Caroline Colnenne-David
Toward pesticide free agriculture, INRAE, Jun 2022, Dijon, France
Conference papers
A co-design process based on on-farm innovation tracking to build creeping thistle control strategies suited to local issues
Aïcha Attoumani-Ronceux
Elise Favrelière
Jean-Marc Meynard
Chloé Salembier
Organic world congress 2021, Sep 2021, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Concevoir des associations d’espèces avec légumineuses: contributions de réseaux d’expérimentations participatives
Chloé Salembier
Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy
Rencontres Nationales Françaises des légumineuses, Feb 2021, Angers, France
Conference papers
How to design agricultural machineries for agroecology? Lessons from open-design processes at the Atelier Paysan.
Chloé Salembier
Nicolas Sinoir
Joseph Templier
Vincent Bratzlawsky
Blanche Segrestin
6th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, Aug 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay
Conference papers
Gestion des rumex (R. Crispus et R. Obtusifolius) en grandes cultures biologiques: enseignements d’expériences d’agriculteurs.
Gautier Vancleenputte
Chloé Salembier
Laurence Fontaine
Hélène Sicard
23th COLUMA Conference, international days on weed managements, Dec 2019, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Going back to the roots of different design regimes, to better understand current challenges in farming system design.
Chloé Salembier
Blanche Segrestin
Elsa Berthet
Benoit Weil
Jean-Marc Meynard
6th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, Aug 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay
Conference papers
The step-by-step approach for farming systems design, in the frame of agroecological transition
Jean-Marc Meynard
Marianne Cerf
Daphné Durant
J. -L. Fiorelli
Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy
6th International symposium for Farming System Design, Aug 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay
Conference papers
The agronomist-designer : genealogy of their reasoning and challenges to face current issues in agriculture
Chloé Salembier
Blanche Segrestin
Elsa Berthet
Benoit Weil
Jean-Marc Meynard
11. SIG Design Theory Paris Workshop, Jan 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Bringing to light and sharing farmer’s innovative practices: lessons from R&D initiatives in support of innovation
Chloé Salembier
Blanche Segrestin
Benoit Weil
Jean-Marc Meynard
SISA3 - Third International workshop on System Innovation toward Sustainable Agriculture, Nov 2018, Riga, Latvia
Conference papers
Outscaling on farm innovative practices: promising approaches to foster the design of agroecological farming systems
Chloé Salembier
Blanche Segrestin
Benoit Weil
Jean-Marc Meynard
1. Agroecology Europe Forum, Oct 2017, Lyon, France. 125 p
Conference papers
Participatory design process of farming systems experiments: an interdisciplinary analysis
Aurélie Cardona
Amélie Lefevre
Chloé Salembier
Participating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation, Dec 2015, Paris, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Open-up the (co)design process of farming systems: a reflexive analysis
Aurélie Cardona
Amélie Lefevre
Chloé Salembier
5. International Symposium for Farming Systems Design (AGRO2015), Sep 2015, Montpellier, France. 2 p + poster
Conference papers
Participatory design of innovative intercropping systems in protected market gardening production
Chloé Salembier
Amélie Lefevre
Claire Lesur-Dumoulin
Benjamin Perrin
Jean-Marc Meynard
Innovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Design and assessment of protected market gardening cropping systems suited to contrasted food systems
Benjamin Perrin
Chloé Salembier
Amélie Lefevre
Claire Lesur-Dumoulin
Jean-Marc Meynard
Innovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Designing and assessing of innovative horticultural cropping systems in 4 technical and socio-economical contexts
Amélie Lefevre
Chloé Salembier
Jean-Marc Meynard
2nd International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Oct 2013, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Designing Collaborative Research: The Exploration of Common Purposes to Foster the Generation of Cross-Disciplinary Projects
Juliette Brun
Chloé Salembier
Benjamin Loubet
Alexandra Jullien
Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, The Design Society, Aug 2009, Palo Alto, United States. pp.2219-2228, ⟨10.1017/dsi.2019.228⟩
Conference papers