Questioning calculation and interpretation of fluorescence indices in natural waters studies
Leïla Serène
Naomi Mazzilli
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Christophe Emblanch
Marina Gillon
Journal articles
The Use of Fluorescent Organic Matter as a Natural Transit Time Tracer in the Unsaturated Zone of the Fontaine De Vaucluse Karst System
Leïla Serène
Naomi Mazzilli
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Christophe Emblanch
Milanka Babic
Journal articles
Can a regulatory control network be used for a territorial monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in water intended for human consumption?
Patricia Licznar-Fajardo
Lara Guillerez
Isabelle Zorgniotti
Agnès Masnou
Marion Mimbielle
Journal articles
Impact of past mining activities on water quality in a karst area in the Cévennes region, Southern France
Raphaël Bondu
Corinne Casiot
Séverin Pistre
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
L’hydrogéologie karstique : des premiers concepts aux avancées récentes
Séverin Pistre
Hervé Jourde
Anne Johannet
Michel Bakalowicz
Véronique Léonardi
Karstologia, 2022, 79, pp.61-66
Journal articles
Le Service National d'Observation Karst : pour un suivi à long terme des aquifères karstiques face aux nouveaux extrêmes climatiques
David Labat
Naomi Mazzilli
Bruno Arfib
Vincent Bailly-Comte
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Karstologia, 2022, 80, pp.31-40
Journal articles
Transit Time index (TTi) as an adaptation of the humification index to illustrate transit time differences in karst hydrosystems: application to the karst springs of the Fontaine de Vaucluse system (southeastern France)
Leïla Serène
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Naomi Mazzilli
Christophe Emblanch
Milanka Babic
Journal articles
Hydraulic and geochemical impact of occasional saltwater intrusions through a submarine spring in a karst and thermal aquifer (Balaruc peninsula near Montpellier, France)
Marie-Amélie Pétré
Bernard Ladouche
Jean‐luc Seidel
Romain Hemelsdaël
Véronique de Montety
Journal articles
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater
Tunde Olarinoye
Tom Gleeson
Vera Marx
Stefan Seeger
Rouhollah Adinehvand
Journal articles
Global warming and acid atmospheric deposition impacts on carbonate dissolution and CO2 fluxes in French karst hydrosystems: evidence from hydrochemical monitoring in recent decades
Stéphane Binet
Jean-Luc Probst
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
J.L. Seidel
C. Emblanch
Journal articles
In-situ geophysical and hydro-geochemical monitoring to infer landslide dynamics (Pégairolles-de-l'Escalette landslide, France)
Nataliya Denchik
Stéphanie Gautier
Margaux Dupuy
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Michel Lopez
Journal articles
Water table variations in the hyperarid Atacama Desert: Role of the increasing groundwater extraction in the pampa del tamarugal (Northern Chile)
Benoît Viguier
Hervé Jourde
Véronique Léonardi
Linda Daniele
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
A conceptual model for groundwater circulation using isotopes and geochemical tracers coupled with hydrodynamics: A case study of the Lez karst system, France
C.C. Bicalho
C. Batiot-Guilhe
J.D. Taupin
N. Patris
S. van Exter
Journal articles
In situ monitoring of tracer tests: how to distinguish tracer recovery from natural background
V. Bailly-Comte
X. Durepaire
C. Batiot-Guilhe
P.-A. Schnegg
Journal articles
SNO KARST: A French Network of Observatories for the Multidisciplinary Study of Critical Zone Processes in Karst Watersheds and Aquifers
Hervé Jourde
Nicolas Massei
Naomi Mazzilli
Stéphane Binet
C. Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
Le Service National d'Observation du KARST (SNO KARST)
Hervé Jourde
Naomi Mazzilli
Nicolas Massei
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
David Labat
Géologues, 2018, 195, pp.38-42
Journal articles
The Floodscale experiment in the small catchment of Valescure, France: An overview of the isotopic and geochemical data base
Christophe Bouvier
Nicolas Patris
Rémi Freydier
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Jean-Luc Seidel
Journal articles
Un observatoire des résurgences karstiques de l'Alto Mayo, versant Amazonien des Andes du Nord Pérou
Liz Stefanny Hidalgo Sánchez
James Apaéstegui
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Jean Loup Guyot
Hervé Jourde
Géologues, 2018, 195, pp.60-63
Journal articles
OZCAR : The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Jérôme Gaillardet
Isabelle Braud
Fatim Hankard
Sandrine Anquetin
Olivier Bour
Journal articles
Hydrochimie des sources karstiques du SNO KARST : impact des pollutions atmosphériques acides sur la ressource en eau.
Stéphane Binet
Jean-Luc Probst
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
J.L. Seidel
Christophe Emblanch
Géologues, 2017, 195, pp.52 - 54
Journal articles
Hydrochemical processes in a shallow coal seam gas aquifer and its overlying stream–alluvial system: implications for recharge and inter-aquifer connectivity
Clément Duvert
Matthias Raiber
Daniel D. R. Owen
Dioni I. Cendón
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
Characterisation of rapid infiltration flows and vulnerability in a karst aquifer using a decomposed fluorescence signal of dissolved organic matter
Marine Quiers
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Cristina Bicalho
Yves Perrette
Jean-Luc Seidel
Journal articles
Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modelling for flash-flood understanding
Isabelle Braud
P.A. Ayral
Christophe Bouvier
F. Branger
G. Delrieu
Journal articles
Evolution hydrogéologique de l’hydrosystème karstique Cesse-Pouzols (Minervois, France) au cours du quaternaire
Alexandre Nou
Séverin Pistre
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Valérie Borrell‑estupina
Journal articles
Malacofaune stygobie et qualité de l’eau : quelles exigences écologiques pour les écosystèmes souterrains ?
Vincent Prié
Yves Bas
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Bernard Ladouche
Karstologia, 2013, 62, pp.33-40
Journal articles
Caractérisation hydrochimique et qualité des eaux de l'aquifère karstique du Lez
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Bernard Ladouche
J.L. Seidel
Jean-Christophe Maréchal
Karstologia, 2013
Journal articles
Caractérisation hydrochimique et qualité des eaux de l'aquifère karstique du Lez.
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Bernard Ladouche
J.L. Seidel
Jean-Christophe Maréchal
Karstologia, 2013, 62, pp.23-32
Journal articles
Punctual and continuous estimation of transit time from dissolved organic matter fluorescence properties in karst aquifers, application to groundwaters of 'Fontaine de Vaucluse' experimental basin (SE France)
Thibault Blondel
Christophe Emblanch
C. Batiot-Guilhe
Yves Dudal
D. Boyer
Journal articles
Geochemical evidence of water source characterization and hydrodynamic responses in a karst aquifer
C. Caetano Bicalho
C. Batiot-Guilhe
J.L. Seidel
S. van Exter
H. Jourde
Journal articles
Hydrodynamical changes and their consequences on groundwater hydrochemistry induced by three decades of intense exploitation in a Mediterranean Karst system
C. Bicalho
C. Batiot-Guilhe
J.L. Seidel
S. van Exter
H. Jourde
Journal articles
Transit Time Environmental Tracing from Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence Properties in Karstic Aquifers. Application to Different Flows of Fontaine de Vaucluse Experimental Basin (SE France)
T. Blondel
Christophe Emblanch
Y. Dudal
C. Batiot-Guilhe
Yves Travi
Journal articles
Using fluorescence spectroscopy EEM to evaluate the efficiency of organic matter removal during coagulation–flocculation of a tropical surface water (Agbo reservoir)
Droh Lanciné Gone
Jean-Luc Seidel
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Kamagate Bamory
Raymond Ligban
Journal articles
Time series analyses for Karst/River interactions assessment: Case of the Coulazou river (southern France)
V. Bailly-Comte
H. Jourde
A. Roesch
Séverin Pistre
C. Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
Seasonal variations of CO₂ and ²²²Rn in a mediterranean sinkhole - spring (Causse d'Aumelas, SE France)
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Jean-Luc Seidel
Hervé Jourde
Olivier Hébrard
Vincent Bailly-Comte
Journal articles
Origine des eaux des émergences karstiques chlorurées du Languedoc-Roussillon
Olivier Hébrard
Séverin Pistre
Nicolas Cheynet
Jean Dazy
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
Use of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) as tracer of diffuse infiltration in a dolomitic karstic system: The Nerja Cave (Andalusia, southern Spain)
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Cristina Liñán
Bartolomé Andreo
Christophe Emblanch
Francisco Carrasco
Journal articles
Carbon 13 of TDIC to quantify the role of the unsaturated zone: the example of the Vaucluse karst systems (Southeastern France)
C. Emblanch
G.M Zuppi
J. Mudry
B Blavoux
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Journal articles
Carbone organique total (COT) et magnésium (Mg2+) : deux traceurs complémentaires du temps de séjour dans l'aquifère karstique
Christelle Batiot-Guilhe
Christophe Emblanch
Bernard Blavoux
Journal articles