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Christian Perez



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Extensibility and Composability of a Multi-Stencil Domain Specific Framework

Hélène Coullon , Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2017, ⟨10.1007/s10766-017-0539-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01650998v1
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A low level component model easing performance portability of HPC applications

Julien Bigot , Zhengxiong Hou , Christian Pérez , Vincent Pichon
Computing, 2014, 96 (12), pp.1115-1130. ⟨10.1007/s00607-013-0368-3⟩
Journal articles hal-00911231v1

Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures

Gabriel Antoniu , Julien Bigot , Cristophe Blanchet , Luc Bougé , François Briant
IJCC - International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2013, 2 (2/3), ⟨10.1504/IJCC.2013.055265⟩
Journal articles hal-00767029v1

Extending Software Component Models with the Master-Worker Paradigm

Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Parallel Computing, 2010, 36 (2-3), pp.86--103. ⟨10.1016/j.parco.2009.12.012⟩
Journal articles inria-00450757v1
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GCM: A Grid Extension to Fractal for Autonomous Distributed Components

Françoise Baude , Denis Caromel , Cédric Dalmasso , Marco Danelutto , Vladimir Getov
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 2008
Journal articles inria-00323919v1

Combining data sharing with the master-worker paradigm in the common component architecture

Gabriel Antoniu , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Mathieu Jan , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Cluster Computing, 2007, 10 (3), pp.265 -- 276. ⟨10.1007/s10586-007-0034-7⟩
Journal articles inria-00446068v1

A parallel corba component model for numerical code coupling

Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2003, 17 (4), pp.417--429. ⟨10.1177/10943420030174006⟩
Journal articles inria-00458131v1
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Achieving Portable and Efficient Parallel CORBA Objects

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2003, 15 (10), pp.891-909. ⟨10.1002/cpe.738⟩
Journal articles inria-00411025v1

PadicoTM: An open integration framework for communication middleware and runtimes

Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , Alexandre Denis
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2003, 19 (4), pp.575-585. ⟨10.1016/S0167-739X(03)00034-7⟩
Journal articles inria-00458153v1

Compiling Data-parallel Programs to A Distributed Runtime Environment with Thread Isomigration

Gabriel Antoniu , Luc Bougé , Raymond Namyst , Christian Pérez
Parallel Processing Letters, 2000, 10 (2-3), pp.201-214. ⟨10.1142/S0129626400000202⟩
Journal articles inria-00365681v1
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Predictable Efficiency for Reconfiguration of Service-Oriented Systems with Concerto

Maverick Chardet , Hélène Coullon , Christian Pérez
CCGrid 2020 : 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, May 2020, Melbourne, Australia. ⟨10.1109/CCGrid49817.2020.00-59⟩
Conference papers hal-02535077v1
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P-Aevol: an OpenMP Parallelization of a Biological Evolution Simulator, Through Decomposition in Multiple Loops

Laurent Turpin , Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas , Thierry Gautier , Christian Pérez
16th International Workshop on OpenMP, Sep 2020, Austin, United States. pp.52-66, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-58144-2_4⟩
Conference papers hal-02962838v1
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Is it time to revisit Erasure Coding in Data-intensive clusters?

Jad Darrous , Shadi Ibrahim , Christian Pérez
MASCOTS 2019 - 27th IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Oct 2019, Rennes, France. pp.165-178, ⟨10.1109/MASCOTS.2019.00026⟩
Conference papers hal-02263116v1
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Automatic Energy Efficient HPC Programming: A Case Study

Issam Raïs , Hélène Coullon , Laurent Lefèvre , Christian Pérez
ISPA 2018 : 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, Dec 2018, Melbourne, Australia. ⟨10.1109/BDCloud.2018.00145⟩
Conference papers hal-01922301v1
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Madeus: A formal deployment model

Maverick Chardet , Hélène Coullon , Dimitri Pertin , Christian Pérez
4PAD 2018 : 5th International Symposium on Formal Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Systems (hosted at HPCS 2018), HPCS 2018 : International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Jul 2018, Orléans, France. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/HPCS.2018.00118⟩
Conference papers hal-01858150v1
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Interfaces comportementales pour la reconfiguration de modèles à composants

Maverick Chardet , Hélène Coullon , Christian Pérez
Compas 2018 - Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Jul 2018, Toulouse, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-01897803v1
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Nitro: Network-Aware Virtual Machine Image Management in Geo-Distributed Clouds

Jad Darrous , Shadi Ibrahim , Amelie Chi Zhou , Christian Pérez
CCGrid 2018 - 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2018, Washington D.C., United States. pp.553-562, ⟨10.1109/CCGRID.2018.00082⟩
Conference papers hal-01745405v1
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On the Impact of OpenMP Task Granularity

Thierry Gautier , Christian Pérez , Jérôme Richard
IWOMP 2018 - 14th International Workshop on OpenMP for Evolving Architectures, Sep 2018, Barcelone, Spain. pp.205-221, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-98521-3_14⟩
Conference papers hal-01901806v1
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Production Deployment Tools for IaaSes: an Overall Model and Survey

Hélène Coullon , Dimitri Pertin , Christian Pérez
The IEEE 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), Aug 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.183-190, ⟨10.1109/FiCloud.2017.51⟩
Conference papers hal-01532489v1
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Combining Both a Component Model and a Task-based Model for HPC Applications: a Feasibility Study on GYSELA

Olivier Aumage , Julien Bigot , Hélène Coullon , Christian Pérez , Jérôme Richard
17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)., May 2017, Madrid, Spain. ⟨10.1109/CCGRID.2017.88⟩
Conference papers hal-01518730v1
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An Efficient Communication Aware Heuristic for Multiple Cloud Application Placement

Pedro Silva , Christian Pérez
Europar 2017 - 23rd European Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. pp.1-13, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-64203-1_27⟩
Conference papers hal-01621525v1
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Efficient Heuristics for Placing Large-Scale Distributed Applications on Multiple Clouds

Pedro Silva , Christian Pérez , Frédéric Desprez
CCGrid 2016 - 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2016, Cartagena, Colombia. ⟨10.1109/CCGrid.2016.77⟩
Conference papers hal-01301382v1
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Towards Application Variability Handling with Component Models: 3D-FFT Use Case Study

Vincent Lanore , Christian Pérez , Jérôme Richard
UnConventional High Performance Computing 2015, Jens Breitbart, Technische Universität München, DE; Josef Weidendorfer, Technische Universität München, DE, Aug 2015, Vienne, Austria. pp.12, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-27308-2_61⟩
Conference papers hal-01192732v1
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E-Biothon: an experimental platform for BioInformatics

Michel Daydé , Benjamin Depardon , Alain Franc , Jean-François Gibrat , Romaric Guillier
International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, Sep 2015, Yerevan, Armenia. ⟨10.1109/CSITechnol.2015.7358239⟩
Conference papers hal-01207320v1

A Reconfigurable Component Model for HPC

Vincent Lanore , Christian Pérez
CBSE 2015, May 2015, Montréal, Canada. pp.10
Conference papers hal-01142606v1
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From DSL to HPC Component-Based Runtime: A Multi-Stencil DSL Case Study

Julien Bigot , Hélène Coullon , Christian Pérez
WOLFHPC 2015 (Fifth International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks for High Performance Computing), Nov 2015, co-located with SC'15, Austin, Texas, United States. pp.10, ⟨10.1145/2830018.2830020⟩
Conference papers hal-01215992v1

Dynamic Scheduling of MapReduce Shuffle under Bandwidth Constraints

Sylvain Gault , Christian Pérez
Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, Aug 2014, Porto, Portugal. pp.117-128, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-14325-5_11⟩
Conference papers hal-01194493v1

Resource Management Architecture for Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations

Frédéric Camillo , Eddy Caron , Ronan Guivarch , Aurélie Hurault , Cristian Klein
8th international conference on P2P, parallel, grid, cloud and internet computing (3PGCIC), Oct 2013, Compiegne, France. pp.113-120, ⟨10.1109/3PGCIC.2013.23⟩
Conference papers hal-00865668v1

Performance Evaluation and Tuning of 2D Jacobi Iteration on Many-core Machines

Zhengxiong Hou , Christian Pérez
15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2013), Nov 2013, Zhangjiajie, China
Conference papers hal-00862216v1

A Low Level Component Model Enabling Performance Portability of HPC Applications

Julien Bigot , Zhengxiong Hou , Christian Pérez , Vincent Pichon
5th International Workshop on Multi-Core Computing Systems, Nov 2012, Salt Lake City, United States. ⟨10.1109/SC.Companion.2012.96⟩
Conference papers hal-00749451v1
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Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures

Gabriel Antoniu , Julien Bigot , Christophe Blanchet , Luc Bougé , François Briant
1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference - ICA CON 2012, Apr 2012, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States
Conference papers hal-00684866v1
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On Model-Driven Engineering to implement a Component Assembly Compiler for High Performance Computing

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, IDM 2011, Jun 2011, Lille, France
Conference papers inria-00606511v1
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An RMS Architecture for Efficiently Supporting Complex-Moldable Applications

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Sep 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Conference papers inria-00606771v1
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An RMS for Non-predictably Evolving Applications

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Sep 2011, Austin, Texas, United States
Conference papers inria-00606908v1
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Towards Scheduling Evolving Applications

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
CoreGRID/ERCIM Workshop on Grids, Clouds and P2P Computing, Aug 2011, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers inria-00609353v1

On the design of Adaptive Mesh Refinement applications based on software components

Vincent Pichon , Christian Pérez , André Ribes
Workshop on Component-Based High Performance Computing (2010), Oct 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium. pp.383-386, ⟨10.1109/GRID.2010.5698012⟩
Conference papers hal-00749432v1
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Efficient Grid Resource Selection for a CEM Application

Eddy Caron , Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
Rencontres francophones du parallélisme (RenPar 19), Sep 2009, Toulouse, France
Conference papers inria-00564612v1

STKM on SCA: a Unified Framework with Components, Workflows and Algorthmic Skeletons

Marco Aldinucci , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Marco Danelutto , Christian Pérez
15th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2009),, Aug 2009, Delft, Netherlands
Conference papers inria-00388957v1

Increasing Reuse in Component Models through Genericity

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Reuse, ICSR '09, Sep 2009, Falls Church, VA, United States. pp.21-30, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-04211-9⟩
Conference papers inria-00457905v1
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Dynamic Adaptation of the Master-Worker Paradigm

Françoise André , Guillaume Gauvrit , Christian Pérez
IEEE 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Oct 2009, Xiamen, China. ⟨10.1109/CIT.2009.40⟩
Conference papers inria-00440954v1

On Abstractions of Software Component Models for Scientific Applications

Julien Bigot , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing, Aug 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. pp.438-449, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-00955-6⟩
Conference papers inria-00457915v1

A software component model with spatial and temporal compositions for Grid infrastructures

Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing, Aug 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. pp.698-708, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-85451-7_75⟩
Conference papers hal-00690415v1

Towards Dynamic Workflow Enactment by Artificial Chemistry

Zsolt Németh , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Proc. of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2008, 2008, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Greece. pp.407--418
Conference papers inria-00369629v1

Towards Software Component Assembly Language Enhanced with Workflows and Skeletons

Marco Aldinucci , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Marco Danelutto , Christian Pérez
Joint Workshop on Component-Based High Performance Computing and Component-Based Software Engineering and Software Architecture (CBHPC/COMPARCH 2008), Oct 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany
Conference papers inria-00365846v1

Component Measurable Values and Services: A Technology for the Conclusion of Resource Transactions

Natalia Currle-Linde , Christian Pérez , Michael Resch , Massimo Coppola
Proc. of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2008, FORTH, Apr 2008, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Greece. pp.311-322
Conference papers inria-00369656v1
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Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications

Françoise André , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Jérémy Buisson , Jean-Louis Pazat , Christian Pérez
CoreGRID Symposium, Aug 2007, Rennes, France. pp.117, ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-72498-0_11⟩
Conference papers hal-00498872v1

Enabling collective communications between components

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
CompFrame '07: Proceedings of the 2007 symposium on Component and framework technology in high-performance and scientific computing, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp.121-130, ⟨10.1145/1297385.1297406⟩
Conference papers inria-00457922v1
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Enabling Transparent Data Sharing in Component Models

Gabriel Antoniu , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Landry Breuil , Mathieu Jan , Christian Pérez
6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID~'06), May 2006, Singapore, Japan. pp.430-433
Conference papers inria-00101363v1
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Combining Data Sharing with the Master-Worker Paradigm in the Common Component Architecture

Gabriel Antoniu , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Mathieu Jan , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
Joint Workshop on HPC Grid programming Environments and COmponents and Component and Framework Technology in High-Performance and Scientific Computing (HPC-GECO/CompFrame~2006), Jun 2006, Paris, France. pp.10-18
Conference papers inria-00101365v1

Modeling and executing master-worker applications in component models

Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
IPDPS 2006 : 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Apr 2006, Rhodes, Greece. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2006.1639496⟩
Conference papers hal-00691887v1

Mixing Aspects and Components for Grid Computing

Jean-Marc Menaud , Jacques Noyé , Pierre Cointe , Christian Pérez
Workshop on Grid System, Jun 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference papers hal-00993345v1
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A Software Architecture for Automatic Deployment of CORBA Components Using Grid Technologies

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
2004, pp.187-192
Conference papers hal-00003294v1

ALTA: Asynchronous Loss Tolerant Algorithms for Grid Computing

Olivier Aumage , Jacques M. Bahi , Sylvain Contassot-Vivier , Raphaël Couturier , Alexandre Denis
3rd International workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'04), Oct 2004, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01101475v1
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Network Communications in Grid Computing: At a Crossroads Between Parallel and Distributed Worlds

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), Apr 2004, Santa Fe/USA, United States. pp.95a
Conference papers inria-00000136v1
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Padico: A Component-Based Software Infrastructure for Grid Computing

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), Apr 2003, Nice/France, France
Conference papers inria-00000134v1
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PadicoTM: An Open Integration Framework for Communication Middleware and Runtimes

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2002), May 2002, Berlin/Germany, Germany. pp.144-151
Conference papers inria-00000132v1
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Couplage par composants logiciels de codes d'hydrogéologie

Jocelyne Erhel , Philippe Ackerer , Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy , Michel Kern , Hugues Leroy
École GRID 2002, 2002, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-01316192v1
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Towards High Performance CORBA and MPI Middlewares for Grid Computing

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
2nd International Workshop on Grid Computing, Nov 2001, Denver/USA, United States. pp.14-25
Conference papers inria-00000130v1
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Portable Parallel CORBA Objects: an Approach to Combine Parallel and Distributed Programming for Grid Computing

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
7th International Euro-Par Conference (EuroPar 01), 2001, Manchester/UK, United Kingdom. pp.835-844
Conference papers inria-00000131v1
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Compiling Data-parallel Programs to A Distributed Runtime Environment with Thread Isomigration

Gabriel Antoniu , Luc Bougé , Raymond Namyst , Christian Pérez
The 1999 Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '99), Technical Session on parallel and distributed languages: mechanisms implementations, and tools, 2000, Las Vegas, NV, United States. pp.1756-1762
Conference papers inria-00563794v1
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Using preemptive thread migration to load-balance data-parallel applications

Gabriel Antoniu , Christian Pérez
Euro-Par~'99: Parallel Processing, Aug 1999, Toulouse, France. pp.117-124, ⟨10.1007/3-540-48311-X_12⟩
Conference papers inria-00563705v1
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Generic load balancing for HPF programs: Application to the Flame Simulation kernel

Gabriel Antoniu , Luc Bougé , Christian Pérez
The 3rd Annual HPF User Group Meeting (HUG~'99), Aug 1999, Redondo Beach, California, United States
Conference papers inria-00563776v1

Adding Virtualization Capabilities to the Grid'5000 Testbed

Daniel Balouek , Alexandra Carpen-Amarie , Ghislain Charrier , Frédéric Desprez , Emmanuel Jeannot
Ivanov, IvanI. and Sinderen, Marten and Leymann, Frank and Shan, Tony. Cloud Computing and Services Science, 367, Springer International Publishing, pp.3-20, 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-319-04518-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-04519-1_1⟩
Book sections hal-00946971v1
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High Performance Composition Operators in Component Models

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
Ian Foster, Wolfgang Gentzsch, Lucio Grandinetti, Gerhard R. Joubert. High Performance Computing: From Grids and Clouds to Exascale, 20, IOS Press, pp.182 - 201, 2011, Advances in Parallel Computing, 978-1-60750-802-1. ⟨10.3233/978-1-60750-803-8-182⟩
Book sections hal-00692584v1
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Programming the grid with components: models and runtime issues

Alexandre Denis , Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
Beniamino Di Martino and Jack Dongarra and Adolfy Hoisie and Laurence T. Yang and Hans Zima. Engineering The Grid: Status and Perspective, American Scientific Publishers, 2006, 1-58883-038-1
Book sections inria-00411008v1

Programming the Grid with Distributed Objects

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
Craig Lee. Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, CRC Press, 2003, 0849314704
Book sections inria-00411019v1
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The Multi-Stencil Language: orchestrating stencils with a mesh-agnostic DSL

Hélène Coullon , Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-8962, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2016, pp.30
Reports hal-01380607v2

Feasibility Study of a Runtime Component-based Model Integrating Task Graph Concept on a 1D Advection Case Study

Christian Pérez , Hélène Coullon , Jérôme Richard
[Contract] Inria. 2016, pp.21
Reports hal-01348204v1
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A Calculus Enabling Reuse and Composition of Component Assembly Specialization Processes

Vincent Lanore , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-8761, Inria. 2015, pp.21
Reports hal-01179483v1
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A Reconfigurable Component Model for HPC

Vincent Lanore , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-8674, Inria. 2015, pp.17
Reports hal-01120117v1

D3.1.1 - Upperware Prototype

Amin Bsila , Nicolàs Ferry , Geir Horn , Tom Kirkham , Maciej Malawski
[Research Report] 2014
Reports hal-00991340v1
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Supporting Experimental Computer Science

Frédéric Desprez , Geoffrey Fox , Emmanuel Jeannot , Kate Keahey , Michael Kozuch
[Research Report] RR-8035, INRIA. 2012, pp.29
Reports hal-00722605v1
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Diet-ethic: Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations in GridRPC Middleware

Frédéric Camillo , Eddy Caron , Ronan Guivarch , Aurélie Hurault , Cristian Klein
[Research Report] RR-7959, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00696104v2
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Supporting Experimental Computer Science

Frédéric Desprez , Geoffrey Fox , Emmanuel Jeannot , Kate Keahey , Michael Kozuch
[Research Report] Argonne National Laboratory Technical Memo 326, 2012
Reports hal-00720815v1
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Adding Virtualization Capabilities to Grid'5000

Daniel Balouek , Alexandra Carpen-Amarie , Ghislain Charrier , Frédéric Desprez , Emmanuel Jeannot
[Research Report] RR-8026, INRIA. 2012, pp.18
Reports hal-00720910v2
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A Low Level Component Model enabling Resource Specialization of HPC Applications

Julien Bigot , Zhengxiong Hou , Christian Pérez , Vincent Pichon
[Research Report] RR-7966, INRIA. 2012, pp.20
Reports hal-00698573v1
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An RMS for Non-predictably Evolving Applications

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-7644, INRIA. 2011
Reports inria-00599150v3
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Scheduling Rigid, Evolving Applications on Homogeneous Resources

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-7205, INRIA. 2010
Reports inria-00456769v2
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Enabling Connectors in Hierarchical Component Models

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-7204, INRIA. 2010
Reports inria-00456608v3
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Untying RMS from Application Scheduling

Cristian Klein , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-7389, INRIA. 2010
Reports inria-00519864v1
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A Generic Model Driven Methodology for Extending Component Models

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-6979, INRIA. 2009, pp.27
Reports inria-00401656v1
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Increasing Reuse in Component Models through Genericity

Julien Bigot , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-6941, INRIA. 2009, pp.15
Reports inria-00388508v1
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Combining a Software Component Model and a Workflow Language into a Component Model with Spatial and Temporal Compositions

Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-6421, INRIA. 2008, pp.23
Reports inria-00211158v3
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Improving MPI support for applications on hierarchically distributed resources

Stephane Lanteri , Raúl López Lozano , Christian Pérez
[Technical Report] RT-0336, INRIA. 2007, pp.10
Reports inria-00150543v2
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Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications

Françoise André , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Jérémy Buisson , Jean-Louis Pazat , Christian Pérez
[Technical Report] RT-0333, INRIA. 2007, pp.12
Reports inria-00140853v2
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Enabling Transparent Data Sharing in Component Models

Gabriel Antoniu , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Landry Breuil , Mathieu Jan , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-5796, INRIA. 2006, pp.22
Reports inria-00070227v1
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Enabling Transparent Data Sharing in Component Models

Gabriel Antoniu , Hinde Lilia Bouziane , Landry Breuil , Mathieu Jan , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] PI 1774, 2006, pp.22
Reports inria-00001034v1
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Generic Application Description Model: Toward Automatic Deployment of Applications on Computational Grids

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] PI 1757, 2005, pp.21
Reports inria-00000645v1
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Description and Packaging of MPI Applications for Automatic Deployment on Computational Grids

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] PI 1721, 2005, pp.17
Reports inria-00000082v1
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Workflow Enactment Based on a Chemical Metaphor

Zsolt Németh , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] PI 1734, 2005, pp.20
Reports inria-00000160v1
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Workflow Enactment Based on a Chemical Metaphor

Zsolt Németh , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-5623, INRIA. 2005, pp.20
Reports inria-00070385v1
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Generic Application Description Model: Toward Automatic Deployment of Applications on Computational Grids

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-5733, INRIA. 2005, pp.21
Reports inria-00070285v1
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Description and Packaging of MPI Applications for Automatic Deployment on Computational Grids

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-5582, INRIA. 2005, pp.17
Reports inria-00070425v1
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Deploying CORBA Components on a Computational Grid: General Principles and Early Experiments Using the Globus Toolkit

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-5148, INRIA. 2004
Reports inria-00071435v1
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A Network Topology Description Model for Grid Application Deployment

Sébastien Lacour , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-5221, INRIA. 2004, pp.22
Reports inria-00070773v1
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PACO++: A parallel object model for high performance distributed systems

Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
[Research Report] RR-4960, INRIA. 2003
Reports inria-00071619v1
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Network Communications in Grid Computing: At a Crossroads Between Parallel and Distributed Worlds

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-4975, INRIA. 2003
Reports inria-00071603v1
Image document

Padico: A Component-Based Software Infrastructure for Grid Computing

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
[Research Report] RR-4974, INRIA. 2003
Reports inria-00071604v1
Image document

Towards High Performance CORBA and MPI Middlewares for Grid Computing

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-4555, INRIA. 2002
Reports inria-00072033v1
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Parallelization of Dense Fluid Motion Estimation Application using OpenMP

Nitin Jain , Etienne Mémin , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-4556, INRIA. 2002
Reports inria-00072032v1
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A Parallel CORBA Component Model

Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol , André Ribes
[Research Report] RR-4552, INRIA. 2002
Reports inria-00072036v1
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PadicoTM: An Open Integration Framework for Communication Middleware and Runtimes

Alexandre Denis , Christian Pérez , Thierry Priol
[Research Report] RR-4554, INRIA. 2002
Reports inria-00072034v1
Image document

A Multithreaded Runtime Environment with Thread Migration for HPF and C* Data-Parallel Compilers

Luc Bougé , Phil Hatcher , Raymond Namyst , Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-3560, INRIA. 1998
Reports inria-00073123v1
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On the Compilation of Data-Parallel Languages on a Distributed Memory Multithreaded Environment with Thread Migration

Christian Pérez , Raymond Namyst
[Research Report] RR-3207, LIP RR-1997-20, INRIA, LIP. 1997
Reports inria-00073482v1
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Load Balancing HPF Programs by Migrating Virtual Processors

Christian Pérez
[Research Report] RR-3037, LIP RR-1996-33, INRIA,LIP. 1996
Reports inria-00073656v1
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Utilisation de processus légers pour l'exécution de programmes à parallélisme de données : étude expérimentale

Christian Pérez
RR-3036, INRIA. 1996
Reports inria-00073657v1