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Chotiga Pattamadilok



**Research interests** Since 2012, I hold a research position at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and I am currently affiliated to the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL, UMR 7309, Aix-Marseille Université). My interdisciplinary research is at the crossroad of linguistics, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neurosciences. Its general aim is to understand how different kinds of language representations are processed by the cognitive system and how they interact and influence each other at different developmental stages and in different circumstances. By combining different techniques (behavioral, neurophysiology, neuro-imaging, neuro-stimulation) and collecting data from diverse populations (adults vs. children, skilled vs. dyslexic readers, readers of alphabetic vs. non-alphabetic writing systems, literate vs. illiterate population), I have been investigating how becoming literate changes the way our cognitive system processes spoken language (ANR-13-JSH2-0002-01). Currently, I am extending my investigation to the origin of the ability of young children to learn to associate speech with visual information: Does this ability, which is fundamental to reading acquisition, emerge when children start learning to read? Or does it rely on a preexisting ability and cognitive/neural processes that are “recycled”? If so, what would they be? (ANR-19-CE28-0001-01). HDR (2016, Aix-Marseille University): *Listening with the reading brain: how does learning to read affect speech processing?* **Research Grants as principal investigator** 2020-2024 ANR Projet de Recherche Collaborative (ANR-19-CE28-0001-01 ; ~342000€). “*From lip- to script-reading: Toward an integrative view of audio-visual associations in language processing*” 2014-2018 ANR Jeunes Chercheurs Jeunes Chercheuses (ANR-13-JSH2-0002-01 ; 177000€) “*Spoken and written language interaction in normal and dyslexic readers*” 2008-2011 « Brains (back) to Brussels » program from the Ministry of Scientific Research, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium (356000€). “*Influence of orthographic knowledge on speech processing and its contribution to diagnostic and remediation of reading deficits*” **supervisions** *Postdoctoral Researchers* <a name="_Hlk84239898"></a>2019-2021 Shuai Wang (funded by Institut Convergence-ILCB) 2021-2023 Shuai Wang (funded by ANR-PRC: ANR-19-CE28-0001-0) 2015-2017 Samuel Planton (funded by ANR JCJC: ANR-13-JSH2-0002-01) *Ph. D. Students <a name="_Hlk84239956"></a>2020-2023 Alexandre Duroyal: PhD in Psychology. « *De la lecture labiale à la lecture de texte : Etude de la contribution de la capacité de lecture labiale à l’acquisition et au développement du langage écrit* », Aix-Marseille Université. Scholarship: ANR-PRC: ANR-19-CE28-0001-0 2014-2018 Ambre Denis-Noël: PhD in Language Sciences. « *Interaction entre langage oral et langage écrit lors de la compréhension de phrases: comparaison d’adultes dyslexiques et normo-lecteurs* », Aix-Marseille Université. Scholarship: Brain and Language Research Institute (Labex)
