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Christelle Barthe



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The Effect of Atmosphere–Ocean Coupling on the Structure and Intensity of Tropical Cyclone Bejisa in the Southwest Indian Ocean

Soline Bielli , Christelle Barthe , Olivier Bousquet , Pierre Tulet , Joris Pianezze
Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (6), ⟨10.3390/atmos12060688⟩
Journal articles hal-03243025v1
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Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 2: Modeling Component of the Research Program RENOVRISK-CYCLONE

Christelle Barthe , Olivier Bousquet , Soline Bielli , Pierre Tulet , Joris Pianezze
Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (6), pp.689. ⟨10.3390/atmos12060689⟩
Journal articles hal-03242979v1
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Projected Characteristic Changes of a Typical Tropical Cyclone under Climate Change in the South West Indian Ocean

Callum Thompson , Christelle Barthe , Soline Bielli , Pierre Tulet , Joris Pianezze
Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (2), pp.232. ⟨10.3390/atmos12020232⟩
Journal articles hal-03134335v1
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Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 1: Overview and Observing Component of the Research Project RENOVRISK-CYCLONE

Olivier Bousquet , Guilhem Barruol , Emmanuel Cordier , Christelle Barthe , Soline Bielli
Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (5), pp.544. ⟨10.3390/atmos12050544⟩
Journal articles hal-03214000v1
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ReNovRisk: a multidisciplinary programme to study the cyclonic risks in the South-West Indian Ocean

Pierre Tulet , Bertrand Aunay , Guilhem Barruol , Christelle Barthe , Remi Belon
Natural Hazards, 2021, ⟨10.1007/s11069-021-04624-w⟩
Journal articles hal-03165702v1
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Multiple Environmental Influences on the Lightning of Cold-Based Continental Cumulonimbus Clouds. Part I: Description and Validation of Model

Vaughan Phillips , Marco Formenton , Vijay Kanawade , Linus Karlsson , Sachin Patade
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2020, 77 (12), pp.3999-4024. ⟨10.1175/JAS-D-19-0200.1⟩
Journal articles hal-03001134v1

Examining relationships between cloud‐resolving model parameters and total flash rates to generate lightning density maps

Christophe Bovalo , Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2019, ⟨10.1002/qj.3494⟩
Journal articles hal-02058565v1
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Record mondial d'éclairs dans le bassin du Congo

Serge Soula , Jean Kigotsi Kasereka , Jean Georgis , Christelle Barthe
La Météorologie, 2019, 104, pp.34
Journal articles hal-02056985v1
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Preliminary results from the FARCE 2015 campaign: multidisciplinary study of the forest–gas–aerosol–cloud system on the tropical island of La Réunion

Valentin Duflot , Pierre Tulet , Olivier Flores , Christelle Barthe , Aurélie Colomb
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19 (16), pp.10591-10618. ⟨10.5194/acp-19-10591-2019⟩
Journal articles hal-02269845v1

Spatial and seasonal variability of clouds over the southwest Indian Ocean based on the DARDAR mask product

Hélène Vérèmes , Constantino Listowski , Julien Delanoë , Christelle Barthe , Pierre Tulet
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2019, 145 (725), pp.3561-3576. ⟨10.1002/qj.3640⟩
Journal articles insu-02285578v1
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Impact of the Generation and Activation of Sea Salt Aerosols on the Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Dumile

Thomas Hoarau , Christelle Barthe , Pierre Tulet , Marine Claeys , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 123 (16), pp.8813-8831. ⟨10.1029/2017JD028125⟩
Journal articles insu-01850098v1
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A representation of the collisional ice break-up process in the two-moment microphysics scheme LIMA v1.0 of Meso-NH

Thomas Hoarau , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christelle Barthe
Geoscientific Model Development, 2018, 11, pp.4269-4289. ⟨10.5194/gmd-11-4269-2018⟩
Journal articles hal-01663500v1
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Overview of the Meso-NH model version 5.4 and its applications

Christine Lac , Jean-Pierre Chaboureau , Valéry Masson , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Pierre Tulet
Geoscientific Model Development, 2018, 11, pp.1929-1969. ⟨10.5194/gmd-11-1929-2018⟩
Journal articles hal-01712969v1
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A New Coupled Ocean-Waves-Atmosphere Model Designed for Tropical Storm Studies: Example of Tropical Cyclone Bejisa (2013-2014) in the South-West Indian Ocean

Joris Pianezze , Christelle Barthe , Soline Bielli , Pierre Tulet , S. Jullien
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018, 10 (3), pp.801-825. ⟨10.1002/2017MS001177⟩
Journal articles hal-01759307v1
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The isotopic composition of near-surface water vapor at the Maïdo observatory (Reunion Island, southwestern Indian Ocean) documents the controls of the humidity of the subtropical troposphere

Etienne Guilpart , Françoise Vimeux , Stéphanie Evan , Jérôme Brioude , Jean-Marc Metzger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017, 122 (18), pp.9628 - 9650. ⟨10.1002/2017JD026791⟩
Journal articles hal-01632546v1
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First results of the Piton de la Fournaise STRAP 2015 experiment : multidisciplinary tracking of a volcanic gas and aerosol plume

Pierre Tulet , Andrea Di Muro , Aurélie Colomb , Cyrielle Denjean , Valentin Duflot
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17 (8), pp.5355-5378. ⟨10.5194/acp-17-5355-2017⟩
Journal articles hal-01591567v1

Lightning climatology in the Congo Basin

Serge Soula , Jean Kigotsi Kasereka , Georgis Jean-François , Christelle Barthe
Atmospheric Research, 2016, 178-179, pp.304-319. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.04.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01355686v1
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Cloud electrification and lightning activity in a tropical cyclone-like vortex

Christelle Barthe , Thomas Hoarau , Christophe Bovalo
Atmospheric Research, 2016, 180, pp.297-309. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.05.023⟩
Journal articles hal-01330739v1
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First results of the Piton de la Fournaise STRAP 2015 experiment: multidisciplinary tracking of a volcanic gas and aerosol plume

Pierre Tulet , Andréa Di Muro , Aurélie Colomb , Cyrielle Denjean , Valentin Duflot
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2016, pp.1 - 45. ⟨10.5194/acp-2016-865-RC2⟩
Journal articles hal-01448880v1
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Multiple subtropical stratospheric intrusions over Reunion Island: Observational, Lagrangian, and Eulerian numerical modeling approaches

Hélène Vérèmes , Jean-Pierre Cammas , Jean-Luc Baray , Philippe Keckhut , Christelle Barthe
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121 (24), pp.14,414-14,432. ⟨10.1002/2016JD025330⟩
Journal articles hal-01449884v1
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Regionalizing Rainfall at Very High Resolution over La Réunion Island: A Case Study for Tropical Cyclone Ando

Benjamin Pohl , Béatrice Morel , Christelle Barthe , Olivier Bousquet
Monthly Weather Review, 2016, 144 (11), pp.4081-4099. ⟨10.1175/MWR-D-15-0404.1⟩
Journal articles hal-01378373v1
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A numerical study of the early stages of a tropical cyclogenesis in relation to the MJO

Jérémy Guerbette , Matthieu Plu , Christelle Barthe , Jean-Francois Mahfouf
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2015, 3 (8), pp.4919-4935. ⟨10.5194/nhessd-3-4919-2015⟩
Journal articles hal-01355688v1

Evaluating intense precipitation in high-resolution numerical model over a tropical island: impact of model horizontal resolution

Yu Nan , Christelle Barthe , Matthieu Plu
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2014, 2, pp.999-1032
Journal articles hal-01355689v1
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Observation and a numerical study of gravity waves during tropical cyclone Ivan (2008)

Fabrice Chane-Ming , C. Ibrahim , Christelle Barthe , Samuel Jolivet , Philippe Keckhut
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 14 (2), pp.641-658. ⟨10.5194/acp-14-641-2014⟩
Journal articles hal-00817637v1
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Lightning activity within tropical cyclones in the South West Indian Ocean

Christophe Bovalo , Christelle Barthe , Nan Yu , Nelson Bègue
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2014, 119 (13), pp.doi:10.1002/2014JD021651. ⟨10.1002/2014JD021651⟩
Journal articles hal-01138907v1
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Maïdo observatory: a new high-altitude station facility at Reunion Island (21° S, 55° E) for long-term atmospheric remote sensing and in situ measurements

Jean-Luc Baray , Yann Courcoux , Philippe Keckhut , Thierry Portafaix , Pierre Tulet
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2013, 6 (10), pp.2865-2877. ⟨10.5194/amt-6-2865-2013⟩
Journal articles hal-00845146v1

Impact of parameterizations of ice particle charging based on rime accretion rate and effective water content on simulated with MésoNH thunderstorm charge distributions

Boryana Tsenova , Christelle Barthe , R. Mitzeva , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Atmospheric Research, 2013, 128, pp.85--97. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.03.011⟩
Journal articles hal-00961373v1

Explicit simulation of electrified clouds: From idealized to real case studies

Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christelle Barthe , Éric Defer , E. Richard , M. Chong
Atmospheric Research, 2013, 123, pp.82--92. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.04.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00961371v1
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CELLS v1.0 : updated and parallelized version of an electrical scheme to simulate multiple electrified clouds and flashes over large domains.

Christelle Barthe , M. Chong , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christophe Bovalo , J. Escobar
Geoscientific Model Development, 2012, 5 (1), pp.167-184. ⟨10.5194/gmd-5-167-2012⟩
Journal articles hal-00767540v1
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Des jets géants au-dessus d'un orage isolé proche de la Réunion

Serge Soula , Patrice Huet , Oscar van Der Velde , Joan Montanya , Christelle Barthe
La Météorologie, 2012, 77, pp.30--40. ⟨10.4267/2042/47373⟩
Journal articles hal-01196872v1
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A lightning climatology of the South-West Indian Ocean

Christophe Bovalo , Christelle Barthe , Nelson Bègue
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 12 (8), pp.2659-2670. ⟨10.5194/nhess-12-2659-2012⟩
Journal articles hal-00961636v1
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Gigantic jets produced by an isolated tropical thunderstorm near Réunion Island

Serge Soula , Oscar van Der Velde , Joan Montanya , Patrice Huet , Christelle Barthe
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2011, 116 (D19), pp.D19103. ⟨10.1029/2010JD015581⟩
Journal articles hal-00961372v1
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Numerical study of tracers transport by a mesoscale convective system over West Africa

Christelle Barthe , C Mari , Jean-Pierre Chaboureau , Pierre Tulet , F Roux
Annales Geophysicae, 2011, 29, pp.731-747. ⟨10.5194/angeo-29-731-2011⟩
Journal articles insu-01259284v1
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Estimation of total lightning from various storm parameters: A cloud-resolving model study

Christelle Barthe , Wiebke Deierling , Mary C. Barth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2010, 115, pp.D24202. ⟨10.1029/2010JD014405⟩
Journal articles hal-00961370v1
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Diagnosis of tropical cyclone activity through gravity wave energy density in the southwest Indian Ocean

C. Ibrahim , Fabrice Chane-Ming , Christelle Barthe , Y. Kuleshov
Geophysical Research Letters, 2010, 37 (9), pp.L09807. ⟨10.1029/2010GL042938⟩
Journal articles hal-00961369v1

Multi-scale analysis of the 25-27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey: Comparison between Doppler radar observations and simulations

Christelle Barthe , Nicole Asencio , Jean-Philippe Lafore , Michel Chong , Bernard Campistron
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2010, 136, pp.190-208. ⟨10.1002/QJ.539⟩
Journal articles insu-00564370v1
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Evaluation of a new lightning-produced NOx parameterization for cloud resolving models and its associated uncertainties

Christelle Barthe , M. C. Barth
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2008, 8 (2), pp.6603-6651
Journal articles hal-00304075v1
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Ensemble simulation of the lightning flash variability in a 3D cloud model with parameterizations of cloud electrification and lightning flashes

Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christelle Barthe
Monthly Weather Review, 2008, 136, pp.380-387. ⟨10.1175/2007MWR2186.1⟩
Journal articles hal-01179796v1
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Lightning-produced NOx in an explicit electrical scheme tested in a Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiment : Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone case study.

Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty , C. Mari
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007, 112,, pp.D04302. ⟨10.1029/2006JD007402⟩
Journal articles hal-00138144v1
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Simulation of electrified storms with comparison of the charge structure and lightning efficiency

Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2007, 112, pp.D19204. ⟨10.1029/2006JD008241⟩
Journal articles hal-00564809v1
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Cloud-scale model intercomparison of chemical constituent transport in deep convection

M. C. Barth , S.-W. Kim , Chen Wang , K. E. Pickering , L. E. Ott
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 7 (18), pp.4731
Journal articles hal-00328530v1
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Cloud-scale model intercomparison of chemical constituent transport in deep convection

M. C. Barth , S.-W. Kim , Chen Wang , K. E. Pickering , L. E. Ott
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2007, 7 (3), pp.8035-8085
Journal articles hal-00328088v1
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Simulation of a supercellular storm using a three-dimensional mesoscae model with an explicit lightning flash scheme

Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2007, 112, pp.D06210. ⟨10.1029/2006JD007484⟩
Journal articles hal-00139079v1

Description and first results of an explicit electrical scheme in a 3D cloud resolving model

Christelle Barthe , Gilles Molinie , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Atmospheric Research, 2005, 76 (1-4), pp.95 à 113. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.11.021⟩
Journal articles insu-00382076v1

First evaluation of the aerosol - microphysics - electrification coupling in the Meso-NH model: lightning activity within a tropical cyclone of the South-West Indian ocean

Christelle Barthe , Thomas Hoarau , Pierre Tulet , Christophe Bovalo , Jean-Pierre Pinty
17th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Jul 2016, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01446768v1

CELLS: a cloud electrification and lightning scheme in Meso-NH

Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christophe Bovalo , Juan Escobar , Eric Defer
European Lightning Detection Workshop 2016, Oct 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01446778v1

Lightning activity in tropical cyclones in the South-West Indian Ocean

Christophe Bovalo , Christelle Barthe
XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun 2014, Norman, United States
Conference papers hal-01446787v1

Simulation of some electrical effects on cloud microphysics: modeling and HyMeX SOP1 (2012) testbed

Jean-Pierre Pinty , Michel Chong , Christelle Barthe
XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun 2014, Norman, United States
Conference papers hal-01446808v1

Relationships between lightning activity, microphysics and kinematics in thunderclouds: a case study observed by S and C band radars in the South of France (HyMeX SOP area)

M. Buguet , S. Coquillat , Serge Soula , Christelle Barthe , Olivier Bousquet
7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Jun 2012, France. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962285v1

ROSEA : Réseau d'Observatoires pour la Surveillance et l'Exploration de l'Atmosphère

Jean-Luc Baray , Yann Courcoux , Robert Delmas , Philippe Keckhut , Christophe Hoareau
Journée scientifique du Sirta, May 2012, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-00968044v1

Explicit simulations of electrified mixed-phase clouds in MesoNH: from semi-idealized to first real-case studies

Jean-Pierre Pinty , Christelle Barthe , Éric Defer , E. Richard , Michel Chong
16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Jul 2012, Germany. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962279v1

Do anomalous zones of non-inductive charging influence the electrical state of the thunderstorms: Numerical experiments with Meso-NH

B. Tsenova , Jean-Pierre Pinty , R. Mitzeva , Christelle Barthe
16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Jul 2012, Germany. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962277v1

Numerical simulations of thunderstorm with Meso-NH using different non-inductive electrification schemes

B. Tsenova , Christelle Barthe , R. Mitzeva , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Samuel Westrelin
4th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Aug 2011, Brazil. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962281v1

Natural lightning flashes: from observation to modelling

Éric Defer , T. Farges , Christelle Barthe , Christophe Bovalo , Jean-Pierre Pinty
Semaine de l'Astrophysique française. Atelier Couplage Atmosphère/Ionosphère : phénomènes électriques (TLE, TGF, éclairs), Jun 2011, Paris, France. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-01196875v1

Description and evaluation of the updated electrical scheme in Meso-NH

Christelle Barthe , Michel Chong , Jean-Pierre Pinty
4th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Aug 2011, Brazil. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962276v1

Can some dynamical and microphysical parameters be used as proxies for the total flash rate ?

Christophe Bovalo , Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Michel Chong , Wiebke Deierling
4th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Aug 2011, Brazil. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962275v1

Video and colour photo analysis of five gigantic jets observed near Réunion island

Serge Soula , Oscar van Der Velde , Joan Montanya , Patrice Huet , Christelle Barthe
4th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Aug 2011, Brazil. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962289v1

Observation capabilities and opportunities

J. Molinari , E. Fukada , B. K. Bandyopadhyay , Christelle Barthe , A. Burton
7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Nov 2010, Réunion. pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00962282v1

Tracing vertical transport by mesoscale convective systems over West Africa

Céline Mari , Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Chaboureau , Pierre Tulet , H. Huntrieser
AMMA Conference, Jul 2009, Ouagadougou, pp.En ligne
Conference papers hal-00968035v1

Some aspects of the STERAO case study simulated by Meso-NH.

Jean-Pierre Pinty , C. Mari , Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Chaboureau
Conference papers hal-00139257v1

Development and first results of an explicit electrical scheme in the 3D French mesoscale model "Meso NH"

Christelle Barthe , Jean-Pierre Pinty , Gilles Molinié , Frank Roux
12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun 2003, Versailles, France
Conference papers hal-00148287v1

A semi-deterministic scheme to produce IC/CG lightnings in a 3D cloud resolving model.

Jean-Pierre Pinty , G. Molinié , Christelle Barthe , R. Roux
Preprints of the 12th Int.Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, 2003, Versailles,, France
Conference papers hal-00158596v1
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Convection profonde : de la microphysique nuageuse aux éclairs

Christelle Barthe
Océan, Atmosphère. Université de La Réunion, 2013
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-01355692v1